diff --git a/Application/Admin/Controller/FinancialSummaryController.class.php b/Application/Admin/Controller/FinancialSummaryController.class.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..381f8bc09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Application/Admin/Controller/FinancialSummaryController.class.php
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+ "balance_coin_spend"=>"平台币充值收入",
+ "balance_coin_income"=>"平台币消耗",
+ "game_supersign_income"=>"超级签购买收入",
+ "test_user_income"=>"测试收入",
+ "reward_count"=>"奖励",
+ "fine_count"=>"违规处罚",
+ "inside_count"=>"内团",
+ "outer_count"=>"外团",
+ "outer_branch_count"=>"外团-分发",
+ "other_group_count"=>"无归属团",
+ // "inside_count"=>"内团",
+ // "outer_count"=>"外团",
+ "gfwx_count"=>"官方-微信",
+ "gfzfb_count"=>"官方-支付宝",
+ "sqzfb_count"=>"双乾-支付宝",
+ "sqkj_count"=>"双乾-快捷",
+ "wx_count"=>"微信",
+ "zfb_count"=>"支付宝",
+ "kj_count"=>"快捷"
+ );
+ public function _initialize()
+ {
+ parent::_initialize();
+ // echo "
+ }
+ public function index($p=1)
+ {
+ if(!array_key_exists("year",$_REQUEST) || !array_key_exists("type",$_REQUEST)){
+ $this->redirect(ACTION_NAME, array('year' => date('Y',time()),"type"=>2));
+ }
+ $this->getYearList();
+ $this->getYearData();
+ $this->display();
+ }
+ //获取指定年份数据
+ public function getYearData()
+ {
+ $senddata = array(
+ "income"=>[
+ "count"=>[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
+ ],
+ "promote"=>[
+ "count"=>[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
+ ],
+ "channel"=>[
+ "count"=>[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
+ ],
+ "payway"=>[
+ "count"=>[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
+ ]
+ );
+ $data = [];
+ //初始化数据
+ foreach ($this->keyname as $k => $v) {
+ $data[$k] = array("name"=>$v,"money"=>[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]);
+ }
+ $map = array(
+ "count_year"=>$_REQUEST['year'],
+ "type"=>array("IN","1,{$_REQUEST['type']},4,5")
+ );
+ $dbres = M("FinancialSummary","tab_")->field("*")->where($map)->select();
+ foreach ($dbres as $k => $v) {
+ if($v['type'] == 1){
+ if(!in_array($v['key_name'],$senddata['income']['list'])){
+ $senddata['income']['list'][] = $v['key_name'];
+ }
+ }
+ if($v['type'] == 4){
+ if(!in_array($v['key_name'],$senddata['channel']['list'])){
+ $senddata['channel']['list'][] = $v['key_name'];
+ }
+ }
+ if($v['type'] == 5){
+ if(!in_array($v['key_name'],$senddata['payway']['list'])){
+ $senddata['payway']['list'][] = $v['key_name'];
+ }
+ }
+ if($v['type'] == $_REQUEST['type']){
+ if(!in_array($v['key_name'],$senddata['promote']['list'])){
+ $senddata['promote']['list'][] = $v['key_name'];
+ }
+ }
+ $data[$v['key_name']]["money"][((int)$v['count_month']-1)] = $v['sum_money'];
+ # code...
