From 258d1fbc1a0be5b2e4eccd0e3846689ea738b051 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: chenxiaojun <>
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2019 21:09:27 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?=E6=8E=A8=E5=B9=BF=E5=90=8E=E5=8F=B0->=E5=AE=89?=
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
.../Home/Controller/BaseController.class.php | 13 +-
.../Controller/FinanceController.class.php | 425 +++++++++++++++++-
.../Controller/GameDivideController.class.php | 3 +-
.../Controller/PromoteController.class.php | 202 +++++----
.../Home/View/default/Finance/index.html | 184 ++++++++
.../View/default/Finance/settlementDtl.html | 12 +-
.../View/default/Finance/withdrawDtl.html | 223 +++++++++
.../View/default/Finance/withdrawRecord.html | 267 +++++++++++
.../Home/View/default/GameDivide/index.html | 10 +-
.../Promote/setChildGamePermission.html | 10 +-
.../View/default/Public/promote_base.html | 11 +-
.../View/default/Public/verify_password.html | 1 -
Data/update.sql | 3 +
13 files changed, 1237 insertions(+), 127 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 Application/Home/View/default/Finance/index.html
create mode 100644 Application/Home/View/default/Finance/withdrawDtl.html
create mode 100644 Application/Home/View/default/Finance/withdrawRecord.html
diff --git a/Application/Home/Controller/BaseController.class.php b/Application/Home/Controller/BaseController.class.php
index 2fe258555..2cd6ba2c5 100644
--- a/Application/Home/Controller/BaseController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Home/Controller/BaseController.class.php
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ class BaseController extends HomeController
- public function verifyPasswordView($modelList, $metaTitle)
+ public function verifyPasswordView($modelList, $show = true)
$securityCode = empty(session('game_divide_second_pwd')) ? '' : session('game_divide_second_pwd');//安全密码
$model = new \User\Api\PromoteApi();
@@ -260,11 +260,14 @@ class BaseController extends HomeController
if ($res) {
return true;
+ if ($show) {
+ $this->assign('modelList', $modelList);
+ $this->assign('meta_title', '安全密码');
+ $this->display('Public/verify_password');
+ exit;
+ }
- $this->assign('modelList', $modelList);
- $this->assign('metaTitle', $metaTitle);
- $this->display('Public/verify_password');
- exit;
+ return false;
diff --git a/Application/Home/Controller/FinanceController.class.php b/Application/Home/Controller/FinanceController.class.php
index aecbe313c..080955c5f 100644
--- a/Application/Home/Controller/FinanceController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Home/Controller/FinanceController.class.php
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
namespace Home\Controller;
+use Base\Model\Model;
use OT\DataDictionary;
use Base\Repository\PromoteRepository;
use Base\Repository\SpendRepository;
@@ -12,12 +13,144 @@ use Base\Repository\UserRepository;
class FinanceController extends BaseController
+ //提现状态
+ public static $withdrawStatus = [
+ -1 => '审核未通过',
+ 0 => '待审核',
+ 1 => '汇款中',
+ 2 => '已汇款',
+ ];
+ //权限过滤
+ private function purview()
+ {
+ $this->loginPromote = $this->getLoginPromote();
+ if ($this->loginPromote['level'] != 1) {
+ $this->error('权限异常');
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ private function getDayList($beginTime, $endTime)
+ {
+ $dayList = [];
+ do {
+ $dayList[] = date('Y-m-d', $beginTime);
+ $beginTime += 24 * 60 * 60;
+ } while ($beginTime < $endTime);
+ return $dayList;
+ }
