From ce20d48d57a5abc72dcb58642682bc244439eb0d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: chenzhi Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2019 11:56:37 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?=E6=80=BB=E8=A7=88-=E6=8E=A8=E5=B9=BF=E5=91=98?= =?UTF-8?q?=E8=81=9A=E5=90=88=E5=8F=8A=E5=B1=95=E7=A4=BA?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- .../Controller/StatisticsController.class.php | 260 ++++++++++++------ 1 file changed, 174 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-) diff --git a/Application/Admin/Controller/StatisticsController.class.php b/Application/Admin/Controller/StatisticsController.class.php index a91a95382..3cbe143f7 100644 --- a/Application/Admin/Controller/StatisticsController.class.php +++ b/Application/Admin/Controller/StatisticsController.class.php @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ use User\Api\UserApi as UserApi; * @author 麦当苗儿 */ class StatisticsController extends ThinkController { + const COUNTLIMIT = 15; public function overview(){ $shuju = json_decode(M('IndexChart','tab_')->field("all_count")->order('`date` desc')->find()["all_count"],true); $this->assign('shuju',$shuju); @@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ class StatisticsController extends ThinkController { case 3:{$promote_data = $this->promote_data_order($thismounth,$lastmounth);};break; case 4:{$promote_data = $this->promote_data_order($thisyear,$lastyear);};break; default: - $promote_data = $this->promote_data_order($today,$yesterday); + $promote_data = $this->promote_data_order2($today,$yesterday); } $this->assign('zhuce',$list_data['zhuce']); @@ -272,26 +273,114 @@ class StatisticsController extends ThinkController { } # code... } - + /** + * 获取推广员排行 + * @param [type] $starttime 当前时间 + * @param [type] $endtime 比较时间 + * @return void + */ private function promote_data_order($starttime,$endtime){ - //注册排行 + $PromoteCount = M("PromoteCount","tab_"); + $data = array(); + //注册排行 + //1.获取注册前十名 + $new_user_count = $PromoteCount->field("promote_id,promote_account,sum(new_user_count) cg")->where("`date` {$starttime}")->group("promote_id")->order("cg desc")->limit(self::COUNTLIMIT)->select(); + $old_user_count = $PromoteCount->field("promote_id,promote_account,sum(new_user_count) cg")->where("`date` {$endtime}")->group("promote_id")->order("cg desc")->limit(self::COUNTLIMIT)->select(); + //2.设置排名 + $data["reg"] = $this->setRand($new_user_count,$old_user_count); + + //活跃排行 + //1.获取注册前十名 + $new_active_count = $PromoteCount->field("promote_id,promote_account,sum(active_user_count) cg")->where("`date` {$starttime}")->group("promote_id")->order("cg desc")->limit(self::COUNTLIMIT)->select(); + $old_active_count = $PromoteCount->field("promote_id,promote_account,sum(active_user_count) cg")->where("`date` {$endtime}")->group("promote_id")->order("cg desc")->limit(self::COUNTLIMIT)->select(); + //2.设置排名 + $data["active"] = $this->setRand($new_active_count,$old_active_count); + + //支付排行 + //1.获取注册前十名 + $new_money_count = $PromoteCount->field("promote_id,promote_account,sum(pay_money_count) cg")->where("`date` {$starttime}")->group("promote_id")->order("cg desc")->limit(self::COUNTLIMIT)->select(); + $old_money_count = $PromoteCount->field("promote_id,promote_account,sum(pay_money_count) cg")->where("`date` {$endtime}")->group("promote_id")->order("cg desc")->limit(self::COUNTLIMIT)->select(); + //2.设置排名 + $data["pay"] = $this->setRand($new_money_count,$old_money_count); + + //设置chart + $char = array(); - //获取当前注册前十名 - $new_user_count = $PromoteCount->field("promote_account,new_user_count")->where("`date` {$starttime}")->order("new_user_count desc")->limit(10)->select(false); - echo "