+ }
+ foreach ($senddata as $k => $v) {
+ foreach ($v as $ke => $va) {
+ if($ke !='count'){
+ foreach ($va as $key => $val) {
+ for ($i=0; $i < 12; $i++) {
+ $data[$val]["money"][12] += $data[$val]["money"][$i];
+ $senddata[$k]['count'][$i] += $data[$val]["money"][$i];
+ $senddata[$k]['count'][12] +=$data[$val]["money"][$i];
+ }
+ $senddata[$k][$ke][$key] = $data[$val];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->assign('data', $senddata);
+ }
+ //获取历史年份
+ public function getYearList()
+ {
+ $star = 2019;
+ $end = date("Y",time());
+ $list = [];
+ for ($i=$star; $i <= $end; $i++) {
+ $temp = array(
+ "value"=>$i,
+ "name"=>"{$i}年"
+ );
+ $list[] = $temp ;
+ }
+ $this->assign('YearList', $list);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Application/Admin/Controller/FinancialSummarySetController.class.php b/Application/Admin/Controller/FinancialSummarySetController.class.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6d08cb495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Application/Admin/Controller/FinancialSummarySetController.class.php
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+beginThismonth = mktime(0,0,0,date('m')-1,1,date('Y'));
+ $this->endThismonth = mktime(0,0,0,date('m'),1,date('Y'))-1;
+ $temp = strtotime(date('Y-m-01 00:00:00',strtotime('-1 month')));
+ $this->year= date('Y',$temp);
+ $this->month= date('m',$temp);
+ $this->date = $this->year."-".$this->month;
+ $this->nowdata =time();
+ $this->FinancialSummaryModel =M("FinancialSummary",'tab_');
+ $this->DepositModel =M("Deposit",'tab_');
+ $this->SpendModel = M("Spend",'tab_');
+ $this->GameSupersignModel = M("GameSupersign",'tab_');
+ $this->CoinPayOrderModel = M("CoinPayOrder",'tab_');//会长充值平台币表
+ }
+ /**
+ * 更新某月数据
+ */
+ public function setMonthFinancialSummary($count_date)
+ {
+ $month = $count_date;
+ if(empty($month)) die("参数错误");
+ $this->adddata = [];//置空否者会脚本进来会重复计算
+ $this->date = $month;
+ $tarry = explode('-',$month);
+ $this->year= $tarry[0];
+ if(strlen($tarry[1]) < 2) $tarry[1]="0".$tarry[1];
+ $this->month= $tarry[1];
+ $this->beginThismonth=mktime(0,0,0,$tarry[1],1,$tarry[0]);
+ $this->endThismonth=mktime(0,0,0,$tarry[1]-0+1,1,$tarry[0])-1;
+ $this->reCount();
+ $this->setFinancialSummary();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 强制重新聚合
+ */
+ public function reCount()
+ {
+ $recount = I("recount");
+ if(empty($recount) || $recount != 1){return ;}
+ # code...
+ //清理之前的聚合
+ $temp =array(
+ "count_year"=>$this->year,
+ "count_month"=>$this->month
+ );
+ $this->FinancialSummaryModel->where($temp)->delete();
+ echo "重置成功执行重新生成:";
+ }
+ /**
+ * 每个月的统计接口
+ */
+ public function setFinancialSummary()
+ {
+ set_time_limit(0);
+ $t1 = microtime(true);
+ //判断是否已经聚合
+ $countRes = $this->FinancialSummaryModel->field("IFNULL(COUNT(*),0) count")->where("count_year = '{$this->year}' and count_month= '{$this->month}'")->find()['count'];
+ if($countRes > 0){
+ die("error:Repeated statistics,msg:{$this->date}已经聚合过");
+ }
+ //按收入类型
+ $this->setIncomeMoney();
+ //按合作方类型
+ $this->setPromoteMoney();
+ //支付渠道/支付类型
+ $this->setPayWayMoney();
+ //存入数据
+ $this->addDb();
+ $t2 = microtime(true);
+ echo ("success {$this->date}:ok runtime:".round($t2-$t1,3).'s'.PHP_EOL);
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取类型为1的数据,按收入类型