+ private function assembleRecords($items, $keys, $valueColumn, $keyColumn = 'day')
+ {
+ $records = [];
+ foreach ($keys as $key) {
+ $value = 0;
+ foreach ($items as $item) {
+ if ($item[$keyColumn] == $key) {
+ $value = $item[$valueColumn];
+ }
+ }
+ $records[$key] = $value;
+ }
+ return $records;
+ }
+ //生成提现单号
+ private function produceWithdrawNumber()
+ {
+ $prefix = 'WD_';
+ $number = '';
+ while (true) {
+ $randomNum = rand(10, 99);
+ $number = $prefix . time() . $randomNum;
+ $map['widthdraw_number'] = $number;
+ $res = M('withdraw', 'tab_')->where($map)->getField('id');
+ if (!$res) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return $number;
+ }
+ //结算中心
+ public function index()
+ {
+ //是否是会长
+ $this->purview();
+ //验证安全密码
+ $metaTitle = '结算明细';
+ $modelList = ['财务管理', $metaTitle];
+ $this->verifyPasswordView($modelList);
+ $model = M('spend', 'tab_');
+ $thisDay = strtotime(date('Y-m-d'));
+ $thisMonth = strtotime(date('Y-m'));
+ $yesterday = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 day', time())));
+ $nowTime = date('Y-m-d');
+ $initBegTime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-6 day', strtotime($nowTime)));
+ $initBegTime = empty(I('begtime')) ? $initBegTime : I('begtime');
+ $initEndTime = $nowTime;
+ $initEndTime = empty(I('endtime')) ? $initEndTime : I('endtime');
+ $begTime = strtotime($initBegTime);
+ $endTime = strtotime($initEndTime);
+ $endTime = $endTime + 3600 * 24;
+ $map['chain'] = ['like', $this->loginPromote['chain'] . $this->loginPromote['id'] . '/%'];
+ $promoteIds = M('promote', 'tab_')->where($map)->getField('id', true);
+ $promoteIds[] = $this->loginPromote['id'];
+ $promoteIds = implode(',', $promoteIds);
+ $map = [];
+ $map['pay_status'] = 1;
+ $map['promote_id'] = ['in', $promoteIds];
+ $income = $model->field("sum(if(pay_time < $thisDay, if(selle_ratio > 0, pay_amount * selle_ratio, 0), 0)) as history_income,
+ sum(if(pay_time >= $thisMonth, if(selle_ratio > 0, pay_amount * selle_ratio, 0), 0)) as this_month_income,
+ sum(if((pay_time >= $yesterday and pay_time < $thisDay), if(selle_ratio > 0, pay_amount * selle_ratio, 0), 0)) as yesterday_income,
+ sum(if(pay_time < $thisDay, if(selle_status = 0, pay_amount * selle_ratio, 0), 0)) as balance")
+ ->where($map)
+ ->find();
+ foreach ($income as &$value) {
+ $value = bcdiv($value, 100, 2);
+ }
+ $map['pay_time'] = ['between', [$begTime, $endTime]];
+ $dayList = $this->getDayList($begTime, $endTime);
+ $data = $model->field('FROM_UNIXTIME(pay_time, "%Y-%m-%d") as day,
+ sum(if(selle_ratio > 0, pay_amount * selle_ratio, 0)) as income')
+ ->where($map)
+ ->group('day')
+ ->select();
+ $data = $this->assembleRecords($data, $dayList, 'income');
+ foreach ($dayList as $day) {
+ $date = date('Ymd', strtotime($day));
+ $records[] = [
+ 'day' => $date,
+ 'income' => bcdiv($data[$day], 100, 2),
+ 'url' => U('settlementDtl', array('begtime' => $day, 'endtime' => $day))
+ ];
+ }
+ $this->assign('income', $income);
+ $this->assign('listData', $records);
+ $this->assign('initBegTime', $initBegTime);
+ $this->assign('initEndTime', $initEndTime);
+ $this->assign('yesterday', date('Y-m-d', $yesterday));
+ $this->assign('meta_title', $metaTitle);
+ $this->display();
+ }
+ //结算明细
public function settlementDtl()
+ //是否是会长
+ $this->purview();
$metaTitle = '结算明细';
$modelList = ['财务管理', $metaTitle];
- $this->verifyPasswordView($modelList, $metaTitle);
+ $this->verifyPasswordView($modelList);
$model = M('spend', 'tab_');
$page = intval(I('get.p', 1));