+		foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
+			for ($i=0; $i < count($value); $i++) { 
+				$t = $value[$i];
+				if(empty($char[$t['promote_id']])){
+					//不存在
+					$char[$t['promote_id']] = array(
+						// "promote_id" =>$t['promote_id'],
+						"promote_account" =>$t['promote_account'],
+						"reg" => 0,
+						"active"=>0,
+						"pay"=>0
+					);
+				}
+				$char[$t['promote_id']][$key] = $t['cg'];
+			}
+		}
+		foreach ($char as $key => $value) {
+			$data["chart"]["promote"] .= ("\"".$value['promote_account']."\",");
+			$data["chart"]["reg"] .= ( $value['reg'].",");
+			$data["chart"]["active"] .= ( $value['active'].",");
+			$data["chart"]["pay"] .= ( $value['pay'].",");
+		}
+		$data["chart"]["promote"] = \rtrim($data["chart"]["promote"],",");
+		$data["chart"]["reg"] = \rtrim($data["chart"]["reg"],",");
+		$data["chart"]["active"] = \rtrim($data["chart"]["active"],",");
+		$data["chart"]["pay"] = \rtrim($data["chart"]["pay"],",");
+		return $data;
-		/**
-		 * 排行榜(推广员)
-		 * @param string $nowtime  		现在时间段(between 开始时间戳 and 结束时间戳)
-		 * @param string $othertime  	过去时间段(between 开始时间戳 and 结束时间戳)
-		 * @return array 结果集
-		 * @author lwx
-		 */
-		private function promote_data_order2($nowtime,$othertime){
+	//设置排名
+	public function setRand($randdata,$oldrand)
+	{
+		//数据是否为空
+		$rcount =  count($randdata);
+		if($rcount < 1){return [];}
+		//判断是否有旧排名
+		$isold = true;
+		$ocount = count($oldrand);
+		if($ocount < 1){
+			$isold = false;
+		}else{
+			$oldrand = array_column($oldrand,"promote_id");
+			$oldrand=array_flip($oldrand);//反转数组
+		}
+		for ($i=0; $i <$rcount; $i++) { 
+			$rand = $i+1;
+			$randdata[$i]['rand'] =$rand;
+			if($isold){
+				if(empty($oldrand[$randdata[$i]['promote_id']])){
+					$randdata[$i]['change'] = 0;
+				}else{
+					$randdata[$i]['change'] = $oldrand[$randdata[$i]['promote_id']] - $rand;
+				}
+			}else{
+				$randdata[$i]['change'] = 0;
+			}
+		}
+		return $randdata;
+		# code...
+	}
+	/**
+	 * 排行榜(推广员)
+	 * @param string $nowtime  		现在时间段(between 开始时间戳 and 结束时间戳)
+	 * @param string $othertime  	过去时间段(between 开始时间戳 and 结束时间戳)
+	 * @return array 结果集
+	 * @author lwx
+	 */
+	private function promote_data_order2($nowtime,$othertime){
         $user = M("User","tab_");
         $spend = M('Spend',"tab_");
@@ -326,90 +415,89 @@ class StatisticsController extends ThinkController {
         // //今日活跃排行
-				$duser = D('User');
-				$ri_active_order = $duser->activeRankOnPromote($nowtime,'cg');					
+		$duser = D('User');
+		$ri_active_order = $duser->activeRankOnPromote($nowtime,'cg');					
-				$activeids = array_column($ri_active_order,'promote_id');
+		$activeids = array_column($ri_active_order,'promote_id');
-if ($activeids) {
-				$yes_active = $duser->activeRankOnPromote($othertime,'cg',$activeids);	
-        $yes_active=array_order($yes_active);
-        foreach ($ri_active_order as $key => $value) {
-            $ri_active_order[$key]['change'] = $value['rand']-count($ri_active_order)-1;
-						$chart2['p'.$value['promote_id']] = $value;