+ */
+ public function setIncomeMoney()
+ {
+ $this->getCashAndBalanCoinSpend();
+ $this->getBalanceCoinIncome();
+ $this->getGameSupersignIncome();
+ $this->getTestUserIncome();
+ $this->getRewardRecordIncome();
+ }
+ //现金充值及平台币消耗
+ protected function getCashAndBalanCoinSpend()
+ {
+ $map = array(
+ "pay_time"=> array('BETWEEN',array($this->beginThismonth, $this->endThismonth)),
+ "pay_status"=>1
+ );
+ $res = $this->SpendModel
+ ->field("IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN pay_way > 0 THEN pay_amount ELSE 0 END),0) as cash_count,IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN pay_way = 0 THEN pay_amount ELSE 0 END),0) as balance_coin_count")
+ ->where($map)
+ ->find();
+ $cash_spend["key_name"] = "cash_spend";
+ $cash_spend["type"] = 1;
+ $cash_spend["sort"] = 1;
+ $cash_spend["sum_money"] = $res['cash_count'];
+ $this->adddata[]=$cash_spend;
+ $balance_coin_spend["key_name"] = "balance_coin_spend";
+ $balance_coin_spend["type"] = 1;
+ $balance_coin_spend["sort"] = 2;
+ $balance_coin_spend["sum_money"] = $res['balance_coin_count'];
+ $this->adddata[]=$balance_coin_spend;
+ }
+ //平台币充值(deposit/CoinPayOrder)玩家及会长充值的平台币总额
+ protected function getBalanceCoinIncome()
+ {
+ $temparr = array(
+ "key_name"=>'balance_coin_income',
+ "type"=>1,
+ "sort"=>3,
+ );
+ $map = array(
+ "create_time"=> array('BETWEEN',array($this->beginThismonth, $this->endThismonth)),
+ "pay_status"=>1
+ );
+ $temparr['sum_money'] = $this->DepositModel->field("IFNULL(sum(pay_amount),0) pay_amount")->where($map)->find()['pay_amount'];
+ //获取会长充值的平台币
+ $map1= array(
+ "pay_time"=> array('BETWEEN',array($this->beginThismonth, $this->endThismonth)),
+ "order_status"=>array("EGT",1)
+ );
+ $COMoney= $this->CoinPayOrderModel->field("IFNULL(sum(pay_amount),0) pay_amount")->where($map1)->find()['pay_amount'];
+ $temparr['sum_money'] = number_format(($temparr['sum_money']*100+$COMoney*100)/100, 2, '.', '');
+ $this->adddata[]=$temparr;
+ }
+ //超级签购买收入
+ protected function getGameSupersignIncome()
+ {
+ $temparr = array(
+ "key_name"=>'game_supersign_income',
+ "type"=>1,
+ "sort"=>4,
+ );
+ $map = array(
+ "pay_time"=> array('BETWEEN',array($this->beginThismonth, $this->endThismonth)),
+ "pay_status"=>1
+ );
+ $temparr['sum_money'] = $this->GameSupersignModel->field("IFNULL(sum(pay_price),0) pay_price")->where($map)->find()['pay_price'];
+ $this->adddata[]=$temparr;
+ }
+ //测试账号收入
+ protected function getTestUserIncome()
+ {
+ $temparr = array(
+ "key_name"=>'test_user_income',
+ "type"=>1,
+ "sort"=>5
+ );
+ //获取测试白名单
+ $testlist = M("TestWhiteList",'tab_')->field("user_id")->select();
+ if($testlist){
+ $testlist = implode(",",array_column($testlist, 'user_id'));
+ }else{
+ $testlist = false;
+ }
+ //获取现金充值
+ $map = array(
+ "pay_time"=> array('BETWEEN',array($this->beginThismonth, $this->endThismonth)),
+ "pay_status"=>1,
+ "pay_way"=>array("GT",0)
+ );
+ if($testlist) $map['user_id']=array("in",$testlist);
+ $cash_spend = $this->SpendModel
+ ->field("IFNULL(SUM(pay_amount),0) as pay_amount")
+ ->where($map)
+ ->find()['pay_amount'];
+ //获取平台币充值
+ $map1 = array(
+ "create_time"=> array('BETWEEN',array($this->beginThismonth, $this->endThismonth)),
+ "pay_status"=>1
+ );
+ if($testlist) $map1['user_id']=array("in",$testlist);