@@ -31,7 +164,6 @@ class FinanceController extends BaseController
$initEndTime = empty(I('endtime')) ? $initEndTime : I('endtime');
$begTime = strtotime($initBegTime);
$endTime = strtotime($initEndTime);
- $loginPromote = $this->getLoginPromote();
$parameter['p'] = $page;
$parameter['row'] = $row;
@@ -39,9 +171,9 @@ class FinanceController extends BaseController
$parameter['begtime'] = $initBegTime;
$parameter['endtime'] = $initEndTime;
- $map['chain'] = ['like', $loginPromote['chain'] . $loginPromote['id'] . '/%'];
+ $map['chain'] = ['like', $this->loginPromote['chain'] . $this->loginPromote['id'] . '/%'];
$ids = M('promote', 'tab_')->where($map)->getField('id', true);
- $ids[] = $loginPromote['id'];
+ $ids[] = $this->loginPromote['id'];
$ids = implode(',', $ids);
$map = [];
@@ -57,22 +189,44 @@ class FinanceController extends BaseController
$map['pay_time'] = ['between', [$begTime, $endTime + 86399]];
- $data = $model->field('pay_order_number,game_name,user_account,promote_account,pay_amount,pay_way,if(selle_ratio >= 0,selle_ratio,0) as selle_ratio,convert(pay_amount*if(selle_ratio >= 0,selle_ratio,0),decimal(10,2)) as income,pay_time,selle_status')
+ $data = $model->field('pay_order_number,game_name,user_account,promote_account,pay_amount,pay_way,if(selle_ratio >= 0,selle_ratio,0) as selle_ratio,pay_time,selle_status,pay_status,withdraw_id')
->order('id desc')
->page($page, $row)
$count = $model->where($map)->count();
+ //提现状态
+ $withdrawIds = [];
+ foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
+ if ($value['withdraw_id'] > 0 && !in_array($value['withdraw_id'], $withdrawIds)) {
+ $withdrawIds[] = $value['withdraw_id'];
+ }
+ }
+ $withdrawStatus = M('withdraw', 'tab_')
+ ->where(array('id' => ['in', $withdrawIds]))
+ ->getField('id,status');
foreach ($data as &$list) {
- switch ($list['selle_status']) {
- case 0:
- $list['selle_status'] = '未提现';
- break;
- default:
- $list['selle_status'] = '';
- break;
+ //提现状态
+ if ($list['pay_status'] == 1) {
+ switch ($list['selle_status']) {
+ case 0:
+ $list['selle_status'] = '未提现';
+ break;
+ default:
+ if ($list['withdraw_id'] > 0) {
+ $list['selle_status'] = FinanceController::$withdrawStatus[$withdrawStatus[$list['withdraw_id']]];
+ } else {
+ $list['selle_status'] = '';
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $list['selle_status'] = '支付失败';
+ $list['income'] = bcmul($list['pay_amount'], bcdiv($list['selle_ratio'], 100, 2), 2);
$list['pay_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $list['pay_time']);
@@ -83,7 +237,252 @@ class FinanceController extends BaseController
$this->assign('initBegTime', $initBegTime);
$this->assign('initEndTime', $initEndTime);
$this->assign('_page', $page);
- $this->assign('meta_title', '结算明细');
+ $this->assign('meta_title', $metaTitle);
+ $this->assign('modelList', $modelList);
+ $this->display();
+ }
+ //提现
+ public function withdraw()
+ {
+ //是否是会长
+ $this->purview();
+ //验证安全密码
+ $metaTitle = '结算明细';
+ $modelList = ['财务管理', $metaTitle];
+ $res = $this->verifyPasswordView($modelList, false);
+ if ($res == false) {
+ $data['status'] = 0;
+ $data['msg'] = '权限异常';
+ $this->ajaxReturn($data);
+ }
+ $spendModel = M('spend', 'tab_');
+ $thisDay = strtotime(date('Y-m-d'));
+ $map['chain'] = ['like', $this->loginPromote['chain'] . $this->loginPromote['id'] . '/%'];
+ $promoteIds = M('promote', 'tab_')->where($map)->getField('id', true);
+ $promoteIds[] = $this->loginPromote['id'];
+ $promoteIds = implode(',', $promoteIds);
+ $map = [];
+ $map['pay_status'] = 1;
+ $map['selle_status'] = 0;
