diff --git a/Application/Admin/Controller/AutoController.class.php b/Application/Admin/Controller/AutoController.class.php
index 6ebe18b4b..b442ad320 100644
--- a/Application/Admin/Controller/AutoController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Admin/Controller/AutoController.class.php
@@ -890,5 +890,31 @@ public function auto_rrdae(){
+ //根据时间统计玩家充值
+ public function userPlayDataCount()
+ {
+ $time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', time() - (3600 * 24)));
+ $spendMap['pay_status'] = 1;
+ $spendMap['pay_game_status'] = 1;
+ $spendMap['game_player_id'] = ['gt', 0];
+ $spendMap['pay_time'] = ['between', [$time, strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', $time))]];
+ $field = 'FROM_UNIXTIME(pay_time, "%Y-%m-%d") as day,game_id,server_id,game_player_id,sum(pay_amount) as recharge_cost,count(id) as recharge_count';
+ $spendCostData = M('spend', 'tab_')->field($field)
+ ->where($spendMap)
+ ->group('day,game_player_id,server_id,game_id')
+ ->select();
+ $data = [];
+ foreach ($spendCostData as $list) {
+ $save['game_id'] = $list['game_id'];
+ $save['server_id'] = $list['server_id'];
+ $save['role_id'] = $list['game_player_id'];
+ $save['recharge_cost'] = $list['recharge_cost'];
+ $save['recharge_count'] = $list['recharge_count'];
+ $save['create_time'] = strtotime($list['day']);
+ $data[] = $save;
+ }
+ M('user_play_data_count', 'tab_')->addAll($data);
+ }
diff --git a/Application/Admin/Controller/AutoPackController.class.php b/Application/Admin/Controller/AutoPackController.class.php
index 48f286288..e4a6b4bb1 100644
--- a/Application/Admin/Controller/AutoPackController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Admin/Controller/AutoPackController.class.php
@@ -297,17 +297,17 @@ class AutoPackController extends Think
$map = [];
$map['status'] = 1;
$map['enable_status'] = ['in', '0,2'];
$applys = M('apply', 'tab_')->field('id,game_id,game_name,promote_id,promote_account,sdk_version')
->order('bale_sort desc,id desc')
if (count($applys) == 0) {
Printer::export('无等待队列', true);
$applyIds = array_column($applys, 'id');
M('apply', 'tab_')->where(['id' => ['in', $applyIds]])->save(['enable_status' => 3]);
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ class AutoPackController extends Think
->join('tab_apply_launch as al on (al.apply_id=a.id) ')
- ->limit(300)
+ ->limit(300)
foreach ($apply as $key => $value) {
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ class AutoPackController extends Think
$launchmodel -> where(['apply_id' => $value['id']]) -> setField('launch_packge', 0);
if (!empty($gameSourceUrl) && is_file($gameSourceUrl)) {
$launch = $launchmodel -> where(['apply_id' => $value['id'], 'launch_packge' => array('in', [0, 2, 3])]) -> select();
@@ -1054,6 +1054,4 @@ class AutoPackController extends Think
return '';
diff --git a/Application/Admin/Controller/ConsoleController.class.php b/Application/Admin/Controller/ConsoleController.class.php
index 0e1010b0f..dcf6f6503 100644
--- a/Application/Admin/Controller/ConsoleController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Admin/Controller/ConsoleController.class.php
@@ -126,4 +126,53 @@ class ConsoleController extends Think {
+ public function deleteRepeatUserPlayInfo()
+ {
+ // $gameId = 157;
+ // $gameId = 155;
+ $gameId = 153;
+ $sql = 'select id from tab_user_play_info a left join (
+ select role_id, server_id, game_id, count(1) from tab_user_play_info where server_id="' . $serverId . '" and game_id = ' . $gameId . ' GROUP BY role_id, server_id, game_id, server_name having count(1) > 1
+ ) b on a.role_id=b.role_id where a.server_id=b.server_id and a.game_id=b.game_id and a.server_id="' . $serverId . '" and a.game_id = ' . $gameId . ' order by a.role_id, a.server_id, a.game_id';
+ $model = new \Think\Model();
+ $servers = M('server', 'tab_')->field('server_id')->where(['game_id' => $gameId])->group('server_id')->select();
+ foreach ($servers as $server) {
+ $serverId = $server['server_id'];
+ $sql = 'select a.id, a.role_id, a.server_id, a.game_id, a.role_level from tab_user_play_info a left join (
+ select role_id, server_id, game_id, count(1) from tab_user_play_info where server_id="' . $serverId . '" and game_id = ' . $gameId . ' GROUP BY role_id, server_id, game_id, server_name having count(1) > 1
+ ) b on a.role_id=b.role_id where a.server_id=b.server_id and a.game_id=b.game_id and a.server_id="' . $serverId . '" and a.game_id = ' . $gameId . ' order by a.role_id, a.server_id, a.game_id';
+ // var_dump($sql);
+ $result = $model->query($sql);
+ $uniqueRole = null;
+ $items = [];
+ foreach ($result as $item) {
+ $items[$item['role_id']][] = $item;
+ }
+ $maxRoleIds = [];
+ $repeatIds = [];
+ foreach ($items as $roles) {
+ $maxRole = null;
+ foreach ($roles as $role) {
+ if ($maxRole == null) {
+ $maxRole = $role;
+ } elseif ($role['role_level'] > $maxRole['role_level']) {
+ $repeatIds[] = $maxRole['id'];
+ $maxRole = $role;
+ } else {
+ $repeatIds[] = $role['id'];
+ }
+ }
+ $maxRoleIds[] = $maxRole['id'];
+ }
+ if (count($repeatIds) > 0) {
+ M('user_play_info', 'tab_')->where(['id' => ['in', $repeatIds], 'game_id' => $gameId, 'server_id' => $serverId])->delete();
+ echo M()->getLastSql();
+ echo PHP_EOL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Application/Admin/Controller/PlatformController.class.php b/Application/Admin/Controller/PlatformController.class.php
index 9333d2a96..965da8b24 100644
--- a/Application/Admin/Controller/PlatformController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Admin/Controller/PlatformController.class.php
@@ -417,7 +417,133 @@ class PlatformController extends ThinkController
$this->assign('total', $total);
+ //TODO:
function promotepay_statistics($p = 0)
+ {
+ $page = intval($p);
+ $page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
+ $arraypage = $page;
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['row'])) {
+ $row = $_REQUEST['row'];
+ } else {
+ $row = 10;
+ }
+ $map1['promote_id'] = $map['promote_id'] = array('egt', 0);
+ $spend = M('Spend', 'tab_');
+ if (!empty($_REQUEST['timestart']) && !empty($_REQUEST['timeend'])) {
+ $map['create_time'] = ['between', array(strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart']), strtotime($_REQUEST['timeend']) + 86399)];
+ $pay_time = " between " . strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart']) . " and " . (strtotime($_REQUEST['timeend']) + 86399) . " ";
+ unset($_REQUEST['timestart']);
+ unset($_REQUEST['timeend']);
+ } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['timestart']) && empty($_REQUEST['timeend'])) {
+ $map['create_time'] = ['between', array(strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart']), time())];
+ $pay_time = " between " . strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart']) . " and " . time() . " ";
+ unset($_REQUEST['timestart']);
+ } elseif (empty($_REQUEST['timestart']) && !empty($_REQUEST['timeend'])) {
+ $map['create_time'] = ['elt', strtotime($_REQUEST['timeend']) + 86399];
+ $pay_time = " between 0 and " . (strtotime($_REQUEST['timeend']) + 86399) . " ";
+ unset($_REQUEST['timeend']);
+ } else {
+ $pay_time = " between 0 and " . time();
+ }
+ $map1['pay_status'] = $map['pay_status'] = 1;
+ $today = total(1);
+ $week = total(2);
+ $mounth = total(3);
+ unset( $map['create_time']);
+ //获取所有会长
+ $promote_map = "`chain` = '/'";
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['promote_id'])) {
+ $promote_map = "`chain` = '%/{$_REQUEST['promote_id']}/%' OR id = {$_REQUEST['promote_id']}";
+ }
+ $promote = M("promote","tab_")->field("id,account")->page($page,$row)->where($promote_map)->select();
+ $pcount = M("promote","tab_")->field("count(*) acount")->where($promote_map)->find()['acount'];
+ // var_dump( $promote);
+ $data =array();
+ for ($i=0; $i < count($promote); $i++) {
+ # code...
+ $proid = M("promote","tab_")->field("id")->where("`chain` like '%/{$promote[$i]['id']}/%'")->select();
+ $str = '';
+ for($k=0; $kfield('
+ floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $pay_time . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as count,
+ floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $today . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as today,
+ floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $week . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as week,
+ floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $mounth . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as mounth')
+ ->where($map)
+ ->where("pay_time".$pay_time)
+ ->find();
+ $dbdata['promote_account'] = $promote[$i]['account'];
+ $dbdata['promote_id'] = $promote[$i]['id'];
+ } else {
+ $dbdata = $spend
+ ->field('
+ floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $pay_time . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as count,
+ floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $today . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as today,
+ floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $week . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as week,
+ floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $mounth . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as mounth')
+ ->where($map)
+ ->where("pay_time".$pay_time)
+ ->find();
+ $dbdata['promote_account'] = $promote[$i]['account'];
+ $dbdata['promote_id'] = $promote[$i]['id'];
+ }
+ $data[] = $dbdata;
+ }
+ $count = count($data);
+ foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
+ $value['count'] ?: 0;
+ $value['today'] ?: 0;
+ $value['week'] ?: 0;
+ $value['mounth'] ?: 0;
+ static $i = 0;
+ $i++;
+ $data[$key]['rand'] = $i;
+ $data[$key]['count'] = $value['count'] / 100;
+ $data[$key]['today'] = $value['today'] / 100;
+ $data[$key]['week'] = $value['week'] / 100;
+ $data[$key]['mounth'] = $value['mounth'] / 100;
+ }
+ $total = $this->data_total($data);
+ $this->assign('total', $total);
+ if ($_REQUEST['data_order'] != '') {
+ $data_order = reset(explode(',', $_REQUEST['data_order']));
+ $data_order_type = end(explode(',', $_REQUEST['data_order']));
+ $this->assign('userarpu_order', $data_order);
+ $this->assign('userarpu_order_type', $data_order_type);
+ }
+ $page = set_pagination($pcount, $row);
+ if ($page) {
+ $this->assign('_page', $page);
+ }
+ $data = my_sort($data, $data_order_type, (int)$data_order);
+ $size = $row;//每页显示的记录数
+ $pnum = ceil(count($data) / $size); //总页数,ceil()函数用于求大于数字的最小整数
+ $this->meta_title = '渠道充值统计列表';
+ $this->assign('list_data', $data);
+ $this->display();
+ }
+ function promotepay_statistics_1($p = 0)
$page = intval($p);
$page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
@@ -504,10 +630,9 @@ class PlatformController extends ThinkController
$data = $spend->field('t.pid as promote_id,t.promote_account,sum(a.scount) AS count,sum(a.today) AS today,sum(a. WEEK) AS WEEK,sum(a.mounth) AS mounth')
- ->join("INNER JOIN (SELECT tp2.*, tp1.id AS pid, tp1.account as promote_account FROM tab_promote tp1 LEFT JOIN tab_promote tp2 ON tp2.`chain` LIKE CONCAT('%/', tp1.id, '/%') OR tp1.id = tp2.id where $promote_map ) AS t ON promote_id = t.id or promote_id = t.pid")
+ ->join("inner JOIN (SELECT tp2.*, tp1.id AS pid, tp1.account as promote_account FROM tab_promote tp1 LEFT JOIN tab_promote tp2 ON tp2.`chain` LIKE CONCAT('%/', tp1.id, '/%') where $promote_map ) AS t ON promote_id = t.id or promote_id = t.pid")