-            foreach ($yes_active as $k => $v) {
-                if($value['promote_id']==$v['promote_id']){
-                  $ri_active_order[$key]['change']=$value['rand']-$v['rand'];break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
+		if ($activeids) {
+			$yes_active = $duser->activeRankOnPromote($othertime,'cg',$activeids);	
+			$yes_active=array_order($yes_active);
+			foreach ($ri_active_order as $key => $value) {
+				$ri_active_order[$key]['change'] = $value['rand']-count($ri_active_order)-1;
+							$chart2['p'.$value['promote_id']] = $value;
+				foreach ($yes_active as $k => $v) {
+					if($value['promote_id']==$v['promote_id']){
+					$ri_active_order[$key]['change']=$value['rand']-$v['rand'];break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
         // //充值排行
-				$ri_spay_sql=$spend->field('tab_spend.promote_id,tab_promote.account as promote_account,sum(pay_amount) as cg')
-					->join('tab_promote on(tab_spend.promote_id =')
-					->union('select promote_id,tab_promote.account as promote_account,sum(pay_amount) as cg from tab_deposit inner join tab_promote on( = tab_deposit.promote_id) where pay_status=1 and promote_id>0 and tab_deposit.create_time '.$nowtime.' group by promote_id ')
-					->where(array('pay_time'.$nowtime,'promote_id'=>array('gt',0),'pay_status'=>1))
-					->group('promote_id')->select(false);			
-				$ri_spay_order = $spend->field('promote_id,promote_account,sum(cg) as cg')->table('('.$ri_spay_sql.') as a')->group('promote_id')->order('cg desc')->limit(10)->select();						
-        $ri_spay_order=array_order($ri_spay_order);
-				$payids = array_column($ri_spay_order,'promote_id');
-if ($payids) {
-        $yes_spay_sql=$spend->field('tab_spend.promote_id,tab_promote.account as promote_account,sum(pay_amount) as cg')
-					->join('tab_promote on(tab_spend.promote_id =')
-					->union('select promote_id,tab_promote.account as promote_account,sum(pay_amount) as cg from tab_deposit inner join tab_promote on( = tab_deposit.promote_id) where pay_status=1 and promote_id>0 and tab_deposit.create_time '.$othertime.' group by promote_id ')
-					->where([array('pay_status'=>1,'pay_time'.$othertime,'promote_id'=>array('gt',0)),array('pay_time'.$othertime,'promote_id'=>array('in',$payids)),'_logic'=>'or'])
-					->group('promote_id')->select(false);
-				$yes_spay=$spend->field('promote_id,promote_account,sum(cg) as cg')->table('('.$yes_spay_sql.') as a')->group('promote_id')->order('cg desc')->select();
-        $yes_spay=array_order($yes_spay);
-        foreach ($ri_spay_order as $key => $value) {
-            $ri_spay_order[$key]['change'] = $value['rand']-count($ri_spay_order)-1;
-						$chart3['p'.$value['promote_id']] = $value;
-            foreach ($yes_spay as $k => $v) {
-                if($value['promote_id']==$v['promote_id']){
-                  $ri_spay_order[$key]['change']=$value['rand']-$v['rand'];
-                }
-            }
-        }
+		$ri_spay_sql=$spend->field('tab_spend.promote_id,tab_promote.account as promote_account,sum(pay_amount) as cg')
+			->join('tab_promote on(tab_spend.promote_id =')
+			->union('select promote_id,tab_promote.account as promote_account,sum(pay_amount) as cg from tab_deposit inner join tab_promote on( = tab_deposit.promote_id) where pay_status=1 and promote_id>0 and tab_deposit.create_time '.$nowtime.' group by promote_id ')
