diff --git a/Application/Admin/Controller/DevelopersController.class.php b/Application/Admin/Controller/DevelopersController.class.php
index 8b0ae7da8..3cf7873b7 100644
--- a/Application/Admin/Controller/DevelopersController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Admin/Controller/DevelopersController.class.php
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ class DevelopersController extends ThinkController {
} else {
- $this->success($res['id'] ? '更新成功' : '新增成功', U('game'));
+ $this->success($_POST['id'] ? '更新成功' : '新增成功', U('game'));
} else {
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ class DevelopersController extends ThinkController {
- $this->success($res['id']?'更新成功':'新增成功',U('game'));
+ $this->success($_POST['id']?'更新成功':'新增成功',U('game'));
$this->meta_title = '新增游戏';
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ class DevelopersController extends ThinkController {
$Contract = new ContractModel();
- $this->success($res['id']?'更新成功':'新增成功',U('game'));
+ $this->success($_POST['id']?'更新成功':'新增成功',U('game'));
$_REQUEST['id'] || $this->error('id不能为空');
diff --git a/Application/Admin/Controller/GameController.class.php b/Application/Admin/Controller/GameController.class.php
index 336f8b147..c375fe88d 100644
--- a/Application/Admin/Controller/GameController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Admin/Controller/GameController.class.php
@@ -204,7 +204,6 @@ class GameController extends ThinkController
$_POST['detail_content'] = '';
$pinyin = new \Think\Pinyin();
$num = mb_strlen($_POST['game_name'], 'UTF8');
$short = '';
@@ -224,6 +223,14 @@ class GameController extends ThinkController
if (!$res) {
} else {
+ $baseData = [
+ 'id' => $res['id'],
+ 'name' => str_replace('(安卓版)', '', str_replace('(苹果版)', '', $_POST['game_name'])),
+ 'sdk_version' => $_POST['sdk_version'],
+ ];
+ $gameService->saveBaseGame($baseData);
\Think\Log::actionLog('Game/add', 'Game', 1);
@@ -231,7 +238,7 @@ class GameController extends ThinkController
- $this->success($res['id'] ? '更新成功' : '新增成功', U('lists'));
+ $this->success($_POST['id'] ? '更新成功' : '新增成功', U('lists'));
} else {
if ($_GET['type'] == 1 || $_GET['type'] == "") {
@@ -242,8 +249,6 @@ class GameController extends ThinkController
$this->m_title = '游戏列表';
$this->assign('commonset', M('Kuaijieicon')->where(['url' => 'Game/lists', 'status' => 1])->find());
@@ -288,12 +293,22 @@ class GameController extends ThinkController
if (!$res) {
} else {
+ $gameService = new GameService();
+ $baseData = [
+ 'id' => $res['id'],
+ 'name' => str_replace('(安卓版)', '', str_replace('(苹果版)', '', $_POST['game_name'])),
+ 'sdk_version' => $_POST['sdk_version'],
+ 'relation_game_id' => $_POST['relation_game_id'],
+ ];
+ $gameService->saveBaseGame($baseData);
- $this->success($res['id'] ? '更新成功' : '新增成功', U('lists'));
+ $this->success($_POST['id'] ? '更新成功' : '新增成功', U('lists'));
} else {
$_REQUEST['id'] || $this->error('id不能为空');
@@ -399,6 +414,15 @@ class GameController extends ThinkController
$sid = $sibling['id'];
$map['id'] = array('neq', $sid);
$another = D("Game")->where($map)->find(); //获取另一个所有
+ $baseData = [
+ 'id' => $id,
+ 'name' => str_replace('(安卓版)', '', str_replace('(苹果版)', '', $sibling['game_name'])),
+ 'relation_game_id' => $another ? $another['id'] : 0,
+ 'sdk_version' => $sibling['sdk_version'],
+ ];
+ $gameService->saveBaseGame($baseData);
$phone['apply_auth'] = $sibling['apply_auth'];
$phone['game_type_id'] = $sibling['game_type_id'];
$phone['dow_num'] = $sibling['dow_num'];
@@ -444,7 +468,7 @@ class GameController extends ThinkController
"key"=>$sibling ['game_name'],
"url"=>U("Game/lists",array("game_name"=>$sibling ['game_name']))
- $this->success($res['id'] ? '更新成功' : '新增成功', U('lists', array('type' => I('post.type'), 'p' => I('request.p'))));
+ $this->success($_POST['id'] ? '更新成功' : '新增成功', U('lists', array('type' => I('post.type'), 'p' => I('request.p'))));
} else {
diff --git a/Application/Admin/Model/GameModel.class.php b/Application/Admin/Model/GameModel.class.php
index 7a7afb347..34bf62d73 100644
--- a/Application/Admin/Model/GameModel.class.php
+++ b/Application/Admin/Model/GameModel.class.php
@@ -142,12 +142,13 @@ class GameModel extends Model{
return false;
- $relation=M('Game','tab_')->where(array('id'=>$id))->save(array('relation_game_id'=>$id));
+ $relation = M('Game','tab_')->where(array('id'=>$id))->save(array('relation_game_id'=>$id));
+ $data['id'] = $id;
} else { //更新数据
$status = $this->save(); //更新基础内容
if(false === $status){
diff --git a/Application/Admin/View/Promote/lists.html b/Application/Admin/View/Promote/lists.html
index eb5d3837f..548bd4ab3 100644
--- a/Application/Admin/View/Promote/lists.html
+++ b/Application/Admin/View/Promote/lists.html
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@
@@ -567,6 +567,10 @@
var url = "{:U('Promote/getPromoteGame')}";
var id = $(this).attr('data-id');
+ var checked = 'checked';
@@ -590,14 +594,19 @@
+ $(".jsgamecheckall").attr('checked',false);
+ checked = '';
+ $(".jsgamecheckall").attr('checked',checked);
diff --git a/Application/Base/Service/ApplyService.class.php b/Application/Base/Service/ApplyService.class.php
index fc5fb7926..9db28b296 100644
--- a/Application/Base/Service/ApplyService.class.php
+++ b/Application/Base/Service/ApplyService.class.php
@@ -50,14 +50,17 @@ class ApplyService {
- public function cancelGame($gameId, $promoteId) {
- $ids = [$promoteId];
- $list = M('promote', 'tab_')->field('id')->where('parent_id=' . $promoteId . ' or grand_id=' . $promoteId)->select();
- $ids = array_merge($ids, array_column($list, 'id'));
- $save['offline_status'] = 1;
- M('apply', 'tab_')->where(['game_id' => $gameId, 'promote_id' => ['in', $ids]])->save($save);
+ public function offlineGame($game, $promote = null)
+ {
+ $conditions = ['game_id' => $game['id']];
+ if ($promote) {
+ $promoteService = new PromoteService();
+ $children = $promoteService->getAllChildren($promote, 0, ['id']);
+ $promoteIds = [$promote['id']];
+ $promoteIds = array_merge($promoteIds, array_column($children, 'id'));
+ $conditions['promote_id'] = ['in', $promoteIds];
+ }
+ M('apply', 'tab_')->where($conditions)->save(['offline_status' => 1]);
public function updateAfterPack($apply, $packageUrl, $plistUrl)
@@ -90,25 +93,56 @@ class ApplyService {
return $host . '/index.php?s=/Home/Home/landingPage/code/' . $code;
- public function encodeApplyCode($apply, $type)
+ public function getApplyData($apply, $type, $version)
+ $data = null;
$expiresIn = 0;
- $data = [
- 'promote_id' => $apply['promote_id'],
- 'game_id' => $apply['game_id'],
- 'expires_in' => $expiresIn,
- 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
- 'type' => $type
- ];
+ if ($version == 1) {
+ $data = [
+ 'promote_id' => $apply['promote_id'],
+ 'game_id' => $apply['game_id'],
+ 'expires_in' => $expiresIn,
+ 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
+ 'type' => $type
+ ];
+ $data = json_encode($data);
+ } elseif ($version == 2) {
+ $data = [
+ $apply['promote_id'],
+ $apply['game_id'],
+ $expiresIn,
+ time(),
+ $type
+ ];
+ $data = implode('|', $data);
+ }
+ return $data;
+ }
- $jsonStr = json_encode($data);
- return base64_encode(openssl_encrypt($jsonStr, self::ENCRYPT_METHOD, self::ENCRYPT_KEY));
+ public function encodeApplyCode($apply, $type, $version = 2)
+ {
+ $data = $this->getApplyData($apply, $type, $version);
+ return base64_encode(openssl_encrypt($data, self::ENCRYPT_METHOD, self::ENCRYPT_KEY));
public function decodeApplyCode($code)
$decryptStr = openssl_decrypt(base64_decode($code), self::ENCRYPT_METHOD, self::ENCRYPT_KEY);
- return json_decode($decryptStr, true);
+ $result = json_decode($decryptStr, true);
+ if (is_null($result)) {
+ $items = explode('|', $decryptStr);
+ if (count($items) != 5) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return [
+ 'promote_id' => $items[0],
+ 'game_id' => $items[1],
+ 'expires_in' => $items[2],
+ 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $items[3]),
+ 'type' => $items[4],
+ ];
+ }
+ return $result;
public function checkApplyCode($data, $type)
diff --git a/Application/Base/Service/GameService.class.php b/Application/Base/Service/GameService.class.php
index 6733df0e3..8b67cc552 100644
--- a/Application/Base/Service/GameService.class.php
+++ b/Application/Base/Service/GameService.class.php
@@ -16,4 +16,34 @@ class GameService {
return $value;
+ public function saveBaseGame($params)
+ {
+ $baseGame = null;
+ $conditions = [];
+ $data = [
+ 'name' => $params['name']
+ ];
+ $gameIds = [$params['id']];
+ if (isset($params['relation_game_id']) && $params['relation_game_id']) {
+ $gameIds[] = $params['relation_game_id'];
+ }
+ $conditions['_logic'] = 'or';
+ $conditions['android_game_id'] = ['in', $gameIds];
+ $conditions['ios_game_id'] = ['in', $gameIds];
+ if ($params['sdk_version'] == 1) {
+ $data['android_game_id'] = $params['id'];
+ } elseif ($params['sdk_version'] == 2) {
+ $data['ios_game_id'] = $params['id'];
+ }
+ $baseGame = M('base_game', 'tab_')->where($conditions)->find();
+ if (!$baseGame) {
+ return M('base_game', 'tab_')->add($data);
+ } else {
+ return M('base_game', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $baseGame['id']])->save($data);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Application/Base/Service/PromoteService.class.php b/Application/Base/Service/PromoteService.class.php
index b71a41dce..83b814d4e 100644
--- a/Application/Base/Service/PromoteService.class.php
+++ b/Application/Base/Service/PromoteService.class.php
@@ -827,6 +827,9 @@ class PromoteService {
public function getTopPromote($promote)
+ /* if ($promote['level'] == 1) {
+ return $promote;
+ } */
$chain = trim($promote['chain'], '/');
if ($chain == '') {
return $promote;
@@ -836,6 +839,18 @@ class PromoteService {
+ /**
+ * 获取所有下级推广员
+ */
+ public function getAllChildren($promote, $level = 0, $fields = '*')
+ {
+ $conditions = ['chain' => ['like', $promote['chain'] . $promote['id'] . '/%']];
+ if ($level != 0) {
+ $conditions['level'] = $level;
+ }
+ return M('promote', 'tab_')->field($fields)->where($conditions)->select();
+ }
public function getLevelName($level)
return self::$levels[$level] ?? '未知';
@@ -1082,4 +1097,24 @@ class PromoteService {
return $groupName;
+ public function getVisibleGameIds($promote)
+ {
+ $gameIds = M('game', 'tab_')->getField('id', true);
+ $selfGameIds = $promote['game_ids'] == '' ? $gameIds : explode(',', $promote['game_ids']);
+ if ($promote['level'] == 1) {
+ return $selfGameIds;
+ }
+ $topPromote = $this->getTopPromote($promote);
+ if ($topPromote['child_game_permission'] == 0) {
+ $gameIds = M('apply', 'tab_')->where(['offline_status' => 0, 'promote_id' => $topPromote['id']])->getField('game_id', true);
+ if (empty($gameIds)) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ return array_intersect($selfGameIds, $gameIds);
+ } else {
+ return $selfGameIds;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Application/Base/Tool/MobileDetect.class.php b/Application/Base/Tool/MobileDetect.class.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2611b0265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Application/Base/Tool/MobileDetect.class.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1479 @@
+ * @author Nick Ilyin
+ * Original author: Victor Stanciu
+ *
+ * @version 2.8.34
+ */
+class MobileDetect
+ /**
+ * Mobile detection type.
+ *
+ * @deprecated since version 2.6.9
+ */
+ const DETECTION_TYPE_MOBILE = 'mobile';
+ /**
+ * Extended detection type.
+ *
+ * @deprecated since version 2.6.9
+ */
+ const DETECTION_TYPE_EXTENDED = 'extended';
+ /**
+ * A frequently used regular expression to extract version #s.
+ *
+ * @deprecated since version 2.6.9
+ */
+ const VER = '([\w._\+]+)';
+ /**
+ * Top-level device.
+ */
+ const MOBILE_GRADE_A = 'A';
+ /**
+ * Mid-level device.
+ */
+ const MOBILE_GRADE_B = 'B';
+ /**
+ * Low-level device.
+ */
+ const MOBILE_GRADE_C = 'C';
+ /**
+ * Stores the version number of the current release.
+ */
+ const VERSION = '2.8.34';
+ /**
+ * A type for the version() method indicating a string return value.
+ */
+ const VERSION_TYPE_STRING = 'text';
+ /**
+ * A type for the version() method indicating a float return value.
+ */
+ const VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT = 'float';
+ /**
+ * A cache for resolved matches
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected $cache = [];
+ /**
+ * The User-Agent HTTP header is stored in here.
+ * @var string
+ */
+ protected $userAgent = null;
+ /**
+ * HTTP headers in the PHP-flavor. So HTTP_USER_AGENT and SERVER_SOFTWARE.
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected $httpHeaders = [];
+ /**
+ * CloudFront headers. E.g. CloudFront-Is-Desktop-Viewer, CloudFront-Is-Mobile-Viewer & CloudFront-Is-Tablet-Viewer.
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected $cloudfrontHeaders = [];
+ /**
+ * The matching Regex.
+ * This is good for debug.
+ * @var string
+ */
+ protected $matchingRegex = null;
+ /**
+ * The matches extracted from the regex expression.
+ * This is good for debug.
+ *
+ * @var string
+ */
+ protected $matchesArray = null;
+ /**
+ * The detection type, using self::DETECTION_TYPE_MOBILE or self::DETECTION_TYPE_EXTENDED.
+ *
+ * @deprecated since version 2.6.9
+ *
+ * @var string
+ */
+ protected $detectionType = self::DETECTION_TYPE_MOBILE;
+ /**
+ * HTTP headers that trigger the 'isMobile' detection
+ * to be true.
+ *
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected static $mobileHeaders = [
+ 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => ['matches' => [
+ // Opera Mini; @reference: http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/opera-binary-markup-language/
+ 'application/x-obml2d',
+ // BlackBerry devices.
+ 'application/vnd.rim.html',
+ 'text/vnd.wap.wml',
+ 'application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml'
+ ]],
+ 'HTTP_X_WAP_PROFILE' => null,
+ 'HTTP_X_WAP_CLIENTID' => null,
+ 'HTTP_PROFILE' => null,
+ // Reported by Opera on Nokia devices (eg. C3).
+ 'HTTP_X_ORANGE_ID' => null,
+ // Reported by Windows Smartphones.
+ 'HTTP_UA_OS' => null,
+ // Reported by Verizon, Vodafone proxy system.
+ // Seen this on HTC Sensation. SensationXE_Beats_Z715e.
+ 'HTTP_X_ATT_DEVICEID' => null,
+ // Seen this on a HTC.
+ 'HTTP_UA_CPU' => ['matches' => ['ARM']],
+ ];
+ /**
+ * List of mobile devices (phones).
+ *
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected static $phoneDevices = [
+ 'iPhone' => '\biPhone\b|\biPod\b', // |\biTunes
+ 'BlackBerry' => 'BlackBerry|\bBB10\b|rim[0-9]+|\b(BBA100|BBB100|BBD100|BBE100|BBF100|STH100)\b-[0-9]+',
+ 'HTC' => 'HTC|HTC.*(Sensation|Evo|Vision|Explorer|6800|8100|8900|A7272|S510e|C110e|Legend|Desire|T8282)|APX515CKT|Qtek9090|APA9292KT|HD_mini|Sensation.*Z710e|PG86100|Z715e|Desire.*(A8181|HD)|ADR6200|ADR6400L|ADR6425|001HT|Inspire 4G|Android.*\bEVO\b|T-Mobile G1|Z520m|Android [0-9.]+; Pixel',
+ 'Nexus' => 'Nexus One|Nexus S|Galaxy.*Nexus|Android.*Nexus.*Mobile|Nexus 4|Nexus 5|Nexus 6',
+ // @todo: Is 'Dell Streak' a tablet or a phone? ;)
+ 'Dell' => 'Dell[;]? (Streak|Aero|Venue|Venue Pro|Flash|Smoke|Mini 3iX)|XCD28|XCD35|\b001DL\b|\b101DL\b|\bGS01\b',
+ 'Motorola' => 'Motorola|DROIDX|DROID BIONIC|\bDroid\b.*Build|Android.*Xoom|HRI39|MOT-|A1260|A1680|A555|A853|A855|A953|A955|A956|Motorola.*ELECTRIFY|Motorola.*i1|i867|i940|MB200|MB300|MB501|MB502|MB508|MB511|MB520|MB525|MB526|MB611|MB612|MB632|MB810|MB855|MB860|MB861|MB865|MB870|ME501|ME502|ME511|ME525|ME600|ME632|ME722|ME811|ME860|ME863|ME865|MT620|MT710|MT716|MT720|MT810|MT870|MT917|Motorola.*TITANIUM|WX435|WX445|XT300|XT301|XT311|XT316|XT317|XT319|XT320|XT390|XT502|XT530|XT531|XT532|XT535|XT603|XT610|XT611|XT615|XT681|XT701|XT702|XT711|XT720|XT800|XT806|XT860|XT862|XT875|XT882|XT883|XT894|XT901|XT907|XT909|XT910|XT912|XT928|XT926|XT915|XT919|XT925|XT1021|\bMoto E\b|XT1068|XT1092|XT1052',
+ 'Samsung' => '\bSamsung\b|SM-G950F|SM-G955F|SM-G9250|GT-19300|SGH-I337|BGT-S5230|GT-B2100|GT-B2700|GT-B2710|GT-B3210|GT-B3310|GT-B3410|GT-B3730|GT-B3740|GT-B5510|GT-B5512|GT-B5722|GT-B6520|GT-B7300|GT-B7320|GT-B7330|GT-B7350|GT-B7510|GT-B7722|GT-B7800|GT-C3010|GT-C3011|GT-C3060|GT-C3200|GT-C3212|GT-C3212I|GT-C3262|GT-C3222|GT-C3300|GT-C3300K|GT-C3303|GT-C3303K|GT-C3310|GT-C3322|GT-C3330|GT-C3350|GT-C3500|GT-C3510|GT-C3530|GT-C3630|GT-C3780|GT-C5010|GT-C5212|GT-C6620|GT-C6625|GT-C6712|GT-E1050|GT-E1070|GT-E1075|GT-E1080|GT-E1081|GT-E1085|GT-E1087|GT-E1100|GT-E1107|GT-E1110|GT-E1120|GT-E1125|GT-E1130|GT-E1160|GT-E1170|GT-E1175|GT-E1180|GT-E1182|GT-E1200|GT-E1210|GT-E1225|GT-E1230|GT-E1390|GT-E2100|GT-E2120|GT-E2121|GT-E2152|GT-E2220|GT-E2222|GT-E2230|GT-E2232|GT-E2250|GT-E2370|GT-E2550|GT-E2652|GT-E3210|GT-E3213|GT-I5500|GT-I5503|GT-I5700|GT-I5800|GT-I5801|GT-I6410|GT-I6420|GT-I7110|GT-I7410|GT-I7500|GT-I8000|GT-I8150|GT-I8160|GT-I8190|GT-I8320|GT-I8330|GT-I8350|GT-I8530|GT-I8700|GT-I8703|GT-I8910|GT-I9000|GT-I9001|GT-I9003|GT-I9010|GT-I9020|GT-I9023|GT-I9070|GT-I9082|GT-I9100|GT-I9103|GT-I9220|GT-I9250|GT-I9300|GT-I9305|GT-I9500|GT-I9505|GT-M3510|GT-M5650|GT-M7500|GT-M7600|GT-M7603|GT-M8800|GT-M8910|GT-N7000|GT-S3110|GT-S3310|GT-S3350|GT-S3353|GT-S3370|GT-S3650|GT-S3653|GT-S3770|GT-S3850|GT-S5210|GT-S5220|GT-S5229|GT-S5230|GT-S5233|GT-S5250|GT-S5253|GT-S5260|GT-S5263|GT-S5270|GT-S5300|GT-S5330|GT-S5350|GT-S5360|GT-S5363|GT-S5369|GT-S5380|GT-S5380D|GT-S5560|GT-S5570|GT-S5600|GT-S5603|GT-S5610|GT-S5620|GT-S5660|GT-S5670|GT-S5690|GT-S5750|GT-S5780|GT-S5830|GT-S5839|GT-S6102|GT-S6500|GT-S7070|GT-S7200|GT-S7220|GT-S7230|GT-S7233|GT-S7250|GT-S7500|GT-S7530|GT-S7550|GT-S7562|GT-S7710|GT-S8000|GT-S8003|GT-S8500|GT-S8530|GT-S8600|SCH-A310|SCH-A530|SCH-A570|SCH-A610|SCH-A630|SCH-A650|SCH-A790|SCH-A795|SCH-A850|SCH-A870|SCH-A890|SCH-A930|SCH-A950|SCH-A970|SCH-A990|SCH-I100|SCH-I110|SCH-I400|SCH-I405|SCH-I500|SCH-I510|SCH-I515|SCH-I600|SCH-I730|SCH-I760|SCH-I770|SCH-I830|SCH-I910|SCH-I920|SCH-I959|SCH-LC11|SCH-N150|SCH-N300|SCH-R100|SCH-R300|SCH-R351|SCH-R400|SCH-R410|SCH-T300|SCH-U310|SCH-U320|SCH-U350|SCH-U360|SCH-U365|SCH-U370|SCH-U380|SCH-U410|SCH-U430|SCH-U450|SCH-U460|SCH-U470|SCH-U490|SCH-U540|SCH-U550|SCH-U620|SCH-U640|SCH-U650|SCH-U660|SCH-U700|SCH-U740|SCH-U750|SCH-U810|SCH-U820|SCH-U900|SCH-U940|SCH-U960|SCS-26UC|SGH-A107|SGH-A117|SGH-A127|SGH-A137|SGH-A157|SGH-A167|SGH-A177|SGH-A187|SGH-A197|SGH-A227|SGH-A237|SGH-A257|SGH-A437|SGH-A517|SGH-A597|SGH-A637|SGH-A657|SGH-A667|SGH-A687|SGH-A697|SGH-A707|SGH-A717|SGH-A727|SGH-A737|SGH-A747|SGH-A767|SGH-A777|SGH-A797|SGH-A817|SGH-A827|SGH-A837|SGH-A847|SGH-A867|SGH-A877|SGH-A887|SGH-A897|SGH-A927|SGH-B100|SGH-B130|SGH-B200|SGH-B220|SGH-C100|SGH-C110|SGH-C120|SGH-C130|SGH-C140|SGH-C160|SGH-C170|SGH-C180|SGH-C200|SGH-C207|SGH-C210|SGH-C225|SGH-C230|SGH-C417|SGH-C450|SGH-D307|SGH-D347|SGH-D357|SGH-D407|SGH-D415|SGH-D780|SGH-D807|SGH-D980|SGH-E105|SGH-E200|SGH-E315|SGH-E316|SGH-E317|SGH-E335|SGH-E590|SGH-E635|SGH-E715|SGH-E890|SGH-F300|SGH-F480|SGH-I200|SGH-I300|SGH-I320|SGH-I550|SGH-I577|SGH-I600|SGH-I607|SGH-I617|SGH-I627|SGH-I637|SGH-I677|SGH-I700|SGH-I717|SGH-I727|SGH-i747M|SGH-I777|SGH-I780|SGH-I827|SGH-I847|SGH-I857|SGH-I896|SGH-I897|SGH-I900|SGH-I907|SGH-I917|SGH-I927|SGH-I937|SGH-I997|SGH-J150|SGH-J200|SGH-L170|SGH-L700|SGH-M110|SGH-M150|SGH-M200|SGH-N105|SGH-N500|SGH-N600|SGH-N620|SGH-N625|SGH-N700|SGH-N710|SGH-P107|SGH-P207|SGH-P300|SGH-P310|SGH-P520|SGH-P735|SGH-P777|SGH-Q105|SGH-R210|SGH-R220|SGH-R225|SGH-S105|SGH-S307|SGH-T109|SGH-T119|SGH-T139|SGH-T209|SGH-T219|SGH-T229|SGH-T239|SGH-T249|SGH-T259|SGH-T309|SGH-T319|SGH-T329|SGH-T339|SGH-T349|SGH-T359|SGH-T369|SGH-T379|SGH-T409|SGH-T429|SGH-T439|SGH-T459|SGH-T469|SGH-T479|SGH-T499|SGH-T509|SGH-T519|SGH-T539|SGH-T559|SGH-T589|SGH-T609|SGH-T619|SGH-T629|SGH-T639|SGH-T659|SGH-T669|SGH-T679|SGH-T709|SGH-T719|SGH-T729|SGH-T739|SGH-T746|SGH-T749|SGH-T759|SGH-T769|SGH-T809|SGH-T819|SGH-T839|SGH-T919|SGH-T929|SGH-T939|SGH-T959|SGH-T989|SGH-U100|SGH-U200|SGH-U800|SGH-V205|SGH-V206|SGH-X100|SGH-X105|SGH-X120|SGH-X140|SGH-X426|SGH-X427|SGH-X475|SGH-X495|SGH-X497|SGH-X507|SGH-X600|SGH-X610|SGH-X620|SGH-X630|SGH-X700|SGH-X820|SGH-X890|SGH-Z130|SGH-Z150|SGH-Z170|SGH-ZX10|SGH-ZX20|SHW-M110|SPH-A120|SPH-A400|SPH-A420|SPH-A460|SPH-A500|SPH-A560|SPH-A600|SPH-A620|SPH-A660|SPH-A700|SPH-A740|SPH-A760|SPH-A790|SPH-A800|SPH-A820|SPH-A840|SPH-A880|SPH-A900|SPH-A940|SPH-A960|SPH-D600|SPH-D700|SPH-D710|SPH-D720|SPH-I300|SPH-I325|SPH-I330|SPH-I350|SPH-I500|SPH-I600|SPH-I700|SPH-L700|SPH-M100|SPH-M220|SPH-M240|SPH-M300|SPH-M305|SPH-M320|SPH-M330|SPH-M350|SPH-M360|SPH-M370|SPH-M380|SPH-M510|SPH-M540|SPH-M550|SPH-M560|SPH-M570|SPH-M580|SPH-M610|SPH-M620|SPH-M630|SPH-M800|SPH-M810|SPH-M850|SPH-M900|SPH-M910|SPH-M920|SPH-M930|SPH-N100|SPH-N200|SPH-N240|SPH-N300|SPH-N400|SPH-Z400|SWC-E100|SCH-i909|GT-N7100|GT-N7105|SCH-I535|SM-N900A|SGH-I317|SGH-T999L|GT-S5360B|GT-I8262|GT-S6802|GT-S6312|GT-S6310|GT-S5312|GT-S5310|GT-I9105|GT-I8510|GT-S6790N|SM-G7105|SM-N9005|GT-S5301|GT-I9295|GT-I9195|SM-C101|GT-S7392|GT-S7560|GT-B7610|GT-I5510|GT-S7582|GT-S7530E|GT-I8750|SM-G9006V|SM-G9008V|SM-G9009D|SM-G900A|SM-G900D|SM-G900F|SM-G900H|SM-G900I|SM-G900J|SM-G900K|SM-G900L|SM-G900M|SM-G900P|SM-G900R4|SM-G900S|SM-G900T|SM-G900V|SM-G900W8|SHV-E160K|SCH-P709|SCH-P729|SM-T2558|GT-I9205|SM-G9350|SM-J120F|SM-G920F|SM-G920V|SM-G930F|SM-N910C|SM-A310F|GT-I9190|SM-J500FN|SM-G903F|SM-J330F',
+ 'LG' => '\bLG\b;|LG[- ]?(C800|C900|E400|E610|E900|E-900|F160|F180K|F180L|F180S|730|855|L160|LS740|LS840|LS970|LU6200|MS690|MS695|MS770|MS840|MS870|MS910|P500|P700|P705|VM696|AS680|AS695|AX840|C729|E970|GS505|272|C395|E739BK|E960|L55C|L75C|LS696|LS860|P769BK|P350|P500|P509|P870|UN272|US730|VS840|VS950|LN272|LN510|LS670|LS855|LW690|MN270|MN510|P509|P769|P930|UN200|UN270|UN510|UN610|US670|US740|US760|UX265|UX840|VN271|VN530|VS660|VS700|VS740|VS750|VS910|VS920|VS930|VX9200|VX11000|AX840A|LW770|P506|P925|P999|E612|D955|D802|MS323|M257)|LM-G710',
+ 'Sony' => 'SonyST|SonyLT|SonyEricsson|SonyEricssonLT15iv|LT18i|E10i|LT28h|LT26w|SonyEricssonMT27i|C5303|C6902|C6903|C6906|C6943|D2533',
+ 'Asus' => 'Asus.*Galaxy|PadFone.*Mobile',
+ 'NokiaLumia' => 'Lumia [0-9]{3,4}',
+ // http://www.micromaxinfo.com/mobiles/smartphones
+ // Added because the codes might conflict with Acer Tablets.