+ $map['promote_id'] = ['in', $promoteIds];
+ $map['pay_time'] = ['lt', $thisDay];
+ $balance = $spendModel->field("sum(pay_amount * selle_ratio) as balance")
+ ->where($map)
+ ->find()['balance'];
+ $balance = bcdiv($balance, 100, 2);
+ if ($balance < 100) {
+ $data['status'] = 0;
+ $data['msg'] = '账户余额低于100元,无法提现!';
+ $this->ajaxReturn($data);
+ }
+ $spendIds = $spendModel->where($map)->getField('id', true);
+ if (!empty($spendIds)) {
+ $data['status'] = 0;
+ $data['msg'] = '数据异常';
+ $this->ajaxReturn($data);
+ }
+ $thisTime = time();
+ $add['sum_money'] = $balance;
+ $add['promote_id'] = $this->loginPromote['id'];
+ $add['promote_account'] = $this->loginPromote['account'];
+ $add['create_time'] = $thisTime;
+ $add['status'] = 0;
+ $add['widthdraw_number'] = $this->produceWithdrawNumber();
+ $add['settlement_end_time'] = $thisDay - 1;
+ M()->startTrans();//开启事物
+ $withdrawId = M('withdraw', 'tab_')->add($add);
+ if (!$withdrawId) {
+ M()->rollback();//事物回滚
+ $data['status'] = 0;
+ $data['msg'] = '提现失败';
+ $this->ajaxReturn($data);
+ }
+ $map = [];
+ $map['id'] = ['in', $spendIds];
+ $save['selle_status'] = 1;
+ $save['selle_time'] = $thisTime;
+ $save['withdraw_id'] = $withdrawId;
+ $res = $spendModel->where($map)->save($save);
+ if ($res === false) {
+ M('withdraw', 'tab_')->delete($withdrawId);
+ M()->rollback();//事物回滚
+ $data['status'] = 0;
+ $data['msg'] = '提现失败';
+ $this->ajaxReturn($data);
+ }
+ M()->commit();//事物提交
+ $data['status'] = 1;
+ $data['msg'] = '提现成功';
+ $this->ajaxReturn($data);
+ }
+ //提现记录
+ public function withdrawRecord()
+ {
+ //是否是会长
+ $this->purview();
+ //验证安全密码
+ $metaTitle = '提现记录';
+ $modelList = ['财务管理', $metaTitle];
+ $this->verifyPasswordView($modelList);
+ $model = M('withdraw', 'tab_');
+ $page = intval(I('get.p', 1));
+ $page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据arraypage
+ $row = intval(I('get.row', 10));
+ $withdrawNumber = I('widthdraw_number', '');
+ $initBegTime = I('begtime', '');
+ $initEndTime = I('endtime', '');
+ $begTime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($initBegTime)));
+ $endTime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($initEndTime))) + 3600 * 24;
+ $status = '';
+ $parameter['p'] = $page;
+ $parameter['row'] = $row;
+ $parameter['widthdraw_number'] = $withdrawNumber;
+ $parameter['begtime'] = $initBegTime;
+ $parameter['endtime'] = $initEndTime;
+ $map['promote_id'] = $this->loginPromote['id'];
+ if (!empty($withdrawNumber)) {
+ $map['widthdraw_number'] = $withdrawNumber;
+ }
+ if (!empty($initBegTime) && empty($initEndTime)) {
+ $map['create_time'] = ['egt', $begTime];
+ } elseif (empty($initBegTime) && !empty($initEndTime)) {
+ $map['create_time'] = ['lt', $endTime];
+ } elseif (!empty($initBegTime) && !empty($initEndTime)) {
+ $map['create_time'] = ['between', [$begTime, $endTime - 1]];
+ }
+ if (isset($_GET['status']) && $_GET['status'] !== '') {
+ $status = intval($_GET['status']);
+ if (!isset(FinanceController::$withdrawStatus[$status])) {
+ if (!isset(FinanceController::$withdrawStatus[$status])) {
+ $this->error('参数异常');
+ }
+ $map['status'] = $status;
+ }
+ }
+ $data = $model->field('id,widthdraw_number,create_time,settlement_end_time,sum_money,status,respond')
+ ->where($map)
+ ->order('id desc')
+ ->page($page, $row)
+ ->select();
+ $count = $model
+ ->where($map)
+ ->count();
+ if (!empty($data)) {
+ foreach ($data as &$list) {
+ $list['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $list['create_time']);
