@ -2451,13 +2463,13 @@ class ExportController extends Controller
// dd($data);
$map2 = array();
$map2['fgame_id'] = array('egt', 0);
$map2['puid'] = 0;
$map['fgame_id'] = array('egt', 0);
$map['puid'] = 0;
$data2 = $user->field('fgame_id,count(IF(register_time ' . $today . ',1,null)) as today,
count(IF(register_time ' . $week . ',1,null)) as week,
count(IF(register_time ' . $mounth . ',1,null)) as mounth')
count(IF(register_time ' . $week . ',1,null)) as week,
count(IF(register_time ' . $mounth . ',1,null)) as mounth')
@ -2548,8 +2560,8 @@ class ExportController extends Controller
$data2 = $spend
->field('game_id,sum(IF(pay_time ' . $today . ',pay_amount,0)) as today,
sum(IF(pay_time ' . $week . ',pay_amount,0)) as week,
sum(IF(pay_time ' . $mounth . ',pay_amount,0)) as mounth')
sum(IF(pay_time ' . $week . ',pay_amount,0)) as week,
sum(IF(pay_time ' . $mounth . ',pay_amount,0)) as mounth')
@ -2642,8 +2654,8 @@ class ExportController extends Controller
$data2 = $user
count(IF(register_time ' . $today . ',1,null)) as today,
count(IF(register_time ' . $week . ',1,null)) as week,
count(IF(register_time ' . $mounth . ',1,null)) as mounth')
count(IF(register_time ' . $week . ',1,null)) as week,
count(IF(register_time ' . $mounth . ',1,null)) as mounth')
@ -2729,9 +2741,9 @@ class ExportController extends Controller
$data2 = $spend
sum(IF(pay_time ' . $today . ',pay_amount,0)) as today,
sum(IF(pay_time ' . $week . ',pay_amount,0)) as week,
sum(IF(pay_time ' . $mounth . ',pay_amount,0)) as mounth')
sum(IF(pay_time ' . $today . ',pay_amount,0)) as today,
sum(IF(pay_time ' . $week . ',pay_amount,0)) as week,
sum(IF(pay_time ' . $mounth . ',pay_amount,0)) as mounth')
@ -2848,7 +2860,7 @@ class ExportController extends Controller
setPowerPromoteIds($map, 'u.promote_id');
$data = M('promote', 'tab_')->alias('tp1')->field('tp1.account as promote_account,tp1.id, date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(register_time),"%Y-%m-%d") AS time, count(u.id) as count,
$data = M('promote', 'tab_')->alias('tp1')->field('tp1.account as promote_account,tp1.id, date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(register_time),"%Y-%m-%d") AS time, count(u.id) as count,
count(IF(register_time ' . $today . ',1,null)) as today,
count(IF(register_time ' . $week . ',1,null)) as week,
count(IF(register_time ' . $mounth . ',1,null)) as mounth')
@ -2868,7 +2880,7 @@ class ExportController extends Controller
$authorityData = M('user', 'tab_')->alias('u')
->field('date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(register_time),"%Y-%m-%d") AS time,
count(id) as count,
count(id) as count,
count(IF(register_time ' . $today . ',1,null)) as today,
count(IF(register_time ' . $week . ',1,null)) as week,
count(IF(register_time ' . $mounth . ',1,null)) as mounth')
@ -3440,9 +3452,9 @@ class ExportController extends Controller
if (is_file(RUNTIME_PATH.'/access_data_user.txt')) {
if (is_file(RUNTIME_PATH.'/access_data_user.txt')) {
->join("inner join tab_deposit on tab_pay_info.order_id=tab_deposit.pay_order_number")
->field('sum(pay_amount) as pay_amount,tab_deposit.pay_way as pay_way')
// var_dump($depositData);die();
$bindMap['pay_status'] = 1;
$bindMap['pay_way'] = array('egt',1);
@ -390,8 +424,14 @@ class PayChannelController extends ThinkController
if(!$_REQUEST['game_id']) {
$sql = "{$channelData} UNION ALL {$depositData} UNION ALL {$superSignDataPay} UNION ALL {$spreadDataPay} UNION ALL {$bindRechargeData}";
} else {
$sql = "{$channelData} UNION ALL {$depositData}";
$channelData = "select sum(pay_amount) as pay_amount,pay_way from ({$channelData} UNION ALL {$depositData} UNION ALL {$superSignDataPay} UNION ALL {$spreadDataPay} UNION ALL {$bindRechargeData})t group by pay_way;";
$channelData = "select sum(pay_amount) as pay_amount,pay_way from ({$sql})t group by pay_way;";
// var_dump($channelData);die();
$channelData = M()->query($channelData);
@ -482,7 +522,7 @@ class PayChannelController extends ThinkController
// setPowerPromoteIds($spreadMap,'promote_id');
// $spreadMap['pay_way'] = array('egt',1);
$coin_pay_order = M('coin_pay_order','tab_')
->field("pay_order_number,create_time as pay_time,promote_account,pay_amount as cost,real_amount as pay_amount,pay_way")
->field("pay_order_number,create_time as pay_time,promote_account,pay_amount,real_amount as cost,pay_way")
$data = $spend->field('t.pid as promote_id,t.promote_account,sum(a.scount) AS count,sum(a.today) AS today,sum(a. WEEK) AS WEEK,sum(a.mounth) AS mounth')
->join("inner JOIN (SELECT tp2.*, tp1.id AS pid, tp1.account as promote_account FROM tab_promote tp1 LEFT JOIN tab_promote tp2 ON tp2.`chain` LIKE CONCAT('%/', tp1.id, '/%') where $promote_map ) AS t ON promote_id = t.id or promote_id = t.pid")
->where($condition)->table('(' . $data . ') as a')->group('t.pid')->order('count desc,a.ordertime')->select();
$count = count($data);
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$value['count'] ?: 0;
$value['today'] ?: 0;
$value['week'] ?: 0;
$value['mounth'] ?: 0;
static $i = 0;
$data[$key]['rand'] = $i;
@ -754,14 +852,8 @@ class PlatformController extends ThinkController
@ -3233,15 +3233,20 @@ class DownloadController extends BaseController {
// ->join('left join tab_user_play_info as ui on ui.user_id = uc.user_id and ui.game_id = uc.game_id and ui.server_id = uc.server_id and ui.role_id = uc.role_id')