+ 'Micromax' => 'Micromax.*\b(A210|A92|A88|A72|A111|A110Q|A115|A116|A110|A90S|A26|A51|A35|A54|A25|A27|A89|A68|A65|A57|A90)\b',
+ // @todo Complete the regex.
+ 'Palm' => 'PalmSource|Palm', // avantgo|blazer|elaine|hiptop|plucker|xiino ;
+ 'Vertu' => 'Vertu|Vertu.*Ltd|Vertu.*Ascent|Vertu.*Ayxta|Vertu.*Constellation(F|Quest)?|Vertu.*Monika|Vertu.*Signature', // Just for fun ;)
+ // http://www.pantech.co.kr/en/prod/prodList.do?gbrand=VEGA (PANTECH)
+ // Most of the VEGA devices are legacy. PANTECH seem to be newer devices based on Android.
+ 'Pantech' => 'PANTECH|IM-A850S|IM-A840S|IM-A830L|IM-A830K|IM-A830S|IM-A820L|IM-A810K|IM-A810S|IM-A800S|IM-T100K|IM-A725L|IM-A780L|IM-A775C|IM-A770K|IM-A760S|IM-A750K|IM-A740S|IM-A730S|IM-A720L|IM-A710K|IM-A690L|IM-A690S|IM-A650S|IM-A630K|IM-A600S|VEGA PTL21|PT003|P8010|ADR910L|P6030|P6020|P9070|P4100|P9060|P5000|CDM8992|TXT8045|ADR8995|IS11PT|P2030|P6010|P8000|PT002|IS06|CDM8999|P9050|PT001|TXT8040|P2020|P9020|P2000|P7040|P7000|C790',
+ // http://www.fly-phone.com/devices/smartphones/ ; Included only smartphones.
+ 'Fly' => 'IQ230|IQ444|IQ450|IQ440|IQ442|IQ441|IQ245|IQ256|IQ236|IQ255|IQ235|IQ245|IQ275|IQ240|IQ285|IQ280|IQ270|IQ260|IQ250',
+ // http://fr.wikomobile.com
+ 'iMobile' => 'i-mobile (IQ|i-STYLE|idea|ZAA|Hitz)',
+ // Added simvalley mobile just for fun. They have some interesting devices.
+ // http://www.simvalley.fr/telephonie---gps-_22_telephonie-mobile_telephones_.html
+ 'SimValley' => '\b(SP-80|XT-930|SX-340|XT-930|SX-310|SP-360|SP60|SPT-800|SP-120|SPT-800|SP-140|SPX-5|SPX-8|SP-100|SPX-8|SPX-12)\b',
+ // Wolfgang - a brand that is sold by Aldi supermarkets.
+ // http://www.wolfgangmobile.com/
+ 'Wolfgang' => 'AT-B24D|AT-AS50HD|AT-AS40W|AT-AS55HD|AT-AS45q2|AT-B26D|AT-AS50Q',
+ 'Alcatel' => 'Alcatel',
+ 'Nintendo' => 'Nintendo (3DS|Switch)',
+ // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amoi
+ 'Amoi' => 'Amoi',
+ // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/INQ
+ 'INQ' => 'INQ',
+ 'OnePlus' => 'ONEPLUS',
+ // @Tapatalk is a mobile app; http://support.tapatalk.com/threads/smf-2-0-2-os-and-browser-detection-plugin-and-tapatalk.15565/#post-79039
+ 'GenericPhone' => 'Tapatalk|PDA;|SAGEM|\bmmp\b|pocket|\bpsp\b|symbian|Smartphone|smartfon|treo|up.browser|up.link|vodafone|\bwap\b|nokia|Series40|Series60|S60|SonyEricsson|N900|MAUI.*WAP.*Browser',
+ ];
+ /**
+ * List of tablet devices.
+ *
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected static $tabletDevices = [
+ // @todo: check for mobile friendly emails topic.
+ 'iPad' => 'iPad|iPad.*Mobile',
+ // Removed |^.*Android.*Nexus(?!(?:Mobile).)*$
+ // @see #442
+ // @todo Merge NexusTablet into GoogleTablet.
+ 'NexusTablet' => 'Android.*Nexus[\s]+(7|9|10)',
+ // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pixel_C
+ 'GoogleTablet' => 'Android.*Pixel C',
+ 'SamsungTablet' => 'SAMSUNG.*Tablet|Galaxy.*Tab|SC-01C|GT-P1000|GT-P1003|GT-P1010|GT-P3105|GT-P6210|GT-P6800|GT-P6810|GT-P7100|GT-P7300|GT-P7310|GT-P7500|GT-P7510|SCH-I800|SCH-I815|SCH-I905|SGH-I957|SGH-I987|SGH-T849|SGH-T859|SGH-T869|SPH-P100|GT-P3100|GT-P3108|GT-P3110|GT-P5100|GT-P5110|GT-P6200|GT-P7320|GT-P7511|GT-N8000|GT-P8510|SGH-I497|SPH-P500|SGH-T779|SCH-I705|SCH-I915|GT-N8013|GT-P3113|GT-P5113|GT-P8110|GT-N8010|GT-N8005|GT-N8020|GT-P1013|GT-P6201|GT-P7501|GT-N5100|GT-N5105|GT-N5110|SHV-E140K|SHV-E140L|SHV-E140S|SHV-E150S|SHV-E230K|SHV-E230L|SHV-E230S|SHW-M180K|SHW-M180L|SHW-M180S|SHW-M180W|SHW-M300W|SHW-M305W|SHW-M380K|SHW-M380S|SHW-M380W|SHW-M430W|SHW-M480K|SHW-M480S|SHW-M480W|SHW-M485W|SHW-M486W|SHW-M500W|GT-I9228|SCH-P739|SCH-I925|GT-I9200|GT-P5200|GT-P5210|GT-P5210X|SM-T311|SM-T310|SM-T310X|SM-T210|SM-T210R|SM-T211|SM-P600|SM-P601|SM-P605|SM-P900|SM-P901|SM-T217|SM-T217A|SM-T217S|SM-P6000|SM-T3100|SGH-I467|XE500|SM-T110|GT-P5220|GT-I9200X|GT-N5110X|GT-N5120|SM-P905|SM-T111|SM-T2105|SM-T315|SM-T320|SM-T320X|SM-T321|SM-T520|SM-T525|SM-T530NU|SM-T230NU|SM-T330NU|SM-T900|XE500T1C|SM-P605V|SM-P905V|SM-T337V|SM-T537V|SM-T707V|SM-T807V|SM-P600X|SM-P900X|SM-T210X|SM-T230|SM-T230X|SM-T325|GT-P7503|SM-T531|SM-T330|SM-T530|SM-T705|SM-T705C|SM-T535|SM-T331|SM-T800|SM-T700|SM-T537|SM-T807|SM-P907A|SM-T337A|SM-T537A|SM-T707A|SM-T807A|SM-T237|SM-T807P|SM-P607T|SM-T217T|SM-T337T|SM-T807T|SM-T116NQ|SM-T116BU|SM-P550|SM-T350|SM-T550|SM-T9000|SM-P9000|SM-T705Y|SM-T805|GT-P3113|SM-T710|SM-T810|SM-T815|SM-T360|SM-T533|SM-T113|SM-T335|SM-T715|SM-T560|SM-T670|SM-T677|SM-T377|SM-T567|SM-T357T|SM-T555|SM-T561|SM-T713|SM-T719|SM-T813|SM-T819|SM-T580|SM-T355Y?|SM-T280|SM-T817A|SM-T820|SM-W700|SM-P580|SM-T587|SM-P350|SM-P555M|SM-P355M|SM-T113NU|SM-T815Y|SM-T585|SM-T285|SM-T825|SM-W708|SM-T835|SM-T830|SM-T837V|SM-T720|SM-T510|SM-T387V', // SCH-P709|SCH-P729|SM-T2558|GT-I9205 - Samsung Mega - treat them like a regular phone.
+ // http://docs.aws.amazon.com/silk/latest/developerguide/user-agent.html
+ 'Kindle' => 'Kindle|Silk.*Accelerated|Android.*\b(KFOT|KFTT|KFJWI|KFJWA|KFOTE|KFSOWI|KFTHWI|KFTHWA|KFAPWI|KFAPWA|WFJWAE|KFSAWA|KFSAWI|KFASWI|KFARWI|KFFOWI|KFGIWI|KFMEWI)\b|Android.*Silk/[0-9.]+ like Chrome/[0-9.]+ (?!Mobile)',
+ // Only the Surface tablets with Windows RT are considered mobile.
+ // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/hh920767(v=vs.85).aspx
+ 'SurfaceTablet' => 'Windows NT [0-9.]+; ARM;.*(Tablet|ARMBJS)',
+ // http://shopping1.hp.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/WW-USSMBPublicStore-Site/en_US/-/USD/ViewStandardCatalog-Browse?CatalogCategoryID=JfIQ7EN5lqMAAAEyDcJUDwMT
+ 'HPTablet' => 'HP Slate (7|8|10)|HP ElitePad 900|hp-tablet|EliteBook.*Touch|HP 8|Slate 21|HP SlateBook 10',
+ // Watch out for PadFone, see #132.
+ // http://www.asus.com/de/Tablets_Mobile/Memo_Pad_Products/
+ 'AsusTablet' => '^.*PadFone((?!Mobile).)*$|Transformer|TF101|TF101G|TF300T|TF300TG|TF300TL|TF700T|TF700KL|TF701T|TF810C|ME171|ME301T|ME302C|ME371MG|ME370T|ME372MG|ME172V|ME173X|ME400C|Slider SL101|\bK00F\b|\bK00C\b|\bK00E\b|\bK00L\b|TX201LA|ME176C|ME102A|\bM80TA\b|ME372CL|ME560CG|ME372CG|ME302KL| K010 | K011 | K017 | K01E |ME572C|ME103K|ME170C|ME171C|\bME70C\b|ME581C|ME581CL|ME8510C|ME181C|P01Y|PO1MA|P01Z|\bP027\b|\bP024\b|\bP00C\b',
+ 'BlackBerryTablet' => 'PlayBook|RIM Tablet',
+ 'HTCtablet' => 'HTC_Flyer_P512|HTC Flyer|HTC Jetstream|HTC-P715a|HTC EVO View 4G|PG41200|PG09410',
+ 'MotorolaTablet' => 'xoom|sholest|MZ615|MZ605|MZ505|MZ601|MZ602|MZ603|MZ604|MZ606|MZ607|MZ608|MZ609|MZ615|MZ616|MZ617',
+ 'NookTablet' => 'Android.*Nook|NookColor|nook browser|BNRV200|BNRV200A|BNTV250|BNTV250A|BNTV400|BNTV600|LogicPD Zoom2',
+ // http://www.acer.ro/ac/ro/RO/content/drivers
+ // http://www.packardbell.co.uk/pb/en/GB/content/download (Packard Bell is part of Acer)
+ // http://us.acer.com/ac/en/US/content/group/tablets
+ // http://www.acer.de/ac/de/DE/content/models/tablets/
+ // Can conflict with Micromax and Motorola phones codes.
+ 'AcerTablet' => 'Android.*; \b(A100|A101|A110|A200|A210|A211|A500|A501|A510|A511|A700|A701|W500|W500P|W501|W501P|W510|W511|W700|G100|G100W|B1-A71|B1-710|B1-711|A1-810|A1-811|A1-830)\b|W3-810|\bA3-A10\b|\bA3-A11\b|\bA3-A20\b|\bA3-A30',
+ // http://eu.computers.toshiba-europe.com/innovation/family/Tablets/1098744/banner_id/tablet_footerlink/
+ // http://us.toshiba.com/tablets/tablet-finder
+ // http://www.toshiba.co.jp/regza/tablet/
+ 'ToshibaTablet' => 'Android.*(AT100|AT105|AT200|AT205|AT270|AT275|AT300|AT305|AT1S5|AT500|AT570|AT700|AT830)|TOSHIBA.*FOLIO',
+ // http://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/english/service/developer/smart_phone/technical_info/spec/index.html
+ // http://www.lg.com/us/tablets
+ 'LGTablet' => '\bL-06C|LG-V909|LG-V900|LG-V700|LG-V510|LG-V500|LG-V410|LG-V400|LG-VK810\b',
+ 'FujitsuTablet' => 'Android.*\b(F-01D|F-02F|F-05E|F-10D|M532|Q572)\b',
+ // Prestigio Tablets http://www.prestigio.com/support
+ 'PrestigioTablet' => 'PMP3170B|PMP3270B|PMP3470B|PMP7170B|PMP3370B|PMP3570C|PMP5870C|PMP3670B|PMP5570C|PMP5770D|PMP3970B|PMP3870C|PMP5580C|PMP5880D|PMP5780D|PMP5588C|PMP7280C|PMP7280C3G|PMP7280|PMP7880D|PMP5597D|PMP5597|PMP7100D|PER3464|PER3274|PER3574|PER3884|PER5274|PER5474|PMP5097CPRO|PMP5097|PMP7380D|PMP5297C|PMP5297C_QUAD|PMP812E|PMP812E3G|PMP812F|PMP810E|PMP880TD|PMT3017|PMT3037|PMT3047|PMT3057|PMT7008|PMT5887|PMT5001|PMT5002',
+ // http://support.lenovo.com/en_GB/downloads/default.page?#
+ 'LenovoTablet' => 'Lenovo TAB|Idea(Tab|Pad)( A1|A10| K1|)|ThinkPad([ ]+)?Tablet|YT3-850M|YT3-X90L|YT3-X90F|YT3-X90X|Lenovo.*(S2109|S2110|S5000|S6000|K3011|A3000|A3500|A1000|A2107|A2109|A1107|A5500|A7600|B6000|B8000|B8080)(-|)(FL|F|HV|H|)|TB-X103F|TB-X304X|TB-X304F|TB-X304L|TB-X505F|TB-X505L|TB-X505X|TB-X605F|TB-X605L|TB-8703F|TB-8703X|TB-8703N|TB-8704N|TB-8704F|TB-8704X|TB-8704V|TB-7304F|TB-7304I|TB-7304X|Tab2A7-10F|Tab2A7-20F|TB2-X30L|YT3-X50L|YT3-X50F|YT3-X50M|YT-X705F|YT-X703F|YT-X703L|YT-X705L|YT-X705X|TB2-X30F|TB2-X30L|TB2-X30M|A2107A-F|A2107A-H|TB3-730F|TB3-730M|TB3-730X|TB-7504F|TB-7504X',
+ // http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/04/Products/tab_mob/tablets
+ 'DellTablet' => 'Venue 11|Venue 8|Venue 7|Dell Streak 10|Dell Streak 7',
+ // http://www.yarvik.com/en/matrix/tablets/
+ 'YarvikTablet' => 'Android.*\b(TAB210|TAB211|TAB224|TAB250|TAB260|TAB264|TAB310|TAB360|TAB364|TAB410|TAB411|TAB420|TAB424|TAB450|TAB460|TAB461|TAB464|TAB465|TAB467|TAB468|TAB07-100|TAB07-101|TAB07-150|TAB07-151|TAB07-152|TAB07-200|TAB07-201-3G|TAB07-210|TAB07-211|TAB07-212|TAB07-214|TAB07-220|TAB07-400|TAB07-485|TAB08-150|TAB08-200|TAB08-201-3G|TAB08-201-30|TAB09-100|TAB09-211|TAB09-410|TAB10-150|TAB10-201|TAB10-211|TAB10-400|TAB10-410|TAB13-201|TAB274EUK|TAB275EUK|TAB374EUK|TAB462EUK|TAB474EUK|TAB9-200)\b',
+ 'MedionTablet' => 'Android.*\bOYO\b|LIFE.*(P9212|P9514|P9516|S9512)|LIFETAB',
+ 'ArnovaTablet' => '97G4|AN10G2|AN7bG3|AN7fG3|AN8G3|AN8cG3|AN7G3|AN9G3|AN7dG3|AN7dG3ST|AN7dG3ChildPad|AN10bG3|AN10bG3DT|AN9G2',
+ // http://www.intenso.de/kategorie_en.php?kategorie=33
+ // @todo: http://www.nbhkdz.com/read/b8e64202f92a2df129126bff.html - investigate
+ 'IntensoTablet' => 'INM8002KP|INM1010FP|INM805ND|Intenso Tab|TAB1004',
+ // IRU.ru Tablets http://www.iru.ru/catalog/soho/planetable/
+ 'IRUTablet' => 'M702pro',
+ 'MegafonTablet' => 'MegaFon V9|\bZTE V9\b|Android.*\bMT7A\b',
+ // http://www.e-boda.ro/tablete-pc.html
+ 'EbodaTablet' => 'E-Boda (Supreme|Impresspeed|Izzycomm|Essential)',
+ // http://www.allview.ro/produse/droseries/lista-tablete-pc/
+ 'AllViewTablet' => 'Allview.*(Viva|Alldro|City|Speed|All TV|Frenzy|Quasar|Shine|TX1|AX1|AX2)',
+ // http://wiki.archosfans.com/index.php?title=Main_Page
+ // @note Rewrite the regex format after we add more UAs.
+ 'ArchosTablet' => '\b(101G9|80G9|A101IT)\b|Qilive 97R|Archos5|\bARCHOS (70|79|80|90|97|101|FAMILYPAD|)(b|c|)(G10| Cobalt| TITANIUM(HD|)| Xenon| Neon|XSK| 2| XS 2| PLATINUM| CARBON|GAMEPAD)\b',
+ // http://www.ainol.com/plugin.php?identifier=ainol&module=product
+ 'AinolTablet' => 'NOVO7|NOVO8|NOVO10|Novo7Aurora|Novo7Basic|NOVO7PALADIN|novo9-Spark',
+ 'NokiaLumiaTablet' => 'Lumia 2520',
+ // @todo: inspect http://esupport.sony.com/US/p/select-system.pl?DIRECTOR=DRIVER
+ // Readers http://www.atsuhiro-me.net/ebook/sony-reader/sony-reader-web-browser
+ // http://www.sony.jp/support/tablet/
+ 'SonyTablet' => 'Sony.*Tablet|Xperia Tablet|Sony Tablet S|SO-03E|SGPT12|SGPT13|SGPT114|SGPT121|SGPT122|SGPT123|SGPT111|SGPT112|SGPT113|SGPT131|SGPT132|SGPT133|SGPT211|SGPT212|SGPT213|SGP311|SGP312|SGP321|EBRD1101|EBRD1102|EBRD1201|SGP351|SGP341|SGP511|SGP512|SGP521|SGP541|SGP551|SGP621|SGP641|SGP612|SOT31|SGP771|SGP611|SGP612|SGP712',
+ // http://www.support.philips.com/support/catalog/worldproducts.jsp?userLanguage=en&userCountry=cn&categoryid=3G_LTE_TABLET_SU_CN_CARE&title=3G%20tablets%20/%20LTE%20range&_dyncharset=UTF-8
+ 'PhilipsTablet' => '\b(PI2010|PI3000|PI3100|PI3105|PI3110|PI3205|PI3210|PI3900|PI4010|PI7000|PI7100)\b',
+ // db + http://www.cube-tablet.com/buy-products.html
+ 'CubeTablet' => 'Android.*(K8GT|U9GT|U10GT|U16GT|U17GT|U18GT|U19GT|U20GT|U23GT|U30GT)|CUBE U8GT',
+ // http://www.cobyusa.com/?p=pcat&pcat_id=3001
+ 'CobyTablet' => 'MID1042|MID1045|MID1125|MID1126|MID7012|MID7014|MID7015|MID7034|MID7035|MID7036|MID7042|MID7048|MID7127|MID8042|MID8048|MID8127|MID9042|MID9740|MID9742|MID7022|MID7010',
+ // http://www.match.net.cn/products.asp
+ 'MIDTablet' => 'M9701|M9000|M9100|M806|M1052|M806|T703|MID701|MID713|MID710|MID727|MID760|MID830|MID728|MID933|MID125|MID810|MID732|MID120|MID930|MID800|MID731|MID900|MID100|MID820|MID735|MID980|MID130|MID833|MID737|MID960|MID135|MID860|MID736|MID140|MID930|MID835|MID733|MID4X10',
+ // http://www.msi.com/support
+ // @todo Research the Windows Tablets.