+ $list['settlement_end_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $list['settlement_end_time']);
+ $list['status'] = FinanceController::$withdrawStatus[$list['status']];
+ }
+ }
+ $page = set_pagination($count, $row, $parameter);
+ $this->assign('listData', $data);
+ $this->assign('count', $count);
+ $this->assign('initBegTime', $initBegTime);
+ $this->assign('initEndTime', $initEndTime);
+ $this->assign('status', $status);
+ $this->assign('_page', $page);
+ $this->assign('meta_title', $metaTitle);
+ $this->assign('modelList', $modelList);
+ $this->display();
+ }
+ //提现明细
+ public function withdrawDtl()
+ {
+ //是否是会长
+ $this->purview();
+ //验证安全密码
+ $metaTitle = '提现明细';
+ $modelList = ['财务管理', '提现记录', $metaTitle];
+ $this->verifyPasswordView($modelList);
+ $model = M('withdraw', 'tab_');
+ $spendModel = M('spend', 'tab_');
+ $page = intval(I('get.p', 1));
+ $page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据arraypage
+ $row = intval(I('get.row', 10));
+ $withdrawId = intval(I('', 0));
+ if ($withdrawId == 0) {
+ $this->error('参数异常');
+ }
+ $withdraw = $model->field('promote_id,status')->where(array('id' => $withdrawId))->find();
+ if (empty($withdraw) || $withdraw['promote_id'] != $this->loginPromote['id']) {
+ $this->error('参数异常');
+ }
+ $gameId = intval(I('game_id', 0));
+ $userAccount = I('user_account', '');
+ $payOrderNumber = I('pay_order_number', '');
+ $parameter['p'] = $page;
+ $parameter['row'] = $row;
+ $parameter['id'] = $withdrawId;
+ $parameter['game_id'] = $gameId;
+ $parameter['user_account'] = $userAccount;
+ $parameter['pay_order_number'] = $payOrderNumber;
+ $map['withdraw_id'] = $withdrawId;
+ if (!empty($gameId)) {
+ $map['game_id'] = $gameId;
+ }
+ if (!empty($userAccount)) {
+ $map['user_account'] = $userAccount;
+ }
+ if (!empty($payOrderNumber)) {
+ $map['pay_order_number'] = $payOrderNumber;
+ }
+ $data = $spendModel
+ ->field('id,pay_order_number,game_name,sdk_version,user_account,pay_amount,pay_way,selle_ratio,pay_time')
+ ->where($map)
+ ->order('id desc')
+ ->page($page, $row)
+ ->select();
+ $count = $spendModel
+ ->where($map)
+ ->count();
+ if (!empty($data)) {
+ foreach ($data as &$list) {
+ $list['income'] = bcmul($list['pay_amount'], bcdiv($list['selle_ratio'], 100, 2), 2);
+ $list['pay_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $list['pay_time']);
+ switch ($list['pay_way']) {
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
+ case 4:
+ $list['pay_way_name'] = QueryController::$payWay[2];
+ break;
+ default:
+ $list['pay_way_name'] = QueryController::$payWay[$list['pay_way']];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $page = set_pagination($count, $row, $parameter);
+ $this->assign('listData', $data);
+ $this->assign('count', $count);
+ $this->assign('status', FinanceController::$withdrawStatus[$withdraw['status']]);
+ $this->assign('_page', $page);
+ $this->assign('meta_title', $metaTitle);
+ $this->assign('modelList', $modelList);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Application/Home/Controller/GameDivideController.class.php b/Application/Home/Controller/GameDivideController.class.php
index 530d90632..84114dc66 100644
--- a/Application/Home/Controller/GameDivideController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Home/Controller/GameDivideController.class.php
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class GameDivideController extends BaseController
$metaTitle = '分成比例';
$modelList = ['游戏管理', $metaTitle];
- $this->verifyPasswordView($modelList, $metaTitle);