->where($condition)->table('(' . $data . ') as a')->group('t.pid')->order('count desc,a.ordertime')->select();
$count = count($data);
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
static $i = 0;
diff --git a/Application/Admin/Controller/SpendController.class.php b/Application/Admin/Controller/SpendController.class.php
index 945cc790f..ade87c965 100644
--- a/Application/Admin/Controller/SpendController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Admin/Controller/SpendController.class.php
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ class SpendController extends ThinkController
$map = '1 = 2';
$map1 = $map;
+ echo (D(self::model_name)->where($map1)->fetchSql(true)->sum('pay_amount'));
$total = null_to_0(D(self::model_name)->where($map1)->sum('pay_amount'));
$ttotal = null_to_0(D(self::model_name)->where('pay_time' . total(1))->where(array('pay_status' => 1))->sum('pay_amount'));
$ytotal = null_to_0(D(self::model_name)->where('pay_time' . total(5))->where(array('pay_status' => 1))->sum('pay_amount'));
diff --git a/Application/Admin/Controller/UserController.class.php b/Application/Admin/Controller/UserController.class.php
index 14fac80d8..8c95a0240 100644
--- a/Application/Admin/Controller/UserController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Admin/Controller/UserController.class.php
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace Admin\Controller;
use User\Api\UserApi;
use Com\Wechat;
use Com\WechatAuth;
@@ -16,32 +17,34 @@ use Com\WechatAuth;
* 后台用户控制器
* @author 麦当苗儿
-class UserController extends AdminController {
+class UserController extends AdminController
* 用户管理首页
* @author 麦当苗儿
- public function index(){
- $nickname = I('nickname');
- if(isset($_REQUEST['status'])){
- $map['status'] = $_REQUEST['status'];
- }
- if(is_numeric($nickname)){
- $map['uid|nickname']= array(intval($nickname),array('like','%'.$nickname.'%'),'_multi'=>true);
- }else{
- $map['nickname'] = array('like', '%'.(string)$nickname.'%');
- }
- $list = $this->lists('Member', $map);
+ public function index()
+ {
+ $nickname = I('nickname');
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['status'])) {
+ $map['status'] = $_REQUEST['status'];
+ }
+ if (is_numeric($nickname)) {
+ $map['uid|nickname'] = array(intval($nickname), array('like', '%' . $nickname . '%'), '_multi' => true);
+ } else {
+ $map['nickname'] = array('like', '%' . (string)$nickname . '%');
+ }
+ $list = $this->lists('Member', $map);
$this->assign('_list', $list);
$this->meta_title = '管理员列表';
- $this->m_title = '管理员列表';
- $this->assign('commonset',M('Kuaijieicon')->where(['url'=>'User/index','status'=>1])->find());
+ $this->m_title = '管理员列表';
+ $this->assign('commonset', M('Kuaijieicon')->where(['url' => 'User/index', 'status' => 1])->find());
@@ -49,7 +52,8 @@ class UserController extends AdminController {
* 修改昵称初始化
* @author huajie
- public function updateNickname(){
+ public function updateNickname()
+ {
$nickname = M('Member')->getFieldByUid(UID, 'nickname');
$this->assign('nickname', $nickname);
$this->meta_title = '修改昵称';
@@ -60,7 +64,8 @@ class UserController extends AdminController {
* 修改昵称提交
* @author huajie
- public function submitNickname(){
+ public function submitNickname()
+ {
$nickname = I('post.nickname');
$password = I('post.password');
@@ -68,25 +73,25 @@ class UserController extends AdminController {
empty($password) && $this->error('请输入密码');
- $User = new UserApi();
- $uid = $User->login(UID, $password, 4);
+ $User = new UserApi();
+ $uid = $User->login(UID, $password, 4);
($uid == -2) && $this->error('密码不正确');
- $Member = D('Member');
- $data = $Member->create(array('nickname'=>$nickname));
- if(!$data){
+ $Member = D('Member');
+ $data = $Member->create(array('nickname' => $nickname));
+ if (!$data) {
- $res = $Member->where(array('uid'=>$uid))->save($data);
+ $res = $Member->where(array('uid' => $uid))->save($data);
- if($res){
- $user = session('user_auth');
- $user['username'] = $data['nickname'];
+ if ($res) {
+ $user = session('user_auth');
+ $user['username'] = $data['nickname'];
session('user_auth', $user);
session('user_auth_sign', data_auth_sign($user));
- }else{
+ } else {
@@ -95,7 +100,8 @@ class UserController extends AdminController {
* 修改密码初始化
* @author huajie
- public function updatePassword(){
+ public function updatePassword()
+ {
$this->meta_title = '修改密码';
@@ -104,24 +110,25 @@ class UserController extends AdminController {
* 修改密码提交
* @author huajie
- public function submitPassword(){
+ public function submitPassword()
+ {
- $password = I('post.old');
+ $password = I('post.old');
empty($password) && $this->error('请输入原密码');
$data['password'] = I('post.password');
empty($data['password']) && $this->error('请输入新密码');
$repassword = I('post.repassword');
empty($repassword) && $this->error('请输入确认密码');
- if($data['password'] !== $repassword){
+ if ($data['password'] !== $repassword) {
- $Api = new UserApi();
- $res = $Api->updateInfo(UID, $password, $data);
- if($res['status']){
+ $Api = new UserApi();
+ $res = $Api->updateInfo(UID, $password, $data);
+ if ($res['status']) {
- }else{
+ } else {
@@ -130,13 +137,14 @@ class UserController extends AdminController {
* 用户行为列表
* @author huajie
- public function action(){
+ public function action()
+ {
- $Action = M('Action')->where(array('status'=>array('gt',-1)));
- $list = $this->lists($Action);
+ $Action = M('Action')->where(array('status' => array('gt', -1)));
+ $list = $this->lists($Action);
// 记录当前列表页的cookie
- Cookie('__forward__',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
+ Cookie('__forward__', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$this->assign('_list', $list);
$this->meta_title = '用户行为';
@@ -147,9 +155,10 @@ class UserController extends AdminController {
* 新增行为
* @author huajie
- public function addAction(){
+ public function addAction()
+ {
$this->meta_title = '新增行为';
- $this->assign('data',null);
+ $this->assign('data', null);
@@ -157,12 +166,13 @@ class UserController extends AdminController {
* 编辑行为
* @author huajie
- public function editAction(){
+ public function editAction()
+ {
$id = I('get.id');
empty($id) && $this->error('参数不能为空!');
$data = M('Action')->field(true)->find($id);
- $this->assign('data',$data);
+ $this->assign('data', $data);
$this->meta_title = '编辑行为';
@@ -171,12 +181,13 @@ class UserController extends AdminController {
* 更新行为
* @author huajie
- public function saveAction(){
+ public function saveAction()
+ {
$res = D('Action')->update();
- if(!$res){
+ if (!$res) {
- }else{
- $this->success($res['id']?'更新成功!':'新增成功!', Cookie('__forward__'));
+ } else {
+ $this->success($res['id'] ? '更新成功!' : '新增成功!', Cookie('__forward__'));
@@ -184,23 +195,24 @@ class UserController extends AdminController {
* 会员状态修改
* @author 朱亚杰
- public function changeUserStatus($method=null){
- $id = array_unique((array)I('id',0));
- if( in_array(C('USER_ADMINISTRATOR'), $id)){
+ public function changeUserStatus($method = null)
+ {
+ $id = array_unique((array)I('id', 0));
+ if (in_array(C('USER_ADMINISTRATOR'), $id)) {
- $id = is_array($id) ? implode(',',$id) : $id;
- if ( empty($id) ) {
+ $id = is_array($id) ? implode(',', $id) : $id;
+ if (empty($id)) {
- $map['uid'] = array('in',$id);
- $map1['id'] = array('in',$id);
- $status=I('method')=='forbidUser'?0:1;
- $res= M('UcenterMember')->where($map1)->setField('status',$status);
- $res1= M('Member')->where($map)->setField('status',$status);
- if($res&&$res1){
+ $map['uid'] = array('in', $id);
+ $map1['id'] = array('in', $id);
+ $status = I('method') == 'forbidUser' ? 0 : 1;
+ $res = M('UcenterMember')->where($map1)->setField('status', $status);
+ $res1 = M('Member')->where($map)->setField('status', $status);
+ if ($res && $res1) {
- }else{
+ } else {
@@ -211,43 +223,45 @@ class UserController extends AdminController {
* 会员状态修改
* @author 朱亚杰
- public function changeStatus($method=null){
- $id = array_unique((array)I('id',0));
- if( in_array(C('USER_ADMINISTRATOR'), $id)){
+ public function changeStatus($method = null)
+ {
+ $id = array_unique((array)I('id', 0));
+ if (in_array(C('USER_ADMINISTRATOR'), $id)) {
- $id = is_array($id) ? implode(',',$id) : $id;
- if ( empty($id) ) {
+ $id = is_array($id) ? implode(',', $id) : $id;
+ if (empty($id)) {
- $map['uid'] = array('in',$id);
- switch ( strtolower($method) ){
+ $map['uid'] = array('in', $id);
+ switch (strtolower($method)) {
case 'forbiduser':
- \Think\Log::actionLog('User/changeStatus?method=forbidUser','user',1);
- $this->forbid('Member', $map );
+ \Think\Log::actionLog('User/changeStatus?method=forbidUser', 'user', 1);
+ $this->forbid('Member', $map);
case 'resumeuser':
- \Think\Log::actionLog('User/changeStatus?method=resumeuser','user',1);
- $this->resume('Member', $map );
+ \Think\Log::actionLog('User/changeStatus?method=resumeuser', 'user', 1);
+ $this->resume('Member', $map);
case 'deleteuser':
- \Think\Log::actionLog('User/changeStatus?method=deleteuser','user',1);
- $this->delete('Member', $map );
+ \Think\Log::actionLog('User/changeStatus?method=deleteuser', 'user', 1);
+ $this->delete('Member', $map);
- public function add($username = '', $password = '', $repassword = '', $email = '',$second_pwd=''){
+ public function add($username = '', $password = '', $repassword = '', $email = '', $second_pwd = '')
+ {
- if(IS_POST){
+ if (IS_POST) {
- if (empty($username)){
+ if (empty($username)) {
/* 检测密码 */
- if($password != $repassword){
+ if ($password != $repassword) {
$usernameUser = M('UcenterMember', 'sys_')->field('username')->where(['username' => $username])->find();
@@ -259,84 +273,87 @@ class UserController extends AdminController {
/* 调用注册接口注册用户 */
- $User = new UserApi;
- $uid = $User->register($username, $password, $email,$second_pwd);
- if(0 < $uid){ //注册成功
+ $User = new UserApi;
+ $uid = $User->register($username, $password, $email, $second_pwd);
+ if (0 < $uid) { //注册成功
$user = array('uid' => $uid, 'nickname' => $username, 'status' => 1);
$data['uid'] = $uid;
$data['group_id'] = I('auth');
- if(!M('Member')->add($user)){
+ if (!M('Member')->add($user)) {
} else {
- \Think\Log::actionLog('User/add','Member',$uid);
- $this->success('用户添加成功!',U('index'));
+ \Think\Log::actionLog('User/add', 'Member', $uid);
+ $this->success('用户添加成功!', U('index'));
} else { //注册失败,显示错误信息
} else {
- $list=D('AuthGroup')->where(array('status'=>1))->select();
- $this->assign('lists',$list);
+ $list = D('AuthGroup')->where(array('status' => 1))->select();
+ $this->assign('lists', $list);
$this->meta_title = '新增管理员';
- $this->m_title = '管理员列表';
- $this->assign('commonset',M('Kuaijieicon')->where(['url'=>'User/index','status'=>1])->find());
+ $this->m_title = '管理员列表';
+ $this->assign('commonset', M('Kuaijieicon')->where(['url' => 'User/index', 'status' => 1])->find());
- * 系统非常规MD5加密方法
- * @param string $str 要加密的字符串
- * @return string
- */
-function think_ucenter_md5($str, $key = 'ThinkUCenter'){
- return '' === $str ? '' : md5(sha1($str) . $key);
- public function edit($id){
+ /**
+ * 系统非常规MD5加密方法
+ * @param string $str 要加密的字符串
+ * @return string
+ */
+ function think_ucenter_md5($str, $key = 'ThinkUCenter')
+ {
+ return '' === $str ? '' : md5(sha1($str) . $key);
+ }
+ public function edit($id)
+ {