+ 'MSITablet' => 'MSI \b(Primo 73K|Primo 73L|Primo 81L|Primo 77|Primo 93|Primo 75|Primo 76|Primo 73|Primo 81|Primo 91|Primo 90|Enjoy 71|Enjoy 7|Enjoy 10)\b',
+ // @todo http://www.kyoceramobile.com/support/drivers/
+ // 'KyoceraTablet' => null,
+ // @todo http://intexuae.com/index.php/category/mobile-devices/tablets-products/
+ // 'IntextTablet' => null,
+ // http://pdadb.net/index.php?m=pdalist&list=SMiT (NoName Chinese Tablets)
+ // http://www.imp3.net/14/show.php?itemid=20454
+ 'SMiTTablet' => 'Android.*(\bMID\b|MID-560|MTV-T1200|MTV-PND531|MTV-P1101|MTV-PND530)',
+ // http://www.rock-chips.com/index.php?do=prod&pid=2
+ 'RockChipTablet' => 'Android.*(RK2818|RK2808A|RK2918|RK3066)|RK2738|RK2808A',
+ // http://www.fly-phone.com/devices/tablets/ ; http://www.fly-phone.com/service/
+ 'FlyTablet' => 'IQ310|Fly Vision',
+ // http://www.bqreaders.com/gb/tablets-prices-sale.html
+ 'bqTablet' => 'Android.*(bq)?.*\b(Elcano|Curie|Edison|Maxwell|Kepler|Pascal|Tesla|Hypatia|Platon|Newton|Livingstone|Cervantes|Avant|Aquaris ([E|M]10|M8))\b|Maxwell.*Lite|Maxwell.*Plus',
+ // http://www.huaweidevice.com/worldwide/productFamily.do?method=index&directoryId=5011&treeId=3290
+ // http://www.huaweidevice.com/worldwide/downloadCenter.do?method=index&directoryId=3372&treeId=0&tb=1&type=software (including legacy tablets)
+ 'HuaweiTablet' => 'MediaPad|MediaPad 7 Youth|IDEOS S7|S7-201c|S7-202u|S7-101|S7-103|S7-104|S7-105|S7-106|S7-201|S7-Slim|M2-A01L|BAH-L09|BAH-W09|AGS-L09|CMR-AL19',
+ // Nec or Medias Tab
+ 'NecTablet' => '\bN-06D|\bN-08D',
+ // Pantech Tablets: http://www.pantechusa.com/phones/
+ 'PantechTablet' => 'Pantech.*P4100',
+ // Broncho Tablets: http://www.broncho.cn/ (hard to find)
+ 'BronchoTablet' => 'Broncho.*(N701|N708|N802|a710)',
+ // http://versusuk.com/support.html
+ 'VersusTablet' => 'TOUCHPAD.*[78910]|\bTOUCHTAB\b',
+ // http://www.zync.in/index.php/our-products/tablet-phablets
+ 'ZyncTablet' => 'z1000|Z99 2G|z930|z990|z909|Z919|z900', // Removed "z999" because of https://github.com/serbanghita/Mobile-Detect/issues/717
+ // http://www.positivoinformatica.com.br/www/pessoal/tablet-ypy/
+ 'PositivoTablet' => 'TB07STA|TB10STA|TB07FTA|TB10FTA',
+ // https://www.nabitablet.com/
+ 'NabiTablet' => 'Android.*\bNabi',
+ 'KoboTablet' => 'Kobo Touch|\bK080\b|\bVox\b Build|\bArc\b Build',
+ // French Danew Tablets http://www.danew.com/produits-tablette.php
+ 'DanewTablet' => 'DSlide.*\b(700|701R|702|703R|704|802|970|971|972|973|974|1010|1012)\b',
+ // Texet Tablets and Readers http://www.texet.ru/tablet/
+ 'TexetTablet' => 'NaviPad|TB-772A|TM-7045|TM-7055|TM-9750|TM-7016|TM-7024|TM-7026|TM-7041|TM-7043|TM-7047|TM-8041|TM-9741|TM-9747|TM-9748|TM-9751|TM-7022|TM-7021|TM-7020|TM-7011|TM-7010|TM-7023|TM-7025|TM-7037W|TM-7038W|TM-7027W|TM-9720|TM-9725|TM-9737W|TM-1020|TM-9738W|TM-9740|TM-9743W|TB-807A|TB-771A|TB-727A|TB-725A|TB-719A|TB-823A|TB-805A|TB-723A|TB-715A|TB-707A|TB-705A|TB-709A|TB-711A|TB-890HD|TB-880HD|TB-790HD|TB-780HD|TB-770HD|TB-721HD|TB-710HD|TB-434HD|TB-860HD|TB-840HD|TB-760HD|TB-750HD|TB-740HD|TB-730HD|TB-722HD|TB-720HD|TB-700HD|TB-500HD|TB-470HD|TB-431HD|TB-430HD|TB-506|TB-504|TB-446|TB-436|TB-416|TB-146SE|TB-126SE',
+ // Avoid detecting 'PLAYSTATION 3' as mobile.
+ 'PlaystationTablet' => 'Playstation.*(Portable|Vita)',
+ // http://www.trekstor.de/surftabs.html
+ 'TrekstorTablet' => 'ST10416-1|VT10416-1|ST70408-1|ST702xx-1|ST702xx-2|ST80208|ST97216|ST70104-2|VT10416-2|ST10216-2A|SurfTab',
+ // http://www.pyleaudio.com/Products.aspx?%2fproducts%2fPersonal-Electronics%2fTablets
+ // http://www.advandigital.com/index.php?link=content-product&jns=JP001
+ // because of the short codenames we have to include whitespaces to reduce the possible conflicts.
+ 'AdvanTablet' => 'Android.* \b(E3A|T3X|T5C|T5B|T3E|T3C|T3B|T1J|T1F|T2A|T1H|T1i|E1C|T1-E|T5-A|T4|E1-B|T2Ci|T1-B|T1-D|O1-A|E1-A|T1-A|T3A|T4i)\b ',
+ // http://www.danytech.com/category/tablet-pc
+ 'DanyTechTablet' => 'Genius Tab G3|Genius Tab S2|Genius Tab Q3|Genius Tab G4|Genius Tab Q4|Genius Tab G-II|Genius TAB GII|Genius TAB GIII|Genius Tab S1',
+ // http://www.galapad.net/product.html
+ 'GalapadTablet' => 'Android.*\bG1\b(?!\))',
+ // http://www.micromaxinfo.com/tablet/funbook
+ 'MicromaxTablet' => 'Funbook|Micromax.*\b(P250|P560|P360|P362|P600|P300|P350|P500|P275)\b',
+ // http://www.karbonnmobiles.com/products_tablet.php
+ 'KarbonnTablet' => 'Android.*\b(A39|A37|A34|ST8|ST10|ST7|Smart Tab3|Smart Tab2)\b',
+ // http://www.myallfine.com/Products.asp
+ 'AllFineTablet' => 'Fine7 Genius|Fine7 Shine|Fine7 Air|Fine8 Style|Fine9 More|Fine10 Joy|Fine11 Wide',
+ // http://www.proscanvideo.com/products-search.asp?itemClass=TABLET&itemnmbr=
+ 'PROSCANTablet' => '\b(PEM63|PLT1023G|PLT1041|PLT1044|PLT1044G|PLT1091|PLT4311|PLT4311PL|PLT4315|PLT7030|PLT7033|PLT7033D|PLT7035|PLT7035D|PLT7044K|PLT7045K|PLT7045KB|PLT7071KG|PLT7072|PLT7223G|PLT7225G|PLT7777G|PLT7810K|PLT7849G|PLT7851G|PLT7852G|PLT8015|PLT8031|PLT8034|PLT8036|PLT8080K|PLT8082|PLT8088|PLT8223G|PLT8234G|PLT8235G|PLT8816K|PLT9011|PLT9045K|PLT9233G|PLT9735|PLT9760G|PLT9770G)\b',
+ // http://www.yonesnav.com/products/products.php
+ 'YONESTablet' => 'BQ1078|BC1003|BC1077|RK9702|BC9730|BC9001|IT9001|BC7008|BC7010|BC708|BC728|BC7012|BC7030|BC7027|BC7026',
+ // http://www.cjshowroom.com/eproducts.aspx?classcode=004001001
+ // China manufacturer makes tablets for different small brands (eg. http://www.zeepad.net/index.html)
+ 'ChangJiaTablet' => 'TPC7102|TPC7103|TPC7105|TPC7106|TPC7107|TPC7201|TPC7203|TPC7205|TPC7210|TPC7708|TPC7709|TPC7712|TPC7110|TPC8101|TPC8103|TPC8105|TPC8106|TPC8203|TPC8205|TPC8503|TPC9106|TPC9701|TPC97101|TPC97103|TPC97105|TPC97106|TPC97111|TPC97113|TPC97203|TPC97603|TPC97809|TPC97205|TPC10101|TPC10103|TPC10106|TPC10111|TPC10203|TPC10205|TPC10503',
+ // http://www.gloryunion.cn/products.asp
+ // http://www.allwinnertech.com/en/apply/mobile.html
+ // http://www.ptcl.com.pk/pd_content.php?pd_id=284 (EVOTAB)
+ // @todo: Softwiner tablets?
+ // aka. Cute or Cool tablets. Not sure yet, must research to avoid collisions.
+ 'GUTablet' => 'TX-A1301|TX-M9002|Q702|kf026', // A12R|D75A|D77|D79|R83|A95|A106C|R15|A75|A76|D71|D72|R71|R73|R77|D82|R85|D92|A97|D92|R91|A10F|A77F|W71F|A78F|W78F|W81F|A97F|W91F|W97F|R16G|C72|C73E|K72|K73|R96G
+ // http://www.pointofview-online.com/showroom.php?shop_mode=product_listing&category_id=118
+ // http://www.overmax.pl/pl/katalog-produktow,p8/tablety,c14/
+ // @todo: add more tests.
+ 'OvermaxTablet' => 'OV-(SteelCore|NewBase|Basecore|Baseone|Exellen|Quattor|EduTab|Solution|ACTION|BasicTab|TeddyTab|MagicTab|Stream|TB-08|TB-09)|Qualcore 1027',
+ // http://hclmetablet.com/India/index.php
+ 'HCLTablet' => 'HCL.*Tablet|Connect-3G-2.0|Connect-2G-2.0|ME Tablet U1|ME Tablet U2|ME Tablet G1|ME Tablet X1|ME Tablet Y2|ME Tablet Sync',
+ // http://www.edigital.hu/Tablet_es_e-book_olvaso/Tablet-c18385.html
+ 'DPSTablet' => 'DPS Dream 9|DPS Dual 7',
+ // http://www.visture.com/index.asp
+ 'VistureTablet' => 'V97 HD|i75 3G|Visture V4( HD)?|Visture V5( HD)?|Visture V10',
+ // http://www.mijncresta.nl/tablet
+ 'CrestaTablet' => 'CTP(-)?810|CTP(-)?818|CTP(-)?828|CTP(-)?838|CTP(-)?888|CTP(-)?978|CTP(-)?980|CTP(-)?987|CTP(-)?988|CTP(-)?989',
+ // MediaTek - http://www.mediatek.com/_en/01_products/02_proSys.php?cata_sn=1&cata1_sn=1&cata2_sn=309
+ 'MediatekTablet' => '\bMT8125|MT8389|MT8135|MT8377\b',
+ // Concorde tab
+ 'ConcordeTablet' => 'Concorde([ ]+)?Tab|ConCorde ReadMan',
+ // GoClever Tablets - http://www.goclever.com/uk/products,c1/tablet,c5/
+ 'GoCleverTablet' => 'GOCLEVER TAB|A7GOCLEVER|M1042|M7841|M742|R1042BK|R1041|TAB A975|TAB A7842|TAB A741|TAB A741L|TAB M723G|TAB M721|TAB A1021|TAB I921|TAB R721|TAB I720|TAB T76|TAB R70|TAB R76.2|TAB R106|TAB R83.2|TAB M813G|TAB I721|GCTA722|TAB I70|TAB I71|TAB S73|TAB R73|TAB R74|TAB R93|TAB R75|TAB R76.1|TAB A73|TAB A93|TAB A93.2|TAB T72|TAB R83|TAB R974|TAB R973|TAB A101|TAB A103|TAB A104|TAB A104.2|R105BK|M713G|A972BK|TAB A971|TAB R974.2|TAB R104|TAB R83.3|TAB A1042',
+ // Modecom Tablets - http://www.modecom.eu/tablets/portal/
+ 'ModecomTablet' => 'FreeTAB 9000|FreeTAB 7.4|FreeTAB 7004|FreeTAB 7800|FreeTAB 2096|FreeTAB 7.5|FreeTAB 1014|FreeTAB 1001 |FreeTAB 8001|FreeTAB 9706|FreeTAB 9702|FreeTAB 7003|FreeTAB 7002|FreeTAB 1002|FreeTAB 7801|FreeTAB 1331|FreeTAB 1004|FreeTAB 8002|FreeTAB 8014|FreeTAB 9704|FreeTAB 1003',
+ // Vonino Tablets
+ 'VoninoTablet' => '\b(Argus[ _]?S|Diamond[ _]?79HD|Emerald[ _]?78E|Luna[ _]?70C|Onyx[ _]?S|Onyx[ _]?Z|Orin[ _]?HD|Orin[ _]?S|Otis[ _]?S|SpeedStar[ _]?S|Magnet[ _]?M9|Primus[ _]?94[ _]?3G|Primus[ _]?94HD|Primus[ _]?QS|Android.*\bQ8\b|Sirius[ _]?EVO[ _]?QS|Sirius[ _]?QS|Spirit[ _]?S)\b',
+ // ECS Tablets - http://www.ecs.com.tw/ECSWebSite/Product/Product_Tablet_List.aspx?CategoryID=14&MenuID=107&childid=M_107&LanID=0
+ 'ECSTablet' => 'V07OT2|TM105A|S10OT1|TR10CS1',
+ // Storex Tablets - http://storex.fr/espace_client/support.html
+ // @note: no need to add all the tablet codes since they are guided by the first regex.
+ 'StorexTablet' => 'eZee[_\']?(Tab|Go)[0-9]+|TabLC7|Looney Tunes Tab',
+ // Generic Vodafone tablets.
+ 'VodafoneTablet' => 'SmartTab([ ]+)?[0-9]+|SmartTabII10|SmartTabII7|VF-1497|VFD 1400',
+ // French tablets - Essentiel B http://www.boulanger.fr/tablette_tactile_e-book/tablette_tactile_essentiel_b/cl_68908.htm?multiChoiceToDelete=brand&mc_brand=essentielb
+ // Aka: http://www.essentielb.fr/
+ 'EssentielBTablet' => 'Smart[ \']?TAB[ ]+?[0-9]+|Family[ \']?TAB2',
+ // Ross & Moor - http://ross-moor.ru/
+ 'RossMoorTablet' => 'RM-790|RM-997|RMD-878G|RMD-974R|RMT-705A|RMT-701|RME-601|RMT-501|RMT-711',
+ // i-mobile http://product.i-mobilephone.com/Mobile_Device
+ 'iMobileTablet' => 'i-mobile i-note',
+ // http://www.tolino.de/de/vergleichen/
+ 'TolinoTablet' => 'tolino tab [0-9.]+|tolino shine',
+ // AudioSonic - a Kmart brand
+ // http://www.kmart.com.au/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Search?langId=-1&storeId=10701&catalogId=10001&categoryId=193001&pageSize=72¤tPage=1&searchCategory=193001%2b4294965664&sortBy=p_MaxPrice%7c1
+ 'AudioSonicTablet' => '\bC-22Q|T7-QC|T-17B|T-17P\b',
+ // AMPE Tablets - http://www.ampe.com.my/product-category/tablets/
+ // @todo: add them gradually to avoid conflicts.
+ 'AMPETablet' => 'Android.* A78 ',
+ // Skk Mobile - http://skkmobile.com.ph/product_tablets.php
+ 'SkkTablet' => 'Android.* (SKYPAD|PHOENIX|CYCLOPS)',
+ // Tecno Mobile (only tablet) - http://www.tecno-mobile.com/index.php/product?filterby=smart&list_order=all&page=1
+ 'TecnoTablet' => 'TECNO P9|TECNO DP8D',
+ // JXD (consoles & tablets) - http://jxd.hk/products.asp?selectclassid=009008&clsid=3
+ 'JXDTablet' => 'Android.* \b(F3000|A3300|JXD5000|JXD3000|JXD2000|JXD300B|JXD300|S5800|S7800|S602b|S5110b|S7300|S5300|S602|S603|S5100|S5110|S601|S7100a|P3000F|P3000s|P101|P200s|P1000m|P200m|P9100|P1000s|S6600b|S908|P1000|P300|S18|S6600|S9100)\b',
+ // i-Joy tablets - http://www.i-joy.es/en/cat/products/tablets/
+ 'iJoyTablet' => 'Tablet (Spirit 7|Essentia|Galatea|Fusion|Onix 7|Landa|Titan|Scooby|Deox|Stella|Themis|Argon|Unique 7|Sygnus|Hexen|Finity 7|Cream|Cream X2|Jade|Neon 7|Neron 7|Kandy|Scape|Saphyr 7|Rebel|Biox|Rebel|Rebel 8GB|Myst|Draco 7|Myst|Tab7-004|Myst|Tadeo Jones|Tablet Boing|Arrow|Draco Dual Cam|Aurix|Mint|Amity|Revolution|Finity 9|Neon 9|T9w|Amity 4GB Dual Cam|Stone 4GB|Stone 8GB|Andromeda|Silken|X2|Andromeda II|Halley|Flame|Saphyr 9,7|Touch 8|Planet|Triton|Unique 10|Hexen 10|Memphis 4GB|Memphis 8GB|Onix 10)',
+ // http://www.intracon.eu/tablet
+ 'FX2Tablet' => 'FX2 PAD7|FX2 PAD10',
+ // http://www.xoro.de/produkte/
+ // @note: Might be the same brand with 'Simply tablets'
+ 'XoroTablet' => 'KidsPAD 701|PAD[ ]?712|PAD[ ]?714|PAD[ ]?716|PAD[ ]?717|PAD[ ]?718|PAD[ ]?720|PAD[ ]?721|PAD[ ]?722|PAD[ ]?790|PAD[ ]?792|PAD[ ]?900|PAD[ ]?9715D|PAD[ ]?9716DR|PAD[ ]?9718DR|PAD[ ]?9719QR|PAD[ ]?9720QR|TelePAD1030|Telepad1032|TelePAD730|TelePAD731|TelePAD732|TelePAD735Q|TelePAD830|TelePAD9730|TelePAD795|MegaPAD 1331|MegaPAD 1851|MegaPAD 2151',
+ // http://www1.viewsonic.com/products/computing/tablets/
+ 'ViewsonicTablet' => 'ViewPad 10pi|ViewPad 10e|ViewPad 10s|ViewPad E72|ViewPad7|ViewPad E100|ViewPad 7e|ViewSonic VB733|VB100a',
+ // https://www.verizonwireless.com/tablets/verizon/
+ // http://www.odys.de/web/internet-tablet_en.html
+ // http://www.captiva-power.de/products.html#tablets-en
+ 'CaptivaTablet' => 'CAPTIVA PAD',
+ // IconBIT - http://www.iconbit.com/products/tablets/
+ 'IconbitTablet' => 'NetTAB|NT-3702|NT-3702S|NT-3702S|NT-3603P|NT-3603P|NT-0704S|NT-0704S|NT-3805C|NT-3805C|NT-0806C|NT-0806C|NT-0909T|NT-0909T|NT-0907S|NT-0907S|NT-0902S|NT-0902S',
+ // http://www.teclast.com/topic.php?channelID=70&topicID=140&pid=63
+ 'TeclastTablet' => 'T98 4G|\bP80\b|\bX90HD\b|X98 Air|X98 Air 3G|\bX89\b|P80 3G|\bX80h\b|P98 Air|\bX89HD\b|P98 3G|\bP90HD\b|P89 3G|X98 3G|\bP70h\b|P79HD 3G|G18d 3G|\bP79HD\b|\bP89s\b|\bA88\b|\bP10HD\b|\bP19HD\b|G18 3G|\bP78HD\b|\bA78\b|\bP75\b|G17s 3G|G17h 3G|\bP85t\b|\bP90\b|\bP11\b|\bP98t\b|\bP98HD\b|\bG18d\b|\bP85s\b|\bP11HD\b|\bP88s\b|\bA80HD\b|\bA80se\b|\bA10h\b|\bP89\b|\bP78s\b|\bG18\b|\bP85\b|\bA70h\b|\bA70\b|\bG17\b|\bP18\b|\bA80s\b|\bA11s\b|\bP88HD\b|\bA80h\b|\bP76s\b|\bP76h\b|\bP98\b|\bA10HD\b|\bP78\b|\bP88\b|\bA11\b|\bA10t\b|\bP76a\b|\bP76t\b|\bP76e\b|\bP85HD\b|\bP85a\b|\bP86\b|\bP75HD\b|\bP76v\b|\bA12\b|\bP75a\b|\bA15\b|\bP76Ti\b|\bP81HD\b|\bA10\b|\bT760VE\b|\bT720HD\b|\bP76\b|\bP73\b|\bP71\b|\bP72\b|\bT720SE\b|\bC520Ti\b|\bT760\b|\bT720VE\b|T720-3GE|T720-WiFi',
+ // Onda - http://www.onda-tablet.com/buy-android-onda.html?dir=desc&limit=all&order=price
+ 'OndaTablet' => '\b(V975i|Vi30|VX530|V701|Vi60|V701s|Vi50|V801s|V719|Vx610w|VX610W|V819i|Vi10|VX580W|Vi10|V711s|V813|V811|V820w|V820|Vi20|V711|VI30W|V712|V891w|V972|V819w|V820w|Vi60|V820w|V711|V813s|V801|V819|V975s|V801|V819|V819|V818|V811|V712|V975m|V101w|V961w|V812|V818|V971|V971s|V919|V989|V116w|V102w|V973|Vi40)\b[\s]+|V10 \b4G\b',
+ 'JaytechTablet' => 'TPC-PA762',
+ 'BlaupunktTablet' => 'Endeavour 800NG|Endeavour 1010',
+ // http://www.digma.ru/support/download/
+ // @todo: Ebooks also (if requested)
+ 'DigmaTablet' => '\b(iDx10|iDx9|iDx8|iDx7|iDxD7|iDxD8|iDsQ8|iDsQ7|iDsQ8|iDsD10|iDnD7|3TS804H|iDsQ11|iDj7|iDs10)\b',
+ // http://www.evolioshop.com/ro/tablete-pc.html
+ // http://www.evolio.ro/support/downloads_static.html?cat=2
+ // @todo: Research some more
+ 'EvolioTablet' => 'ARIA_Mini_wifi|Aria[ _]Mini|Evolio X10|Evolio X7|Evolio X8|\bEvotab\b|\bNeura\b',
+ // @todo http://www.lavamobiles.com/tablets-data-cards
+ 'LavaTablet' => 'QPAD E704|\bIvoryS\b|E-TAB IVORY|\bE-TAB\b',
+ // http://www.breezetablet.com/
+ 'AocTablet' => 'MW0811|MW0812|MW0922|MTK8382|MW1031|MW0831|MW0821|MW0931|MW0712',
+ // http://www.mpmaneurope.com/en/products/internet-tablets-14/android-tablets-14/
+ 'MpmanTablet' => 'MP11 OCTA|MP10 OCTA|MPQC1114|MPQC1004|MPQC994|MPQC974|MPQC973|MPQC804|MPQC784|MPQC780|\bMPG7\b|MPDCG75|MPDCG71|MPDC1006|MP101DC|MPDC9000|MPDC905|MPDC706HD|MPDC706|MPDC705|MPDC110|MPDC100|MPDC99|MPDC97|MPDC88|MPDC8|MPDC77|MP709|MID701|MID711|MID170|MPDC703|MPQC1010',
+ // https://www.celkonmobiles.com/?_a=categoryphones&sid=2
+ 'CelkonTablet' => 'CT695|CT888|CT[\s]?910|CT7 Tab|CT9 Tab|CT3 Tab|CT2 Tab|CT1 Tab|C820|C720|\bCT-1\b',
+ // http://www.wolderelectronics.com/productos/manuales-y-guias-rapidas/categoria-2-miTab
+ // http://www.mi.com/en
+ 'MiTablet' => '\bMI PAD\b|\bHM NOTE 1W\b',
+ // http://www.nbru.cn/index.html
+ 'NibiruTablet' => 'Nibiru M1|Nibiru Jupiter One',
+ // http://navroad.com/products/produkty/tablety/
+ // http://navroad.com/products/produkty/tablety/
+ // http://leader-online.com/new_site/product-category/tablets/
+ // http://www.leader-online.net.au/List/Tablet
+ 'LeaderTablet' => 'TBLT10Q|TBLT10I|TBL-10WDKB|TBL-10WDKBO2013|TBL-W230V2|TBL-W450|TBL-W500|SV572|TBLT7I|TBA-AC7-8G|TBLT79|TBL-8W16|TBL-10W32|TBL-10WKB|TBL-W100',
+ // http://www.datawind.com/ubislate/
+ 'UbislateTablet' => 'UbiSlate[\s]?7C',
+ // http://www.pocketbook-int.com/ru/support
+ 'PocketBookTablet' => 'Pocketbook',
+ // http://www.kocaso.com/product_tablet.html
+ 'KocasoTablet' => '\b(TB-1207)\b',
+ // http://global.hisense.com/product/asia/tablet/Sero7/201412/t20141215_91832.htm
+ 'HisenseTablet' => '\b(F5281|E2371)\b',
+ // http://www.tesco.com/direct/hudl/
+ 'Hudl' => 'Hudl HT7S3|Hudl 2',
+ // http://www.telstra.com.au/home-phone/thub-2/
+ 'TelstraTablet' => 'T-Hub2',
+ 'GenericTablet' => 'Android.*\b97D\b|Tablet(?!.*PC)|BNTV250A|MID-WCDMA|LogicPD Zoom2|\bA7EB\b|CatNova8|A1_07|CT704|CT1002|\bM721\b|rk30sdk|\bEVOTAB\b|M758A|ET904|ALUMIUM10|Smartfren Tab|Endeavour 1010|Tablet-PC-4|Tagi Tab|\bM6pro\b|CT1020W|arc 10HD|\bTP750\b|\bQTAQZ3\b|WVT101|TM1088|KT107'
+ ];
+ /**
+ * List of mobile Operating Systems.