+ $this->verifyPasswordView($modelList);
$map['tab_game.online_status'] = 1;//开发者游戏上线状态
$map['tab_game.down_port'] = 1;//游戏端口 第三方接口不能申请
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ class GameDivideController extends BaseController
$this->assign('count', $count);
$this->assign('serverType', I('server_type', 0));
$this->meta_title = $metaTitle;
+ $this->assign('modelList', $modelList);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Application/Home/Controller/PromoteController.class.php b/Application/Home/Controller/PromoteController.class.php
index e9c833910..159239644 100644
--- a/Application/Home/Controller/PromoteController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Home/Controller/PromoteController.class.php
@@ -66,14 +66,14 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
$promote_id = get_pid();
$field = 'id,game_name,server_name,user_account,nickname,promote_account,detail,create_time as update_time';
- $rz_list = M("protect_log","tab_")->field($field)->where("promote_id = {$promote_id}")->limit('0,5')->order("create_time desc")->select(); //日志管理
+ $rz_list = M("protect_log", "tab_")->field($field)->where("promote_id = {$promote_id}")->limit('0,5')->order("create_time desc")->select(); //日志管理
- $logCount = M('protect_log','tab_')->where("promote_id = {$promote_id}")->count();
- $readLogCount = M('protect_log_read','tab_')->where("promote_id = {$promote_id}")->count();
+ $logCount = M('protect_log', 'tab_')->where("promote_id = {$promote_id}")->count();
+ $readLogCount = M('protect_log_read', 'tab_')->where("promote_id = {$promote_id}")->count();
$gg_data = M("document", "sys_")->where("category_id=56 and status=1")->order("update_time desc")->select();
$gg_Count = count($gg_data);
- $gg_data = implode(',',array_column($gg_data,'id'));
+ $gg_data = implode(',', array_column($gg_data, 'id'));
$gg_where = "promote_id = {$promote_id} and category_id=56";
if ($gg_data) {
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
$zx_data = M("document", "sys_")->where("category_id=51 and status=1")->order("update_time desc")->select();
$zx_Count = count($zx_data);
- $zx_data = implode(',',array_column($zx_data,'id'));
+ $zx_data = implode(',', array_column($zx_data, 'id'));
$zx_where = "promote_id = {$promote_id} and category_id=51";
if ($zx_data) {
$zx_where .= " and document_id IN({$zx_data})";
@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
$today_end = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') + 1, date('Y')) - 1;
$today_open_server_list = M("server as sv", "tab_")
- array("sv.start_time" => array("BETWEEN", array($today_start, $today_end)),
- "sv.show_status" => 1))
+ array("sv.start_time" => array("BETWEEN", array($today_start, $today_end)),
+ "sv.show_status" => 1))
->join("left join tab_game gm on")
->order("sv.start_time desc")
@@ -122,29 +122,29 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
$map['_string'] = "promote_id = {$promote_id} or tab_promote.parent_id = {$promote_id} or tab_promote.chain like '%/{$promote_id}/%' ";
- $pay_time = " between 0 and ".time();
- $spendData = $this->caculateSpend($pay_time,$map['_string']);
+ $pay_time = " between 0 and " . time();
+ $spendData = $this->caculateSpend($pay_time, $map['_string']);
- $promoteId = implode(',',$promoteId);
+ $promoteId = implode(',', $promoteId);
if ($promoteId) {
$user_count = M("user", "tab_")->where("promote_id IN({$promoteId})")->count();
} else {
$user_count = 0;
- $today=total(1);
+ $today = total(1);
$yesterdays = total(5);
- $week=total(2);