// var_dump(session());exit;
- if(IS_POST){
- if(isset($_POST['bind_wx'])){
- if($_POST['bind_wx']=='unbind_wx'){
- $info['admin_openid']='';
- }else{
- $info['admin_openid']=session('admin_openid');
- if($info['admin_openid']==''){
+ if (IS_POST) {
+ if (isset($_POST['bind_wx'])) {
+ if ($_POST['bind_wx'] == 'unbind_wx') {
+ $info['admin_openid'] = '';
+ } else {
+ $info['admin_openid'] = session('admin_openid');
+ if ($info['admin_openid'] == '') {
- if($_POST['auth']==''&&$id!=1){
+ if ($_POST['auth'] == '' && $id != 1) {
- if($_POST['password']==''){
+ if ($_POST['password'] == '') {
- if(!empty($_POST['password']) && (strlen($_POST['password'])<6 || strlen($_POST['password']) > 30)){
+ if (!empty($_POST['password']) && (strlen($_POST['password']) < 6 || strlen($_POST['password']) > 30)) {
- if($_POST['second_pwd']==''){
+ if ($_POST['second_pwd'] == '') {
- if(!empty($_POST['second_pwd']) && (strlen($_POST['second_pwd'])<6 || strlen($_POST['second_pwd']) > 30)){
+ if (!empty($_POST['second_pwd']) && (strlen($_POST['second_pwd']) < 6 || strlen($_POST['second_pwd']) > 30)) {
- if($_POST['email']==''){
+ if ($_POST['email'] == '') {
- $pattern = "/([a-z0-9]*[-_.]?[a-z0-9]+)*@([a-z0-9]*[-_]?[a-z0-9]+)+[.][a-z]{2,3}([.][a-z]{2})?/i";
- if(!preg_match( $pattern, $_POST['email'])) {
- $this->error('邮箱格式不正确!');
- }
- if(isset($_POST['mobile'])&&$_POST['mobile']!=''){
+ $pattern = "/([a-z0-9]*[-_.]?[a-z0-9]+)*@([a-z0-9]*[-_]?[a-z0-9]+)+[.][a-z]{2,3}([.][a-z]{2})?/i";
+ if (!preg_match($pattern, $_POST['email'])) {
+ $this->error('邮箱格式不正确!');
+ }
+ if (isset($_POST['mobile']) && $_POST['mobile'] != '') {
$dx = A('Phone');
- $res = $dx->check_tel_code($_POST['mobile'],$_POST['code']);
+ $res = $dx->check_tel_code($_POST['mobile'], $_POST['code']);
switch ($res) {
case '-1':
@@ -349,27 +366,27 @@ function think_ucenter_md5($str, $key = 'ThinkUCenter'){
- $Member=D('UcenterMember');
- $mem=D('Member');
- $au=D('AuthGroupAccess');
- $map['id']=$id;
- $maps['uid']=$id;
- $info['username']=$_POST['username'];
- $in['nickname']=$_POST['username'];
- $pwd=$this->think_ucenter_md5($_POST['password'],UC_AUTH_KEY);
- $spwd=$this->think_ucenter_md5($_POST['second_pwd'],UC_AUTH_KEY);
- $rpwd=$Member->where(array('id'=>$id))->find();
- $oldpwd=$rpwd['password'];
- $oldspwd=$rpwd['second_pwd'];
+ $Member = D('UcenterMember');
+ $mem = D('Member');
+ $au = D('AuthGroupAccess');
+ $map['id'] = $id;
+ $maps['uid'] = $id;
+ $info['username'] = $_POST['username'];
+ $in['nickname'] = $_POST['username'];
+ $pwd = $this->think_ucenter_md5($_POST['password'], UC_AUTH_KEY);
+ $spwd = $this->think_ucenter_md5($_POST['second_pwd'], UC_AUTH_KEY);
+ $rpwd = $Member->where(array('id' => $id))->find();
+ $oldpwd = $rpwd['password'];
+ $oldspwd = $rpwd['second_pwd'];
$User = new UserApi;
- $info['password']= (empty($pwd) || $pwd==$oldpwd)?$oldpwd:$pwd;
- $info['second_pwd']= (empty($spwd) || $spwd==$oldspwd)?$oldspwd:$spwd;
- $info['email']=$_POST['email'];
- $info['mobile']=isset($_POST['mobile'])?$_POST['mobile']:'';
- $ss['group_id']=$_POST['auth'];
- $ss['houtai']=$_POST['houtai'];
- $smember=$Member->where($map)->save($info);
- $meb=$mem->where($maps)->save($in);
+ $info['password'] = (empty($pwd) || $pwd == $oldpwd) ? $oldpwd : $pwd;
+ $info['second_pwd'] = (empty($spwd) || $spwd == $oldspwd) ? $oldspwd : $spwd;
+ $info['email'] = $_POST['email'];
+ $info['mobile'] = isset($_POST['mobile']) ? $_POST['mobile'] : '';
+ $ss['group_id'] = $_POST['auth'];
+ $ss['houtai'] = $_POST['houtai'];
+ $smember = $Member->where($map)->save($info);
+ $meb = $mem->where($maps)->save($in);
if ($au->where(array('uid' => $id))->find()) {
if ($ss['group_id'] == '') {
@@ -379,178 +396,223 @@ function think_ucenter_md5($str, $key = 'ThinkUCenter'){
$ss['uid'] = $id;
$ag = $au->add($ss);
- if($smember !== false||$meb||$ag){
- M('user_pwd')->where($maps)->setField('password',think_encrypt($info['password']));
- $this->success('修改成功!',U('User/index'));
- }else{
- $this->error('修改失败!',U('User/index'));
+ if ($smember !== false || $meb || $ag) {
+ M('user_pwd')->where($maps)->setField('password', think_encrypt($info['password']));
+ $this->success('修改成功!', U('User/index'));
+ } else {
+ $this->error('修改失败!', U('User/index'));
- }else{
- $map['id']=$_GET['id'];
- $Member=D('UcenterMember')->where($map)->find();
- $au=D('AuthGroupAccess')->where(array('uid'=>$_GET['id']))->find();
- $this->assign("authid",$au["group_id"]);
- $this->assign("houtai",$au["houtai"]);
- $list=D('AuthGroup')->where(array('status'=>1))->select();
- $username=$_POST['username'];
- $password=$_POST['password'];
- $this->assign('lists',$list);
- $this->assign('list',$Member);
- $this->assign('sd',$group);
- $this->meta_title = '编辑管理员';
- $this->m_title = '管理员列表';
- $this->assign('commonset',M('Kuaijieicon')->where(['url'=>'User/index','status'=>1])->find());
+ } else {
+ $map['id'] = $_GET['id'];
+ $Member = D('UcenterMember')->where($map)->find();
+ $au = D('AuthGroupAccess')->where(array('uid' => $_GET['id']))->find();
+ $this->assign("authid", $au["group_id"]);
+ $this->assign("houtai", $au["houtai"]);
+ $list = D('AuthGroup')->where(array('status' => 1))->select();
+ $username = $_POST['username'];
+ $password = $_POST['password'];
+ $this->assign('lists', $list);
+ $this->assign('list', $Member);
+ $this->assign('sd', $group);
+ $this->meta_title = '编辑管理员';
+ $this->m_title = '管理员列表';
+ $this->assign('commonset', M('Kuaijieicon')->where(['url' => 'User/index', 'status' => 1])->find());
- public function bdwx(){
- $map['id']=UID;
- $Member=D('UcenterMember')->field('id,username,admin_openid,openid_sign')->where($map)->find();
- $this->assign('id',$map['id']);
- $this->assign('list',$Member);
+ public function bdwx()
+ {
+ $map['id'] = UID;
+ $Member = D('UcenterMember')->field('id,username,admin_openid,openid_sign')->where($map)->find();
+ $this->assign('id', $map['id']);
+ $this->assign('list', $Member);
$this->meta_title = '绑定微信';
- public function updatelist($p=0){
+ public function updatelist($p = 0)
+ {
$page = intval($p);
$page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
- if(isset($_REQUEST['row'])) {$row = $_REQUEST['row'];}else{$row = 10;}
- if(isset($_REQUEST['op_account'])){
- if ($_REQUEST['op_account']=='全部') {
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['row'])) {
+ $row = $_REQUEST['row'];
+ } else {
+ $row = 10;
+ }
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['op_account'])) {
+ if ($_REQUEST['op_account'] == '全部') {
- }else{
- $map['op_account'] = trim($_REQUEST['op_account']);
+ } else {
+ $map['op_account'] = trim($_REQUEST['op_account']);
- if(isset($_REQUEST['game_name'])){
- $map['game_name'] = trim($_REQUEST['game_name']);
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['game_name'])) {
+ $map['game_name'] = trim($_REQUEST['game_name']);
- if(isset($_REQUEST['account'])){
- $map['user_account'] = array('like','%'.trim($_REQUEST['account']).'%');
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['account'])) {
+ $map['user_account'] = array('like', '%' . trim($_REQUEST['account']) . '%');
- if(isset($_REQUEST['huobi'])){
- $map['type'] = $_REQUEST['huobi'];
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['huobi'])) {
+ $map['type'] = $_REQUEST['huobi'];
- if(isset($_REQUEST['timestart']) && isset($_REQUEST['timeend'])){
- $map['create_time'] = array('BETWEEN',array(strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart']),strtotime($_REQUEST['timeend'])+24*60*60-1));
- unset($_REQUEST['timestart']);unset($_REQUEST['timeend']);
- }elseif(isset($_REQUEST['timestart'])){
- $map['create_time'] = ['GT',strtotime(I('timestart'))];
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['timestart']) && isset($_REQUEST['timeend'])) {
+ $map['create_time'] = array('BETWEEN', array(strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart']), strtotime($_REQUEST['timeend']) + 24 * 60 * 60 - 1));
- }elseif(isset($_REQUEST['timeend'])){
- $map['create_time'] = ['LT',strtotime(I('timeend'))+86399];
+ unset($_REQUEST['timeend']);
+ } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['timestart'])) {
+ $map['create_time'] = ['GT', strtotime(I('timestart'))];
+ unset($_REQUEST['timestart']);
+ } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['timeend'])) {
+ $map['create_time'] = ['LT', strtotime(I('timeend')) + 86399];
- $list=M('balance_edit','tab_')
+ $list = M('balance_edit', 'tab_')
->order('create_time desc')
->page($page, $row)
- $count = M('balance_edit','tab_')->where($map)->count();
+ $count = M('balance_edit', 'tab_')->where($map)->count();
- $page = set_pagination($count,$row);
- if($page) {$this->assign('_page', $page);}
- $this->assign('list',$list);
+ $page = set_pagination($count, $row);
+ if ($page) {
+ $this->assign('_page', $page);
+ }
+ $this->assign('list', $list);
$this->meta_title = '修改记录';
- $this->m_title = '账户修改记录';
- $this->assign('commonset',M('Kuaijieicon')->where(['url'=>'Member/login_record','status'=>1])->find());
+ $this->m_title = '账户修改记录';
+ $this->assign('commonset', M('Kuaijieicon')->where(['url' => 'Member/login_record', 'status' => 1])->find());
* 获取用户注册错误信息
- * @param integer $code 错误编码
+ * @param integer $code 错误编码
* @return string 错误信息
- private function showRegError($code = 0){
+ private function showRegError($code = 0)
+ {
switch ($code) {
- case -1: $error = '管理员账号长度必须在16个字符以内!'; break;
- case -2: $error = '管理员账号被禁止注册!'; break;
- case -3: $error = '管理员账号被占用!'; break;
- case -4: $error = '管理员密码长度必须在6-30个字符之间!'; break;
- case -5: $error = '邮箱格式不正确!'; break;
- case -6: $error = '邮箱长度必须在1-32个字符之间!'; break;
- case -7: $error = '邮箱被禁止注册!'; break;
- case -8: $error = '邮箱被占用!'; break;
- case -9: $error = '手机格式不正确!'; break;
- case -10: $error = '手机被禁止注册!'; break;
- case -11: $error = '手机号被占用!'; break;
- case -12: $error = '二级密码长度必须在6-30个字符之间!';break;
- default: $error = '未知错误';
+ case -1:
+ $error = '管理员账号长度必须在16个字符以内!';
+ break;
+ case -2:
+ $error = '管理员账号被禁止注册!';
+ break;
+ case -3:
+ $error = '管理员账号被占用!';
+ break;
+ case -4:
+ $error = '管理员密码长度必须在6-30个字符之间!';
+ break;
+ case -5:
+ $error = '邮箱格式不正确!';
+ break;
+ case -6:
+ $error = '邮箱长度必须在1-32个字符之间!';
+ break;
+ case -7:
+ $error = '邮箱被禁止注册!';
+ break;
+ case -8:
+ $error = '邮箱被占用!';
+ break;
+ case -9:
+ $error = '手机格式不正确!';
+ break;
+ case -10:
+ $error = '手机被禁止注册!';
+ break;
+ case -11:
+ $error = '手机号被占用!';
+ break;
+ case -12:
+ $error = '二级密码长度必须在6-30个字符之间!';
+ break;
+ default:
+ $error = '未知错误';
return $error;
- public function get_openid(){
+ public function get_openid()
+ {
$User = new UserApi;
- if($_POST['id']>999){
- $this->ajaxReturn(array('status'=>0,'msg'=>'管理员id不能大于999'));
+ if ($_POST['id'] > 999) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(array('status' => 0, 'msg' => '管理员id不能大于999'));
$data = $User->verifyPwd($_POST['id'], $_POST['pwd']);
- if(!$data){
- $this->ajaxReturn(array('status'=>0,'msg'=>'密码错误,请重新选择'));
+ if (!$data) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(array('status' => 0, 'msg' => '密码错误,请重新选择'));
- $appid = C('wechat.appid');
+ $appid = C('wechat.appid');
$appsecret = C('wechat.appsecret');
- $result=auto_get_access_token(dirname(__FILE__).'/access_token_validity.txt');
- if($result['is_validity']){
- session('token',$result['access_token']);