+ *
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected static $operatingSystems = [
+ 'AndroidOS' => 'Android',
+ 'BlackBerryOS' => 'blackberry|\bBB10\b|rim tablet os',
+ 'PalmOS' => 'PalmOS|avantgo|blazer|elaine|hiptop|palm|plucker|xiino',
+ 'SymbianOS' => 'Symbian|SymbOS|Series60|Series40|SYB-[0-9]+|\bS60\b',
+ // @reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Mobile
+ 'WindowsMobileOS' => 'Windows CE.*(PPC|Smartphone|Mobile|[0-9]{3}x[0-9]{3})|Windows Mobile|Windows Phone [0-9.]+|WCE;',
+ // @reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Phone
+ // http://wifeng.cn/?r=blog&a=view&id=106
+ // http://nicksnettravels.builttoroam.com/post/2011/01/10/Bogus-Windows-Phone-7-User-Agent-String.aspx
+ // http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/ms537503.aspx
+ // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh869301(v=vs.85).aspx
+ 'WindowsPhoneOS' => 'Windows Phone 10.0|Windows Phone 8.1|Windows Phone 8.0|Windows Phone OS|XBLWP7|ZuneWP7|Windows NT 6.[23]; ARM;',
+ 'iOS' => '\biPhone.*Mobile|\biPod|\biPad|AppleCoreMedia',
+ // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPadOS
+ 'iPadOS' => 'CPU OS 13',
+ // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MeeGo
+ // @todo: research MeeGo in UAs
+ 'MeeGoOS' => 'MeeGo',
+ // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maemo
+ // @todo: research Maemo in UAs
+ 'MaemoOS' => 'Maemo',
+ 'JavaOS' => 'J2ME/|\bMIDP\b|\bCLDC\b', // '|Java/' produces bug #135
+ 'webOS' => 'webOS|hpwOS',
+ 'badaOS' => '\bBada\b',
+ 'BREWOS' => 'BREW',
+ ];
+ /**
+ * List of mobile User Agents.
+ *
+ * IMPORTANT: This is a list of only mobile browsers.
+ * Mobile Detect 2.x supports only mobile browsers,
+ * it was never designed to detect all browsers.
+ * The change will come in 2017 in the 3.x release for PHP7.
+ *
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected static $browsers = [
+ //'Vivaldi' => 'Vivaldi',
+ // @reference: https://developers.google.com/chrome/mobile/docs/user-agent
+ 'Chrome' => '\bCrMo\b|CriOS|Android.*Chrome/[.0-9]* (Mobile)?',
+ 'Dolfin' => '\bDolfin\b',
+ 'Opera' => 'Opera.*Mini|Opera.*Mobi|Android.*Opera|Mobile.*OPR/[0-9.]+$|Coast/[0-9.]+',
+ 'Skyfire' => 'Skyfire',
+ 'Edge' => 'Mobile Safari/[.0-9]* Edge',
+ 'IE' => 'IEMobile|MSIEMobile', // |Trident/[.0-9]+
+ 'Firefox' => 'fennec|firefox.*maemo|(Mobile|Tablet).*Firefox|Firefox.*Mobile|FxiOS',
+ 'Bolt' => 'bolt',
+ 'TeaShark' => 'teashark',
+ 'Blazer' => 'Blazer',
+ // @reference: http://developer.apple.com/library/safari/#documentation/AppleApplications/Reference/SafariWebContent/OptimizingforSafarioniPhone/OptimizingforSafarioniPhone.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40006517-SW3
+ 'Safari' => 'Version.*Mobile.*Safari|Safari.*Mobile|MobileSafari',
+ // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midori_(web_browser)
+ //'Midori' => 'midori',
+ //'Tizen' => 'Tizen',
+ 'WeChat' => '\bMicroMessenger\b',
+ 'UCBrowser' => 'UC.*Browser|UCWEB',
+ 'baiduboxapp' => 'baiduboxapp',
+ 'baidubrowser' => 'baidubrowser',
+ // https://github.com/serbanghita/Mobile-Detect/issues/7
+ 'DiigoBrowser' => 'DiigoBrowser',
+ // http://www.puffinbrowser.com/index.php
+ // https://github.com/serbanghita/Mobile-Detect/issues/752
+ // 'Puffin' => 'Puffin',
+ // http://mercury-browser.com/index.html
+ 'Mercury' => '\bMercury\b',
+ // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obigo_Browser
+ 'ObigoBrowser' => 'Obigo',
+ // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NetFront
+ 'NetFront' => 'NF-Browser',
+ // @reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimo
+ // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vision_Mobile_Browser
+ 'GenericBrowser' => 'NokiaBrowser|OviBrowser|OneBrowser|TwonkyBeamBrowser|SEMC.*Browser|FlyFlow|Minimo|NetFront|Novarra-Vision|MQQBrowser|MicroMessenger',
+ // @reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pale_Moon_(web_browser)
+ 'PaleMoon' => 'Android.*PaleMoon|Mobile.*PaleMoon',
+ ];
+ /**
+ * Utilities.
+ *
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected static $utilities = [
+ // Experimental. When a mobile device wants to switch to 'Desktop Mode'.
+ // http://scottcate.com/technology/windows-phone-8-ie10-desktop-or-mobile/
+ // https://github.com/serbanghita/Mobile-Detect/issues/57#issuecomment-15024011
+ // https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/best-practices
+ 'Bot' => 'Googlebot|facebookexternalhit|Google-AMPHTML|s~amp-validator|AdsBot-Google|Google Keyword Suggestion|Facebot|YandexBot|YandexMobileBot|bingbot|ia_archiver|AhrefsBot|Ezooms|GSLFbot|WBSearchBot|Twitterbot|TweetmemeBot|Twikle|PaperLiBot|Wotbox|UnwindFetchor|Exabot|MJ12bot|YandexImages|TurnitinBot|Pingdom|contentkingapp',
+ 'MobileBot' => 'Googlebot-Mobile|AdsBot-Google-Mobile|YahooSeeker/M1A1-R2D2',
+ 'DesktopMode' => 'WPDesktop',
+ 'TV' => 'SonyDTV|HbbTV', // experimental
+ 'WebKit' => '(webkit)[ /]([\w.]+)',
+ // @todo: Include JXD consoles.
+ 'Console' => '\b(Nintendo|Nintendo WiiU|Nintendo 3DS|Nintendo Switch|PLAYSTATION|Xbox)\b',
+ 'Watch' => 'SM-V700',
+ ];
+ /**
+ * All possible HTTP headers that represent the
+ * User-Agent string.
+ *
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected static $uaHttpHeaders = [
+ // The default User-Agent string.
+ // Header can occur on devices using Opera Mini.
+ // Vodafone specific header: http://www.seoprinciple.com/mobile-web-community-still-angry-at-vodafone/24/
+ ];
+ /**
+ * The individual segments that could exist in a User-Agent string. VER refers to the regular
+ * expression defined in the constant self::VER.
+ *
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected static $properties = [
+ // Build
+ 'Mobile' => 'Mobile/[VER]',
+ 'Build' => 'Build/[VER]',
+ 'Version' => 'Version/[VER]',
+ 'VendorID' => 'VendorID/[VER]',
+ // Devices
+ 'iPad' => 'iPad.*CPU[a-z ]+[VER]',
+ 'iPhone' => 'iPhone.*CPU[a-z ]+[VER]',
+ 'iPod' => 'iPod.*CPU[a-z ]+[VER]',
+ //'BlackBerry' => ['BlackBerry[VER]', 'BlackBerry [VER];'),
+ 'Kindle' => 'Kindle/[VER]',
+ // Browser
+ 'Chrome' => ['Chrome/[VER]', 'CriOS/[VER]', 'CrMo/[VER]'],
+ 'Coast' => ['Coast/[VER]'],
+ 'Dolfin' => 'Dolfin/[VER]',
+ // @reference: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/User-Agent/Firefox
+ 'Firefox' => ['Firefox/[VER]', 'FxiOS/[VER]'],
+ 'Fennec' => 'Fennec/[VER]',
+ // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms537503(v=vs.85).aspx
+ // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/hh869301(v=vs.85).aspx
+ 'Edge' => 'Edge/[VER]',
+ 'IE' => ['IEMobile/[VER];', 'IEMobile [VER]', 'MSIE [VER];', 'Trident/[0-9.]+;.*rv:[VER]'],
+ // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NetFront
+ 'NetFront' => 'NetFront/[VER]',
+ 'NokiaBrowser' => 'NokiaBrowser/[VER]',
+ 'Opera' => [ ' OPR/[VER]', 'Opera Mini/[VER]', 'Version/[VER]' ],
+ 'Opera Mini' => 'Opera Mini/[VER]',
+ 'Opera Mobi' => 'Version/[VER]',
+ 'UCBrowser' => [ 'UCWEB[VER]', 'UC.*Browser/[VER]' ],
+ 'MQQBrowser' => 'MQQBrowser/[VER]',
+ 'MicroMessenger' => 'MicroMessenger/[VER]',
+ 'baiduboxapp' => 'baiduboxapp/[VER]',
+ 'baidubrowser' => 'baidubrowser/[VER]',
+ 'SamsungBrowser' => 'SamsungBrowser/[VER]',
+ 'Iron' => 'Iron/[VER]',
+ // @note: Safari 7534.48.3 is actually Version 5.1.
+ // @note: On BlackBerry the Version is overwriten by the OS.
+ 'Safari' => [ 'Version/[VER]', 'Safari/[VER]' ],
+ 'Skyfire' => 'Skyfire/[VER]',
+ 'Tizen' => 'Tizen/[VER]',
+ 'Webkit' => 'webkit[ /][VER]',
+ 'PaleMoon' => 'PaleMoon/[VER]',
+ // Engine
+ 'Gecko' => 'Gecko/[VER]',
+ 'Trident' => 'Trident/[VER]',
+ 'Presto' => 'Presto/[VER]',
+ 'Goanna' => 'Goanna/[VER]',
+ // OS
+ 'iOS' => ' \bi?OS\b [VER][ ;]{1}',
+ 'Android' => 'Android [VER]',
+ 'BlackBerry' => ['BlackBerry[\w]+/[VER]', 'BlackBerry.*Version/[VER]', 'Version/[VER]'],
+ 'BREW' => 'BREW [VER]',
+ 'Java' => 'Java/[VER]',
+ // @reference: http://windowsteamblog.com/windows_phone/b/wpdev/archive/2011/08/29/introducing-the-ie9-on-windows-phone-mango-user-agent-string.aspx
+ // @reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_NT#Releases
+ 'Windows Phone OS' => [ 'Windows Phone OS [VER]', 'Windows Phone [VER]'],
+ 'Windows Phone' => 'Windows Phone [VER]',
+ 'Windows CE' => 'Windows CE/[VER]',
+ // http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/windowsdeveloperpreviewgeneral/thread/6be392da-4d2f-41b4-8354-8dcee20c85cd
+ 'Windows NT' => 'Windows NT [VER]',
+ 'Symbian' => ['SymbianOS/[VER]', 'Symbian/[VER]'],
+ 'webOS' => ['webOS/[VER]', 'hpwOS/[VER];'],
+ ];
+ /**
+ * Construct an instance of this class.
+ *
+ * @param array $headers Specify the headers as injection. Should be PHP _SERVER flavored.
+ * If left empty, will use the global _SERVER['HTTP_*'] vars instead.
+ * @param string $userAgent Inject the User-Agent header. If null, will use HTTP_USER_AGENT
+ * from the $headers array instead.
+ */
+ public function __construct(
+ array $headers = null,
+ $userAgent = null
+ ) {
+ $this->setHttpHeaders($headers);
+ $this->setUserAgent($userAgent);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the current script version.
+ * This is useful for the demo.php file,
+ * so people can check on what version they are testing
+ * for mobile devices.
+ *
+ * @return string The version number in semantic version format.
+ */
+ public static function getScriptVersion()
+ {
+ return self::VERSION;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the HTTP Headers. Must be PHP-flavored. This method will reset existing headers.
+ *
+ * @param array $httpHeaders The headers to set. If null, then using PHP's _SERVER to extract
+ * the headers. The default null is left for backwards compatibility.
+ */
+ public function setHttpHeaders($httpHeaders = null)
+ {
+ // use global _SERVER if $httpHeaders aren't defined
+ if (!is_array($httpHeaders) || !count($httpHeaders)) {
+ $httpHeaders = $_SERVER;
+ }
+ // clear existing headers
+ $this->httpHeaders = [];
+ // Only save HTTP headers. In PHP land, that means only _SERVER vars that
+ // start with HTTP_.
+ foreach ($httpHeaders as $key => $value) {
+ if (substr($key, 0, 5) === 'HTTP_') {
+ $this->httpHeaders[$key] = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ // In case we're dealing with CloudFront, we need to know.
+ $this->setCfHeaders($httpHeaders);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the HTTP headers.
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function getHttpHeaders()
+ {
+ return $this->httpHeaders;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves a particular header. If it doesn't exist, no exception/error is caused.
+ * Simply null is returned.
+ *
+ * @param string $header The name of the header to retrieve. Can be HTTP compliant such as
+ * "User-Agent" or "X-Device-User-Agent" or can be php-esque with the
+ * all-caps, HTTP_ prefixed, underscore seperated awesomeness.
+ *
+ * @return string|null The value of the header.
+ */
+ public function getHttpHeader($header)
+ {
+ // are we using PHP-flavored headers?
+ if (strpos($header, '_') === false) {
+ $header = str_replace('-', '_', $header);
+ $header = strtoupper($header);
+ }
+ // test the alternate, too
+ $altHeader = 'HTTP_' . $header;
+ //Test both the regular and the HTTP_ prefix
+ if (isset($this->httpHeaders[$header])) {
+ return $this->httpHeaders[$header];
+ } elseif (isset($this->httpHeaders[$altHeader])) {
+ return $this->httpHeaders[$altHeader];
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public function getMobileHeaders()
+ {
+ return self::$mobileHeaders;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get all possible HTTP headers that
+ * can contain the User-Agent string.
+ *
+ * @return array List of HTTP headers.
+ */
+ public function getUaHttpHeaders()
+ {
+ return self::$uaHttpHeaders;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set CloudFront headers
+ * http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/header-caching.html#header-caching-web-device
+ *
+ * @param array $cfHeaders List of HTTP headers
+ *
+ * @return boolean If there were CloudFront headers to be set
+ */
+ public function setCfHeaders($cfHeaders = null) {
+ // use global _SERVER if $cfHeaders aren't defined
+ if (!is_array($cfHeaders) || !count($cfHeaders)) {
+ $cfHeaders = $_SERVER;
+ }
+ // clear existing headers
+ $this->cloudfrontHeaders = [];
+ // Only save CLOUDFRONT headers. In PHP land, that means only _SERVER vars that
+ // start with cloudfront-.
+ $response = false;
+ foreach ($cfHeaders as $key => $value) {
+ if (substr(strtolower($key), 0, 16) === 'http_cloudfront_') {
+ $this->cloudfrontHeaders[strtoupper($key)] = $value;
+ $response = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return $response;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the cloudfront headers.
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function getCfHeaders()
+ {
+ return $this->cloudfrontHeaders;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $userAgent
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private function prepareUserAgent($userAgent) {
+ $userAgent = trim($userAgent);
+ $userAgent = substr($userAgent, 0, 500);
+ return $userAgent;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the User-Agent to be used.
+ *
+ * @param string $userAgent The user agent string to set.
+ *
+ * @return string|null
+ */
+ public function setUserAgent($userAgent = null)
+ {
+ // Invalidate cache due to #375
+ $this->cache = [];
+ if (false === empty($userAgent)) {
+ return $this->userAgent = $this->prepareUserAgent($userAgent);
+ } else {
+ $this->userAgent = null;
+ foreach ($this->getUaHttpHeaders() as $altHeader) {
+ if (false === empty($this->httpHeaders[$altHeader])) { // @todo: should use getHttpHeader(), but it would be slow. (Serban)
+ $this->userAgent .= $this->httpHeaders[$altHeader] . " ";
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($this->userAgent)) {
+ return $this->userAgent = $this->prepareUserAgent($this->userAgent);
+ }
+ }
+ if (count($this->getCfHeaders()) > 0) {
+ return $this->userAgent = 'Amazon CloudFront';
+ }
+ return $this->userAgent = null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieve the User-Agent.
+ *
+ * @return string|null The user agent if it's set.
+ */
+ public function getUserAgent()
+ {
+ return $this->userAgent;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the detection type. Must be one of self::DETECTION_TYPE_MOBILE or
+ * self::DETECTION_TYPE_EXTENDED. Otherwise, nothing is set.
+ *
+ * @deprecated since version 2.6.9
+ *
+ * @param string $type The type. Must be a self::DETECTION_TYPE_* constant. The default
+ * parameter is null which will default to self::DETECTION_TYPE_MOBILE.
+ */
+ public function setDetectionType($type = null)
+ {
+ if ($type === null) {
+ $type = self::DETECTION_TYPE_MOBILE;
+ }
+ if ($type !== self::DETECTION_TYPE_MOBILE && $type !== self::DETECTION_TYPE_EXTENDED) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->detectionType = $type;
+ }
+ public function getMatchingRegex()
+ {
+ return $this->matchingRegex;
+ }
+ public function getMatchesArray()
+ {
+ return $this->matchesArray;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieve the list of known phone devices.
+ *
+ * @return array List of phone devices.
+ */
+ public static function getPhoneDevices()
+ {
+ return self::$phoneDevices;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieve the list of known tablet devices.
+ *
+ * @return array List of tablet devices.
+ */
+ public static function getTabletDevices()
+ {
+ return self::$tabletDevices;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Alias for getBrowsers() method.
+ *
+ * @return array List of user agents.
+ */
+ public static function getUserAgents()
+ {
+ return self::getBrowsers();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieve the list of known browsers. Specifically, the user agents.
+ *
+ * @return array List of browsers / user agents.
+ */
+ public static function getBrowsers()
+ {
+ return self::$browsers;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieve the list of known utilities.
+ *
+ * @return array List of utilities.
+ */
+ public static function getUtilities()
+ {
+ return self::$utilities;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Method gets the mobile detection rules. This method is used for the magic methods $detect->is*().
+ *
+ * @deprecated since version 2.6.9
+ *
+ * @return array All the rules (but not extended).
+ */
+ public static function getMobileDetectionRules()
+ {
+ static $rules;
+ if (!$rules) {
+ $rules = array_merge(
+ self::$phoneDevices,
+ self::$tabletDevices,
+ self::$operatingSystems,
+ self::$browsers
+ );
+ }
+ return $rules;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Method gets the mobile detection rules + utilities.
+ * The reason this is separate is because utilities rules
+ * don't necessary imply mobile. This method is used inside
+ * the new $detect->is('stuff') method.
+ *
+ * @deprecated since version 2.6.9
+ *
+ * @return array All the rules + extended.
+ */
+ public function getMobileDetectionRulesExtended()
+ {
+ static $rules;
+ if (!$rules) {
+ // Merge all rules together.
+ $rules = array_merge(
+ self::$phoneDevices,
+ self::$tabletDevices,
+ self::$operatingSystems,
+ self::$browsers,
+ self::$utilities
+ );
+ }
+ return $rules;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieve the current set of rules.
+ *
+ * @deprecated since version 2.6.9
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function getRules()
+ {
+ if ($this->detectionType == self::DETECTION_TYPE_EXTENDED) {
+ return self::getMobileDetectionRulesExtended();
+ } else {
+ return self::getMobileDetectionRules();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieve the list of mobile operating systems.
+ *
+ * @return array The list of mobile operating systems.
+ */
+ public static function getOperatingSystems()
+ {
+ return self::$operatingSystems;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check the HTTP headers for signs of mobile.
+ * This is the fastest mobile check possible; it's used
+ * inside isMobile() method.
+ *
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function checkHttpHeadersForMobile()
+ {
+ foreach ($this->getMobileHeaders() as $mobileHeader => $matchType) {
+ if (isset($this->httpHeaders[$mobileHeader])) {
+ if (is_array($matchType['matches'])) {
+ foreach ($matchType['matches'] as $_match) {
+ if (strpos($this->httpHeaders[$mobileHeader], $_match) !== false) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Magic overloading method.
+ *
+ * @method boolean is[...]()
+ * @param string $name
+ * @param array $arguments
+ * @return mixed
+ * @throws \Exception when the method doesn't exist and doesn't start with 'is'
+ */
+ public function __call($name, $arguments)
+ {
+ // make sure the name starts with 'is', otherwise
+ if (substr($name, 0, 2) !== 'is') {
+ throw new \Exception("No such method exists: $name");
+ }
+ $this->setDetectionType(self::DETECTION_TYPE_MOBILE);
+ $key = substr($name, 2);
+ return $this->matchUAAgainstKey($key);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Find a detection rule that matches the current User-agent.
+ *
+ * @param null $userAgent deprecated
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+ protected function matchDetectionRulesAgainstUA($userAgent = null)
+ {
+ // Begin general search.
+ foreach ($this->getRules() as $_regex) {
+ if (empty($_regex)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($this->match($_regex, $userAgent)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Search for a certain key in the rules array.
+ * If the key is found then try to match the corresponding
+ * regex against the User-Agent.
+ *
+ * @param string $key
+ *
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+ protected function matchUAAgainstKey($key)
+ {
+ // Make the keys lowercase so we can match: isIphone(), isiPhone(), isiphone(), etc.