+ $deposit = $this->DepositModel->field("IFNULL(sum(pay_amount),0) pay_amount")->where($map1)->find()['pay_amount'];
+ $temparr['sum_money'] = number_format(($cash_spend*100+$deposit*100)/100, 2, '.', '');
+ $this->adddata[]=$temparr;
+ }
+ //奖罚收入
+ protected function getRewardRecordIncome()
+ {
+ $map = array(
+ "reward_time"=> array('BETWEEN',array($this->beginThismonth, $this->endThismonth)),
+ );
+ $rrres = M("RewardRecord","tab_")
+ ->field("
+ IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN reward_type = 1 THEN money ELSE 0 END),0) as reward_count,
+ IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN reward_type = 2 THEN money ELSE 0 END),0) as fine_count
+ ")
+ ->where($map)
+ ->find();
+ //奖励负,惩罚正
+ $this->adddata[] = array(
+ "key_name"=>'reward_count',
+ "type"=>1,
+ "sort"=>6,
+ 'sum_money'=>$rrres['reward_count']
+ );
+ $this->adddata[] = array(
+ "key_name"=>'fine_count',
+ "type"=>1,
+ "sort"=>7,
+ 'sum_money'=>$rrres['fine_count']
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取类型为2,3的数据/按合作方类型
+ */
+ public function setPromoteMoney()
+ {
+ $map = array(
+ "pay_time"=> array('BETWEEN',array($this->beginThismonth, $this->endThismonth)),
+ "pay_status"=>1
+ );
+ $res = $this->SpendModel
+ ->alias('s')
+ ->field("IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN pay_way > 0 THEN pay_amount ELSE 0 END),0) as cash_count,
+ IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN pay_way = 0 THEN pay_amount ELSE 0 END),0) as balance_coin_count,
+ IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN pay_way = -1 THEN pay_amount ELSE 0 END),0) as bind_coin_count,
+ promote.company_belong")
+ ->where($map)
+ ->join("tab_promote promote ON s.promote_id = promote.id", "left")
+ ->group("company_belong")
+ ->select();
+ $inside_count = 0;//内团
+ $outer_count = 0;//外团
+ $outer_branch_count = 0;//外团分发
+ $other_group_count = 0;//其他
+ $inside_nobind_count = 0;
+ $outer_nobind_count = 0;
+ $outer_branch_nobind_count = 0;
+ $other_group_nobind_count = 0;//其他
+ foreach ($res as $k => $v) {
+ if($v['company_belong'] == 1){
+ $outer_count = $v['cash_count']*100+$v['balance_coin_count']*100+$v['bind_coin_count']*100;
+ $outer_nobind_count = $v['cash_count']*100+$v['balance_coin_count']*100;
+ }elseif($v['company_belong'] == 2){
+ //外团分发
+ $outer_branch_count = $v['cash_count']*100+$v['balance_coin_count']*100+$v['bind_coin_count']*100;
+ $outer_branch_nobind_count = $v['cash_count']*100+$v['balance_coin_count']*100;
+ }elseif($v['company_belong'] == 3){
+ //其他
+ $other_group_count = $v['cash_count']*100+$v['balance_coin_count']*100+$v['bind_coin_count']*100;
+ $other_group_nobind_count = $v['cash_count']*100+$v['balance_coin_count']*100;
+ }else{
+ //有可能存在官方渠道,company_belong=null
+ $inside_count += ($v['cash_count']*100+$v['balance_coin_count']*100+$v['bind_coin_count']*100);
+ $inside_nobind_count += ($v['cash_count']*100+$v['balance_coin_count']*100);
+ }
+ }
+ //处理数据
+ $this->adddata[] = array(
+ "key_name"=>'inside_count',
+ "type"=>2,"sort"=>1,
+ "sum_money"=>number_format($inside_count/100, 2, '.', '')
+ );
+ $this->adddata[] = array(
+ "key_name"=>'outer_count',
+ "type"=>2,"sort"=>2,
+ "sum_money"=>number_format($outer_count/100, 2, '.', '')
+ );
+ $this->adddata[] = array(
+ "key_name"=>'outer_branch_count',
