->field("m.*,g.*,p.company_name,p.company_belong,IFNULL(r.settlement_type,-1) settlement_type,group_concat(turnover_type ORDER BY begin_time ASC SEPARATOR '|') turnover_type,group_concat(ratio ORDER BY begin_time ASC SEPARATOR '|') ratio,group_concat(begin_time ORDER BY begin_time ASC SEPARATOR '|') begin_time,group_concat(end_time ORDER BY begin_time ASC SEPARATOR '|') end_time,group_concat(m.turnover_ratio ORDER BY begin_time ASC SEPARATOR '|') turnover_ratio,group_concat(m.id ORDER BY begin_time ASC SEPARATOR '|') operate_id")
->join("JOIN ({$gameres}) g ON m.relation_game_id = g.relation_game_id")
->join("JOIN ({$gameres}) g ON m.relation_game_id = g.relation_game_id")
->join("JOIN tab_promote_company p ON ( m.company_id = p.id".$pwhere.")")
->join("JOIN tab_promote_company p ON ( m.company_id = p.id".$pwhere.")")
->join("left JOIN tab_company_relation r ON (r.first_company_type =2 AND r.first_company_id = m.company_id) OR (r.second_company_type =2 AND r.second_company_id = m.company_id)");
->join("left JOIN tab_company_relation r ON (r.first_company_type =2 AND r.first_company_id = m.company_id) OR (r.second_company_type =2 AND r.second_company_id = m.company_id)");
->field("*,group_concat(id ORDER BY begin_time ASC SEPARATOR '|') id,group_concat(turnover_type ORDER BY begin_time ASC SEPARATOR '|') turnover_type,group_concat(ratio ORDER BY begin_time ASC SEPARATOR '|') ratio,group_concat(begin_time ORDER BY begin_time ASC SEPARATOR '|') begin_time,group_concat(end_time ORDER BY begin_time ASC SEPARATOR '|') end_time,group_concat(m.turnover_ratio ORDER BY begin_time ASC SEPARATOR '|') turnover_ratio")
->join("INNER JOIN ({$gameres}) g ON m.relation_game_id = g.relation_game_id")->where($where)->order('create_time desc, id desc');
->join("INNER JOIN ({$gameres}) g ON m.relation_game_id = g.relation_game_id")->where($where)->order('create_time desc, id desc');