+ $key = strtolower($key);
+ if (false === isset($this->cache[$key])) {
+ // change the keys to lower case
+ $_rules = array_change_key_case($this->getRules());
+ if (false === empty($_rules[$key])) {
+ $this->cache[$key] = $this->match($_rules[$key]);
+ }
+ if (false === isset($this->cache[$key])) {
+ $this->cache[$key] = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return $this->cache[$key];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if the device is mobile.
+ * Returns true if any type of mobile device detected, including special ones
+ * @param null $userAgent deprecated
+ * @param null $httpHeaders deprecated
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function isMobile($userAgent = null, $httpHeaders = null)
+ {
+ if ($httpHeaders) {
+ $this->setHttpHeaders($httpHeaders);
+ }
+ if ($userAgent) {
+ $this->setUserAgent($userAgent);
+ }
+ // Check specifically for cloudfront headers if the useragent === 'Amazon CloudFront'
+ if ($this->getUserAgent() === 'Amazon CloudFront') {
+ $cfHeaders = $this->getCfHeaders();
+ if(array_key_exists('HTTP_CLOUDFRONT_IS_MOBILE_VIEWER', $cfHeaders) && $cfHeaders['HTTP_CLOUDFRONT_IS_MOBILE_VIEWER'] === 'true') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->setDetectionType(self::DETECTION_TYPE_MOBILE);
+ if ($this->checkHttpHeadersForMobile()) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return $this->matchDetectionRulesAgainstUA();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if the device is a tablet.
+ * Return true if any type of tablet device is detected.
+ *
+ * @param string $userAgent deprecated
+ * @param array $httpHeaders deprecated
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function isTablet($userAgent = null, $httpHeaders = null)
+ {
+ // Check specifically for cloudfront headers if the useragent === 'Amazon CloudFront'
+ if ($this->getUserAgent() === 'Amazon CloudFront') {
+ $cfHeaders = $this->getCfHeaders();
+ if(array_key_exists('HTTP_CLOUDFRONT_IS_TABLET_VIEWER', $cfHeaders) && $cfHeaders['HTTP_CLOUDFRONT_IS_TABLET_VIEWER'] === 'true') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->setDetectionType(self::DETECTION_TYPE_MOBILE);
+ foreach (self::$tabletDevices as $_regex) {
+ if ($this->match($_regex, $userAgent)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method checks for a certain property in the
+ * userAgent.
+ * @todo: The httpHeaders part is not yet used.
+ *
+ * @param string $key
+ * @param string $userAgent deprecated
+ * @param string $httpHeaders deprecated
+ * @return bool|int|null
+ */
+ public function is($key, $userAgent = null, $httpHeaders = null)
+ {
+ // Set the UA and HTTP headers only if needed (eg. batch mode).
+ if ($httpHeaders) {
+ $this->setHttpHeaders($httpHeaders);
+ }
+ if ($userAgent) {
+ $this->setUserAgent($userAgent);
+ }
+ $this->setDetectionType(self::DETECTION_TYPE_EXTENDED);
+ return $this->matchUAAgainstKey($key);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Some detection rules are relative (not standard),
+ * because of the diversity of devices, vendors and
+ * their conventions in representing the User-Agent or
+ * the HTTP headers.
+ *
+ * This method will be used to check custom regexes against
+ * the User-Agent string.
+ *
+ * @param $regex
+ * @param string $userAgent
+ * @return bool
+ *
+ * @todo: search in the HTTP headers too.
+ */
+ public function match($regex, $userAgent = null)
+ {
+ $match = (bool) preg_match(sprintf('#%s#is', $regex), (false === empty($userAgent) ? $userAgent : $this->userAgent), $matches);
+ // If positive match is found, store the results for debug.
+ if ($match) {
+ $this->matchingRegex = $regex;
+ $this->matchesArray = $matches;
+ }
+ return $match;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the properties array.
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public static function getProperties()
+ {
+ return self::$properties;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Prepare the version number.
+ *
+ * @todo Remove the error supression from str_replace() call.
+ *
+ * @param string $ver The string version, like "";
+ *
+ * @return float
+ */
+ public function prepareVersionNo($ver)
+ {
+ $ver = str_replace(['_', ' ', '/'], '.', $ver);
+ $arrVer = explode('.', $ver, 2);
+ if (isset($arrVer[1])) {
+ $arrVer[1] = @str_replace('.', '', $arrVer[1]); // @todo: treat strings versions.
+ }
+ return (float) implode('.', $arrVer);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check the version of the given property in the User-Agent.
+ * Will return a float number. (eg. 2_0 will return 2.0, 4.3.1 will return 4.31)
+ *
+ * @param string $propertyName The name of the property. See self::getProperties() array
+ * keys for all possible properties.
+ * @param string $type Either self::VERSION_TYPE_STRING to get a string value or
+ * self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT indicating a float value. This parameter
+ * is optional and defaults to self::VERSION_TYPE_STRING. Passing an
+ * invalid parameter will default to the this type as well.
+ *
+ * @return string|float The version of the property we are trying to extract.
+ */
+ public function version($propertyName, $type = self::VERSION_TYPE_STRING)
+ {
+ if (empty($propertyName)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // set the $type to the default if we don't recognize the type
+ if ($type !== self::VERSION_TYPE_STRING && $type !== self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) {
+ $type = self::VERSION_TYPE_STRING;
+ }
+ $properties = self::getProperties();
+ // Check if the property exists in the properties array.
+ if (true === isset($properties[$propertyName])) {
+ // Prepare the pattern to be matched.
+ // Make sure we always deal with an array (string is converted).
+ $properties[$propertyName] = (array) $properties[$propertyName];
+ foreach ($properties[$propertyName] as $propertyMatchString) {
+ $propertyPattern = str_replace('[VER]', self::VER, $propertyMatchString);
+ // Identify and extract the version.
+ preg_match(sprintf('#%s#is', $propertyPattern), $this->userAgent, $match);
+ if (false === empty($match[1])) {
+ $version = ($type == self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT ? $this->prepareVersionNo($match[1]) : $match[1]);
+ return $version;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieve the mobile grading, using self::MOBILE_GRADE_* constants.
+ *
+ * @return string One of the self::MOBILE_GRADE_* constants.
+ */
+ public function mobileGrade()
+ {
+ $isMobile = $this->isMobile();
+ if (
+ // Apple iOS 4-7.0 – Tested on the original iPad (4.3 / 5.0), iPad 2 (4.3 / 5.1 / 6.1), iPad 3 (5.1 / 6.0), iPad Mini (6.1), iPad Retina (7.0), iPhone 3GS (4.3), iPhone 4 (4.3 / 5.1), iPhone 4S (5.1 / 6.0), iPhone 5 (6.0), and iPhone 5S (7.0)
+ $this->is('iOS') && $this->version('iPad', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) >= 4.3 ||
+ $this->is('iOS') && $this->version('iPhone', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) >= 4.3 ||
+ $this->is('iOS') && $this->version('iPod', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) >= 4.3 ||
+ // Android 2.1-2.3 - Tested on the HTC Incredible (2.2), original Droid (2.2), HTC Aria (2.1), Google Nexus S (2.3). Functional on 1.5 & 1.6 but performance may be sluggish, tested on Google G1 (1.5)
+ // Android 3.1 (Honeycomb) - Tested on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and Motorola XOOM
+ // Android 4.0 (ICS) - Tested on a Galaxy Nexus. Note: transition performance can be poor on upgraded devices
+ // Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) - Tested on a Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy 7
+ ( $this->version('Android', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT)>2.1 && $this->is('Webkit') ) ||
+ // Windows Phone 7.5-8 - Tested on the HTC Surround (7.5), HTC Trophy (7.5), LG-E900 (7.5), Nokia 800 (7.8), HTC Mazaa (7.8), Nokia Lumia 520 (8), Nokia Lumia 920 (8), HTC 8x (8)
+ $this->version('Windows Phone OS', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) >= 7.5 ||
+ // Tested on the Torch 9800 (6) and Style 9670 (6), BlackBerry® Torch 9810 (7), BlackBerry Z10 (10)
+ $this->is('BlackBerry') && $this->version('BlackBerry', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) >= 6.0 ||
+ // Blackberry Playbook (1.0-2.0) - Tested on PlayBook
+ $this->match('Playbook.*Tablet') ||
+ // Palm WebOS (1.4-3.0) - Tested on the Palm Pixi (1.4), Pre (1.4), Pre 2 (2.0), HP TouchPad (3.0)
+ ( $this->version('webOS', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) >= 1.4 && $this->match('Palm|Pre|Pixi') ) ||
+ // Palm WebOS 3.0 - Tested on HP TouchPad
+ $this->match('hp.*TouchPad') ||
+ // Firefox Mobile 18 - Tested on Android 2.3 and 4.1 devices
+ ( $this->is('Firefox') && $this->version('Firefox', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) >= 18 ) ||
+ // Chrome for Android - Tested on Android 4.0, 4.1 device
+ ( $this->is('Chrome') && $this->is('AndroidOS') && $this->version('Android', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) >= 4.0 ) ||
+ // Skyfire 4.1 - Tested on Android 2.3 device
+ ( $this->is('Skyfire') && $this->version('Skyfire', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) >= 4.1 && $this->is('AndroidOS') && $this->version('Android', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) >= 2.3 ) ||
+ // Opera Mobile 11.5-12: Tested on Android 2.3
+ ( $this->is('Opera') && $this->version('Opera Mobi', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) >= 11.5 && $this->is('AndroidOS') ) ||
+ // Meego 1.2 - Tested on Nokia 950 and N9
+ $this->is('MeeGoOS') ||
+ // Tizen (pre-release) - Tested on early hardware
+ $this->is('Tizen') ||
+ // Samsung Bada 2.0 - Tested on a Samsung Wave 3, Dolphin browser
+ // @todo: more tests here!
+ $this->is('Dolfin') && $this->version('Bada', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) >= 2.0 ||
+ // UC Browser - Tested on Android 2.3 device
+ ( ($this->is('UC Browser') || $this->is('Dolfin')) && $this->version('Android', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) >= 2.3 ) ||
+ // Kindle 3 and Fire - Tested on the built-in WebKit browser for each
+ ( $this->match('Kindle Fire') ||
+ $this->is('Kindle') && $this->version('Kindle', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) >= 3.0 ) ||
+ // Nook Color 1.4.1 - Tested on original Nook Color, not Nook Tablet
+ $this->is('AndroidOS') && $this->is('NookTablet') ||
+ // Chrome Desktop 16-24 - Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7
+ $this->version('Chrome', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) >= 16 && !$isMobile ||
+ // Safari Desktop 5-6 - Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7
+ $this->version('Safari', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) >= 5.0 && !$isMobile ||
+ // Firefox Desktop 10-18 - Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7
+ $this->version('Firefox', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) >= 10.0 && !$isMobile ||
+ // Internet Explorer 7-9 - Tested on Windows XP, Vista and 7
+ $this->version('IE', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) >= 7.0 && !$isMobile ||
+ // Opera Desktop 10-12 - Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7
+ $this->version('Opera', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) >= 10 && !$isMobile
+ ){
+ return self::MOBILE_GRADE_A;
+ }
+ if (
+ $this->is('iOS') && $this->version('iPad', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT)<4.3 ||
+ $this->is('iOS') && $this->version('iPhone', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT)<4.3 ||
+ $this->is('iOS') && $this->version('iPod', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT)<4.3 ||
+ // Blackberry 5.0: Tested on the Storm 2 9550, Bold 9770
+ $this->is('Blackberry') && $this->version('BlackBerry', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) >= 5 && $this->version('BlackBerry', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT)<6 ||
+ //Opera Mini (5.0-6.5) - Tested on iOS 3.2/4.3 and Android 2.3
+ ($this->version('Opera Mini', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) >= 5.0 && $this->version('Opera Mini', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) <= 7.0 &&
+ ($this->version('Android', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) >= 2.3 || $this->is('iOS')) ) ||
+ // Nokia Symbian^3 - Tested on Nokia N8 (Symbian^3), C7 (Symbian^3), also works on N97 (Symbian^1)
+ $this->match('NokiaN8|NokiaC7|N97.*Series60|Symbian/3') ||
+ // @todo: report this (tested on Nokia N71)
+ $this->version('Opera Mobi', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) >= 11 && $this->is('SymbianOS')
+ ) {
+ return self::MOBILE_GRADE_B;
+ }
+ if (
+ // Blackberry 4.x - Tested on the Curve 8330
+ $this->version('BlackBerry', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) <= 5.0 ||
+ // Windows Mobile - Tested on the HTC Leo (WinMo 5.2)
+ $this->match('MSIEMobile|Windows CE.*Mobile') || $this->version('Windows Mobile', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) <= 5.2 ||
+ // Tested on original iPhone (3.1), iPhone 3 (3.2)
+ $this->is('iOS') && $this->version('iPad', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) <= 3.2 ||
+ $this->is('iOS') && $this->version('iPhone', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) <= 3.2 ||
+ $this->is('iOS') && $this->version('iPod', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) <= 3.2 ||
+ // Internet Explorer 7 and older - Tested on Windows XP
+ $this->version('IE', self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT) <= 7.0 && !$isMobile
+ ) {
+ return self::MOBILE_GRADE_C;
+ }
+ // All older smartphone platforms and featurephones - Any device that doesn't support media queries
+ // will receive the basic, C grade experience.
+ return self::MOBILE_GRADE_C;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Application/Base/Tool/Request.class.php b/Application/Base/Tool/Request.class.php
index 283a670ee..cd3f1241f 100644
--- a/Application/Base/Tool/Request.class.php
+++ b/Application/Base/Tool/Request.class.php
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
@@ -8,6 +10,7 @@ class Request {
private $serverInfo;
private $scheme;
+ private $mobileDetect;
public function __construct()
@@ -29,43 +32,45 @@ class Request {
return $this->serverInfo['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ?? '';
- public function isMobile()
+ public function getMobileDetect()
- $isMobile = false;
- $userAgent = $this->getUserAgent();
- $mobileAgents = ['Android', 'iPhone', 'SymbianOS', 'Windows Phone', 'iPad', 'iPod'];
- foreach ($mobileAgents as $mobileAgent) {
- if (stripos($userAgent, $mobileAgent) !== false) {
- $isMobile = true;
- }
+ if (!$this->mobileDetect) {
+ $this->mobileDetect = new MobileDetect($this->serverInfo);
- return $isMobile;
+ return $this->mobileDetect;
+ }
+ public function isMobile()
+ {
+ return $this->getMobileDetect()->isMobile();
+ }
+ public function isTablet()
+ {
+ return $this->getMobileDetect()->isTablet();
public function isIOS()
- $userAgent = $this->getUserAgent();
- if(stripos($userAgent, 'iphone') !== false || stripos($userAgent, 'ipad') !== false || stripos($userAgent, 'ipod') !== false) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
+ return $this->getMobileDetect()->isIOS();
public function isAndroid()
- $userAgent = $this->getUserAgent();
- if(stripos($userAgent, 'android')) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
+ return $this->getMobileDetect()->isAndroidOS();
+ }
+ public function isIPadOS()
+ {
+ return $this->getMobileDetect()->isIPadOS();
public function isIOS13()
- $userAgent = $this->getUserAgent();
- // if (preg_match('/OS [1][3-9]_[1-9][_\d]* like Mac OS X/i', $userAgent)) {
- if (preg_match('/OS.*[1][3-9]_[1-9][_\d]*.*like.*Mac.*OS.*X/i', $userAgent)) {
- return true;
+ $version = $this->getMobileDetect()->version('iPhone');
+ if ($version) {
+ $versionItems = explode('_', $version);
+ return isset($versionItems[0]) && intval($versionItems[0]) == 13;
return false;
@@ -121,4 +126,9 @@ class Request {
return $this->scheme;
+ public function getServerInfo()
+ {
+ return $this->serverInfo;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Application/Home/Controller/ApplyController.class.php b/Application/Home/Controller/ApplyController.class.php
index 0c9fb0083..4c6fb05e2 100644
--- a/Application/Home/Controller/ApplyController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Home/Controller/ApplyController.class.php
@@ -1818,17 +1818,7 @@ class ApplyController extends BaseController
- $applyService = new ApplyService();
- if (!$applyService->checkSociatyPerm($promote, $game)) {
- $this->ajaxReturn([
- 'status' => 0,
- 'message' => '该游戏未授权',
- 'data' => [
- ]
- ]);
- }
$promoteService = new PromoteService();
if (!$promoteService->canPresidentApplyGame($promote)) {
@@ -1841,6 +1831,7 @@ class ApplyController extends BaseController
$icon = Request::getHost() . '/' . get_cover($game['icon'], 'path');
+ $applyService = new ApplyService();
$result = $applyService->checkApplyStatus($apply);
if (!$result['status']) {
@@ -1881,16 +1872,6 @@ class ApplyController extends BaseController
- $applyService = new ApplyService();
- if (!$applyService->checkSociatyPerm($promote, $game)) {
- $this->ajaxReturn([
- 'status' => 0,
- 'message' => '该游戏未授权',
- 'data' => [
- ]
- ]);
- }
$promoteService = new PromoteService();
if (!$promoteService->canPresidentApplyGame($promote)) {
@@ -1903,6 +1884,7 @@ class ApplyController extends BaseController
$icon = Request::getHost() . '/' . get_cover($game['icon'], 'path');
+ $applyService = new ApplyService();
$result = $applyService->checkApplyStatus($apply);
if (!$result['status']) {
diff --git a/Application/Home/Controller/GameController.class.php b/Application/Home/Controller/GameController.class.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..61de417e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Application/Home/Controller/GameController.class.php
@@ -0,0 +1,2093 @@
+ }
+ public function mix()
+ {
+ $this->list(2);
+ }
+ public function list($serverType)
+ {
+ // $serverType = I('server_type', 1);
+ $promoteId = I('promote_id', 0);
+ $promoteLevel = I('promote_level', 0);
+ $loginPromote = $this->getLoginPromote();
+ $baseGameId = I('game_id', 0);
+ $isMine = I('is_mine', 0);
+ if ($promoteLevel != 0 && $promoteId == 0) {
+ $this->assign('count', 0);
+ $this->assign('pagination', '');
+ $this->assign('records', []);
+ return $this->display('index');
+ }
+ if ($promoteLevel == 0 && $promoteId == 0) {
+ $promoteId = $loginPromote['id'];
+ }
+ $promote = $loginPromote;
+ if ($promoteId > 0) {
+ $promote = M('promote', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $promoteId])->find();
+ }
+ $promoteService = new PromoteService();
+ $gameIds = $promoteService->getVisibleGameIds($promote);
+ if ($baseGameId > 0) {
+ $baseGame = M('base_game', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $baseGameId])->find();
+ $searchGameIds = [];
+ if ($baseGame['android_game_id'] > 0) {
+ $searchGameIds[] = $baseGame['android_game_id'];
+ }
+ if ($baseGame['ios_game_id'] > 0) {
+ $searchGameIds[] = $baseGame['ios_game_id'];
+ }
+ $gameIds = array_intersect($searchGameIds, $gameIds);
+ }
+ $conditions = [];
+ if ($isMine) {
+ $applyGameIds = M('apply', 'tab_')->where(['offline_status' => 0, 'promote_id' => $promoteId])->getField('game_id', true);
+ $gameIds = array_intersect($applyGameIds, $gameIds);
+ if (count($gameIds) == 0) {
+ $gameIds = [0];
+ }
+ }
+ $columns = ['id', 'icon', 'game_name', 'features', 'sdk_version', 'game_size', 'game_type_name'];
+ $conditions = [];
+ if ($isMine) {
+ $conditions['offline_status'] = 0;
+ }
+ $conditions['server_type'] = $serverType;
+ $conditions['id'] = ['in', $gameIds];
+ $conditions['game_status'] = 1;
+ $query = M('game', 'tab_')->field($columns)->where($conditions)->order('relation_game_id desc');
+ list($games, $pagination, $count) = $this->paginate($query);
+ $gameSources = [];
+ if (count($games) > 0) {
+ $gameIds = array_column($games, 'id');
+ $applys = M('apply', 'tab_')->field(['game_id', 'offline_status'])->where(['promote_id' => $promoteId, 'game_id' => ['in', $gameIds]])->select();
+ $applys = index_by_column('game_id', $applys);
+ $gameSources = M('game_source', 'tab_')->field(['game_id', 'version'])->where(['game_id' => ['in', $gameIds]])->select();
+ $gameSources = index_by_column('game_id', $gameSources);
+ }
+ $records = [];
+ foreach ($games as $game) {
+ $gameId = $game['id'];
+ $records[] = [
+ 'id' => $game['id'],
+ 'offline_status' => isset($applys[$gameId]) ? $applys[$gameId]['offline_status'] : 1,
+ 'icon' => $game['icon'],
+ 'game_name' => $game['game_name'],
+ 'features' => $game['features'],
+ 'sdk_version' => $game['sdk_version'],
+ 'version' => isset($gameSources[$gameId]) ? $gameSources[$gameId]['version'] : '--',
+ 'game_size' => $game['game_size'],
+ 'game_type_name' => $game['game_type_name'],
+ ];
+ }
+ $this->assign('serverType', $serverType);
+ $this->assign('promoteId', $promoteId);
+ $this->assign('count', $count);
+ $this->assign('pagination', $pagination);
+ $this->assign('records', $records);
+ $this->display('index');
+ }
+ public function apply()
+ {
+ $gameId = I('game_id', 0);
+ $promoteId = I('promote_id', 0);
+ $loginPromote = $this->getLoginPromote();
+ if ($gameId == 0) {
+ return $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'message' => '数据有误']);
+ }
+ $promoteService = new PromoteService();
+ if (!$promoteService->canPresidentApplyGame($loginPromote)) {
+ return $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'message' => '请联系市场专员开启']);
+ }