+ "type"=>2,"sort"=>3,
+ "sum_money"=>number_format($outer_branch_count/100, 2, '.', '')
+ );
+ $this->adddata[] = array(
+ "key_name"=>'other_group_count',
+ "type"=>2,"sort"=>4,
+ "sum_money"=>number_format($other_group_count/100, 2, '.', '')
+ );
+ //不含绑定币
+ $this->adddata[] = array(
+ "key_name"=>'inside_count',
+ "type"=>3,"sort"=>1,
+ "sum_money"=>number_format($inside_nobind_count/100, 2, '.', '')
+ );
+ $this->adddata[] = array(
+ "key_name"=>'outer_count',
+ "type"=>3,"sort"=>2,
+ "sum_money"=>number_format($outer_nobind_count/100, 2, '.', '')
+ );
+ $this->adddata[] = array(
+ "key_name"=>'outer_branch_count',
+ "type"=>3,"sort"=>3,
+ "sum_money"=>number_format($outer_branch_nobind_count/100, 2, '.', '')
+ );
+ $this->adddata[] = array(
+ "key_name"=>'other_group_count',
+ "type"=>3,"sort"=>4,
+ "sum_money"=>number_format($other_group_nobind_count/100, 2, '.', '')
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取类型为4,5的数据/按支付渠道类型,支付类型类型
+ */
+ public function setPayWayMoney()
+ {
+ $moneyarry=[
+ "wx"=>0,
+ "zfb"=>0,
+ "gfzfb"=>0,
+ "sqzfb"=>0,
+ "sqkj"=>0
+ ];
+ $this->getSpendPayWay($moneyarry);
+ $this->getGameSupersignPayWay($moneyarry);
+ $this->getDepositPayWay($moneyarry);
+ $this->getCoinPayOrderPayWay($moneyarry);
+ //统计数据
+ $moneyarry['zfb'] = ($moneyarry['gfzfb']-0+$moneyarry['sqzfb']);
+ $this->adddata[] = array(
+ "key_name"=>'gfwx_count',
+ "type"=>4,"sort"=>1,
+ "sum_money"=>number_format($moneyarry['wx']/100, 2, '.', '')
+ );
+ $this->adddata[] = array(
+ "key_name"=>'gfzfb_count',
+ "type"=>4,"sort"=>2,
+ "sum_money"=>number_format($moneyarry['gfzfb']/100, 2, '.', '')
+ );
+ $this->adddata[] = array(
+ "key_name"=>'sqzfb_count',
+ "type"=>4,"sort"=>3,
+ "sum_money"=>number_format($moneyarry['sqzfb']/100, 2, '.', '')
+ );
+ $this->adddata[] = array(
+ "key_name"=>'sqkj_count',
+ "type"=>4,"sort"=>4,
+ "sum_money"=>number_format($moneyarry['sqkj']/100, 2, '.', '')
+ );
+ $this->adddata[] = array(
+ "key_name"=>'wx_count',
+ "type"=>5,"sort"=>1,
+ "sum_money"=>number_format($moneyarry['wx']/100, 2, '.', '')
+ );
+ $this->adddata[] = array(
+ "key_name"=>'zfb_count',
+ "type"=>5,"sort"=>2,
+ "sum_money"=>number_format($moneyarry['zfb']/100, 2, '.', '')
+ );
+ $this->adddata[] = array(
+ "key_name"=>'kj_count',
+ "type"=>5,"sort"=>3,
+ "sum_money"=>number_format($moneyarry['sqkj']/100, 2, '.', '')
+ );
+ }
+ //获取spend表
+ protected function getSpendPayWay(&$moneyarry){
+ $map = array(
+ "pay_time"=> array('BETWEEN',array($this->beginThismonth, $this->endThismonth)),
+ "pay_status"=>1,
+ "pay_way"=>array("IN","1,2,3,9,15")
+ );
+ $dbres=$this->SpendModel
+ ->field("
+ IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN pay_way = 2 THEN pay_amount ELSE 0 END),0) as wxsm_count,
+ IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN pay_way = 3 THEN pay_amount ELSE 0 END),0) as wxapp_count,
+ IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN pay_way = 1 THEN pay_amount ELSE 0 END),0) as zfbgf_count,
+ IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN pay_way = 9 THEN pay_amount ELSE 0 END),0) as zfbsq_count,
+ IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN pay_way = 15 THEN pay_amount ELSE 0 END),0) as kjsq_count
+ ")
+ ->where($map)
+ ->find();
+ $moneyarry['wx'] += ($dbres['wxsm_count']*100+$dbres['wxapp_count']*100);