- $auth = new WechatAuth($appid, $appsecret,$result['access_token']);
- }else{
- $auth = new WechatAuth($appid, $appsecret);
+ $result = auto_get_access_token(dirname(__FILE__) . '/access_token_validity.txt');
+ if ($result['is_validity']) {
+ session('token', $result['access_token']);
+ $auth = new WechatAuth($appid, $appsecret, $result['access_token']);
+ } else {
+ $auth = new WechatAuth($appid, $appsecret);
$token = $auth->getAccessToken();
- $token['expires_in_validity']=time()+$token['expires_in'];
- wite_text(json_encode($token),dirname(__FILE__).'/access_token_validity.txt');
- session('token',$token['access_token']);
+ $token['expires_in_validity'] = time() + $token['expires_in'];
+ wite_text(json_encode($token), dirname(__FILE__) . '/access_token_validity.txt');
+ session('token', $token['access_token']);
- $times=date('s',time());
+ $times = date('s', time());
// $scene_id=strrev($_POST['id'].$times);
- $scene_id=$_POST['id'].$times.$_POST['type'];
- session('scene_id',$scene_id);
- $ticket = $auth->qrcodeCreate($scene_id,600);//10分钟
- if($ticket==''){
- $return=array('status'=>0,'data'=>'获取ticket失败!');
+ $scene_id = $_POST['id'] . $times . $_POST['type'];
+ session('scene_id', $scene_id);
+ $ticket = $auth->qrcodeCreate($scene_id, 600);//10分钟
+ if ($ticket == '') {
+ $return = array('status' => 0, 'data' => '获取ticket失败!');
$qrcode = $auth->showqrcode($ticket['ticket']);
- $return=array('status'=>1,'data'=>$qrcode);
+ $return = array('status' => 1, 'data' => $qrcode);
- function checkpwd(){
+ function checkpwd()
+ {
$User = new UserApi;
$data = $User->verifyPwd($_POST['id'], $_POST['pwd']);
- $this->ajaxReturn(array('data'=>$data));
+ $this->ajaxReturn(array('data' => $data));
- function checkOpenidpic(){
+ function checkOpenidpic()
+ {
- $data=M('ucenter_member')->where(array('id'=>$_REQUEST['id']))->find();
- if($data['openid_sign']==session('scene_id')){
- $this->ajaxReturn(array("status"=>1));
- }else{
- $this->ajaxReturn(array("status"=>0));
+ $data = M('ucenter_member')->where(array('id' => $_REQUEST['id']))->find();
+ if ($data['openid_sign'] == session('scene_id')) {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => 1));
+ } else {
+ $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => 0));
- public function delete($id){
+ public function delete($id)
+ {
$res1 = M('member')->delete($id);
$res2 = M('ucenter_member')->delete($id);
- $res3 = M('auth_group_access')->where(array('uid'=>$id))->delete();
- if($res1 && $res2 && $res3){
+ $res3 = M('auth_group_access')->where(array('uid' => $id))->delete();
+ if ($res1 && $res2 && $res3) {
- }else{
+ } else {
- $this->error('删除失败'.M()->getError());
+ $this->error('删除失败' . M()->getError());
@@ -558,7 +620,7 @@ function think_ucenter_md5($str, $key = 'ThinkUCenter'){
$map = [];
if (isset($_REQUEST['game_name'])) {
- $map['game_name'] = ['like', trim($_REQUEST['game_name'])."%"];
+ $map['game_name'] = ['like', trim($_REQUEST['game_name']) . "%"];
if (isset($_REQUEST['server_id'])) {
@@ -578,19 +640,19 @@ function think_ucenter_md5($str, $key = 'ThinkUCenter'){
$promoter_ids = D("Promote")->where($queryStr)->field('id')->select();
$promoter_ids ? $map['promote_id'] = ['in', implode(',', array_column($promoter_ids, 'id'))] : null;
if (isset($_REQUEST['game_type'])) {
$map['sdk_version'] = trim($_REQUEST['game_type']);
- empty(I('user_account')) || $map['user_account'] = ['like',"%".I('user_account')."%"];
+ empty(I('user_account')) || $map['user_account'] = ['like', "%" . I('user_account') . "%"];
$list = $this->lists(M('user_play_info', 'tab_'), $map, 'play_time desc');
$this->assign('list', $list);
$this->meta_title = '角色数据';
- $this->m_title = '角色查询';
- $this->assign('commonset',M('Kuaijieicon')->where(['url'=>'User/rolelist','status'=>1])->find());
+ $this->m_title = '角色查询';
+ $this->assign('commonset', M('Kuaijieicon')->where(['url' => 'User/rolelist', 'status' => 1])->find());
@@ -600,47 +662,51 @@ function think_ucenter_md5($str, $key = 'ThinkUCenter'){
* 更新游戏角色数据
* @param $id
- public function user_update($ids){
+ public function user_update($ids)
+ {
$res = D('User')->update_user_player($ids);
* 更新游戏角色数据
* @param $id
- public function age(){
- if (IS_POST){
+ public function age()
+ {
+ if (IS_POST) {
$data = $_POST;
$a = new ToolController();
$re = $a->save($data);
- \Think\Log::actionLog('User/age','User',1);
+ \Think\Log::actionLog('User/age', 'User', 1);
- }else{
- $data = I('type',1) == 1? C('age'):C('age_prevent');
- $this->assign('data',$data);
- $this->meta_title = I('type',1) == 1?"实名认证设置":'防沉迷设置';
- $this->m_title = I('type',1)==1?'实名认证设置':'防沉迷设置';
- $this->assign('commonset',M('Kuaijieicon')->where(['url'=>'User/age/type/'.I('type',1),'status'=>1])->find());
+ } else {
+ $data = I('type', 1) == 1 ? C('age') : C('age_prevent');
+ $this->assign('data', $data);
+ $this->meta_title = I('type', 1) == 1 ? "实名认证设置" : '防沉迷设置';
+ $this->m_title = I('type', 1) == 1 ? '实名认证设置' : '防沉迷设置';
+ $this->assign('commonset', M('Kuaijieicon')->where(['url' => 'User/age/type/' . I('type', 1), 'status' => 1])->find());
- public function update_pwd(){
- if(IS_POST){
- if(strlen($_POST['new_pwd'])<6||strlen($_POST['new_pwd'])>30){
+ public function update_pwd()
+ {
+ if (IS_POST) {
+ if (strlen($_POST['new_pwd']) < 6 || strlen($_POST['new_pwd']) > 30) {
- $oldspwd=$this->think_ucenter_md5($_POST['password'],UC_AUTH_KEY);
- $newpwd =$this->think_ucenter_md5($_POST['new_pwd'],UC_AUTH_KEY);
- $Member=D('UcenterMember');
- $rpwd=$Member->where(array('id'=>session('user_auth.uid')))->find();
- if($oldspwd==$rpwd['password']){
- $Member->where(array('id'=>session('user_auth.uid')))->save(['password'=>$newpwd]);
- $this->success('修改成功!',U('User/index'));
- }else{
+ $oldspwd = $this->think_ucenter_md5($_POST['password'], UC_AUTH_KEY);
+ $newpwd = $this->think_ucenter_md5($_POST['new_pwd'], UC_AUTH_KEY);
+ $Member = D('UcenterMember');
+ $rpwd = $Member->where(array('id' => session('user_auth.uid')))->find();
+ if ($oldspwd == $rpwd['password']) {
+ $Member->where(array('id' => session('user_auth.uid')))->save(['password' => $newpwd]);
+ $this->success('修改成功!', U('User/index'));
+ } else {
@@ -648,14 +714,14 @@ function think_ucenter_md5($str, $key = 'ThinkUCenter'){
- public function get_server_lists($game_id=0){
- $server = M("server","tab_");
+ public function get_server_lists($game_id = 0)
+ {
+ $server = M("server", "tab_");
$map['game_id'] = $game_id;
$lists = $server->field('id,server_name,game_name')->where($map)->select();
- if(empty($lists)){
- return $this->ajaxReturn(array('status'=>0,'data'=>''));
+ if (empty($lists)) {
+ return $this->ajaxReturn(array('status' => 0, 'data' => ''));
- return $this->ajaxReturn(array('status'=>1,'data'=>$lists));
+ return $this->ajaxReturn(array('status' => 1, 'data' => $lists));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Application/Admin/Controller/access_data_foldline.txt b/Application/Admin/Controller/access_data_foldline.txt
index 49c9cc67d..bc484849f 100644
--- a/Application/Admin/Controller/access_data_foldline.txt
+++ b/Application/Admin/Controller/access_data_foldline.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Application/Admin/View/Platform/promotepay_statistics.html b/Application/Admin/View/Platform/promotepay_statistics.html
index 44b9b0151..a6dfd38e3 100644
--- a/Application/Admin/View/Platform/promotepay_statistics.html
+++ b/Application/Admin/View/Platform/promotepay_statistics.html
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
累计充值 |
- 排行榜 |
今日充值 |
@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@
{$data['promote_account']} |
- {$data.count} |
- {$data.rand}{$data.rand}{$data.rand}{$data.rand} |
+ {$data.count} |
{$data.today} |
{$data.week} |
{$data.mounth} |
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
汇总 |
{$total.sum_count} |
- --- |
{$total.sum_today} |
{$total.sum_week} |
{$total.sum_mounth} |
diff --git a/Application/Admin/View/User/rolelist.html b/Application/Admin/View/User/rolelist.html
index d0adefd7d..bad81eab1 100644
--- a/Application/Admin/View/User/rolelist.html
+++ b/Application/Admin/View/User/rolelist.html
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
- {$data.play_time|date='Y-m-d H:i:s',###} |
+ {$data.create_time|date='Y-m-d H:i:s',###} |
{$data.user_account} |
getPublicAchievementMap($ids, $params);
$items = M('user_play_info', 'tab_')->field(['count(distinct user_id) count', 'promote_id'])->where($map)->group('promote_id')->select();
$records = [];
foreach ($items as $item) {
$promoteId = $item['promote_id'];
@@ -119,7 +118,6 @@ class PromoteRepository {
$records[$promoteId] = $item['count'];
$records = $this->assembleZero($ids, $records, 0);
return $records;
@@ -162,7 +160,7 @@ class PromoteRepository {
- $records = $this->assembleZero($ids, [], 0);
+ $records = $this->assembleZero($ids, $records, 0);
return $records;
@@ -188,7 +186,7 @@ class PromoteRepository {
$inQuery = M('user_play_info', 'tab_')->field('create_ip')->group('create_ip')->where($map)->buildSql();
$resultMap = ['create_ip' => ['exp', ' in (' . $inQuery . ')']];
- $items = M('user_play_info', 'tab_')->field(['count(*) count', 'promote_id'])->where($resultMap)->group('promote_id')->select();
+ $items = M('user_play_info', 'tab_')->field(['count(DISTINCT create_ip) count', 'promote_id'])->where($resultMap)->group('promote_id')->select();
$records = [];
foreach ($items as $item) {
@@ -203,7 +201,7 @@ class PromoteRepository {
- $records = $this->assembleZero($ids, [], 0);
+ $records = $this->assembleZero($ids, $records, 0);
return $records;
@@ -233,7 +231,8 @@ class PromoteRepository {
$inQuery = M('user_play_info', 'tab_')->field('user_id')->group('user_id')->where($map)->buildSql();
$resultMap = ['_string' => 'user_id in (' . $inQuery . ')'];
- $items = M('user_play_info', 'tab_')->field(['count(*) count', 'promote_id'])->where($resultMap)->group('promote_id')->select();
+ $items = M('user_play_info', 'tab_')->field(['count(DISTINCT user_id) count', 'promote_id'])->where($resultMap)->group('promote_id')->select();
+ // var_dump(M()->getLastSql());
$records = [];
foreach ($items as $item) {
$promoteId = $item['promote_id'];
@@ -247,7 +246,7 @@ class PromoteRepository {
- $records = $this->assembleZero($ids, [], 0);
+ $records = $this->assembleZero($ids, $records, 0);
return $records;
@@ -370,6 +369,7 @@ class PromoteRepository {
$params['time_column'] = 'pay_time';
$map = $this->getPublicAchievementMap($ids, $params);
+ $map['pay_status'] = 1;
$items = M('spend', 'tab_')->field(['sum(pay_amount) amount', 'promote_id', 'pay_way'])->where($map)->group('promote_id, pay_way')->select();
// echo M()->getLastSql();die();
$records = [];
diff --git a/Application/Base/Repository/UserRepository.class.php b/Application/Base/Repository/UserRepository.class.php
index 3e42e4052..e3ad78ade 100644
--- a/Application/Base/Repository/UserRepository.class.php
+++ b/Application/Base/Repository/UserRepository.class.php
@@ -133,8 +133,13 @@ class UserRepository
$dayList = $params['dayList'] ?? [];
$params['time_column'] = 'create_time';
$conditions = $this->getDayGroupConditions($params);
- $items = M('login_daily_record', 'tab_')->field('FROM_UNIXTIME(create_time, "%Y-%m-%d") as day, count(DISTINCT user_id, game_id) as count')
