@ -232,23 +232,64 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
$this->assign("rules", $rules);
$this->assign("rules_count", count($rules));
$redis = new \Org\RedisSDK\Redis(['host'=>'','port'=>6379],[]);
$cacheKey = "pop:rule:set";
if (!$redis->sIsMember($cacheKey, get_pid())) {
$currentTime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d'));
$weekArray = [7,1,2,3,4,5,6];
$week = $weekArray[date("w")];
$match_rules = M("document_pop_rules")
->where("(type = 1 and pop_time = {$currentTime}) or (type = 2 and pop_time = {$week})")
->order("sort asc, id desc")
} else {
$promoteBelong = M('promote', 'tab_')->where(['id'=>get_pid()])->getField('company_belong');
if ($promoteBelong == 1 || $promoteBelong == 2) {
$compang_belongs = 1;
}else {
$compang_belongs = 2;
$belongs = M("document_pop_rules")
->where(['belongs' => $compang_belongs])->count();
if (intval($belongs) > 0) {
$redis = new \Org\RedisSDK\Redis(['host'=>'','port'=>6379],[]);
$cacheKey = "pop:rule:set";
if (!$redis->sIsMember($cacheKey, get_pid())) {
$currentTime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d'));
$weekArray = [7,1,2,3,4,5,6];
$week = $weekArray[date("w")];
$match_rules = M("document_pop_rules")
->where("(type = 1 and pop_time = {$currentTime}) or (type = 2 and pop_time = {$week}) or (type = 2 and pop_time = 8)")
->order("sort asc, id desc")
} else {
$match_rules = [];
}else {
$match_rules = [];
// if (intval($promoteBelong) == $belongs_tag) {
// $redis = new \Org\RedisSDK\Redis(['host'=>'','port'=>6379],[]);
// $newcacheKey = "pop:newrule:set";
// if (!$redis->sIsMember($newcacheKey, get_pid())) {
// $currentTime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d'));
// $weekArray = [7,1,2,3,4,5,6];
// $week = $weekArray[date("w")];
// $match_newrules = M("document_pop_rules")
// ->field('id')
// ->where(['id' => 2])
// ->order("sort asc, id desc")
// ->select();
// } else {
// $match_newrules = [];
// }
// } else {
// $match_newrules = [];
// }
// $match_newrules_route = M("document_pop_rules")
// ->where(['id' => 2])
// ->getField('document_route');
$this->assign("match_rules_id", $match_rules ? json_encode(array_column($match_rules, 'id')) : 'null');
//$this->assign("match_newrules_id", $match_newrules ? json_encode(array_column($match_newrules, 'id')) : 'null');
$this->assign("match_rules_route", $match_rules ? json_encode(array_column($match_rules, 'document_route')) : 'null');
$this->assign("pop_time1", $match_rules ? json_encode(array_column($match_rules, 'pop_time')) : 'null');
$this->assign("user_count", $user_count);
$this->assign("total_money", $total_money);
@ -276,8 +317,40 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
public function popRuleDetail($id=0, $p=1, $row=1, $force=false)
public function popRuleDetail($id=0, $p=1, $row=1, $force=false, $pop = false)
$promoteBelong = M('promote', 'tab_')->where(['id'=>get_pid()])->getField('company_belong');
if ($promoteBelong == 1 || $promoteBelong == 2) {
$belongs = 1;
}else {
$belongs = 2;
$map1['id'] = ['in', $id];
$map1['belongs'] = $belongs;
$result = M("document_pop_rules")->where($map1)->page($p, $row)->select();
if (empty($result)) {
return $this->error("未找到数据", [], true);
$count = M("document_pop_rules")->where($map1)->count();
if ($p + 1 <= $count) {
if ($p - 1 >= 0) {
if ($p + 1 > $count) {
$this->assign("close_btn", true);
$this->assign("count", $count);
$this->assign("force", $force);
$this->assign("pop", $pop);
// return $this->success("获取数据成功", $result, true);
//$this->show("<h2 style='text-align: center;'>{$result['title']}</h2>".$result['content']);
public function popNewRuleDetail($id=0, $p=1, $row=1, $force=false) {
$result = M("document_pop_rules")->where("id in ({$id})")->page($p, $row)->select();
if (empty($result)) {
return $this->error("未找到数据", [], true);
@ -297,10 +370,24 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
// return $this->success("获取数据成功", $result, true);
//$this->show("<h2 style='text-align: center;'>{$result['title']}</h2>".$result['content']);
public function popNewRuleFinish()
$redis = new \Org\RedisSDK\Redis(['host'=>'','port'=>6379],[]);
$cacheKey = "pop:newrule:set";
if ($redis->exists($cacheKey)) {
$redis->sadd($cacheKey, get_pid());
} else {
$redis->sadd($cacheKey, get_pid());
$redis->exprieAt($cacheKey, strtotime('next sunday') + 24*3600);
return $this->success("成功", [], true);
public function popRuleFinish()
public function popRuleFinish($pop = false)
$redis = new \Org\RedisSDK\Redis(['host'=>'','port'=>6379],[]);
$cacheKey = "pop:rule:set";
@ -308,7 +395,12 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
$redis->sadd($cacheKey, get_pid());
} else {
$redis->sadd($cacheKey, get_pid());
$redis->exprieAt($cacheKey, strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) + 86400);
if ($pop) {
$redis->exprieAt($cacheKey, strtotime('next sunday') + 24*3600);
}else {
$redis->exprieAt($cacheKey, strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) + 86400);
return $this->success("成功", [], true);
@ -2049,7 +2141,7 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
$gameId = $_POST['game_id'];
$promoteId = $_POST['promote_id'];
$applyService = new ApplyService();
$applyService->cancelGame($gameId, $promoteId);
$applyService->offlineGame($gameId, $promoteId);
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => true, 'msg' => '下架成功']);