+ $moneyarry['gfzfb'] += $dbres['zfbgf_count']*100;
+ $moneyarry['sqzfb'] += $dbres['zfbsq_count']*100;
+ $moneyarry['sqkj'] += $dbres['kjsq_count']*100;
+ }
+ //获取超级签购买
+ protected function getGameSupersignPayWay(&$moneyarry)
+ {
+ $map = array(
+ "pay_time"=> array('BETWEEN',array($this->beginThismonth, $this->endThismonth)),
+ "pay_status"=>1
+ );
+ $dbres=$this->GameSupersignModel
+ ->field("
+ IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN pay_way = 2 THEN pay_price ELSE 0 END),0) as wx_count,
+ IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN pay_way = 1 THEN pay_price ELSE 0 END),0) as zfb_count
+ ")
+ ->where($map)
+ ->find();
+ $moneyarry['wx'] += $dbres['wx_count'];
+ $moneyarry['gfzfb'] += $dbres['zfb_count'];
+ }
+ //玩家购买平台币
+ protected function getDepositPayWay(&$moneyarry)
+ {
+ $map = array(
+ "create_time"=> array('BETWEEN',array($this->beginThismonth, $this->endThismonth)),
+ "pay_status"=>1,
+ "pay_way"=>array("IN","1,2,3,9,15")
+ );
+ $dbres=$this->DepositModel
+ ->field("
+ IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN pay_way = 2 THEN pay_amount ELSE 0 END),0) as wxsm_count,
+ IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN pay_way = 3 THEN pay_amount ELSE 0 END),0) as wxapp_count,
+ IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN pay_way = 1 THEN pay_amount ELSE 0 END),0) as zfbgf_count,
+ IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN pay_way = 9 THEN pay_amount ELSE 0 END),0) as zfbsq_count,
+ IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN pay_way = 15 THEN pay_amount ELSE 0 END),0) as kjsq_count
+ ")
+ ->where($map)
+ ->find();
+ $moneyarry['wx'] += ($dbres['wxsm_count']*100+$dbres['wxapp_count']*100);
+ $moneyarry['gfzfb'] += $dbres['zfbgf_count']*100;
+ $moneyarry['sqzfb'] += $dbres['zfbsq_count']*100;
+ $moneyarry['sqkj'] += $dbres['kjsq_count']*100;
+ }
+ //会长充值平台币
+ protected function getCoinPayOrderPayWay(&$moneyarry)
+ {
+ $map= array(
+ "pay_time"=> array('BETWEEN',array($this->beginThismonth, $this->endThismonth)),
+ "order_status"=>array("EGT",1)
+ );
+ $dbres= $this->CoinPayOrderModel
+ ->field("
+ IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN pay_way = 2 THEN pay_amount ELSE 0 END),0) as wx_count,
+ IFNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN pay_way = 1 THEN pay_amount ELSE 0 END),0) as zfb_count
+ ")
+ ->where($map)
+ ->find();
+ $moneyarry['wx'] += $dbres['wx_count'];
+ $moneyarry['gfzfb'] += $dbres['zfb_count'];
+ }
+ public function addDb()
+ {
+ foreach ($this->adddata as $k=> &$v) {
+ $v["count_month"] = $this->month;
+ $v["count_year"] = $this->year;
+ $v["create_time"] = $this->nowdata;
+ }
+ $res = $this->FinancialSummaryModel->addAll($this->adddata);
+ if(!$res){
+ echo "DB save error";
+ }else{
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Application/Admin/Controller/OldCountController.class.php b/Application/Admin/Controller/OldCountController.class.php
index 37283c3ce..30e95b003 100644
--- a/Application/Admin/Controller/OldCountController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Admin/Controller/OldCountController.class.php
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+ echo "tab_financial_summary 清空成功".PHP_EOL;
+ //获取19年9月到上个月的所有月份