- $mounth=total(3);
+ $week = total(2);
+ $mounth = total(3);
- $data=M('User','tab_')
+ $data = M('User', 'tab_')
->field('promote_account,promote_id,date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(register_time),"%Y-%m-%d") AS time, count( as count,
IF(tab_promote.grand_id>0,tab_promote.grand_id,IF(tab_promote.grand_id=0 and tab_promote.parent_id >0,tab_promote.parent_id,promote_id)) as promote_id1 ,
- count(IF(register_time '.$yesterdays.',1,null)) as yesterday,
- count(IF(register_time '.$today.',1,null)) as today,
- count(IF(register_time '.$week.',1,null)) as week,
- count(IF(register_time '.$mounth.',1,null)) as mounth')
- ->join('tab_promote on promote_id =','left')
+ count(IF(register_time ' . $yesterdays . ',1,null)) as yesterday,
+ count(IF(register_time ' . $today . ',1,null)) as today,
+ count(IF(register_time ' . $week . ',1,null)) as week,
+ count(IF(register_time ' . $mounth . ',1,null)) as mounth')
+ ->join('tab_promote on promote_id =', 'left')
->having('promote_id != 0')
@@ -152,42 +152,42 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
// echo M('User','tab_')->_sql();die();
- $total_money = $this->pay_total(0, 0,$promoteId);
- $today_add_user_money = $this->pay_total(1,1,$promoteId);
- $month_add_user_money = $this->pay_total(3,1,$promoteId);
+ $total_money = $this->pay_total(0, 0, $promoteId);
+ $today_add_user_money = $this->pay_total(1, 1, $promoteId);
+ $month_add_user_money = $this->pay_total(3, 1, $promoteId);
$yesterday_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') - 1, date('Y'));
$yesterday_end = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'));
$pay_time = " between {$yesterday_start} and {$yesterday_end}";
- $createTime = ['between',array($yesterday_start,$yesterday_end-1)];
- $yesterdaySpendData = $this->caculateSpend($pay_time,$map['_string'],$createTime);
+ $createTime = ['between', array($yesterday_start, $yesterday_end - 1)];
+ $yesterdaySpendData = $this->caculateSpend($pay_time, $map['_string'], $createTime);
- $todayAddSpendData = $this->caculateSpend($pay_time,$map['_string'],[],1);
+ $todayAddSpendData = $this->caculateSpend($pay_time, $map['_string'], [], 1);
- $mounthAddSpendData = $this->caculateSpend($pay_time,$map['_string'],[],2);
+ $mounthAddSpendData = $this->caculateSpend($pay_time, $map['_string'], [], 2);
$yesterday_user_regist_count = M("user", "tab_")->where(
- array("promote_id" => array('in',$promoteId),
+ array("promote_id" => array('in', $promoteId),
"register_time" => array("BETWEEN", array($yesterday_start, $yesterday_end))))
- $yesterday_total_money = $this->pay_total(5, 0,$promoteId);
+ $yesterday_total_money = $this->pay_total(5, 0, $promoteId);
$today_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'));
$today_end = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') + 1, date('Y')) - 1;
$today_regist_user_count = M("user", "tab_")
- ->where(array("promote_id" => array('in',$promoteId),
+ ->where(array("promote_id" => array('in', $promoteId),
"register_time" => array("BETWEEN", array($today_start, $today_end))))
- $today_total_money = $this->pay_total(1, 0,$promoteId);
+ $today_total_money = $this->pay_total(1, 0, $promoteId);
- $this->assign('data',$data);
+ $this->assign('data', $data);
// $this->assign('yesterdayData',$yesterdayData);
- $this->assign('spendData',$spendData);
- $this->assign('yesterdaySpendData',$yesterdaySpendData);
- $this->assign('todayAddSpendData',$todayAddSpendData);
- $this->assign('mounthAddSpendData',$mounthAddSpendData);