+ $subQuery = M('login_daily_record', 'tab_')->field('FROM_UNIXTIME(create_time, "%Y-%m-%d") as day,count(DISTINCT user_id) as count')
+ ->group('game_id')
+ ->buildSql();
+ $items = M()->field('*,sum(count) as count')
+ ->table($subQuery)
+ ->alias('a')
@@ -294,8 +299,13 @@ class UserRepository
$params['time_column'] = 'create_time';
$conditions = $this->getCreateRoleConditions($params);
- $items = M('user_play_info', 'tab_')->field('count(distinct game_id,user_id) count, FROM_UNIXTIME(create_time, "%Y-%m-%d") as day')
+ $subQuery = M('user_play_info', 'tab_')->field('FROM_UNIXTIME(create_time, "%Y-%m-%d") as day,count(DISTINCT user_id) as count')
+ ->group('game_id')
+ ->buildSql();
+ $items = M()->field('*,sum(count) as count')
+ ->table($subQuery)
+ ->alias('a')
return $this->assembleRecords($items, $dayList, 'count');
@@ -346,10 +356,14 @@ class UserRepository
->where("ti.user_id = user_id and ti.game_id = game_id and ti.create_time < " . $params['begin_time'])
- $items = $model->field("count(distinct game_id,user_id) count, FROM_UNIXTIME(create_time, '%Y-%m-%d') as day,
- (" . $sql . ") as num")
+ $subQuery = $model->field('FROM_UNIXTIME(create_time, "%Y-%m-%d") as day,count(DISTINCT user_id) as count')
- ->group("day")
+ ->group('game_id')
+ ->buildSql();
+ $items = M()->field("*,sum(count) as count,(" . $sql . ") as num")
+ ->table($subQuery)
+ ->alias('a')
+ ->group('day')
->having('num = 0')
return $this->assembleRecords($items, $dayList, 'count');
@@ -411,10 +425,14 @@ class UserRepository
->where("ti.create_device_number = create_device_number and ti.game_id = game_id and ti.create_time < " . $params['begin_time'])
- $items = $model->field("count(distinct game_id,create_device_number) count, FROM_UNIXTIME(create_time, '%Y-%m-%d') as day,
- (" . $sql . ") as num")
+ $subQuery = $model->field('FROM_UNIXTIME(create_time, "%Y-%m-%d") as day,count(DISTINCT create_device_number) as count')
- ->group("day")
+ ->group('game_id')
+ ->buildSql();
+ $items = M()->field("*,sum(count) as count,(" . $sql . ") as num")
+ ->table($subQuery)
+ ->alias('a')
+ ->group('day')
->having('num = 0')
return $this->assembleRecords($items, $dayList, 'count');
@@ -476,10 +494,14 @@ class UserRepository
->where("ti.create_ip = create_ip and ti.game_id = game_id and ti.create_time < " . $params['begin_time'])
- $items = $model->field("count(distinct game_id,create_ip) count, FROM_UNIXTIME(create_time, '%Y-%m-%d') as day,
- (" . $sql . ") as num")
+ $subQuery = $model->field('FROM_UNIXTIME(create_time, "%Y-%m-%d") as day,count(DISTINCT create_ip) as count')
- ->group("day")
+ ->group('game_id')
+ ->buildSql();
+ $items = M()->field("*,sum(count) as count,(" . $sql . ") as num")
+ ->table($subQuery)
+ ->alias('a')
+ ->group('day')
->having('num = 0')
return $this->assembleRecords($items, $dayList, 'count');
diff --git a/Application/Callback/Controller/Notify3Controller.class.php b/Application/Callback/Controller/Notify3Controller.class.php
index 6c3c0e9e6..33d7e65eb 100644
--- a/Application/Callback/Controller/Notify3Controller.class.php
+++ b/Application/Callback/Controller/Notify3Controller.class.php
@@ -194,6 +194,7 @@ class Notify3Controller extends BaseController
$data['type'] = 1;
$data['sub_type'] = 1;
$data['target_id'] = $promote['id'];
+ $data['promote_id'] = $promote['id'];
$data['target_level'] = $promote['level'];
$data['target_type'] = 1;
$data['ref_id'] = $order['id'];
diff --git a/Application/Common/Common/extend.php b/Application/Common/Common/extend.php
index 6f38130b5..8ed98c5b7 100644
--- a/Application/Common/Common/extend.php
+++ b/Application/Common/Common/extend.php
@@ -1053,7 +1053,7 @@ function is_check_account($account){
if(empty($data)){return '';}
- return $data['dratio'];
+ return $data['ratio'];
diff --git a/Application/Home/Controller/ArticleController.class.php b/Application/Home/Controller/ArticleController.class.php
index 7c0e2af26..0ccce084d 100644
--- a/Application/Home/Controller/ArticleController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Home/Controller/ArticleController.class.php
@@ -82,6 +82,9 @@ class ArticleController extends HomeController {
$field = 'id as document_id,category_id';
$decumentData = M('document')->field($field)->where("id={$id}")->find();
$promote_id = get_pid();
+ if(empty($promote_id)) {
+ $promote_id = 0;
+ }
foreach ($decumentData as $key => $value) {
$decumentData['promote_id'] = $promote_id;
$decumentData['create_time'] = time();
diff --git a/Application/Home/Controller/DownloadController.class.php b/Application/Home/Controller/DownloadController.class.php
index 76c7d09c2..1a464a126 100644
--- a/Application/Home/Controller/DownloadController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Home/Controller/DownloadController.class.php
@@ -1241,6 +1241,17 @@ class DownloadController extends BaseController {
$promoteId = I('promote_id', 0);
$sdkVersion = I('sdk_version', 0);
$headmanPromoteId = I('headman_promote_id', 0);
+ $costBegin = I('cost_begin', ''); //充值总额范围
+ $costEnd = I('cost_end', '');
+ $nowTime = date('Y-m-d');
+ $initBegTime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-6 day', strtotime($nowTime)));
+ $initBegTime = empty(I('begtime')) ? $initBegTime : I('begtime');
+ $initEndTime = $nowTime;
+ $initEndTime = empty(I('endtime')) ? $initEndTime : I('endtime');
+ $begTime = strtotime($initBegTime);
+ $endTime = strtotime($initEndTime);
+ $endTime += 3600 * 24;
$map1['chain'] = ['like','%'.'/'.PID.'/'.'%'];
$rs = M('promote','tab_')->where($map1)->field('id,account,nickname')->select();
$childPromoteIds = '';
@@ -1270,7 +1281,7 @@ class DownloadController extends BaseController {
if(empty($levelPromote)) {
- array_push($ids,$queryPromote['id']);
+ // array_push($ids,$queryPromote['id']);
if (!empty($ids)) {
$map['promote_id'] = ['in',$ids];
@@ -1304,6 +1315,18 @@ class DownloadController extends BaseController {
+ if($costBegin) {
+ $map['costbegin'] = $costBegin;
+ }else {
+ $map['costbegin'] = "";
+ }
+ if($costEnd) {
+ $map['costend'] = $costEnd;
+ }else {
+ $map['costend'] = "";
+ }
+ $map['begintime'] = $begTime;
+ $map['endtime'] = $endTime;
$conditions = json_encode($map,TRUE);
$addtime = time();
$data = [
@@ -1462,7 +1485,7 @@ class DownloadController extends BaseController {
- array_push($ids,$queryPromote['id']);
+ //array_push($ids,$queryPromote['id']);
if (!empty($ids)) {
$map['promote_id'] = ['in',$ids];
@@ -1507,7 +1530,7 @@ class DownloadController extends BaseController {
if (($playTimeEnd - $playTimeBegin) > 31 * 24 * 3600) {
- $map['play_time'] = ['between', [$playTimeBegin, $playTimeEnd]];
+ $map['create_time'] = ['between', [$playTimeBegin, $playTimeEnd]];
if ($isSelf) {
$map['promote_id'] = $queryPromote['id'];
@@ -1735,18 +1758,21 @@ class DownloadController extends BaseController {
$xlsName = "注册明细";
$xlsCell = array(
- array('promote_account','推广账号'),
+ array('promote_account','推广账号'),
+ array('device_number','设备IMIE/IDFA'),
- array('login_time','登陆时间'),
- array('login_ip','登陆ip')
+ array('login_time','登陆时间'),
+ array('login_ip','登陆ip')
$model = M('user','tab_');
- $data = $model->field('account,promote_account,register_time,register_ip,login_time,login_ip')->where($map)->select();
+ $data = $model->field('account,device_number,promote_account,register_time,register_ip,login_time,login_ip')->where($map)->order('tab_user.id desc')->select();
$xlsData = [];
foreach ($data as $key1 => $value1) {
+ $value1['register_time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$value1['register_time']);
+ $value1['login_time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$value1['login_time']);
$value1['account'] = $this->encryption($value1['account']);
$xlsData[] = $value1;
@@ -1761,14 +1787,16 @@ class DownloadController extends BaseController {
- array('user_nickname','游戏昵称'),
+ array('role_name','游戏昵称'),
+ array('create_time','创建时间'),
$model = M('user_play_info','tab_');
- $data = $model->field('user_account,promote_account,game_name,server_name,user_nickname,role_level')->where($map)->select();
+ $data = $model->field('user_account,promote_account,game_name,server_name,role_name,role_level')->where($map)->order('create_time desc')->select();
$xlsData = [];
foreach ($data as $key1 => $value1) {
$value1['user_account'] = $this->encryption($value1['user_account']);
+ $value1['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$value1['create_time']);
$xlsData[] = $value1;
$this->exportExcel($xlsName, $xlsCell, $xlsData,$id);
@@ -2701,55 +2729,92 @@ class DownloadController extends BaseController {
- );
- if(!empty($map['promote_id'])) {
- $spendMap['promote_id'] = $map['promote_id'];
- }
- $map['create_time'] = ['between', [strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00')) - 6*24*3600, strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59'))]];
- $roles = M('user_play_info','tab_')->where($map)->select();
- $roleIds = array_column($roles, 'role_id');
- $spendMap['pay_status'] = 1;
- $spendMap['pay_game_status'] = 1;
- if (count($roleIds) > 0) {
- $spendMap['game_player_id'] = ['in', $roleIds];
- } else {
- $spendMap['_string'] = '1<>1';
- }
- $allRecharges = M('spend', 'tab_')->field('count(*) count, sum(cost) cost, game_player_id')->where($spendMap)->group('game_player_id')->select();
- $allRecords = [];
- foreach ($allRecharges as $recharge) {
- $allRecords[$recharge['game_player_id']] = $recharge;
- }
+ );
+ $subMap = [];
+ if(!empty($map['game_id'])) {
+ $subMap['game_id'] = $map['game_id'];
+ }
+ if(!empty($map['server_id'])) {
+ $subMap['server_id'] = $map['server_id'];
+ }
+ $costBegin = $map['costbegin'];
+ $costEnd = $map['costend'];
+ unset($map['costbegin']);
+ unset($map['costend']);
+ $subMap['create_time'] = ['between', [$map['begintime'], $map['endtime'] - 1]];
+ $roleIdMap = $subMap;
+ $roleIds = M('user_play_data_count', 'tab_')->where($roleIdMap)->group('role_id')->getField('role_id', true);
+ $map['role_id'] = ['in', $roleIds];
+ if ($costBegin != '' || $costEnd != '') {
+ $having = '';
+ if ($costBegin != '' && $costEnd != '') {
+ $having = 'sum(recharge_cost) between ' . $costBegin . ' and ' . $costEnd;
+ } elseif ($costBegin != '' && $costEnd == '') {
+ $having = 'sum(recharge_cost) >= ' . $costBegin;
+ } elseif ($costBegin == '' && $costEnd != '') {
+ $having = 'sum(recharge_cost) <= ' . $costEnd;
+ }
+ $subQuery = M('user_play_data_count', 'tab_')->field('role_id')
+ ->where($subMap)
+ ->group('game_id,server_id,role_id')
+ ->having($having)
+ ->buildSql();
+ $map['_string'] = 'role_id in (' . $subQuery . ')';
+ }
+ $spendMap['uc.create_time'] = ['between', [$map['begintime'], $map['endtime'] - 1]];
+ $spendMap['_string'] = 'uc.game_id = tab_user_play_info.game_id and uc.server_id = tab_user_play_info.server_id and uc.role_id = tab_user_play_info.role_id';
+ // $map['create_time'] = ['between', [strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00')) - 6*24*3600, strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59'))]];
+ $sqlCost = M('user_play_data_count', 'tab_')->alias('uc')
+ ->field('sum(uc.recharge_cost) cost')
+ ->where($spendMap)
+ ->buildSql();
- $map['pay_time'] = ['between', [strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00')), strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59'))]];