+ $promote = null;
+ if ($promoteId != 0) {
+ $promote = M('promote', 'tab_')->field(['id', 'chain', 'account'])->where(['id' => $promoteId])->find();
+ if (!$promote || strpos($promote['chain'], '/'. $loginPromote['id'] . '/') === false) {
+ return $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'message' => '推广员不存在']);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $promote = $loginPromote;
+ }
+ $game = M('game', 'tab_')->field(['id', 'game_name', 'money', 'ratio', 'sdk_version'])->where(['id' => $gameId])->find();
+ if (!$game) {
+ return $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'message' => '游戏不存在']);
+ }
+ $apply = M('apply', 'tab_')->where(['game_id' => $gameId, 'promote_id' => $promote['id']])->find();
+ if ($apply && $apply['offline_status'] == 0) {
+ return $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'message' => '该游戏已添加']);
+ }
+ $data = [];
+ $data['ratio'] = $game['ratio'];
+ $data['money'] = $game['money'];
+ $data['promote_account'] = $promote['account'];
+ $data['apply_time'] = NOW_TIME;
+ $data['offline_status'] = 0;
+ $data['enable_status'] = 2;
+ $status = false;
+ if (!$apply) {
+ $data['sdk_version'] = $game['sdk_version'];
+ $data['game_id'] = $game['id'];
+ $data['game_name'] = $game['game_name'];
+ $data['promote_id'] = $promote['id'];
+ $data['status'] = C('SET_AUTO_PACK');
+ $status = M('apply', 'tab_')->add($data);
+ } else {
+ $status = M('apply', 'tab_')->where('id = ' . $apply['id'])->save($data);
+ }
+ if ($status) {
+ // recordPromoteLogs('游戏管理', '添加游戏');
+ return $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 1, 'message' => '添加成功']);
+ } else {
+ return $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'message' => '系统异常']);
+ }
+ }
+ public function batchApply()
+ {
+ $gameId = I('game_id', 0);
+ $promoteIds = I('promote_ids', []);
+ if ($gameId == 0) {
+ return $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'message' => '数据有误']);
+ }
+ if (count($promoteIds) == 0) {
+ return $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'message' => '请选择要添加游戏的下级人员']);
+ }
+ $loginPromote = $this->getLoginPromote();
+ $promoteService = new PromoteService();
+ if (!$promoteService->canPresidentApplyGame($loginPromote)) {
+ return $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'message' => '请联系市场专员开启']);
+ }
+ $game = M('game', 'tab_')->field(['id', 'game_name', 'money', 'ratio', 'sdk_version'])->where(['id' => $gameId])->find();
+ if (!$game) {
+ return $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'message' => '游戏不存在']);
+ }
+ $applys = M('apply', 'tab_')->where(['game_id' => $gameId, 'promote_id' => ['in', $promoteIds]])->select();
+ $appliedPromoteIds = array_column($applys, 'promote_id');
+ $newPromoteIds = array_diff($promoteIds, $appliedPromoteIds);
+ // 添加申请表中还未含有记录的推广员
+ if (count($newPromoteIds) > 0) {
+ $newApplys = [];
+ foreach ($newPromoteIds as $promoteId) {
+ $newApplys[] = [
+ 'ratio' => $game['ratio'],
+ 'money' => $game['money'],
+ 'promote_account' => $loginPromote['account'],
+ 'apply_time' => NOW_TIME,
+ 'offline_status' => 0,
+ 'enable_status' => 2,
+ 'sdk_version' => $game['sdk_version'],
+ 'game_id' => $game['id'],
+ 'game_name' => $game['game_name'],
+ 'promote_id' => $promoteId,
+ 'status' => C('SET_AUTO_PACK'),
+ ];
+ }
+ M('apply', 'tab_')->addAll($newApplys);
+ }
+ // 更改表中含有记录的推广员申请状态
+ if (count($appliedPromoteIds) > 0) {
+ $data = [];
+ $data['ratio'] = $game['ratio'];
+ $data['money'] = $game['money'];
+ $data['promote_account'] = $loginPromote['account'];
+ $data['apply_time'] = NOW_TIME;
+ $data['offline_status'] = 0;
+ $data['enable_status'] = 2;
+ M('apply', 'tab_')->where(['game_id' => $gameId, 'promote_id' => ['in', $appliedPromoteIds]])->save($data);
+ }
+ // recordPromoteLogs('游戏管理', '批量添加游戏');
+ return $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 1, 'message' => '添加成功']);
+ }
+ public function offline()
+ {
+ $gameId = I('game_id', 0);
+ $promoteId = I('promote_id', 0);
+ $loginPromote = $this->getLoginPromote();
+ if ($gameId == 0) {
+ return $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'message' => '请选择游戏']);
+ }
+ $game = M('game', 'tab_')->field(['id'])->where(['id' => $gameId])->find();
+ if (!$game) {
+ return $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'message' => '游戏不存在']);
+ }
+ $promote = null;
+ if ($promtoeId > 0) {
+ $promote = M('promote', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $promoteId])->find();
+ if (!$promote) {
+ return $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'message' => '推广员不存在']);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $promote = $loginPromote;
+ }
+ $applyService = new ApplyService();
+ $applyService->offlineGame($game, $promote);
+ // recordPromoteLogs('游戏管理','下架游戏');
+ $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => true, 'msg' => '下架成功']);
+ }
+ public function getMineBaseGames()
+ {
+ $loginPromote = $this->getLoginPromote();
+ $promoteService = new PromoteService();
+ $gameIds = $promoteService->getVisibleGameIds($loginPromote);
+ $conditions = [];
+ if ($gameIds !== true) {
+ $conditions = ['_logic' => 'or', 'android_game_id' => ['in', $gameIds], 'ios_game_id' => ['in', $gameIds]];
+ } else {
+ $conditions = '1=1';
+ }
+ $games = M('base_game', 'tab_')->where($conditions)->select();
+ return $this->ajaxReturn([
+ 'status' => true,
+ 'message' => '获取成功',
+ 'data' => [
+ 'games' => $games
+ ]
+ ]);
+ }
+ public function getUnApplyPromotes()
+ {
+ $gameId = I('game_id', 0);
+ $level = I('level', 0);
+ $loginPromote = $this->getLoginPromote();
+ $promoteService = new PromoteService();
+ $promotes = $promoteService->getAllChildren($loginPromote, $level, ['id', 'account', 'real_name']);
+ $promoteIds = array_column($promotes, 'id');
+ $appliedPromoteIds = M('apply', 'tab_')->where(['offline_status' => 0, 'game_id' => $gameId, 'promote_id' => ['in', $promoteIds]])->getField('promote_id', true);
+ $unApplyPromotes = [];
+ foreach ($promotes as $promote) {
+ if (!in_array($promote['id'], $appliedPromoteIds)) {
+ $unApplyPromotes[] = $promote;
+ }
+ }
+ return $this->ajaxReturn([
+ 'status' => true,
+ 'message' => '获取成功',
+ 'data' => [
+ 'promotes' => $unApplyPromotes
+ ]
+ ]);
+ }
+ public function jion_list($model = array(), $p, $map = array())
+ {
+ $page = intval($p);
+ $page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
+ $name = $model['name'];
+ $row = empty($model['list_row']) ? 15 : $model['list_row'];
+ $data = M($name, 'tab_')
+ /* 查询指定字段,不指定则查询所有字段 */
+ ->field(empty($fields) ? true : $fields)
+ ->join($model['jion'])
+ // 查询条件
+ ->where($map)
+ /* 默认通过id逆序排列 */
+ ->order($model['need_pk'] ? 'id DESC' : '')
+ /* 数据分页 */
+ ->page($page, $row)
+ /* 执行查询 */
+ ->select();
+ /* 查询记录总数 */
+ $count = M($name, "tab_")->where($map)->count();
+ //分页
+ if ($count > $row) {
+ $page = new \Think\Page($count, $row);
+ $page->setConfig('theme', '%FIRST% %UP_PAGE% %LINK_PAGE% %DOWN_PAGE% %END% %HEADER%');
+ $this->assign('_page', $page->show());
+ }
+ $this->assign('list_data', $data);
+ $this->meta_title = $model['title'];
+ $this->display($model['tem_list']);
+ }
+ public function gameSpecialList()
+ {
+ $this->index(1);
+ }
+ public function gameList()
+ {
+ $this->index(2);
+ }
+ //首页 $type-查询的游戏平台类型 0-全部 10-安卓+ios 2-ios 1-安卓
+ public function t($serverType = 1)
+ {
+ $loginPromote = $this->getLoginPromote();
+ $promoteId = empty(I('promote_id')) ? $loginPromote['id'] : I('promote_id'); //搜索的渠道ID
+ $promoteRole = empty(I('promote_role')) ? 1 : I('promote_role'); //渠道角色
+ $parentPromoteId = getParentPromoteId($promoteId); //上级渠道ID
+ $grandPromoteId = getGrandPromoteId($promoteId); //本账号会长渠道ID
+ $childGameAddPermission = getChildGameAddPermission($grandPromoteId); //游戏添加权限
+ $map['tab_game.online_status'] = 1;//开发者游戏上线状态
+ $map['tab_game.down_port'] = 1;//游戏端口 第三方接口不能申请
+ $map['tab_game.game_status'] = 1;//游戏状态
+ $map['tab_game.server_type'] = $serverType;//专服游戏
+ if (!empty(I('game_id'))) {
+ $thisRelationGameName = M('Game', 'tab_')->where(array('id' => I('game_id')))->getField('relation_game_name');
+ $map['tab_game.relation_game_name'] = ['like', $thisRelationGameName];
+ }
+ $type = I('get.type', 0);
+ $group = '';
+ switch ($type) {
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ $gameIdList = M('Game', 'tab_')->group('relation_game_id')->having('count(id) = 1')->getField('id', true);
+ $map['tab_game.sdk_version'] = $type;
+ $applyService = new ApplyService();
+ $tempIds = $applyService->getSociatyGameIds($loginPromote);
+ $gameIdList = array_intersect($gameIdList, $tempIds);
+ if (count($gameIdList) > 0) {
+ $gameIds = implode(',', $gameIdList);
+ $map['tab_game.id'] = ['in', $gameIds];
+ } else {
+ $map = '1 = 2';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ $group = 'tab_game.relation_game_id';
+ if ($parentPromoteId > 0 && $childGameAddPermission == 0) {
+ $gameRelationGameIdList = M('Game', 'tab_')->group('relation_game_id')->having('count(id) = 2')->getField('relation_game_id', true);
+ if (count($gameRelationGameIdList) > 0) {
+ $gameRelationGameIdList = implode(',', $gameRelationGameIdList);
+ $where['tab_game.relation_game_id'] = ['in', $gameRelationGameIdList];
+ } else {
+ $where = '1 = 2';
+ }
+ } else {
+ $gameIdList = M('Game', 'tab_')->group('relation_game_id')->having('count(id) = 2')->getField('id', true);
+ $applyService = new ApplyService();
+ $tempIds = $applyService->getSociatyGameIds($loginPromote);
+ $gameIdList = array_intersect($gameIdList, $tempIds);
+ if (count($gameIdList) > 0) {
+ $gameIds = implode(',', $gameIdList);
+ $map['tab_game.id'] = ['in', $gameIds];
+ } else {
+ $map = '1 = 2';
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ $applyService = new ApplyService();
+ $gameIdList = $applyService->getSociatyGameIds($loginPromote);
+ if (count($gameIdList) > 0) {
+ $gameIds = implode(',', $gameIdList);
+ $map['tab_game.id'] = ['in', $gameIds];
+ } else {
+ $map = '1 = 2';
+ }
+ }
+ $page = intval(I('get.p', 0));
+ $page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['row'])) {
+ $row = $_REQUEST['row'];
+ } else {
+ $row = 10;
+ }
+ $join = '';
+ if ($parentPromoteId > 0 && $childGameAddPermission == 0) {
+ $map['tab_apply.promote_id'] = $grandPromoteId;
+ if (!empty($where)) {
+ $map['_logic'] = 'and';
+ $map['_complex'] = $where;
+ }
+ $join = 'tab_apply on tab_game.id = tab_apply.game_id and tab_apply.offline_status = 0';//查询上级游戏
+ }
+ $data = M('Game', 'tab_')
+ ->field('tab_game.id,tab_game.icon,tab_game.game_name,tab_game.features,tab_game.sdk_version,tab_game.game_size,tab_game.game_type_name,tab_game.relation_game_name,ta_1.id as apply_id_1,ta_2.id as apply_id_2')
+ ->join($join)
+ ->join('left join tab_apply as ta_1 on tab_game.id = ta_1.game_id and ta_1.offline_status = 0 and ta_1.promote_id = ' . $promoteId)//查询是否拥有该游戏
+ ->join('left join tab_apply as ta_2 on tab_game.relation_game_id = ta_2.game_id and ta_2.offline_status = 0 and tab_game.id != tab_game.relation_game_id and ta_2.promote_id = ' . $promoteId)//查询是否拥有关联游戏
+ ->join('left join tab_game_source on tab_game.id = tab_game_source.game_id')//查询游戏版本
+ ->where($map)
+ ->group($group)
+ ->order('tab_game.sort desc,tab_game.id desc')
+// ->fetchSql(true)
+ ->page($page, $row)
+ ->select();
+// var_dump($data);
+// die;
+ /* 查询记录总数 */
+ $count = M("Game", "tab_")
+ ->field('tab_game.id')
+ ->join($join)//查询上级游戏
+ ->where($map)
+ ->group($group)
+ ->select();
+ $count = count($count);
+ //分页
+ $parameter['p'] = I('get.p', 1);
+ $parameter['row'] = I('get.row');
+ $parameter['type'] = $type;
+ $parameter['promote_role'] = $promoteRole;
+ empty(I('promote_id')) || $parameter['promote_id'] = I('promote_id');
+ $page = set_pagination($count, $row, $parameter);
+ if ($page) {
+ $this->assign('_page', $page);
+ }
+ $this->assign('list_data', $data);
+ $this->assign("count", $count);
+ $this->assign('loginPromote', $loginPromote);
+ $this->assign("promoteId", $promoteId);
+ $this->assign('promoteRole', $promoteRole);
+ $this->assign('promoteData', getAllPromoteListByType($promoteRole));
+ $this->assign('type', $type);
+ $this->assign('myGame', ($serverType == 1) ? 'specialMyGameList' : 'myGameList');
+ $this->assign('game', ($serverType == 1) ? 'gameSpecialList' : 'gameList');
+ $this->assign('position', ($serverType == 1) ? '专服管理' : '混服管理');
+ $this->meta_title = "申请游戏";
+ $this->display('index');
+ }
+ //查看游戏资料专区
+ public function feature($p = 0, $type = 0)
+ {
+ $promoteId = empty(I('promote_id')) ? PID : I('promote_id');//搜索的渠道ID
+ $promoteRole = empty(I('promote_role')) ? 1 : I('promote_role');//渠道角色
+ //$parentPromoteId = getParentPromoteId($promoteId);//上级渠道ID
+ $thisParentPromoteId = getParentPromoteId(PID);//本账号上级渠道ID
+// $addPermission = 1;//是否有添加游戏权限
+// if ($thisParentPromoteId == 0 && $promoteRole == 3) {
+// $addPermission = 0;
+// }
+ $map['tab_game.online_status'] = 1;//开发者游戏上线状态
+ $map['tab_game.down_port'] = 1;//游戏端口 第三方接口不能申请
+ $map['tab_game.game_status'] = 1;//游戏状态
+ $map['tab_game.developers'] = 0; //平台游戏(官网游戏,非开发者游戏)
+ $applyPromote = M('apply', 'tab_')->field('game_id')->where(['promote_id' => $promoteId])->select();
+ $noDeveloperGameArr = array();
+ foreach ($applyPromote as $key => $value) {
+ $applyPromoteGameId = $value['game_id'];
+ $gameInfo = M('Game', 'tab_')
+ ->field('id,icon,game_name,features,sdk_version,game_size,game_type_name,relation_game_name,developers')
+ ->where(['id' => $applyPromoteGameId])->select();
+ if ($gameInfo[0]['developers'] > 0) {
+ unset($gameInfo[0]['developers']);
+ $noDeveloperGameArr[] = $gameInfo[0]['id']; //非开发者游戏
+ }
+ }
+ $page = intval($p);
+ $page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['row'])) {
+ $row = $_REQUEST['row'];
+ } else {
+ $row = 10;
+ }
+ $map['_logic'] = 'and';
+ if (!empty(I('game_id'))) {
+ $thisRelationGameName = M('Game', 'tab_')->where(array('id' => I('game_id')))->getField('relation_game_name');
+ $map['tab_game.relation_game_name'] = ['like', $thisRelationGameName];
+ $where['_complex'] = $map;
+ // $where['tab_game.id'] = ['in',$noDeveloperGameArr];
+ // $where['_logic']='or';
+ } else {
+ $where['_complex'] = $map;
+ if (empty($noDeveloperGameArr)) {
+ $where['tab_game.id'] = ['in', '-100'];
+ } else {
+ $where['tab_game.id'] = ['in', $noDeveloperGameArr];
+ }
+ $where['_logic'] = 'or';
+ }
+ $data = M('Game', 'tab_')
+ ->field('tab_game.id,tab_game.icon,tab_game.game_name,tab_game.features,tab_game.sdk_version,tab_game.game_size,tab_game.game_type_name,tab_game.relation_game_name,ta_1.id as apply_id_1')
+ ->join('left join tab_apply as ta_1 on tab_game.id = ta_1.game_id and ta_1.offline_status = 0 and ta_1.promote_id = ' . $promoteId)//查询是否拥有该游戏
+ ->where($where)
+ ->order('tab_game.developers desc,tab_game.sort desc,tab_game.id desc')
+ ->page($page, $row)
+ ->select();
+ //$AllData = array_merge($noDeveloperGameArr,$data);
+ /* 查询记录总数 */
+ $count = M("Game", "tab_")
+ ->field('tab_game.id')
+ ->where($map)
+ ->select();
+ $count = count($count);
+ //分页
+ $parameter['p'] = I('get.p', 1);
+ $parameter['row'] = I('get.row');
+ $parameter['type'] = $type;
+ $parameter['promote_role'] = $promoteRole;
+ empty(I('promote_id')) || $parameter['promote_id'] = I('promote_id');
+ $page = set_pagination($count, $row, $parameter);
+ if ($page) {
+ $this->assign('_page', $page);
+ }
+ $this->assign('list_data', $data);
+ $this->assign("count", $count);
+ $this->assign("promoteId", $promoteId);
+ // $this->assign('parentPromoteId', $parentPromoteId);
+ $this->assign('thisParentPromoteId', $thisParentPromoteId);
+ // $this->assign('promoteRole', $promoteRole);
+ $this->assign('pID', PID);
+ //$this->assign('promoteData', getAllPromoteListByType($promoteRole));
+// $this->assign('addPermission', $addPermission);
+ // $this->assign('type', $type);
+ $this->meta_title = "申请游戏";
+ $this->display();
+ }
+ //查看游戏详情
+ public function getDetail()
+ {
+ $id = I('id', 0);
+ $gameData = [];
+ if ($id > 0) {
+ $map['tab_game.id'] = $id;
+ $gameData = M('Game', 'tab_')
+ ->join('left join tab_game_source on tab_game.id = tab_game_source.game_id')
+ ->where($map)
+ ->field('tab_game.*,tab_game_source.version,tab_game_source.create_time')
+ ->find();
+ if (!empty($gameData['create_time'])) {
+ $gameData['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $gameData['create_time']);
+ }
+ $gameData['icon'] = __ROOT__ . get_cover($gameData['icon'], 'path');
+ $gameData['screenshot'] = explode(',', $gameData['screenshot']);
+ foreach ($gameData['screenshot'] as $value) {
+ $gameData['screenshot_url'][] = get_cover($value, 'path');
+ }
+ }
+ $this->ajaxReturn($gameData);
+ }
+ public function gapply()
+ {
+ $map1['relation_game_id'] = array('in', $_REQUEST['game_id']);
+ $res = M('game', 'tab_')->field('id')->where($map1)->select();
+ $res = array_map('array_shift', $res);
+ $_REQUEST['game_id'] = implode(',', $res);
+ $model = new ApplyModel(); //D('Apply');
+ $map['game_id'] = array('in', $_REQUEST['game_id']);
+ $map['promote_id'] = session("promote_auth.pid");
+ $c = $model->where($map)->select();
+ $_REQUEST['game_id'] = explode(',', $_REQUEST['game_id']);
+ foreach ($c as $key => $value) {
+ $va[] = $value['game_id'];
+ }
+ if (!empty($va)) {
+ $game_id = array_diff($_REQUEST['game_id'], $va);
+ } else {
+ $game_id = $_REQUEST['game_id'];
+ }
+ if (empty($game_id)) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => "0", "msg" => "游戏已申请过,请勿重复申请"));
+ exit;
+ }
+ $_REQUEST['game_id'] = implode(',', $game_id);
+ $data['game_id'] = array('in', $_REQUEST['game_id']);
+ $data['promote_id'] = session("promote_auth.pid");
+ $data['promote_account'] = session("promote_auth.account");
+ $data['apply_time'] = NOW_TIME;
+ $data['status'] = 0;
+ $game = M('Game', 'tab_');
+ foreach ($game_id as $key => $value) {
+ $data['game_id'] = $value;
+ $gdata = $game->where(array('id' => $value))->find();
+ $data['game_name'] = get_game_name($value);
+ $data['ratio'] = $gdata['ratio'];
+ $data['money'] = $gdata['money'];
+ $data['sdk_version'] = $gdata['sdk_version'];
+ // $data['pattern']=current($pattern);
+ // next($pattern);
+ $res = $model->add($data);
+ }
+ if ($res) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => "1", "msg" => "申请成功"));
+ } else {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => "0", "msg" => "申请失败"));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * 批量添加投放申请
+ * @author 鹿文学
+ */
+ public function batch_apply_game()
+ {
+ if (IS_POST) {
+ $relation_game_ids = $_POST['game_id'];
+ $platform_id = $_POST['platform_id'];
+ $platform_name = $_POST['platform_name'];
+ $remark = $_POST['remark'];
+ $promote_id = is_login_promote();
+ if ($promote_id < 1) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '请登录后再操作'], 'json');
+ }
+ if (empty($relation_game_ids)) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '你还没有选择任何内容!'], 'json');
+ }
+ if ((!is_numeric($platform_id) || $platform_id < 1) && empty($platform_name)) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '投放平台不能为空'], 'json');
+ }
+ $gamemodel = M('Game', 'tab_');
+ $game = $gamemodel->field('id,game_name,sdk_version,ratio,money')->where(['relation_game_id' => ['in', $relation_game_ids]])->select();
+ if (!is_array($game) || empty($game[0])) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '游戏不存在'], 'json');
+ }
+ $game_id = array_column($game, 'id');
+ // 先查投放平台,如有渠道输入则先判断平台是否存在,不存在则添加,存在则获取信息;没有趣的输入,则判断选择平台是否存在,不存在返回
+ $platformmodel = M('launch_platform', 'tab_');
+ if ($platform_name) {
+ $platform = $platformmodel->where(['name' => $platform_name])->find();
+ if (empty($platform)) {
+ $platform_id = $platformmodel->add(['create_time' => time(), 'update_time' => time(), 'name' => $platform_name, 'promote_id' => $promote_id, 'promote_account' => get_promote_account($promote_id), 'mark' => 1]);
+ } else {
+ $platform_id = $platform['id'];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $platform = $platformmodel->where(['id' => $platform_id])->find();
+ if (empty($platform)) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '投放平台选择有误,请重新选择'], 'json');
+ }
+ }
+ // 再查申请表,数据是否存在,存在则不予理会,不存在则添加
+ $applymodel = M('Apply', 'tab_');
+ $apply = $applymodel->field('id,game_id,status')->where(['promote_id' => $promote_id, 'game_id' => ['in', $game_id]])->select();
+ $exist = 1;
+ if (empty($apply)) {
+ $apply = $this->add_apply($applymodel, $game, $promote_id, $game_id);
+ $exist = C('SET_AUTO_PACK');
+ }
+ foreach ($apply as $k => $v) {
+ foreach ($game as $m => $n) {
+ if ($v['game_id'] == $n['id']) {
+ unset($game[$m]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($game)) {
+ $apply = $this->add_apply($applymodel, $game, $promote_id, $game_id);
+ }
+ $apply_ids = array_column($apply, 'id');
+ if ($platform_id > 0 && is_array($apply_ids)) {
+ $launchmodel = M('apply_launch', 'tab_');
+ $launch = $launchmodel->field('platform_id,apply_id,max(position) as position')->where(['platform_id' => $platform_id, 'apply_id' => ['in', $apply_ids]])->group('platform_id,apply_id')->order('launch_time desc')->select();
+ if (empty($launch)) {
+ foreach ($apply as $k => $v) {
+ $data[] = array(
+ 'platform_id' => $platform_id,
+ 'apply_id' => $v['id'],
+ 'launch_game_id' => $v['game_id'],
+ 'launch_time' => time(),
+ 'position' => 1,
+ 'remark' => $remark,
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach ($apply as $k => $v) {
+ $flag = true;
+ foreach ($launch as $m => $n) {
+ if ($n['apply_id'] == $v['id']) {
+ if ($v['status'] == 1) {
+ $data[$k] = array(
+ 'platform_id' => $platform_id,
+ 'apply_id' => $v['id'],
+ 'launch_game_id' => $v['game_id'],
+ 'launch_time' => time(),
+ 'position' => $n['position'] > 0 ? (intval($n['position']) + 1) : 1,
+ 'remark' => $remark,
+ );
+ break;
+ } else {
