$sql = M('user', 'tab_')->field('tab_user.id,IFNULL(sum(ss.pay_amount),0) AS recharge_total')
->join('left join tab_spend as ss on ss.user_id=tab_user.id AND ss.pay_status = 1'.$spendprom)
$sql = "select count(t.count) as count from ({$accessNum}) as t ";
$accessNum = M('user', 'tab_')->query($sql);
$accessNum = M('user', 'tab_')
// ->field('tab_user.id,tab_user.age_status,tab_user.account,tab_user.gold_coin,tab_user.alipay,tab_user.balance,tab_user.promote_account,register_time,tab_user.lock_status,tab_user.register_way,tab_user.register_type,tab_user.register_ip,tab_user.login_time,IFNULL(sum(ss.pay_amount),0) AS recharge_total')
->field('IFNULL(sum(ss.pay_amount),0) AS recharge_total,count(tab_user.id) as count')
->join('left join tab_spend as ss on ss.user_id=tab_user.id AND ss.pay_status = 1')
->join($game_map ? "tab_user_play on tab_user_play.user_id = tab_user.id $game_map" : false)
->join($game_play_map ? "tab_user_play_info on tab_user_play_info.user_id = tab_user.id $game_play_map" : false)
$jcount = M('User', 'tab_')->field('count(a.id) as count,sum(a.recharge_total) recharge_total')->table('(' . $sql . ') as a')->select();
$accessNum = $jcount[0]['count'] ?:0 ;
$sql = "select count(t.count) as count from ({$accessNum}) as t ";
$xlsData = $usermodel->table('(' . $sql1 . ') as a ')->field($field)
->join('left join tab_spend as ss on ss.user_id=a.id AND ss.pay_status = 1'.$spendprom)
->join($game_map ? "tab_user_play on tab_user_play.user_id = a.id $game_map" : false)
->join($game_play_map ? "tab_user_play_info on tab_user_play_info.user_id = a.id $game_play_map" : false)
$xlsData = M('user', 'tab_')
// ->field('tab_user.id,tab_user.age_status,tab_user.account,tab_user.gold_coin,tab_user.alipay,tab_user.balance,tab_user.promote_account,register_time,tab_user.lock_status,tab_user.register_way,tab_user.register_type,tab_user.register_ip,tab_user.login_time,IFNULL(sum(ss.pay_amount),0) AS recharge_total')
->join('left join tab_spend as ss on ss.user_id=tab_user.id AND ss.pay_status = 1'.$spendprom)
->join($game_map ? "tab_user_play on tab_user_play.user_id = tab_user.id $game_map" : false)
->join($game_play_map ? "tab_user_play_info on tab_user_play_info.user_id = tab_user.id $game_play_map" : false)
->limit(($i-1)*$perSize ,$perSize)
// echo $data;die();
$xlsData = $usermodel->table('(' . $sql1 . ') as a ')->field($field)
->join('left join tab_spend as ss on ss.user_id=a.id AND ss.pay_status = 1')
->join($game_map ? "tab_user_play on tab_user_play.user_id = a.id $game_map" : false)
->join($game_play_map ? "tab_user_play_info on tab_user_play_info.user_id = a.id $game_play_map" : false)
$xlsData = M('user', 'tab_')
// ->field('tab_user.id,tab_user.age_status,tab_user.account,tab_user.gold_coin,tab_user.alipay,tab_user.balance,tab_user.promote_account,register_time,tab_user.lock_status,tab_user.register_way,tab_user.register_type,tab_user.register_ip,tab_user.login_time,IFNULL(sum(ss.pay_amount),0) AS recharge_total')
->join('left join tab_spend as ss on ss.user_id=tab_user.id AND ss.pay_status = 1')
->join($game_map ? "tab_user_play on tab_user_play.user_id = tab_user.id $game_map" : false)
->join($game_play_map ? "tab_user_play_info on tab_user_play_info.user_id = tab_user.id $game_play_map" : false)
->limit(($i-1)*$perSize ,$perSize)
// echo $usermodel->_sql();die();
@ -505,17 +434,10 @@ class ExportController extends Controller
@ -2070,28 +2009,51 @@ class ExportController extends Controller
$map['tp1.chain'] = '/';
$data = M('promote', 'tab_')->alias('tp1')->field('tp1.account as promote_account,tp1.id as promote_id, date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(register_time),"%Y-%m-%d") AS time, count(u.id) as count,
$data = M('promote', 'tab_')->alias('tp1')->field('tp1.account as promote_account,tp1.id, date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(register_time),"%Y-%m-%d") AS time, count(u.id) as count,
count(IF(register_time ' . $today . ',1,null)) as today,
count(IF(register_time ' . $week . ',1,null)) as week,
count(IF(register_time ' . $mounth . ',1,null)) as mounth')
->join("tab_promote AS tp2 ON tp2.`chain` LIKE CONCAT('%/', tp1.id, '/%')", 'left')
->join("tab_promote AS tp2 ON tp2.`chain` LIKE CONCAT('%/', tp1.id, '/%') OR tp2.id = tp1.id", 'left')
->join("tab_user as u on tp2.id = u.promote_id", 'left')
->join($play_info_map ? "tab_user_play_info as upi on upi.user_id = u.id " . $play_info_map : false)
->order('count desc, register_time')
$map['promote_id'] = 0;