- $todayRecharges = M('spend', 'tab_')->field('sum(cost) cost, game_player_id')->where($map)->group('game_player_id')->select();
- $todayRecords = [];
- foreach ($todayRecharges as $recharge) {
- $todayRecords[$recharge['game_player_id']] = $recharge;
- }
+ $sqlCount = M('user_play_data_count', 'tab_')->alias('uc')
+ ->field('sum(uc.recharge_count) count')
+ ->where($spendMap)
+ ->buildSql();
+ $spendMap['uc.create_time'] = ['between', [strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00')), strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59'))]];
+ $sqlTodayCost = M('user_play_data_count', 'tab_')->alias('uc')
+ ->field('sum(uc.recharge_count) count')
+ ->where($spendMap)
+ ->buildSql();
+ unset($map['begintime']);
+ unset($map['endtime']);
+ $subQuery = M('user_play_info', 'tab_')
+ ->field("*,$sqlCost as recharge_cost,$sqlCount as recharge_count,$sqlTodayCost as recharge_cost_today")
+ ->where($map)
+ ->having('recharge_cost > 0')
+ ->order('play_time desc')
+ ->buildSql();
+ $roles = M()->field(' * ')
+ ->table($subQuery)
+ ->alias('a')
+ ->order('play_time desc')
+ ->select();
+ foreach ($roles as $role) {
+ $records[] = [
+ 'user_account' => encryption($role['user_account']),
+ 'game_name' => $role['game_name'],
+ 'role_name' => $role['role_name'],
+ 'role_id' => $role['role_id'],
+ 'role_level' => $role['role_level'],
+ 'server_id' => $role['server_id'],
+ 'server_name' => $role['server_name'],
+ 'recharge_cost' => empty($role['recharge_cost']) ? 0 : $role['recharge_cost'],
+ 'recharge_count' => empty($role['recharge_count']) ? 0 : $role['recharge_count'],
+ 'recharge_cost_today' => empty($role['recharge_cost_today']) ? 0 : $role['recharge_cost_today'],
+ 'play_time' => $role['play_time'],
+ 'play_ip' => $role['play_ip'],
+ 'promote_id' => $role['promote_id'],
+ 'promote_account' => $role['promote_account'],
+ 'sdk_version' => $role['sdk_version'],
+ 'unlogin_day' => intval((strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00')) - strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', $role['play_time']))) / (24 * 3600))
+ ];
+ }
- $records = [];
- foreach ($roles as $role) {
- $records[] = [
- 'user_account' => $role['user_account'],
- 'game_name' => $role['game_name'],
- 'role_name' => $role['role_name'],
- 'role_id' => $role['role_id'],
- 'role_level' => $role['role_level'],
- 'server_id' => $role['server_id'],
- 'server_name' => $role['server_name'],
- 'recharge_cost' => isset($allRecords[$role['role_id']]) ? round(floatval($allRecords[$role['role_id']]['cost']), 2) : 0,
- 'recharge_count' => isset($allRecords[$role['role_id']]) ? $allRecords[$role['role_id']]['count'] : 0,
- 'recharge_cost_today' => isset($todayRecords[$role['role_id']]) ? round(floatval($todayRecords[$role['role_id']]['cost']), 2) : 0,
- 'play_time' => $role['play_time'],
- 'play_ip' => $role['play_ip'],
- 'promote_id' => $role['promote_id'],
- 'promote_account' => $role['promote_account'],
- 'sdk_version' => $role['sdk_version'],
- 'unlogin_day' => intval((strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00')) - strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', $role['play_time']))) / (24 * 3600))
- ];
- }
$xlsData = [];
foreach ($records as $key1 => $value1) {
$value1['user_account'] = $this->encryption($value1['user_account']);
diff --git a/Application/Home/Controller/FinanceController.class.php b/Application/Home/Controller/FinanceController.class.php
index 493ad6e6c..605c26ad4 100644
--- a/Application/Home/Controller/FinanceController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Home/Controller/FinanceController.class.php
@@ -565,4 +565,45 @@ class FinanceController extends BaseController
$this->assign('modelList', $modelList);
+ //审核拒绝 重新审核
+ public function renewReview()
+ {
+ //是否是会长
+ $this->purview();
+ //验证安全密码
+ $metaTitle = '结算明细';
+ $modelList = ['财务管理', $metaTitle];
+ $res = $this->verifyPasswordView($modelList, false);
+ if ($res == false) {
+ $data['status'] = 0;
+ $data['msg'] = '权限异常';
+ $this->ajaxReturn($data);
+ }
+ $id = intval(I('id', 0));
+ $data = M('withdraw', 'tab_')->find($id);
+ if (empty($data) || $data['status'] != -1) {
+ $data['status'] = 0;
+ $data['msg'] = '数据异常';
+ $this->ajaxReturn($data);
+ }
+ if ($data['promote_id'] != $this->loginPromote['id']) {
+ $data['status'] = 0;
+ $data['msg'] = '权限异常';
+ $this->ajaxReturn($data);
+ }
+ $save['status'] = 0;
+ $save['id'] = $id;
+ $res = M('withdraw', 'tab_')->save($save);
+ if ($res === false) {
+ $data['status'] = 0;
+ $data['msg'] = '提交失败';
+ } else {
+ $data['status'] = 1;
+ $data['msg'] = '提交成功';
+ }
+ $this->ajaxReturn($data);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Application/Home/Controller/PromoteController.class.php b/Application/Home/Controller/PromoteController.class.php
index 1d0307c2a..0335835b6 100644
--- a/Application/Home/Controller/PromoteController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Home/Controller/PromoteController.class.php
@@ -180,14 +180,14 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
$month_add_user_money = $this->pay_total(3, 1, $promoteId);
$yesterday_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') - 1, date('Y'));
- $yesterday_end = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'));
+ $yesterday_end = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'))-1;
$pay_time = " between {$yesterday_start} and {$yesterday_end}";
$createTime = ['between', array($yesterday_start, $yesterday_end - 1)];
- $yesterdaySpendData = $this->caculateSpend($pay_time, [], $createTime);
+// $yesterdaySpendData = $this->caculateSpend($pay_time, []);
+// var_dump($yesterdaySpendData);die();
$todayAddSpendData = $this->caculateSpend($pay_time, [], [], 1);
-// var_dump($todayAddSpendData);die();
$mounthAddSpendData = $this->caculateSpend($pay_time, [], [], 2);
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
$this->assign('data', $data);
// $this->assign('yesterdayData',$yesterdayData);
$this->assign('spendData', $spendData);
- $this->assign('yesterdaySpendData', $yesterdaySpendData);
+// $this->assign('yesterdaySpendData', $yesterdaySpendData);
$this->assign('todayAddSpendData', $todayAddSpendData);
$this->assign('mounthAddSpendData', $mounthAddSpendData);
@@ -240,99 +240,131 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
private function caculateSpend($pay_time, $condition, $create = [], $type = 0)
+ $map1['promote_id'] = $map['promote_id'] = array('egt', 0);
$spend = M('Spend', 'tab_');
+ $map1['pay_status'] = $map['pay_status'] = 1;
$today = total(1);
+ $yesterday = total(5);
$week = total(2);
$mounth = total(3);
- $yesterday = total(5);
+ unset( $map['create_time']);
- $map1['promote_id'] = $map['promote_id'] = array('gt', 0);
- $map1['pay_status'] = $map['pay_status'] = 1;
- $map1['pay_way'] = $map['pay_way'] = array('gt', 0);
- $userId = [];
- $this->getLoginPromote();
+ $promote_id = get_pid();
$promoteId = M("promote", "tab_")
- ->where(array('chain' => ['like', $this->loginPromote['chain'] . $this->loginPromote['id'] . '/%']))
- ->getField('id', true);
- $promoteId[] = $this->loginPromote['id'];
+ ->field("id")
+ ->where(array('chain' => ['like', '/'.$promote_id . '/%'],'id'=>$promote_id,'_logic'=>'or'))
+ ->select();
+ $promoteId = implode(',',array_column($promoteId,'id'));
$whereUser['promote_id'] = ['IN', $promoteId];
if ($type == 1) {
+ $pay_time = total(1);
$start = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'));
$end = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') + 1, date('Y')) - 1;
$whereUser['register_time'] = ['between', array($start, $end - 1)];
$userId = M('user', 'tab_')->field('id')->where($whereUser)->select();
} else if ($type == 2) {
+ $pay_time = total(3);
$start = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), 1, date('Y'));
$end = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') + 1, 1, date('Y')) - 1;
$whereUser['register_time'] = ['between', array($start, $end - 1)];
$userId = M('user', 'tab_')->field('id')->where($whereUser)->select();
+// if ($userId) {
+// var_dump($userId);
+// }
- $userId = implode(',', array_column($userId, 'id'));
if ($userId) {
+ $userId = implode(',', array_column($userId, 'id'));
+// var_dump($userId);
$map1['user_id'] = $map['user_id'] = ['IN', $userId];
} else if (!$userId && $type != 0) {
- return array('today' => 0, 'mounth' => 0);
- }
- if ($create) {
- $map['create_time'] = $create;
- }
- $bindrecharge_data = M('bind_recharge', 'tab_')
- ->field('max(id) as id,promote_account,promote_id,create_time as ordertime,date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(create_time),"%Y-%m-%d") AS time,
- floor(sum(IF(create_time ' . $pay_time . ',real_amount,0))*100) as scount,
- floor(sum(IF(create_time ' . $today . ',real_amount,0))*100) as today,
- floor(sum(IF(create_time ' . $week . ',real_amount,0))*100) as week,
- floor(sum(IF(create_time ' . $mounth . ',real_amount,0))*100) as mounth')
- ->where($map1)
- ->group('promote_id')
- ->select(false);
- $deposit_data = M('deposit', 'tab_')
- ->field('max(id) as id,promote_account,promote_id,create_time as ordertime,date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(create_time),"%Y-%m-%d") AS time,
- floor(sum(IF(create_time ' . $pay_time . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as scount,
- floor(sum(IF(create_time ' . $today . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as today,
- floor(sum(IF(create_time ' . $week . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as week,
- floor(sum(IF(create_time ' . $mounth . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as mounth')
- ->where($map1)
- ->group('promote_id')
- ->select(false);
- $spendData = $spend
- ->field('max(id) as id,promote_account,promote_id,pay_time as ordertime,date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(pay_time),"%Y-%m-%d") AS time,
- floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $pay_time . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as scount,
- floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $today . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as today,
- floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $week . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as week,
- floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $mounth . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as mounth')
- ->where($map)
- ->union(' (' . $bindrecharge_data . ') ')
- ->union(' (' . $deposit_data . ') ')
- ->group('promote_id')
- ->select(false);
+ return array('sum_mounth' => 0, 'sum_today' => 0);
+ }
- $promote_id = get_pid();
- $promote_map = "tp1.`id` = {$promote_id}";
+ //获取所有会长
+ $promote_map = "`chain` = '%/{$promote_id}/%' OR id = {$promote_id}";
- $data = $spend->field('sum(a.scount) AS count,sum(a.today) AS today,sum(a. WEEK) AS WEEK,sum(a.mounth) AS mounth')
- ->join("INNER JOIN (SELECT tp2.*, tp1.id AS pid, tp1.account as promote_account FROM tab_promote tp1 LEFT JOIN tab_promote tp2 ON tp2.`chain` LIKE CONCAT('%/', tp1.id, '/%') OR tp1.id = tp2.id where $promote_map ) AS t ON promote_id = t.id")
- ->where($condition)->table('(' . $spendData . ') as a')->group()->order('count desc,a.ordertime')->find();
+ $promote = M("promote","tab_")->field("id,account")->where($promote_map)->select();
+ $data =array();
+ for ($i=0; $i < count($promote); $i++) {
+ # code...