+ $flag = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$data[$k] && $flag) {
+ $data[$k] = array(
+ 'platform_id' => $platform_id,
+ 'apply_id' => $v['id'],
+ 'launch_game_id' => $v['game_id'],
+ 'launch_time' => time(),
+ 'position' => 1,
+ 'remark' => $remark,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $res = $launchmodel->addAll($data);
+ if ($res > 0) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 1, 'msg' => '申请成功', 'exist' => $exist], 'json');
+ } else {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '申请失败'], 'json');
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '申请失败,请重新申请'], 'json');
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '请求有误'], 'json');
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * 批量添加申请并返回符合条件的申请信息
+ * @param object $applymodel 申请表模型对象
+ * @param array $game 游戏数组对象
+ * @param integer $promote_id 渠道编号
+ * @param array $game_id 要查找的游戏编号数组
+ * @param string $fields 查询字段
+ * @param array 根据条件获取的申请信息数组
+ * @author 鹿文学
+ */
+ private function add_apply($applymodel, $game, $promote_id, $game_id, $fields = 'id,game_id,status')
+ {
+ foreach ($game as $k => $v) {
+ $data[] = array(
+ 'game_id' => $v['id'],
+ 'game_name' => $v['game_name'],
+ 'promote_id' => $promote_id,
+ 'promote_account' => session("promote_auth.account"),
+ 'apply_time' => time(),
+ 'status' => C('SET_AUTO_PACK'),
+ 'dispose_time' => C('SET_AUTO_PACK') ? time() : '',
+ 'sdk_version' => $v['sdk_version'],
+ 'ratio' => $v['ratio'],
+ 'money' => $v['money'],
+ );
+ }
+ $applymodel->addAll($data);
+ $apply = $applymodel->field($fields)->where(['promote_id' => $promote_id, 'game_id' => ['in', $game_id]])->select();
+ return $apply;
+ }
+ public function specialMyGameList()
+ {
+ $this->my_game(1);
+ }
+ public function myGameList()
+ {
+ $this->my_game(2);
+ }
+ public function my_game($serverType = 1)
+ {
+ $loginPromote = $this->getLoginPromote();
+ //渠道可申请游戏
+ if (empty($_REQUEST['promote_id'])) {
+ $promoteId = $loginPromote['id'];
+ } else {
+ $promoteId = $_REQUEST['promote_id'];
+ }
+ $applyService = new ApplyService();
+ $gameIdList = $applyService->getSociatyGameIds($loginPromote);
+ $applyMap['promote_id'] = $promoteId;
+ $applyMap['offline_status'] = 0;
+ $applyMap['game_id'] = ['in', $gameIdList];
+ $gameIds = M('Apply', 'tab_')->where($applyMap)->getField('game_id', true);
+ $gameIds = implode(',', $gameIds);
+ if (empty($gameIds)) {
+ $map['_string'] = '1 = 2';
+ } else {
+ $map['tab_game.id'] = ['in', $gameIds];
+ }
+ $map['tab_apply.promote_id'] = $promoteId;
+ $map['tab_game.online_status'] = 1;//开发者游戏上线状态
+ $map['tab_game.down_port'] = 1;//游戏端口 第三方接口不能申请
+ $map['tab_game.game_status'] = 1;//游戏状态
+ $map['tab_game.server_type'] = $serverType;//游戏服务器类型
+ if ($_REQUEST['game_id'] != null) {
+ $relationGameName = M('Game', 'tab_')->where(array('id' => $_REQUEST['game_id']))->getField('relation_game_name');
+ if ($relationGameName) {
+ $map['tab_game.relation_game_name'] = ['like', $relationGameName];
+ } else {
+ $map['tab_apply.game_id'] = $_REQUEST['game_id'];
+ }
+ }
+ if ($_REQUEST['pattern'] != null) {
+ $map['tab_apply.pattern'] = $_REQUEST['pattern'];
+ }
+ $page = intval(I('get.p', 0));
+ $page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['row'])) {
+ $row = $_REQUEST['row'];
+ } else {
+ $row = 10;
+ }
+ $data = M("game", "tab_")
+ /* 查询指定字段,不指定则查询所有字段 */
+ ->field("tab_game.id,tab_game.game_size,tab_game.game_name,tab_game.features,tab_game.money,tab_game.sdk_version,tab_game.ratio,tab_game.icon,tab_game.game_type_name,tab_game.recommend_status,promote_id,status,tab_apply.dow_status,tab_apply.plist_url,tab_apply.id as applyid,tab_apply.enable_status,tab_game.sort,tab_game.relation_game_id,tab_game.relation_game_name,tab_game.material_url,dispose_time,tab_apply.promote_money as applymoney,tab_apply.promote_ratio as applyratio,apply_time,tab_apply.status as applystatus,tab_game.and_dow_address,tab_game.ios_dow_address,tab_game.add_game_address,tab_game.ios_game_address")
+ ->join("tab_apply ON tab_game.id = tab_apply.game_id and tab_apply.promote_id = " . $promoteId)
+// ->join("left join tab_game as tg ON (tab_game.id = tg.relation_game_id and tg.game_status = 1 and tab_game.id!=tab_game.relation_game_id) or (tab_game.id = tg.relation_game_id and tab_game.id!=tg.id and tg.game_status = 1) or (tab_game.id!=tab_game.relation_game_id and tab_game.relation_game_id=tg.id and tab_game.game_status=1)")
+ // 查询条件
+ ->where($map)
+ /* 默认通过id逆序排列 */
+ ->order("apply_time desc,id desc")
+ /* 数据分页 */
+ ->page($page, $row)
+ /* 执行查询 */
+ ->select();
+ /* 查询记录总数 */
+ $count = count(M("game", "tab_")
+ /* 查询指定字段,不指定则查询所有字段 */
+ ->field("tab_game.*,tab_apply.promote_id,tab_apply.status")
+ ->join("tab_apply ON tab_game.id = tab_apply.game_id and tab_apply.promote_id = " . $promoteId)
+ // 查询条件
+ ->where($map)
+ ->select());
+ //分页
+ $parameter = array(
+ 'row' => I('get.row'),
+ 'sdk_version' => I('request.sdk_version'),
+ 'p' => I('p', 1),
+ 'type' => I('request.type'),
+ 'enable_status' => I('request.enable_status'),
+ 'game_id' => I('request.game_id'),
+ );
+ $page = set_pagination($count, $row, $parameter);
+ if ($page) {
+ $this->assign('_page', $page);
+ }
+ $promoteRole = empty(I('promote_role')) ? 1 : I('promote_role');
+ $url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . __ROOT__ . "/media.php/member/preg/pid/" . session("promote_auth.pid");
+ $this->assign("url", $url);
+ $this->assign("count", $count);
+ $this->assign("row", $row);
+ $this->assign('loginPromote', $loginPromote);
+ $this->assign('promoteId', $promoteId);
+ $this->assign('promoteRole', $promoteRole);
+ $this->assign('promoteData', getAllPromoteListByType($promoteRole));
+ $this->assign('list_data', $data);
+ $this->assign('serverType', $serverType);
+ $this->assign('myGame', ($serverType == 1) ? 'specialMyGameList' : 'myGameList');
+ $this->assign('game', ($serverType == 1) ? 'gameSpecialList' : 'gameList');
+ $this->assign('position', ($serverType == 1) ? '专服管理' : '混服管理');
+ $this->meta_title = "我的游戏";
+ $this->display('my_game');
+ }
+ public function my_game_ch($type = -1, $p = 0)
+ {
+ //渠道可申请游戏
+ $game_ids = M('promote', 'tab_')->where(['id' => get_pid()])->getField('game_ids');
+ if (!empty($game_ids) || $game_ids === '0') {
+ $game_ids = explode(',', $game_ids);
+ $map['tab_game.id'] = ['in', $game_ids];
+ }
+ $map['promote_id'] = session("promote_auth.pid");
+ $map['tab_game.game_status'] = 1;//游戏状态
+ if ($_REQUEST['game_id'] != null) {
+ $map['tab_game.relation_game_id'] = $_REQUEST['game_id'];
+ }
+ $res = M('game', 'tab_')->where(['relation_game_id' => $_REQUEST['game_id']])->find();
+ if (empty($res) && $_REQUEST['game_id']) {
+ $res_ = M('game', 'tab_')->find($_REQUEST['game_id']);
+ $map['tab_game.relation_game_id'] = $res_['relation_game_id'];
+ }
+ $map['tab_apply.status'] = 0;
+ $page = intval($p);
+ $page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
+ $row = 6;
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['row'])) {
+ $row = $_REQUEST['row'];
+ } else {
+ $row = 10;
+ }
+ $data = M("game", "tab_")
+ /* 查询指定字段,不指定则查询所有字段 */
+ ->field("tab_game.id,tab_game.game_size,tab_game.game_name,tab_game.money,tab_game.sdk_version,tab_game.ratio,tab_game.icon,tab_game.game_type_name,tab_game.recommend_status,promote_id,status,tab_apply.dow_status,tab_apply.plist_url,tab_apply.id as applyid,enable_status,tab_game.sort,tab_game.relation_game_id,tab_game.relation_game_name,tab_game.material_url,tg.relation_game_id as trelation_game_id,tg.id as tid,tg.sdk_version as tsdk_version,tg.game_size as tgame_size,tg.money as tmoney,tg.ratio as tratio,tg.material_url as tmaterial_url,dispose_time,apply_time,tab_apply.promote_money as applymoney,tab_apply.promote_ratio as applyratio,tab_apply.status as applystatus")
+ ->join("tab_apply ON tab_game.id = tab_apply.game_id and tab_apply.promote_id = " . session('promote_auth.pid'))
+ ->join("left join tab_game as tg ON (tab_game.id = tg.relation_game_id and tg.game_status = 1 and tab_game.id!=tab_game.relation_game_id) or (tab_game.id = tg.relation_game_id and tab_game.id!=tg.id and tg.game_status = 1) or (tab_game.id!=tab_game.relation_game_id and tab_game.relation_game_id=tg.id and tab_game.game_status=1)")
+ // 查询条件
+ ->where($map)
+ /* 默认通过id逆序排列 */
+ ->order("id desc")
+ ->group("relation_game_id")
+ /* 数据分页 */
+ ->page($page, $row)
+ /* 执行查询 */
+ ->select();
+ $applymodel = M('apply', 'tab_');
+ $launchmodel = M('apply_launch', 'tab_');
+ foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
+ if ($value['sdk_version'] == 2 && $value['tsdk_version'] == 1) {
+ $game_ios = get_game_info($value['id']);
+ $game_and = get_game_info($value['tid']);
+ $data[$key] = $game_and;
+ $data[$key]['tid'] = $game_ios['id'];
+ $data[$key]['tsdk_version'] = $game_ios['sdk_version'];
+ $data[$key]['tgame_size'] = $game_ios['game_size'];
+ $data[$key]['tmoney'] = $game_ios['money'];
+ $data[$key]['tratio'] = $game_ios['ratio'];
+ $data[$key]['dispose_time'] = $game_ios['dispose_time'];
+ $data[$key]['tapplymoney'] = $apply_info['promote_money'];
+ $data[$key]['tapplyratio'] = $apply_info['promote_ratio'];
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
+ $apply = $applymodel->field('id,status')->where(['promote_id' => get_pid(), 'game_id' => $value['tid']])->find();
+ if ($value['applyid']) {
+ $platform = $launchmodel->field('platform_id')->where(['apply_id' => $value['applyid']])->find();
+ $data[$key]['platform_id'] = $platform['platform_id'];
+ } else {
+ $data[$key]['applyid'] = 0;
+ }
+ if ($apply['id']) {
+ $data[$key]['tapplyid'] = $apply['id'];
+ $tplatform = $launchmodel->field('platform_id')->where(['apply_id' => $apply['id']])->find();
+ $data[$key]['tplatform_id'] = $tplatform['platform_id'];
+ $data[$key]['tapplystatus'] = $apply['status'];
+ } else {
+ $data[$key]['tapplyid'] = 0;
+ $data[$key]['tapplystatus'] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* 查询记录总数 */
+ $count = count(M("game", "tab_")
+ /* 查询指定字段,不指定则查询所有字段 */
+ ->field("tab_game.*,tab_apply.promote_id,tab_apply.status")
+ ->join("tab_apply ON tab_game.id = tab_apply.game_id and tab_apply.promote_id = " . session('promote_auth.pid'))
+ // 查询条件
+ ->where($map)
+ ->group("relation_game_id")
+ ->select());
+ //分页
+ $parameter = array(
+ 'row' => I('get.row'),
+ 'sdk_version' => I('request.sdk_version'),
+ 'p' => I('p', 1),
+ 'type' => I('request.type'),
+ 'enable_status' => I('request.enable_status'),
+ 'game_id' => I('request.game_id'),
+ );
+ $page = set_pagination($count, $row, $parameter);
+ if ($page) {
+ $this->assign('_page', $page);
+ }
+ $url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . __ROOT__ . "/media.php/member/preg/pid/" . session("promote_auth.pid");
+ $this->assign("url", $url);
+ $this->assign("count", $count);
+ $this->assign('model', $model);
+ $this->assign('list_data', $data);
+ $this->meta_title = "我的游戏";
+ $this->display();
+ }
+ public function child_game($p = 0)
+ {
+ $loginPromote = $this->getLoginPromote();
+ if ($loginPromote['level'] > 3) {
+ echo '';
+ exit;
+ }
+ if (!empty($_REQUEST['game_id'])) {
+ $map['tab_apply.game_id'] = $_REQUEST['game_id'];
+ }
+ if (!empty($_REQUEST['promote_id'])) {
+ $map['tab_apply.promote_id'] = $_REQUEST['promote_id'];
+ } else {
+ $sid = M('Promote', 'tab_')->field('id')->where(array('parent_id' => PID, 'status' => 1))->select();
+ if ($sid) {
+ $map['tab_apply.promote_id'] = array('in', array_column($sid, 'id'));
+ } else {
+ $map['tab_apply.promote_id'] = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ $map['tab_game.game_status'] = 1;//游戏状态
+ $start_time = strtotime(I('time_start'));
+ $end_time = strtotime(I('time_end'));
+ if (!empty($start_time) && !empty($end_time)) {
+ $map['tab_apply.dispose_time'] = ['BETWEEN', [$start_time, $end_time + 24 * 60 * 60 - 1]];
+ unset($_REQUEST['time_start']);
+ unset($_REQUEST['time_end']);
+ } else if (!empty($start_time)) {
+ $map['tab_apply.dispose_time'] = array('gt', $start_time);
+ } else if (!empty($end_time)) {
+ $map['tab_apply.dispose_time'] = array('lt', $end_time + 24 * 60 * 60 - 1);
+ }
+ $map['tab_apply.status'] = 1;
+ $page = intval($p);
+ $page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['row'])) {
+ $row = $_REQUEST['row'];
+ } else {
+ $row = 10;
+ }
+ $data = M("game", "tab_")
+ /* 查询指定字段,不指定则查询所有字段 */
+ ->field("tab_game.id,tab_game.game_size,tab_game.game_name,tab_game.money,tab_game.sdk_version,tab_game.ratio,tab_game.icon,tab_game.game_type_name,tab_game.recommend_status,promote_id,promote_account,status,tab_apply.dow_status,tab_apply.plist_url,tab_apply.id as applyid,enable_status,tab_game.sort,tab_game.relation_game_id,tab_game.relation_game_name,tab_game.material_url,tg.relation_game_id as trelation_game_id,tg.id as tid,tg.game_name as tgame_name,tg.sdk_version as tsdk_version,tg.game_size as tgame_size,tg.money as tmoney,tg.ratio as tratio,tg.material_url as tmaterial_url,dispose_time,apply_time,promote_account,tab_apply.promote_money as applymoney,tab_apply.promote_ratio as applyratio,tab_apply.status as applystatus")
+ ->join("tab_apply ON tab_game.id = tab_apply.game_id ")
+ ->join("left join tab_game as tg ON (tab_game.id = tg.relation_game_id and tg.game_status = 1 and tab_game.id!=tab_game.relation_game_id) or (tab_game.id = tg.relation_game_id and tab_game.id!=tg.id and tg.game_status = 1) or (tab_game.id!=tab_game.relation_game_id and tab_game.relation_game_id=tg.id and tab_game.game_status=1)")
+ // 查询条件
+ ->where($map)
+ /* 默认通过id逆序排列 */
+ ->order("id desc")
+ ->group("tab_apply.promote_id,relation_game_id")
+ /* 数据分页 */
+ ->page($page, $row)
+ /* 执行查询 */
+ ->select();
+ $count = count(M("game", "tab_")
+ /* 查询指定字段,不指定则查询所有字段 */
+ ->field("tab_game.*,tab_apply.promote_id,tab_apply.status")
+ ->join("tab_apply ON tab_game.id = tab_apply.game_id ")
+ // 查询条件
+ ->where($map)
+ ->group("tab_apply.promote_id,relation_game_id")
+ ->select());
+ $applymodel = M('apply', 'tab_');
+ $launchmodel = M('apply_launch', 'tab_');
+ foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
+ if ($value['sdk_version'] == 2 && $value['tsdk_version'] == 1) {
+ $game_ios = get_game_info($value['id']);
+ $game_and = get_game_info($value['tid']);
+ $apply_info = M('apply', 'tab_')->where(['game_id' => $value['id'], 'promote_account' => $value['promote_account']])->find();
+ $data[$key] = $game_and;
+ $data[$key]['tid'] = $game_ios['id'];
+ $data[$key]['tsdk_version'] = $game_ios['sdk_version'];
+ $data[$key]['tgame_size'] = $game_ios['game_size'];
+ $data[$key]['tmoney'] = $game_ios['money'];
+ $data[$key]['tratio'] = $game_ios['ratio'];
+ $data[$key]['applyid'] = $apply_info['id'];
+ $data[$key]['enable_status'] = $apply_info['enable_status'];
+ $data[$key]['promote_id'] = $apply_info['promote_id'];
+ $data[$key]['promote_account'] = $apply_info['promote_account'];
+ $data[$key]['applymoney'] = $apply_info['promote_money'];
+ $data[$key]['tapplyratio'] = $apply_info['promote_ratio'];
+ $data[$key]['tapply_time'] = $apply_info['apply_time'];
+ $data[$key]['dispose_time'] = $apply_info['apply_time'];
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
+ $apply = $applymodel->field('id,status')->where(['promote_id' => $value['promote_id'], 'game_id' => $value['tid']])->find();
+ if ($value['applyid']) {
+ $data[$key]['launch_count'] = $launchmodel->where(['apply_id' => $value['applyid']])->count();
+ } else {
+ $data[$key]['applyid'] = 0;
+ }
+ if ($apply['id']) {
+ $data[$key]['tapplyid'] = $apply['id'];
+ $data[$key]['tlaunch_count'] = $launchmodel->where(['apply_id' => $apply['id']])->count();
+ $data[$key]['tapplystatus'] = $apply['status'];
+ } else {
+ $data[$key]['tapplyid'] = 0;
+ $data[$key]['tapplystatus'] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ //分页
+ $parameter = $_POST;
+ $parameter['p'] = I('get.p', 1);
+ $parameter['row'] = I('get.row');
+ $page = set_pagination($count, $row, $parameter);
+ if ($page) {
+ $this->assign('_page', $page);
+ }
+ $this->assign("count", $count);
+ $this->assign('model', $model);
+ $this->assign('list_data', $data);
+ $this->meta_title = "子渠道游戏";
+ $this->display();
+ }
+ public function changevalue()
+ {
+ if (IS_POST) {
+ if (!is_numeric($_REQUEST['id']) || $_REQUEST['id'] <= 0) {
+ echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'info' => '数据有误'));
+ exit;
+ }
+ if (!is_numeric($_REQUEST['value']) || $_REQUEST['value'] < 0) {
+ echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'info' => '数据有误'));
+ exit;
+ }
+ $apply = M('apply', 'tab_');
+ if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 1) {
+ $res = $apply->where(array('id' => $_REQUEST['id']))->setField(array('promote_money' => $_REQUEST['value']));
+ if ($res) {
+ echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'info' => '注册单价修改成功'));
+ exit;
+ } else {
+ echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'info' => '注册单价修改失败'));
+ exit;
+ }
+ } elseif ($_REQUEST['type'] == 2) {
+ $res = $apply->where(array('id' => $_REQUEST['id']))->setField(array('promote_ratio' => $_REQUEST['value']));
+ if ($res) {
+ echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'info' => '分成比例修改成功'));
+ exit;
+ } else {
+ echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'info' => '分成比例修改失败'));
+ exit;
+ }
+ } else {
+ echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'info' => '数据有误'));
+ exit;
+ }
+ } else {
+ echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'info' => '数据有误'));
+ exit;
+ }
+ }
+ public function apply_game()
+ {
+ if (IS_POST) {
+ $relation_game_id = $_POST['game_id'];
+ $sdk_version = $_POST['sdk_version'];
+ $platform_id = $_POST['platform_id'];
+ $platform_name = $_POST['platform_name'];
+ $remark = $_POST['remark'];
+ $promote_id = is_login_promote();
+ if ($promote_id < 1) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '请登录后再操作'], 'json');
+ }
+ if (!is_numeric($relation_game_id) || $relation_game_id < 1) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '缺少游戏'], 'json');
+ }
+ if (!is_numeric($sdk_version) || $sdk_version < 1 || $sdk_version > 2) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '缺少版本'], 'json');
+ }
+ if ((!is_numeric($platform_id) || $platform_id < 1) && empty($platform_name)) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '投放平台不能为空'], 'json');
+ }
+ $gamemodel = M('Game', 'tab_');
+ $game = $gamemodel->where(['relation_game_id' => $relation_game_id, 'sdk_version' => $sdk_version])->find();
+ if (!is_array($game)) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '此游戏不存在'], 'json');
+ }
+ $game_id = $game['id'];
+ // 先查投放平台,如有渠道输入则先判断平台是否存在,不存在则添加,存在则获取信息;没有趣的输入,则判断选择平台是否存在,不存在返回
+ $platformmodel = M('launch_platform', 'tab_');
+ if ($platform_name) {
+ $platform = $platformmodel->where(['name' => $platform_name])->find();
+ if (empty($platform)) {
+ $platform_id = $platformmodel->add(['create_time' => time(), 'update_time' => time(), 'name' => $platform_name, 'promote_id' => $promote_id, 'promote_account' => get_promote_account($promote_id), 'mark' => 1]);
+ } else {
+ $platform_id = $platform['id'];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $platform = $platformmodel->where(['id' => $platform_id])->find();
+ if (empty($platform)) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '投放平台选择有误,请重新选择'], 'json');
+ }
+ }
+ // 再查申请表,数据是否存在,存在则不予理会,不存在则添加
+ $applymodel = M('Apply', 'tab_');
+ $apply = $applymodel->field('id')->where(['promote_id' => $promote_id, 'game_id' => $game_id])->find();
+ if (empty($apply)) {
+ $data = array(
+ 'game_id' => $game_id,
+ 'game_name' => $game['game_name'],
+ 'promote_id' => $promote_id,
+ 'promote_account' => session("promote_auth.account"),
+ 'apply_time' => time(),
+ 'status' => C('SET_AUTO_PACK'),
+ 'dispose_time' => C('SET_AUTO_PACK') ? time() : '',
+ 'sdk_version' => $sdk_version,
+ 'ratio' => $game['ratio'],
+ 'money' => $game['money'],
+ );
+ $exist = C('SET_AUTO_PACK');
+ $apply_id = $applymodel->add($data);
+ } else {
+ $apply_id = $apply['id'];
+ $exist = 1;
+ }
+ if ($platform_id > 0 && $apply_id > 0) {
+ $launchmodel = M('apply_launch', 'tab_');
+ $launch = $launchmodel->field('position')->where(['platform_id' => $platform_id, 'apply_id' => $apply_id])->order('launch_time desc')->find();
+ $data = array(
+ 'platform_id' => $platform_id,
+ 'apply_id' => $apply_id,
+ 'launch_game_id' => $game_id,
+ 'launch_time' => time(),
+ 'position' => $launch['position'] > 0 ? (intval($launch['position']) + 1) : 1,
+ 'remark' => $remark,
+ );
+ $res = $launchmodel->add($data);
+ if ($res > 0) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 1, 'msg' => '申请成功', 'exist' => $exist], 'json');
+ } else {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '申请失败'], 'json');
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '申请失败,请重新申请'], 'json');
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '请求有误'], 'json');
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * APP申请
+ */
+ public function app_index()
+ {
+ $map['tab_app.type'] = 1;
+ empty(I('version')) || $map['tab_app.version'] = I('version');
+ $promote_id = PID;
+ $data = M('app', 'tab_')
+ ->field('tab_app.*,p.status as apply_status,p.dow_url,p.enable_status,p.promote_id')
+ ->join("left join tab_app_apply p on p.app_id = tab_app.id and p.promote_id = {$promote_id}")
+ ->where($map)
+ ->select();
+ $this->assign('data', $data);
+ $this->meta_title = "APP申请";
+ $this->display();
+ }
+ //app申请
+ public function apply_app($app_id)
+ {
+ $app = M('app', 'tab_')->find($app_id);
+ $map['app_id'] = $app_id;
+ $map['promote_id'] = PID;
+ $data = M('app_apply', 'tab_')->where($map)->find();
+ if (!empty($data)) {
+ $res['status'] = 2;
+ $res['msg'] = '该渠道已经申请过此APP!';
+ } else {
+ $data['promote_id'] = PID;
+ $data['app_id'] = $app_id;