+ $monthList = $this->getMonthsList();
+ $Financial = new FinancialSummarySetController();
+ foreach ($monthList as $k => $v) {
+ $Financial->setMonthFinancialSummary($v);
+ }
+ }
public function gameSupersignPaywayInit()
@@ -87,5 +102,25 @@ class OldCountController extends \Think\Controller
die("init ok");
+ //获取公司月结所需要的所有月份截止至上个月
+ public function getMonthsList()
+ {
+ $start_month = "2019-09";
+ $temp = strtotime(date('Y-m-01 00:00:00',strtotime('-1 month')));
+ $end_month = date('Y',$temp)."-".date('m',$temp);
+ $time_arr = [];
+ $begin = new \DateTime($start_month);
+ $end = new \DateTime($end_month);
+ $end = $end->modify('+1 month');
+ $interval = new \DateInterval('P1M');
+ $daterange = new \DatePeriod($begin, $interval ,$end);
+ foreach($daterange as $date){
+ $time_arr[] = $date->format("Y-m");
+ }
+ return $time_arr;
+ }
diff --git a/Application/Admin/View/FinancialSummary/index.html b/Application/Admin/View/FinancialSummary/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a94577f7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Application/Admin/View/FinancialSummary/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+ 按收入类型
+ 序号 | 流水类型 | 1月 | 2月 | 3月 | 4月 | 5月 | 6月 | 7月 | 8月 | 9月 | 10月 | 11月 | 12月 | 年度合计 |
+ {$incomekey} |
+ {$income.name} |
+ {$incomemoney} |
+ 合计: |
+ {$incomecount} |
+ 按合作方类型
+ 序号 | 流水类型 | 1月 | 2月 | 3月 | 4月 | 5月 | 6月 | 7月 | 8月 | 9月 | 10月 | 11月 | 12月 | 年度合计 |
+ {$promotekey} |
+ {$promote.name} |
+ {$promotemoney} |
+ 合计: |
+ {$promotecount} |
+ 按支付渠道类型
+ 序号 | 流水类型 | 1月 | 2月 | 3月 | 4月 | 5月 | 6月 | 7月 | 8月 | 9月 | 10月 | 11月 | 12月 | 年度合计 |
+ {$channelkey} |
+ {$channel.name} |
+ {$channelmoney} |
+ 合计: |
+ {$channelcount} |
+ 支付类型类型
+ 序号 | 流水类型 | 1月 | 2月 | 3月 | 4月 | 5月 | 6月 | 7月 | 8月 | 9月 | 10月 | 11月 | 12月 | 年度合计 |
+ {$paywaykey} |
+ {$payway.name} |
+ {$paywaymoney} |
+ 合计: |
+ {$paywaycount} |
+ if(C('COLOR_STYLE')=='blue_color') echo '
+ ';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Data/update.sql b/Data/update.sql
index 2ea456ec1..0a24145f5 100644
--- a/Data/update.sql
+++ b/Data/update.sql
@@ -1332,3 +1332,18 @@ ALTER TABLE `tab_promote_company`
CHANGE COLUMN `bank_address` `bank_address` VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '开户网点' AFTER `bank_name`,
CHANGE COLUMN `platform_name` `platform_name` VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '平台名称' AFTER `bank_address`,
CHANGE COLUMN `contact_begin` `contact_begin` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '合同开始时间' AFTER `platform_name`;
+---财务每月分类汇总表 chenzhi----
+CREATE TABLE `tab_financial_summary` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '自增主键',
+ `type` tinyint(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '汇总分类:1按收入类型,2按合作方不包含绑币,3按合作方包含绑币,4按支付渠道,5支付类型',
+ `key_name` varchar(50) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '类型名称',
+ `sort` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '排序',
+ `sum_money` decimal(10,2) DEFAULT '0.00' COMMENT '流水',
+ `count_month` varchar(10) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '统计月份',
+ `count_year` varchar(10) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '统计年份',
+ `create_time` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '最后更新时间',
+ KEY `count_year` (`count_year`) USING BTREE,
+ KEY `key_name` (`key_name`) USING BTREE