+			->where(array('pay_time'.$nowtime,'promote_id'=>array('gt',0),'pay_status'=>1))
+			->group('promote_id')->select(false);			
+		$ri_spay_order = $spend->field('promote_id,promote_account,sum(cg) as cg')->table('('.$ri_spay_sql.') as a')->group('promote_id')->order('cg desc')->limit(10)->select();						
+		$ri_spay_order=array_order($ri_spay_order);
+		$payids = array_column($ri_spay_order,'promote_id');
+		if ($payids) {
+			$yes_spay_sql=$spend->field('tab_spend.promote_id,tab_promote.account as promote_account,sum(pay_amount) as cg')
+						->join('tab_promote on(tab_spend.promote_id =')
+						->union('select promote_id,tab_promote.account as promote_account,sum(pay_amount) as cg from tab_deposit inner join tab_promote on( = tab_deposit.promote_id) where pay_status=1 and promote_id>0 and tab_deposit.create_time '.$othertime.' group by promote_id ')
+						->where([array('pay_status'=>1,'pay_time'.$othertime,'promote_id'=>array('gt',0)),array('pay_time'.$othertime,'promote_id'=>array('in',$payids)),'_logic'=>'or'])
+						->group('promote_id')->select(false);
+					$yes_spay=$spend->field('promote_id,promote_account,sum(cg) as cg')->table('('.$yes_spay_sql.') as a')->group('promote_id')->order('cg desc')->select();
+			$yes_spay=array_order($yes_spay);
+			foreach ($ri_spay_order as $key => $value) {
+				$ri_spay_order[$key]['change'] = $value['rand']-count($ri_spay_order)-1;
+							$chart3['p'.$value['promote_id']] = $value;
+				foreach ($yes_spay as $k => $v) {
+					if($value['promote_id']==$v['promote_id']){
+					$ri_spay_order[$key]['change']=$value['rand']-$v['rand'];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
-				$chart4 = array_merge($chart1,$chart2,$chart3);
-				foreach($chart4 as $k => $v) {
-					$chart['promote'][$k] = $v['promote_account'];
-					foreach($chart1 as $c) {
-						$chart['reg'][$k] = 0;
-						if ($v['promote_id'] == $c['promote_id']) {
-							$chart['reg'][$k] = (integer)$c['cg'];break;
-						}
-					}
-					foreach($chart2 as $c) {
-						$chart['active'][$k] = 0;
-						if ($v['promote_id'] == $c['promote_id']) {
-							$chart['active'][$k] = (integer)$c['cg'];break;
-						}
-					}
-					foreach($chart3 as $c) {
-						$chart['pay'][$k] = 0;
-						if ($v['promote_id'] == $c['promote_id']) {
-							$chart['pay'][$k] = $c['cg'];break;
-						}
-					}
+		$chart4 = array_merge($chart1,$chart2,$chart3);
+		foreach($chart4 as $k => $v) {
+			$chart['promote'][$k] = $v['promote_account'];
+			foreach($chart1 as $c) {
+				$chart['reg'][$k] = 0;
+				if ($v['promote_id'] == $c['promote_id']) {
+					$chart['reg'][$k] = (integer)$c['cg'];break;
-				foreach($chart as $k => $v) {
-					if ($k == 'promote')
-						$data['chart'][$k] = '"'.implode('","',$v).'"';
-					else
-						$data['chart'][$k] = implode(',',$v);
+			}
+			foreach($chart2 as $c) {
+				$chart['active'][$k] = 0;
+				if ($v['promote_id'] == $c['promote_id']) {
+					$chart['active'][$k] = (integer)$c['cg'];break;
-		echo "
+			}
+			foreach($chart3 as $c) {
+				$chart['pay'][$k] = 0;
+				if ($v['promote_id'] == $c['promote_id']) {
+					$chart['pay'][$k] = $c['cg'];break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		foreach($chart as $k => $v) {
+			if ($k == 'promote')
+				$data['chart'][$k] = '"'.implode('","',$v).'"';
+			else
+				$data['chart'][$k] = implode(',',$v);
+		}
         return $data;