+ $data['app_name'] = $app['name'];
+ $data['app_version'] = $app['version'];
+ $data['apply_time'] = time();
+ $data['status'] = 0;
+ $result = M('app_apply', 'tab_')->add($data);
+ if ($result !== false) {
+ $res['status'] = 1;
+ $res['msg'] = '申请成功';
+ } else {
+ $res['status'] = 2;
+ $res['msg'] = '申请失败';
+ }
+ }
+ $this->ajaxReturn($res);
+ }
+ //打包
+ public function allpackage($ids = null, $game_id = 0)
+ {
+ if (empty($ids)) {
+ $gameData = M('Game', 'tab_')->find($game_id);
+ $model = new ApplyModel(); //D('Apply');
+ $data['game_id'] = $_POST['game_id'];
+ $data['game_name'] = get_game_name($game_id);
+ $data['promote_id'] = session("promote_auth.pid");
+ $data['promote_account'] = session("promote_auth.account");
+ $data['apply_time'] = NOW_TIME;
+ $data['status'] = 1;
+ $data['enable_status'] = 2;
+ $data['dispose_id'] = 0;
+ $data['dispose_time'] = NOW_TIME;
+ $data['sdk_version'] = $gameData['sdk_version'];
+ $data['ratio'] = $gameData['ratio'];
+ $data['money'] = $gameData['money'];
+ $result = $model->add($data);
+ if ($result > 0) {
+ $this->success("已加入打包队列,刷新此页面可查看当前打包状态");
+ } else {
+ $this->error('打包失败');
+ }
+ } else {
+ $map['id'] = $ids;
+ $data = array('status' => 1, 'enable_status' => 2);
+ M('apply', 'tab_')->where($map)->setField($data);
+ $this->success("已加入打包队列,刷新此页面可查看当前打包状态");
+ exit;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ *APP打包
+ */
+ public function app_package($appid = null)
+ {
+ $appData = M('app', 'tab_')->find($appid);
+ $map['app_id'] = $appid;
+ $map['promote_id'] = PID;
+ $ids = 0;
+ $data = M('app_apply', 'tab_')->where($map)->find();
+ if (empty($data)) {
+ $data['promote_id'] = PID;
+ $data['app_id'] = $appid;
+ $data['app_name'] = $appData['name'];
+ $data['app_version'] = $appData['version'];
+ $data['apply_time'] = time();
+ $data['status'] = 1;
+ $data['enable_status'] = 1;
+ $data['dispose_id'] = 0;
+ $data['dispose_time'] = NOW_TIME;
+ $result = M('app_apply', 'tab_')->add($data);
+ $ids = $result;
+ } else {
+ $ids = $data['id'];
+ }
+ try {
+ $apply_data = M('app_apply', 'tab_')->find($ids);
+ #获取原包数据
+ $source_file = M('app', 'tab_')->find($apply_data['app_id']);
+ if ($apply_data['app_version'] == 1) {
+ $app_type = ".apk";
+ $url_ver = "META-INF/mch.properties";
+ } else {
+ $app_type = ".ipa";
+ $url_ver = "Payload/XiGuMobileGame.app/_CodeSignature/mch.txt";
+ }
+ $newname = "app_package" . $apply_data["app_id"] . "-" . $apply_data['promote_id'] . $app_type;
+ $to = "./Uploads/GamePack/" . $newname;
+ copy($source_file['file_url'], $to);
+ #打包新路径
+ $zip = new \ZipArchive;
+ $res = $zip->open($to, \ZipArchive::CREATE);
+ if ($res == TRUE) {
+ #打包数据
+ $pack_data = array(
+ "promote_id" => $apply_data['promote_id'],
+ "promote_account" => get_promote_name($apply_data["promote_id"]),
+ );
+ $zip->addFromString($url_ver, json_encode($pack_data));
+ $zip->close();
+ if (get_tool_status("oss_storage") == 1) {
+ $to = "http://" . C("oss_storage.bucket") . "." . C("oss_storage.domain") . "/GamePack/" . $newname;
+ $to = str_replace('-internal', '', $to);
+ $new_to = "./Uploads/GamePack/" . $newname;
+ $updata['savename'] = $newname;
+ $updata['path'] = $new_to;
+ $this->upload_game_pak_oss($updata);
+ @unlink($new_to);
+ } elseif (get_tool_status("qiniu_storage") == 1) {
+ $this->dleteQiNiuFile($newname);
+ $url = $this->upQiNiuFile($newname, $to);
+ @unlink($to);
+ $to = "http://" . $url;
+ } elseif (get_tool_status("cos_storage") == 1) {
+ $cos = A('Cos');
+ $cos->cosupload("", "/App/" . $newname, 2);
+ $cos_res = $cos->cosupload($to, "/App/" . $newname);
+ if (strlen($cos_res) > 10) {
+ @unlink($to);
+ $to = $cos_res;
+ } else {
+ $this->error("Cos参数错误");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($apply_data['app_version'] == 2) {
+ $plist_url = A('Plist')->create_plist_app('1', $apply_data['promote_id'], 'app', $to);
+ $apply_data['plist_url'] = $plist_url;
+ }
+ $apply_data['dow_url'] = $to;
+ $apply_data['enable_status'] = 1;
+ $apply_data['status'] = 1;
+ $res = M('app_apply', 'tab_')->save($apply_data);
+ } else {
+ $this->error('解压文件失败');
+ }
+ $this->success('打包成功');
+ } catch (\Exception $e) {
+ $this->error($e->getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ public function promitionofregestion()
+ {
+ $map['relation_game_id'] = $_GET['gid'];
+ $data = M('game', 'tab_')->field('id,sdk_version,icon,screenshot,relation_game_id,relation_game_name')->where($map)->select();
+ $this->assign('data', $data);
+ $this->display();
+ }
+ public function qrcode($url = '', $logo = '', $level = 3, $size = 4)
+ {
+ $url = base64_decode(base64_decode($url));
+ $logo = base64_decode(base64_decode($logo));
+ Vendor('phpqrcode.phpqrcode');
+ $errorCorrectionLevel = intval($level);//容错级别
+ $matrixPointSize = intval($size);//生成图片大小
+ //生成二维码图片
+// echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
+ ob_clean();
+ echo \QRcode::png($url, false, $errorCorrectionLevel, $matrixPointSize, 2, false, $logo);
+ }
+ /**
+ *上传到OSS
+ */
+ public function upload_game_pak_oss($return_data = null)
+ {
+ /**
+ * 根据Config配置,得到一个OssClient实例
+ */
+ try {
+ Vendor('OSS.autoload');
+ $ossClient = new \OSS\OssClient(C("oss_storage.accesskeyid"), C("oss_storage.accesskeysecr"), C("oss_storage.domain"));
+ } catch (OssException $e) {
+ $this->error($e->getMessage());
+ }
+ $bucket = C('oss_storage.bucket');
+ // if(preg_match('/.apk/',$return_data['savename']) ){
+ $oss_name = "GamePack";
+ // }else{
+ // $oss_name="IosGamePack";
+ // }
+ $oss_file_path = $oss_name . "/" . $return_data["savename"];
+ $avatar = $return_data["path"];
+ try {
+ $this->multiuploadFile($ossClient, $bucket, $oss_file_path, $avatar);
+ return true;
+ } catch (OssException $e) {
+ /* 返回JSON数据 */
+ $this->error($e->getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ public function multiuploadFile($ossClient, $bucket, $url, $file)
+ {
+ //$file = __FILE__;
+ $options = array();
+ try {
+ #初始化分片上传文件
+ $uploadId = $ossClient->initiateMultipartUpload($bucket, $url);
+ //$ossClient->multiuploadFile($bucket, $url, $file, $options);
+ } catch (OssException $e) {
+ printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": initiateMultipartUpload FAILED\n");
+ printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * step 2. 上传分片
+ */
+ $partSize = 5 * 1000 * 1024;
+ $uploadFile = $file;
+ $uploadFileSize = filesize($uploadFile);
+ $pieces = $ossClient->generateMultiuploadParts($uploadFileSize, $partSize);
+ $responseUploadPart = array();
+ $uploadPosition = 0;
+ $isCheckMd5 = true;
+ foreach ($pieces as $i => $piece) {
+ $fromPos = $uploadPosition + (integer)$piece[$ossClient::OSS_SEEK_TO];
+ $toPos = (integer)$piece[$ossClient::OSS_LENGTH] + $fromPos - 1;
+ $upOptions = array(
+ $ossClient::OSS_FILE_UPLOAD => $uploadFile,
+ $ossClient::OSS_PART_NUM => ($i + 1),
+ $ossClient::OSS_SEEK_TO => $fromPos,
+ $ossClient::OSS_LENGTH => $toPos - $fromPos + 1,
+ $ossClient::OSS_CHECK_MD5 => $isCheckMd5,
+ );
+ if ($isCheckMd5) {
+ $contentMd5 = \OSS\Core\OssUtil::getMd5SumForFile($uploadFile, $fromPos, $toPos);
+ $upOptions[$ossClient::OSS_CONTENT_MD5] = $contentMd5;
+ }
+ //2. 将每一分片上传到OSS
+ try {
+ $responseUploadPart[] = $ossClient->uploadPart($bucket, $url, $uploadId, $upOptions);
+ } catch (OssException $e) {
+ printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": initiateMultipartUpload, uploadPart - part#{$i} FAILED\n");
+ printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ $uploadParts = array();
+ foreach ($responseUploadPart as $i => $eTag) {
+ $uploadParts[] = array(
+ 'PartNumber' => ($i + 1),
+ 'ETag' => $eTag,
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * step 3. 完成上传
+ */
+ try {
+ $ossClient->completeMultipartUpload($bucket, $url, $uploadId, $uploadParts);
+ } catch (OssException $e) {
+ printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": completeMultipartUpload FAILED\n");
+ printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * 投放平台列表
+ * @param integer $applyid 申请表编号
+ * @author 鹿文学
+ */
+ public function launch($applyid = 0, $p = 1)
+ {
+ if (is_numeric($applyid) && $applyid > 0) {
+ $launchmodel = M('apply_launch', 'tab_');
+ $page = intval($p);
+ $page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
+ $map = ['apply_id' => $applyid];
+ $count = $launchmodel->alias('l')
+ ->join('tab_apply as a on(a.id=l.apply_id) ')
+ ->where($map)->count();
+ if ($count > 0) {
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['row'])) {
+ $row = $_REQUEST['row'];
+ } else {
+ $row = 10;
+ }
+ $list = $launchmodel->alias('l')->field('l.*,a.game_id,a.promote_id,a.promote_id,a.sdk_version,a.enable_status')
+ ->join('tab_apply as a on(a.id=l.apply_id) ')
+ ->where($map)->page($page, $row)->select();
+ $game = M('game', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $list[0]['launch_game_id']])->field('game_status,dow_status')->find();
+ if ($game['dow_status'] == 0 || $game['game_status'] == 0) {
+ foreach ($list as $key => $v) {
+ unset($list[$key]['launch_down_url']);
+ unset($list[$key]['launch_plist_url']);
+ }
+ }
+ $page = set_pagination($count, $row);
+ if ($page) {
+ $this->assign('_page', $page);
+ }
+ $this->assign('list_data', $list);
+ $this->assign('is_launch', 1);
+ } else {
+ $list = M('apply', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $applyid])->find();
+ $game = M('game', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $list['game_id']])->field('game_status,dow_status')->find();
+ if ($game['dow_status'] == 0 || $game['game_status'] == 0) {
+ unset($list['pack_url']);
+ unset($list['plist_url']);
+ }
+ $this->assign('list_data', [$list]);
+ $this->assign('is_launch', 0);
+ }
+ }
+ $this->assign('relation_game_id', I('get.rgid', ''));
+ $this->assign('notchild', stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'child_game') ? 0 : 1);
+ $this->display();
+ }
+ function getPromoteListByRole()
+ {
+ $promoteRole = I('promote_role');
+ $data = array();
+ switch ($promoteRole) {
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
+ case 4:
+ $data = getAllPromoteListByType($promoteRole);
+ break;
+ }
+ $this->ajaxReturn($data);
+ }
+ public function getGameInfo()
+ {
+ $promote = $this->getLoginPromote();
+ $promoteService = new PromoteService();
+ if (!$promoteService->canPresidentApplyGame($promote)) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn([
+ 'status' => 0,
+ 'message' => '请联系市场专员开启',
+ 'data' => [
+ ]
+ ]);
+ }
+ $gameId = I('game_id');
+ $promoteType = I('promote_type');
+ $gameData = array();
+ if ($gameId > 0) {
+ $map['id'] = $gameId;
+ $gameData = M('Game', 'tab_')
+ ->where($map)
+ ->find();
+ }
+ $gameData['sdk_name'] = getSDKTypeName($gameData['sdk_version']);
+ $promotes = getAllPromoteListByType($promoteType);
+ $newPromoteData = [];
+ if (count($promotes) > 0) {
+ $promoteIds = array_column($promotes, 'id');
+ $oldIds = M('apply', 'tab_')->where(['game_id' => $gameId, 'promote_id' => ['in', $promoteIds], 'offline_status' => 0])->getField('id', true);
+ $newPromoteIds = array_diff($promoteIds, $oldIds);
+ foreach ($promotes as $promote) {
+ if (in_array($promote['id'], $newPromoteIds)) {
+ $newPromoteData[] = $promote;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $data['game_data'] = $gameData;
+ $data['promote_data'] = $newPromoteData;
+ $this->ajaxReturn([
+ 'status' => 1,
+ 'message' => '获取成功',
+ 'data' => $data
+ ]);
+ }
+ function addGameToPromote()
+ {
+ $loginPromote = $this->getLoginPromote();
+ $gameId = I('game_id');
+ $promoteIds = I('promote_ids');
+ if (empty($gameId)) {
+ $data['status'] = -1;
+ $data['msg'] = '游戏id错误';
+ $this->ajaxReturn($data);
+ }
+ if (empty($promoteIds)) {
+ $data['status'] = -1;
+ $data['msg'] = '未选择渠道';
+ $this->ajaxReturn($data);
+ }
+ $gameData = M('Game', 'tab_')->where(array('id' => $gameId))->find();
+ foreach ($promoteIds as $value) {
+ $thisPromoteData = D('Promote')->where(array('id' => $value))->find();
+ if (empty($thisPromoteData) || !hasPromotePermission($loginPromote['id'], $value)) {
+ $data['status'] = -1;
+ $data['msg'] = '渠道权限异常';
+ $this->ajaxReturn($data);
+ }
+ $map['game_id'] = $gameId;
+ $map['promote_id'] = $value;
+ $applyData = M('apply', 'tab_')->field('id,offline_status')->where($map)->find();
+ $updateStatus = 0;
+ if (!empty($applyData)) {
+ if ($applyData['offline_status'] == 0) {
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ $updateStatus = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ $save['promote_account'] = $thisPromoteData['account'];
+ $save['apply_time'] = NOW_TIME;
+ $save['ratio'] = $gameData['ratio'];
+ $save['money'] = $gameData['money'];
+ $save['offline_status'] = 0;
+ $gameSource = M('Game_source', 'tab_')->field('id,source_version')->where(['game_id' => $gameId])->find();
+ if (!file_exists(get_game_source_file_url($gameId)) || null == $gameSource) {
+ $save['enable_status'] = -1;
+ } else {
+ $save['enable_status'] = 2;
+ }
+ if ($updateStatus == 0) {
+ $save['sdk_version'] = $gameData['sdk_version'];
+ $save['game_id'] = $gameId;
+ $save['game_name'] = get_game_name($gameId);
+ $save['promote_id'] = $value;
+ $save['status'] = C('SET_AUTO_PACK');
+ $res = M('Apply', 'tab_')->add($save);
+ } else {
+ $res = M('Apply', 'tab_')->where('id = ' . $applyData['id'])->save($save);
+ }
+ if (!$res) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => -1, "msg" => "添加失败", 'ret' => $res));
+ }
+ }
+ $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => 0, "msg" => "添加成功"));
+ }
+ public function getEnableStatus()
+ {
+ $applyId = I('post.apply_id');
+ if (empty($applyId)) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '数据异常']);
+ }
+ $map['id'] = $applyId;
+ $enableStatus = M('Apply', 'tab_')->where($map)->getField('enable_status');
+ $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 1, 'data' => $enableStatus]);
+ }
+ public function backDetailData()
+ { //返回详情数据
+ $result = ['code' => 10001, 'msg' => "该游戏信息不存在,请确认!", 'error' => 1, 'info' => ''];
+ $id = $_POST['id'];
+ if (empty($id)) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn($result);
+ }
+ $gameInfo = M('Game', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $id])->getField('detail_content');
+ if (!$gameInfo) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn($result);
+ } else {
+ $result['code'] = 10000;
+ $result['msg'] = "获取信息成功";
+ $result['error'] = -1;
+ $result['info'] = $gameInfo;
+ $this->ajaxReturn($result);
+ }
+ }
+ public function getDownloadUrl()
+ {
+ $gameId = I('game_id', 0);
+ $promoteId = I('promote_id', 0);
+ $promote = $this->getLoginPromote();
+ if ($promoteId == 0) {
+ $promoteId = $promote['id'];
+ }
+ $apply = M('apply', 'tab_')->where(['promote_id' => $promoteId, 'game_id' => $gameId])->find();
+ $game = M('game', 'tab_')->field(['id', 'icon', 'apply_auth'])->where(['id' => $gameId])->find();
+ if ($apply == null) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn([
+ 'status' => 0,
+ 'message' => '游戏不存在',
+ 'data' => [
+ ]
+ ]);
+ }
+ $promoteService = new PromoteService();
+ if (!$promoteService->canPresidentApplyGame($promote)) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn([
+ 'status' => 0,
+ 'message' => '请联系市场专员开启',
+ 'data' => [
+ ]
+ ]);
+ }
+ $icon = Request::getHost() . '/' . get_cover($game['icon'], 'path');
+ $applyService = new ApplyService();
+ $result = $applyService->checkApplyStatus($apply);
+ if (!$result['status']) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn([
+ 'status' => 0,
+ 'message' => $result['message'],
+ 'data' => [
+ ]
+ ]);
+ }
+ $url = $applyService->getDownloadUrl($apply);
+ $this->ajaxReturn([
+ 'status' => 1,
+ 'message' => '获取成功',
+ 'data' => [
+ 'url' => $url,
+ ]
+ ]);
+ }
+ public function getLandingPageUrl()
+ {
+ $gameId = I('game_id', 0);
+ $promoteId = I('promote_id', 0);
+ $promote = $this->getLoginPromote();
+ if ($promoteId == 0) {
+ $promoteId = $promote['id'];
+ }
+ $apply = M('apply', 'tab_')->where(['promote_id' => $promoteId, 'game_id' => $gameId])->find();
+ $game = M('game', 'tab_')->field(['icon', 'apply_auth', 'id'])->where(['id' => $gameId])->find();
+ if ($apply == null) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn([
+ 'status' => 0,
+ 'message' => '游戏不存在',
+ 'data' => [
+ ]
+ ]);
+ }
+ $promoteService = new PromoteService();
+ if (!$promoteService->canPresidentApplyGame($promote)) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn([
+ 'status' => 0,
+ 'message' => '请联系市场专员开启',
+ 'data' => [
+ ]
+ ]);
+ }
+ $icon = Request::getHost() . '/' . get_cover($game['icon'], 'path');
+ $applyService = new ApplyService();
+ $result = $applyService->checkApplyStatus($apply);
+ if (!$result['status']) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn([
+ 'status' => 0,
+ 'message' => $result['message'],
+ 'data' => [
+ ]
+ ]);
+ }
+ $url = $applyService->getLandingPageUrl($apply);
+ $this->ajaxReturn([
+ 'status' => 1,
+ 'message' => '获取成功',
+ 'data' => [
+ 'url' => $url,
+ ]
+ ]);
+ }
diff --git a/Application/Home/Controller/HomeController.class.php b/Application/Home/Controller/HomeController.class.php
index 3008c4c72..a33c2a08f 100644
--- a/Application/Home/Controller/HomeController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Home/Controller/HomeController.class.php
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ use User\Api\MemberApi;
use Base\Facade\Request;
use Base\Service\ApplyService;
use Base\Service\PackageDownloadLogService;
+use Base\Tool\MobileDetect;
* 前台公共控制器
@@ -159,6 +160,7 @@ class HomeController extends Controller
$applyService = new ApplyService();
if ($code != '') {
$data = $applyService->decodeApplyCode($code);
$result = $applyService->checkApplyCode($data, ApplyService::ENCRYPT_TYPE_LANDING_PAGE);
if (!$result['status']) {
@@ -169,7 +171,7 @@ class HomeController extends Controller
$isWechat = Request::isWechat();
- $isIOS = Request::isIOS();
+ $isIOS = Request::isIOS() || Request::isIPadOS();
$isAndroid = Request::isAndroid();
$isIOS13 = Request::isIOS13();
@@ -207,9 +209,6 @@ class HomeController extends Controller
$game = M('game', 'tab_')->field($columns)->where($map)->find();
$promote = M('promote', 'tab_')->field(['id', 'parent_id', 'chain', 'level'])->where(['id' => $promoteId])->find();
- if (!$applyService->checkSociatyPerm($promote, $game)) {
- $this->error('该链接已经失效');
- }
if ($game['sdk_version'] == 1 && $isIOS) {
$map = [];
@@ -267,6 +266,10 @@ class HomeController extends Controller
$ssgUrl = C('DOMAIN_OFFICIAL_MOBILE') . '/mobile.php/Ssg/pay/game_id/' . $game['id'] . '/promote_id/' . $promoteId;
+ /* if(in_array($game['id'], [187, 188])) {
+ $game['relation_game_name'] = '游戏下载';
+ } */
$this->assign("serviceQQ", $serviceQQ);
$this->assign('isNewIos', $isNewIos);
$this->assign('downloadUrl', $downloadUrl);
diff --git a/Application/Home/Controller/PackageController.class.php b/Application/Home/Controller/PackageController.class.php
index 5350757ca..6057c68da 100644
--- a/Application/Home/Controller/PackageController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Home/Controller/PackageController.class.php
@@ -67,25 +67,20 @@ class PackageController extends Controller
$promote = M('promote', 'tab_')->field(['id', 'parent_id', 'chain', 'level'])->where(['id' => $promoteId])->find();
$game = M('game','tab_')->field(['id', 'game_name', 'sdk_version', 'apply_auth'])->where(['id' => $apply['game_id']])->find();
- if (!$applyService->checkSociatyPerm($promote, $game)) {
- $this->redirect("package/downloadError", ['message' => '该链接已经失效']);
- }
- if (Request::isMobile()) {
+ if (Request::isMobile() || Request::isTablet()) {
if (!Request::isAndroid() && $game['sdk_version'] == 1) {
$this->redirect("package/downloadError", ['message' => '请使用安卓浏览器下载']);
- if (!Request::isIOS() && $game['sdk_version'] == 2) {
+ if (!(Request::isIOS() || Request::isIPadOS()) && $game['sdk_version'] == 2) {
$this->redirect("package/downloadError", ['message' => '请使用ios浏览器下载']);
$packageUrl = $game['sdk_version'] == 1 ? $apply['pack_url'] : $apply['plist_url'];
M('game','tab_')->where(['id' => $game['id']])->setInc('dow_num');
- if (Request::isAndroid()) {
- $this->gotoPkgUrl($packageUrl);
- } else if (Request::isIOS()) {
+ if (Request::isIOS() || Request::isIPadOS()) {
$packageDownloadLogService = new PackageDownloadLogService();
'user_id' => 0,
@@ -118,7 +113,7 @@ class PackageController extends Controller
if (!file_exists($packageUrl)) {
- redirect(Request::getHost() . ltrim($packageUrl, '.'));
+ redirect(C('DOMAIN_DOWNLOAD') . ltrim($packageUrl, '.'));
diff --git a/Application/Home/View/default/Game/index.html b/Application/Home/View/default/Game/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be1bee641
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Application/Home/View/default/Game/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,837 @@
+ -
+ 请选择渠道搜索
+ 暂无数据
+ -
+ {$pagination}
+ -
+ -
+ 版本:
+ 类型:
+ 大小:
+ 更新时间:
+ 下载:
+ -
+ 西游
+ 回合
+ 回合
diff --git a/Application/Home/View/default/Promote/children.html b/Application/Home/View/default/Promote/children.html
index 25894b64b..951a786e5 100644
--- a/Application/Home/View/default/Promote/children.html
+++ b/Application/Home/View/default/Promote/children.html
@@ -282,6 +282,7 @@ $(function(){
click: function () {
if ($(this).val() == 2) {
+ $('#shift-transfer').css({display: 'block'})
} else {
@@ -458,7 +459,7 @@ $(function(){
title: shiftTypeName,
type: 1,
content: box,
- area: ['600px', '600px'],
+ area: ['600px', '650px'],
zIndex: 250,
diff --git a/Application/Home/View/default/Public/bases.html b/Application/Home/View/default/Public/bases.html
index b049e20a2..da5072530 100644
--- a/Application/Home/View/default/Public/bases.html
+++ b/Application/Home/View/default/Public/bases.html
@@ -41,39 +41,41 @@