+ $proid = M("promote","tab_")->field("id")->where("`chain` like '%/{$promote[$i]['id']}/%'")->select();
+ $str = '';
+ for($k=0; $kfield('
+ floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $pay_time . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as count,
+ floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $today . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as today,
+ floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $yesterday . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as yesterday,
+ floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $week . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as week,
+ floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $mounth . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as mounth')
+ ->where($map)
+ ->where("pay_time".$pay_time)
+ ->find();
+ $dbdata['promote_account'] = $promote[$i]['account'];
+ } else {
+ $dbdata = $spend
+ ->field('
+ floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $pay_time . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as count,
+ floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $today . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as today,
+ floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $yesterday . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as yesterday,
+ floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $week . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as week,
+ floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $mounth . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as mounth')
+ ->where($map)
+ ->where("pay_time".$pay_time)
+ ->find();
+ $dbdata['promote_account'] = $promote[$i]['account'];
+ }
+ $data[] = $dbdata;
+ }
+// if ($userId) {
+// echo $spend->_sql();die();
+// }
+ foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
+ $value['count'] ?: 0;
+ $value['today'] ?: 0;
+ $value['week'] ?: 0;
+ $value['mounth'] ?: 0;
+ static $i = 0;
+ $i++;
+ $data[$key]['rand'] = $i;
+ $data[$key]['count'] = $value['count'] / 100;
+ $data[$key]['today'] = $value['today'] / 100;
+ $data[$key]['yesterday'] = $value['yesterday'] / 100;
+ $data[$key]['week'] = $value['week'] / 100;
+ $data[$key]['mounth'] = $value['mounth'] / 100;
+ }
+ $total = $this->data_total($data);
- $spendData1 = $spend->field('sum(a.scount) AS count,sum(a.today) AS today,sum(a. WEEK) AS WEEK,sum(a.mounth) AS mounth')
-// ->join("INNER JOIN (SELECT tp2.*, tp1.id AS pid, tp1.account as promote_account FROM tab_promote tp1 LEFT JOIN tab_promote tp2 ON tp2.`chain` LIKE CONCAT('%/', tp1.id, '/%') ) AS t ON promote_id = t.id")
- ->where($condition)->table('(' . $spendData . ') as a')->group()->order('count desc,a.ordertime')->find();
+ return $total;
- $data['rand'] = 1;
- $data['count'] = $data['count'] / 100;
- $data['today'] = $spendData1['today'] / 100;
- $data['week'] = $spendData1['week'] / 100;
- $data['mounth'] = $spendData1['mounth'] / 100;
+ }
- return $data;
+ public function data_total($data)
+ {
+ $total['sum_count'] = array_sum(array_column($data, 'count'));
+ $total['sum_today'] = array_sum(array_column($data, 'today'));
+ $total['yesterday'] = array_sum(array_column($data, 'yesterday'));
+ $total['sum_week'] = array_sum(array_column($data, 'week'));
+ $total['sum_mounth'] = array_sum(array_column($data, 'mounth'));
+ return $total;
private function pay_total($type = 0, $newadd = 1, $promoteId = "")
@@ -867,6 +899,7 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
$realName = I('real_name', '');
$status = I('status', 'all');
$promoteType = I('promote_type', 0);
+ $parentId = I('parent_id', 0);
$loginer = $this->getLoginPromote();
$map = [];
@@ -892,6 +925,9 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
if ($realName) {
$map['real_name'] = ['like', '%' . $realName . '%'];
+ if ($parentId) {
+ $map['parent_id'] = $parentId;
+ }
if ($status != 'all') {
$map['status'] = ['eq', $status];
@@ -899,10 +935,8 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
list($records, $pagination, $count) = $this->paginate($query);
foreach ($records as $key => $value) {
$records[$key]['idcard'] = encryption($value['idcard']);
$records[$key]['mobile_phone'] = encryption($value['mobile_phone']);
$ids = array_column($records, 'id');
@@ -941,6 +975,23 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
$promoteTypeName = '推广员';
+ $parentMap = [];
+ $parentMap['chain'] = ['like', $loginer['chain'] . $loginer['id'] . '/%'];
+ $isGetParents = true;
+ if ($loginer['level'] == 1 && $promoteType == 1) {
+ $parentMap['level'] = 2;
+ } elseif ($loginer['level'] == 1 && $promoteType == 2) {
+ $parentMap['level'] = 3;
+ } elseif ($loginer['level'] == 2 && $promoteType == 2) {
+ $parentMap['level'] = 3;
+ } else {
+ $isGetParents = false;
+ }
+ $parents = null;
+ if ($isGetParents) {
+ $parents = M('promote', 'tab_')->field(['id', 'account', 'real_name'])->where($parentMap)->select();
+ }
+ $this->assign('parents', $parents);
$this->assign('promoteTypeName', $promoteTypeName);
$this->assign('hasChildList', $hasChildList);
$this->assign('hasPlayerList', $hasPlayerList);
@@ -1132,15 +1183,15 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
$this->error('您输入的手机号码格式不合法', U('Promote/edit_chlid', array('id' => $id, 'type' => I('type', 0))));
- if (empty($_REQUEST['email'])) {
- $this->error('电子邮箱不能为空', U('Promote/edit_chlid', array('id' => $id, 'type' => I('type', 0))));
- return false;
- }
+ // if (empty($_REQUEST['email'])) {
+ // $this->error('电子邮箱不能为空', U('Promote/edit_chlid', array('id' => $id, 'type' => I('type', 0))));
+ // return false;
+ // }
- $pattern = "/^([0-9A-Za-z\\-_\\.]+)@([0-9a-z]+\\.[a-z]{2,3}(\\.[a-z]{2})?)$/i";
- if (!preg_match($pattern, $_REQUEST['email'])) {
- $this->error('您输入的电子邮箱地址不合法', U('Promote/edit_chlid', array('id' => $id, 'type' => I('type', 0))));
- };
+ // $pattern = "/^([0-9A-Za-z\\-_\\.]+)@([0-9a-z]+\\.[a-z]{2,3}(\\.[a-z]{2})?)$/i";
+ // if (!preg_match($pattern, $_REQUEST['email'])) {
+ // $this->error('您输入的电子邮箱地址不合法', U('Promote/edit_chlid', array('id' => $id, 'type' => I('type', 0))));
+ // };
$user = new PromoteApi();
$res = $user->edit($_POST);
diff --git a/Application/Home/Controller/QueryController.class.php b/Application/Home/Controller/QueryController.class.php
index b4ffc591f..be50a7529 100644
--- a/Application/Home/Controller/QueryController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Home/Controller/QueryController.class.php
@@ -1709,118 +1709,169 @@ class QueryController extends BaseController
$isSelf = I('is_self', 0);
$roleName = I('role_name', '');
$userAccount = I('user_account', '');
- $promoteId = I('promote_id', 0);
$sdkVersion = I('sdk_version', 0);
$costBegin = I('cost_begin', '');
$costEnd = I('cost_end', '');
+ $lastSortName = trim(I('last_sort_name', ''));
+ $sortName = trim(I('sort_name', ''));
+ $sort = intval(I('sort', 1));
+ $sortNameData = ['recharge_cost', 'recharge_count', 'recharge_cost_today', 'unlogin_day'];
+ $nowTime = date('Y-m-d');
+ $initBegTime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-6 day', strtotime($nowTime)));
+ $initBegTime = empty(I('begtime')) ? $initBegTime : I('begtime');
+ $initEndTime = $nowTime;
+ $initEndTime = empty(I('endtime')) ? $initEndTime : I('endtime');
+ $begTime = strtotime($initBegTime);
+ $endTime = strtotime($initEndTime);
+ $endTime += 3600 * 24;
$promote = $this->getLoginPromote();
$levelPromote = $this->getLevelPromote();
$queryPromote = $this->getQueryPromote($levelPromote);
- $map[] = [
- '_logic' => 'or',
- 'id' => $queryPromote['id'],
- 'chain' => ['like', $queryPromote['chain'] . $queryPromote['id'] . '/%']
- ];
- $ids = M('promote', 'tab_')->where($map)->getField('id', true);
+ $records = [];
+ $pagination = '';
+ $count = 0;
+ if (intval($endTime - $begTime) / (24 * 3600) <= 31) {
+ $map = [
+ '_logic' => 'or',
+ 'id' => $queryPromote['id'],
+ 'chain' => ['like', $queryPromote['chain'] . $queryPromote['id'] . '/%']
+ ];
+ $ids = M('promote', 'tab_')->where($map)->getField('id', true);
- $map = [];
- if (count($ids) > 0) {
- $map = ['promote_id' => ['in', $ids]];
- } else {
- $map['_string'] = '1<>1';
- }
+ $map = [];
+ if (count($ids) > 0) {
+ $map = ['promote_id' => ['in', $ids]];
+ } else {
+ $map['_string'] = '1<>1';
+ }
- $spendMap = $map;
- if ($gameId != 0) {
- $map['game_id'] = $gameId;
- }
- if ($serverId != 0) {
- $map['server_id'] = $serverId;
- }
- if ($roleName != '') {
- $map['role_name'] = ['like', '%' . $roleName . '%'];
- }
- if ($userAccount != '') {
- $map['user_account'] = ['like', '%' . $userAccount . '%'];
- }
- if ($sdkVersion != 0) {
- $map['sdk_version'] = $sdkVersion;
- }
- if ($isSelf) {
- $map['promote_id'] = $queryPromote['id'];
- $spendMap['promote_id'] = $queryPromote['id'];
- }
- if ($costBegin != '' || $costEnd != '') {
- $having = '';
- if ($costBegin != '' && $costEnd != '') {
- $having = 'sum(cost) between ' . $costBegin . ' and ' . $costEnd;
- } elseif ($costBegin != '' && $costEnd == '') {
- $having = 'sum(cost) >= ' . $costBegin;
- } elseif ($costBegin == '' && $costEnd != '') {
- $having = 'sum(cost) <= ' . $costEnd;
+ $subMap = [];
+ if ($gameId != 0) {
+ $map['game_id'] = $gameId;
+ $subMap['game_id'] = $gameId;
+ }
+ if ($serverId != 0) {
+ $map['server_id'] = $serverId;
+ $subMap['server_id'] = $serverId;
+ }
+ if ($roleName != '') {
+ $map['role_name'] = ['like', '%' . $roleName . '%'];
+ }
+ if ($userAccount != '') {
+ $map['user_account'] = ['like', '%' . $userAccount . '%'];
+ }
+ if ($sdkVersion != 0) {
+ $map['sdk_version'] = $sdkVersion;
+ }
+ if ($isSelf) {
+ $map['promote_id'] = $queryPromote['id'];
- $subMap = $map;
- $subMap['pay_status'] = 1;
- $subMap['pay_game_status'] = 1;
- $subQuery = M('spend', 'tab_')->field('game_player_id')->where($subMap)->group('game_player_id')->having($having)->buildSql();
- $map['_string'] = 'role_id in (' . $subQuery . ')';
- }
- $query = M('user_play_info', 'tab_')->where($map)->order('play_time desc');
- list($roles, $pagination, $count) = $this->paginate($query);
- $roleIds = array_column($roles, 'role_id');
- $spendMap['pay_status'] = 1;
- $spendMap['pay_game_status'] = 1;
- if (count($roleIds) > 0) {
- $spendMap['game_player_id'] = ['in', $roleIds];
- } else {
- $spendMap['_string'] = '1<>1';
- }
- $allRecharges = M('spend', 'tab_')->field('count(*) count, sum(cost) cost, game_player_id')->where($spendMap)->group('game_player_id')->select();
- $allRecords = [];
- foreach ($allRecharges as $recharge) {
- $allRecords[$recharge['game_player_id']] = $recharge;
- }
- $spendMap['pay_time'] = ['between', [strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00')), strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59'))]];
- $todayRecharges = M('spend', 'tab_')->field('sum(cost) cost, game_player_id')->where($spendMap)->group('game_player_id')->select();
- $todayRecords = [];
- foreach ($todayRecharges as $recharge) {
- $todayRecords[$recharge['game_player_id']] = $recharge;
- }
+ $subMap['create_time'] = ['between', [$begTime, $endTime - 1]];
+ $roleIdMap = $subMap;
+ $roleIds = M('user_play_data_count', 'tab_')->where($roleIdMap)->group('role_id')->getField('role_id', true);
+ $map['role_id'] = ['in', $roleIds];
+ if ($costBegin != '' || $costEnd != '') {
+ $having = '';
+ if ($costBegin != '' && $costEnd != '') {
+ $having = 'sum(recharge_cost) between ' . $costBegin . ' and ' . $costEnd;
+ } elseif ($costBegin != '' && $costEnd == '') {
+ $having = 'sum(recharge_cost) >= ' . $costBegin;
+ } elseif ($costBegin == '' && $costEnd != '') {
+ $having = 'sum(recharge_cost) <= ' . $costEnd;
+ }
+ $subQuery = M('user_play_data_count', 'tab_')->field('role_id')
+ ->where($subMap)
+ ->group('game_id,server_id,role_id')
+ ->having($having)
+ ->buildSql();
+ $map['_string'] = 'role_id in(' . $subQuery . ')';
+ }
- $records = [];
- foreach ($roles as $role) {
- $records[] = [
- 'user_account' => encryption($role['user_account']),
- 'game_name' => $role['game_name'],
- 'role_name' => $role['role_name'],
- 'role_id' => $role['role_id'],
- 'role_level' => $role['role_level'],
- 'server_id' => $role['server_id'],
- 'server_name' => $role['server_name'],
- 'recharge_cost' => isset($allRecords[$role['role_id']]) ? round(floatval($allRecords[$role['role_id']]['cost']), 2) : 0,
- 'recharge_count' => isset($allRecords[$role['role_id']]) ? $allRecords[$role['role_id']]['count'] : 0,
- 'recharge_cost_today' => isset($todayRecords[$role['role_id']]) ? round(floatval($todayRecords[$role['role_id']]['cost']), 2) : 0,
- 'play_time' => $role['play_time'],
- 'play_ip' => $role['play_ip'],
- 'promote_id' => $role['promote_id'],
- 'promote_account' => $role['promote_account'],
- 'sdk_version' => $role['sdk_version'],
- 'unlogin_day' => intval((strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00')) - strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', $role['play_time']))) / (24 * 3600))
- ];
+ $orderBy = 'play_time desc';
+ if (!empty($sortName)) {
+ if (in_array($sortName, $sortNameData)) {
+ $desc = ' desc';
+ $asc = ' asc';
+ if ($sortName == 'unlogin_day') {
+ $sortName = 'play_time';
+ $desc = ' asc';
+ $asc = ' desc';
+ }
+ if ($lastSortName == 'unlogin_day') {
+ $lastSortName = 'play_time';
+ }
+ if ($lastSortName != $sortName) {
+ $sortString = $desc;
+ $sort = 1;
+ } else {
+ $sortString = ($sort == 1) ? $desc : $asc;