$authorityData = M('user', 'tab_')->field('date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(register_time),"%Y-%m-%d") AS time, count(id) as count,
count(IF(register_time ' . $today . ',1,null)) as today,
count(IF(register_time ' . $week . ',1,null)) as week,
count(IF(register_time ' . $mounth . ',1,null)) as mounth')
$authorityData['promote_account'] = "官方渠道";
$authorityData['id'] = "1";
if (isset($_REQUEST['promote_id'])||$authorityData['count']==0) {
$authorityData = [];
} else {
array_push($data, $authorityData);
$last_names = array_column($data,'count');
// var_dump($data);die();
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
static $i=0;
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
// foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
// if($data[$key]['promote_id']==0){
// unset($data[$key]);
// }
// }
@ -2107,24 +2069,27 @@ class ExportController extends Controller
->field('max(id) as id,promote_account,promote_id,create_time as ordertime,date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(create_time),"%Y-%m-%d") AS time, sum(real_amount) as count,
sum(IF(create_time '.$today.',real_amount,0)) as today,
sum(IF(create_time '.$week.',real_amount,0)) as week,
sum(IF(create_time '.$mounth.',real_amount,0)) as mounth')
unset( $map['create_time']);
$deposit_data = M('deposit','tab_')
->field('max(id) as id,promote_account,promote_id,create_time as ordertime,date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(create_time),"%Y-%m-%d") AS time, sum(pay_amount) as count,
sum(IF(create_time '.$today.',pay_amount,0)) as today,
sum(IF(create_time '.$week.',pay_amount,0)) as week,
sum(IF(create_time '.$mounth.',pay_amount,0)) as mounth')
$promote_map = "`chain` = '/'";
if (isset($_REQUEST['promote_id'])) {
$promote_map = "`chain` = '%/{$_REQUEST['promote_id']}/%' OR id = {$_REQUEST['promote_id']}";
$proid = M("promote","tab_")->field("id")->where("`chain` like '%/{$promote[$i]['id']}/%'")->select();
$str = '';
for($k=0; $k<count($proid);$k++){
# code...
$str .= ($proid[$k]['id'].",");
$str .= "{$promote[$i]['id']}";
$map['promote_id'] = array("in",$str);
if (isset($_REQUEST['game_name'])) {
$map['game_name'] = $_REQUEST['game_name'];
if (isset($_REQUEST['server_id'])) {
$map['server_name'] = $_REQUEST['server_id'];
->field('max(id) as id,promote_account,promote_id,pay_time as ordertime,date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(pay_time),"%Y-%m-%d") AS time, sum(pay_amount) as count,
sum(IF(pay_time '.$today.',pay_amount,0)) as today,
sum(IF(pay_time '.$week.',pay_amount,0)) as week,
sum(IF(pay_time '.$mounth.',pay_amount,0)) as mounth')
$dbdata = $spend
floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $pay_time . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as count,
floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $today . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as today,
floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $week . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as week,
floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $mounth . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as mounth')
->field('max(id) as id,promote_account,promote_id,pay_time as ordertime,date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(pay_time),"%Y-%m-%d") AS time, sum(pay_amount) as count,
sum(IF(pay_time '.$today.',pay_amount,0)) as today,
sum(IF(pay_time '.$week.',pay_amount,0)) as week,
sum(IF(pay_time '.$mounth.',pay_amount,0)) as mounth')
$dbdata = $spend
floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $pay_time . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as count,
floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $today . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as today,
floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $week . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as week,
floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $mounth . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as mounth')
$data = $spend->field('t.pid as promote_id,t.promote_account,sum(a.count) AS count,sum(a.today) AS today,sum(a. WEEK) AS WEEK,sum(a.mounth) AS mounth')
->join("INNER JOIN (SELECT tp2.*, tp1.id AS pid, tp1.account as promote_account FROM tab_promote tp1 LEFT JOIN tab_promote tp2 ON tp2.`chain` LIKE CONCAT('%/', tp1.id, '/%') where $promote_map ) AS t ON promote_id = t.id")
->where($condition)->table('(' . $data . ') as a')->group('t.pid')->order('count desc,a.ordertime')->select();