+ }
+ $orderBy = $sortName . $sortString;
+ }
+ }
+ $spendMap['uc.create_time'] = ['between', [$begTime, $endTime - 1]];
+ $spendMap['_string'] = 'uc.game_id = tab_user_play_info.game_id and uc.server_id = tab_user_play_info.server_id and uc.role_id = tab_user_play_info.role_id';
+ $sqlCost = M('user_play_data_count', 'tab_')->alias('uc')
+ ->field('sum(uc.recharge_cost) cost')
+ ->where($spendMap)
+ ->buildSql();
+ $sqlCount = M('user_play_data_count', 'tab_')->alias('uc')
+ ->field('sum(uc.recharge_count) count')
+ ->where($spendMap)
+ ->buildSql();
+ $spendMap['uc.create_time'] = ['between', [strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00')), strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59'))]];
+ $sqlTodayCost = M('user_play_data_count', 'tab_')->alias('uc')
+ ->field('sum(uc.recharge_count) count')
+ ->where($spendMap)
+ ->buildSql();
+ $subQuery = M('user_play_info', 'tab_')
+ ->field("*,$sqlCost as recharge_cost,$sqlCount as recharge_count,$sqlTodayCost as recharge_cost_today")
+ ->where($map)
+ ->having('recharge_cost > 0')
+ ->order('play_time desc')
+ ->buildSql();
+ $query = M()->field('*')
+ ->table($subQuery)
+ ->alias('a')
+ ->order($orderBy);
+ list($roles, $pagination, $count) = $this->paginate($query);
+ foreach ($roles as $role) {
+ $records[] = [
+ 'user_account' => encryption($role['user_account']),
+ 'game_name' => $role['game_name'],
+ 'role_name' => $role['role_name'],
+ 'role_id' => $role['role_id'],
+ 'role_level' => $role['role_level'],
+ 'server_id' => $role['server_id'],
+ 'server_name' => $role['server_name'],
+ 'recharge_cost' => empty($role['recharge_cost']) ? 0 : $role['recharge_cost'],
+ 'recharge_count' => empty($role['recharge_count']) ? 0 : $role['recharge_count'],
+ 'recharge_cost_today' => empty($role['recharge_cost_today']) ? 0 : $role['recharge_cost_today'],
+ 'play_time' => $role['play_time'],
+ 'play_ip' => $role['play_ip'],
+ 'promote_id' => $role['promote_id'],
+ 'promote_account' => $role['promote_account'],
+ 'sdk_version' => $role['sdk_version'],
+ 'unlogin_day' => intval((strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00')) - strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', $role['play_time']))) / (24 * 3600))
+ ];
+ }
$games = $this->getGamesByPromote($promote);
$this->assign('games', $games);
- $this->assign('promotes', $promotes);
- $this->assign('groupPromotes', $groupPromotes);
$this->assign('records', $records);
$this->assign('pagination', $pagination);
$this->assign('count', $count);
+ $this->assign('initBegTime', $initBegTime);
+ $this->assign('initEndTime', $initEndTime);
+ $this->assign('sort', $sort);
@@ -1906,10 +1957,10 @@ class QueryController extends BaseController
public function achievement()
$time = I('time', date('Y-m-d'));
- if(!empty($time)) {
- $defaultTime = $time ;
- }else {
- $defaultTime = date('Y-m-d',time());
+ if (!empty($time)) {
+ $defaultTime = $time;
+ } else {
+ $defaultTime = date('Y-m-d', time());
$sdkVersion = I('sdk_version', 0);
$gameId = I('game_id', 0);
@@ -2000,7 +2051,7 @@ class QueryController extends BaseController
$rechargeCountList = $promoteRepository->getRechargeCountByIds($ids, $params);
$rechargeUserCountList = $promoteRepository->getRechargeUserCountByIds($ids, $params);
$rechargeAmountList = $promoteRepository->getRechargeAmountByIds($ids, $params);
if (I('p', 1) == 1) {
$selfParams = $params;
$selfParams['isContainSubs'] = false;
@@ -2013,7 +2064,6 @@ class QueryController extends BaseController
$selfRechargeCountList = $promoteRepository->getRechargeCountByIds([$parent['id']], $selfParams);
$selfRechargeUserCountList = $promoteRepository->getRechargeUserCountByIds([$parent['id']], $selfParams);
$selfRechargeAmountList = $promoteRepository->getRechargeAmountByIds([$parent['id']], $selfParams);
$records[] = [
'id' => $parent['id'],
'account' => $parent['account'],
@@ -2027,7 +2077,7 @@ class QueryController extends BaseController
'login_user_count' => $selfLoginUserCountList[$parent['id']],
'recharge_count' => $selfRechargeCountList[$parent['id']],
'recharge_user_count' => $selfRechargeUserCountList[$parent['id']],
- 'recharge_amount' => $selfRechargeAmountList[$parent['id']]['ban_coin'] + $rechargeAmountList[$parent['id']]['coin'] + $rechargeAmountList[$parent['id']]['cash'],
+ 'recharge_amount' => $selfRechargeAmountList[$parent['id']]['ban_coin'] + $selfRechargeAmountList[$parent['id']]['coin'] + $selfRechargeAmountList[$parent['id']]['cash'],
'recharge_by_ban_coin' => $selfRechargeAmountList[$parent['id']]['ban_coin'],
'recharge_by_coin' => $selfRechargeAmountList[$parent['id']]['coin'],
'recharge_by_cash' => $selfRechargeAmountList[$parent['id']]['cash'],
@@ -2070,13 +2120,13 @@ class QueryController extends BaseController
$this->assign('parentid', $parentId);
$this->assign('count', $count);
$this->assign('timeout', $timeout);
- $this->assign('time',$defaultTime);
+ $this->assign('time', $defaultTime);
public function getChildPromoteList()
- $promoteId = intval(I('post.promote_id', 0));
+ $promoteId = intval(I('post . promote_id', 0));
$promoteId = empty($promoteId) ? PID : $promoteId;
$promoteList = getAllPromoteListByType(3, false, $promoteId);
$data['status'] = 1;
diff --git a/Application/Home/Controller/SafeController.class.php b/Application/Home/Controller/SafeController.class.php
index f411f529a..260dc2c8c 100644
--- a/Application/Home/Controller/SafeController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Home/Controller/SafeController.class.php
@@ -443,38 +443,13 @@ class SafeController extends BaseController{
public function safeDocument() {
$time = time();
- $today = date('Y-m-d');
- $username = $_REQUEST['username'];
- $tsession =S($today);
- if(S($username)) {
- $code = S($username);
- }else {
- if(!empty($tsession)) {
- $num = $tsession + 1;
- }else {
- $num = 1;
- }
- $promoteRs = M('promote','tab_')->where(['account'=>$username])->getField('create_time',true);
- $code = date('Ymd',$promoteRs[0])."_".$num;
- }
+ $loginPromote = $this->getLoginPromote();
+ $sn = date('Ymd') . '-' . strtoupper(substr(md5($loginPromote['id']), 8, 16));
$endTime = date('Y-m-d',strtotime('+1 year'));
- $this->assign('code',$code);
- $this->assign('username',$username);
+ $this->assign('sn',$sn);
- public function ajaxAgree() {
- $username = $_REQUEST['username'];
- $code = $_REQUEST['code'];
- $today = date('Y-m-d');
- if(empty(S($username))) {
- S($username, $code);
- $t = S($today);
- S($today,$t+1);
- }
- $this->ajaxReturn(['code'=>10000]);
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Application/Home/View/default/Finance/withdrawRecord.html b/Application/Home/View/default/Finance/withdrawRecord.html
index cd9515a2f..03c52bf83 100644
--- a/Application/Home/View/default/Finance/withdrawRecord.html
+++ b/Application/Home/View/default/Finance/withdrawRecord.html
@@ -173,6 +173,8 @@
+ 重新审核
@@ -267,6 +269,30 @@
+ $('.renew-review').click(function () {
+ var id = parseInt($(this).attr('data-id'));
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'post',
+ url: '{:U("renewReview")}',
+ dataType: 'json',
+ data: {id:id},
+ success: function (data) {
+ if (data.status == 1) {
+ layer.msg(data.msg, {icon: 1});
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ window.location.reload();
+ },2000);
+ } else {
+ layer.msg(data.msg, {icon: 5});
+ }
+ },
+ error: function (result) {
+ layer.msg('网络异常', {icon: 5});
+ }
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/Application/Home/View/default/Promote/children.html b/Application/Home/View/default/Promote/children.html
index 52e049283..d0a0eaef7 100644
--- a/Application/Home/View/default/Promote/children.html
+++ b/Application/Home/View/default/Promote/children.html
@@ -31,6 +31,16 @@
diff --git a/Application/Home/View/default/Promote/edit_chlid.html b/Application/Home/View/default/Promote/edit_chlid.html
index 2b078fa94..46df37f5f 100644
--- a/Application/Home/View/default/Promote/edit_chlid.html
+++ b/Application/Home/View/default/Promote/edit_chlid.html
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
- *电子邮箱 |
+ 电子邮箱 |
diff --git a/Application/Home/View/default/Promote/index.html b/Application/Home/View/default/Promote/index.html
index eeeb5b479..0c550f33c 100644
--- a/Application/Home/View/default/Promote/index.html
+++ b/Application/Home/View/default/Promote/index.html
@@ -6,15 +6,15 @@
- -
- -
当日新增用户充值 ¥{$todayAddSpendData.today}
- -
当月新增用户充值 ¥{$mounthAddSpendData.mounth}
+ -
推广总充值 ¥{$spendData.sum_count}
+ -
当日新增用户充值 ¥{$todayAddSpendData.sum_today}
+ -
当月新增用户充值 ¥{$mounthAddSpendData.sum_mounth}
- -
昨日充值金额 ¥{$yesterdaySpendData.count}
+ -
昨日充值金额 ¥{$spendData.yesterday}
- -
今日充值金额 ¥{$spendData.today}
+ -
今日充值金额 ¥{$spendData.sum_today}
diff --git a/Application/Home/View/default/Query/achievement.html b/Application/Home/View/default/Query/achievement.html
index 1a9214d30..68699376b 100644
--- a/Application/Home/View/default/Query/achievement.html
+++ b/Application/Home/View/default/Query/achievement.html
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@
| {$record.new_create_role_ip_count} |
{$record.login_user_count} |
- {$record.recharge_count} |
{$record.recharge_user_count} |
+ {$record.recharge_count} |
{$record.recharge_amount} |
{$record.recharge_by_cash} |
{$record.recharge_by_coin} |
diff --git a/Application/Home/View/default/Query/register.html b/Application/Home/View/default/Query/register.html
index 8943277f3..673eb850c 100644
--- a/Application/Home/View/default/Query/register.html
+++ b/Application/Home/View/default/Query/register.html
@@ -72,8 +72,7 @@
diff --git a/Application/Home/View/default/Query/userRecharges.html b/Application/Home/View/default/Query/userRecharges.html
index b4d440dc0..b760808bc 100644
--- a/Application/Home/View/default/Query/userRecharges.html
+++ b/Application/Home/View/default/Query/userRecharges.html
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
@@ -22,51 +33,63 @@
@@ -27,8 +30,7 @@
diff --git a/Application/Mobile/View/Ssg/login.html b/Application/Mobile/View/Ssg/login.html
index 4e243d77e..39187752f 100644
--- a/Application/Mobile/View/Ssg/login.html
+++ b/Application/Mobile/View/Ssg/login.html
@@ -446,7 +446,8 @@ var PhoneObj = {
return false;
- if(!PhoneObj.checkPassword(regpassword)){
+ if(regpassword.length < 6 || regpassword.length > 12){
+ alert('密码长度6-12个字符');
return false;
if(regpassword != regpassword2){
diff --git a/Data/update.sql b/Data/update.sql
index 1ca013245..37160f3eb 100644
--- a/Data/update.sql
+++ b/Data/update.sql
@@ -506,3 +506,38 @@ UPDATE `platform_new`.`tab_quick_menu` SET `url` = '/index.php?s=/Home/TestResou
--提现订单 添加索引
ALTER TABLE `tab_withdraw`
ADD INDEX `widthdraw_number`(`widthdraw_number`);
+CREATE TABLE `tab_user_play_data_count` (
+ `game_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '游戏id',
+ `server_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '区服id',
+ `role_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT '角色id',
+ `recharge_cost` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00' COMMENT '充值总额',
+ `recharge_count` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '充值次数',
+ `create_time` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '创建时间',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
+ KEY `recharge_cost` (`recharge_cost`) USING BTREE,
+ KEY `recharge_count` (`recharge_count`) USING BTREE,
+ KEY `search` (`game_id`,`server_id`,`role_id`) USING BTREE,
+ KEY `create_time` (`create_time`) USING BTREE
+ALTER TABLE `tab_user_play_data_count`
+ADD INDEX `search`(`game_id`, `server_id`, `role_id`, `create_time`) USING BTREE,
+ADD INDEX `create_time`(`create_time`) USING BTREE;
+ADD INDEX `recharge_cost`(`recharge_cost`) USING BTREE,
+ADD INDEX `recharge_count`(`recharge_count`) USING BTREE;
+CREATE TABLE `tab_idcard_log` (
+ `name` varchar(80) NOT NULL COMMENT '姓名',
+ `id_card` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT '身份证号码',
+ `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT '用户id',
+ `ip` varchar(40) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'ip地址',
+ `num` int(11) DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '认证次数',
+ `status` tinyint(2) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '0 认证失败 1 认证成功',
+ `create_time` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '创建时间',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Public/static/icons_alibaba/iconfont.css b/Public/static/icons_alibaba/iconfont.css
index 9cce5fc11..4f48a8e51 100644
--- a/Public/static/icons_alibaba/iconfont.css
+++ b/Public/static/icons_alibaba/iconfont.css
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
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.iconfont {
@@ -55,6 +55,18 @@
content: "\e82f";
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+ content: "\e842";
+.iconsort-down:before {
+ content: "\e843";
+.iconsort-up:before {
+ content: "\e844";
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content: "\e63c";
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index e738345bf..fc5f6ff13 100644
Binary files a/Public/static/icons_alibaba/iconfont.eot and b/Public/static/icons_alibaba/iconfont.eot differ
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index ca21a83cc..9c02c96ce 100644
--- a/Public/static/icons_alibaba/iconfont.js
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