+ $this->assign('spendData', $spendData);
+ $this->assign('yesterdaySpendData', $yesterdaySpendData);
+ $this->assign('todayAddSpendData', $todayAddSpendData);
+ $this->assign('mounthAddSpendData', $mounthAddSpendData);
$this->assign("user_count", $user_count);
@@ -202,106 +202,107 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
$this->assign("menu_list", $quick_menu_list);
$this->assign("gg_list", $gg_list);
- $this->assign("gg_count", $gg_Count-$gg_ReadDocument);
+ $this->assign("gg_count", $gg_Count - $gg_ReadDocument);
$this->assign("zx_list", $zx_list);
- $this->assign("zx_count", $zx_Count-$zx_ReadDocument);
+ $this->assign("zx_count", $zx_Count - $zx_ReadDocument);
$this->assign("xx_list", $xx_list);
$this->assign('rz_list', $rz_list);
- $this->assign("rz_count", $logCount-$readLogCount);
+ $this->assign("rz_count", $logCount - $readLogCount);
$this->assign("today_open_server_list", $today_open_server_list);
$this->assign("game_list", $game_list);
$this->meta_title = "首页";
- private function caculateSpend($pay_time,$condition,$create = [],$type = 0) {
- $spend=M('Spend','tab_');
- $today=total(1);
- $week=total(2);
- $mounth=total(3);
- $map1['promote_id'] = $map['promote_id']=array('gt',0);
- $map1['pay_status'] = $map['pay_status']=1;
- $map1['pay_way'] = $map['pay_way'] = array('gt',0);
+ private function caculateSpend($pay_time, $condition, $create = [], $type = 0)
+ {
+ $spend = M('Spend', 'tab_');
+ $today = total(1);
+ $week = total(2);
+ $mounth = total(3);
+ $map1['promote_id'] = $map['promote_id'] = array('gt', 0);
+ $map1['pay_status'] = $map['pay_status'] = 1;
+ $map1['pay_way'] = $map['pay_way'] = array('gt', 0);
$userId = [];
- $promoteId = M("promote", "tab_")->field('id')->where("parent_id=" . get_pid()." or grand_id=". get_pid())->select();
- $promoteId = array_column($promoteId,'id');
- $promoteId = implode(',',$promoteId).",".get_pid();
- $whereUser['promote_id'] = ['IN',$promoteId];
+ $promoteId = M("promote", "tab_")->field('id')->where("parent_id=" . get_pid() . " or grand_id=" . get_pid())->select();
+ $promoteId = array_column($promoteId, 'id');
+ $promoteId = implode(',', $promoteId) . "," . get_pid();
+ $whereUser['promote_id'] = ['IN', $promoteId];
if ($type == 1) {
$start = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'));
$end = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') + 1, date('Y')) - 1;
- $whereUser['register_time'] = ['between',array($start,$end-1)];
- $userId = M('user','tab_')->field('id')->where($whereUser)->select();
+ $whereUser['register_time'] = ['between', array($start, $end - 1)];
+ $userId = M('user', 'tab_')->field('id')->where($whereUser)->select();
} else if ($type == 2) {
$start = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), 1, date('Y'));
$end = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') + 1, 1, date('Y')) - 1;
- $whereUser['register_time'] = ['between',array($start,$end-1)];
- $userId = M('user','tab_')->field('id')->where($whereUser)->select();
+ $whereUser['register_time'] = ['between', array($start, $end - 1)];
+ $userId = M('user', 'tab_')->field('id')->where($whereUser)->select();
- $userId = implode(',',array_column($userId,'id'));
+ $userId = implode(',', array_column($userId, 'id'));
if ($userId) {
- $map1['user_id'] = $map['user_id']=['IN',$userId];
- } else if (!$userId&&$type!=0) {
- return array('today'=>0,'mounth'=>0);
+ $map1['user_id'] = $map['user_id'] = ['IN', $userId];
+ } else if (!$userId && $type != 0) {
+ return array('today' => 0, 'mounth' => 0);
if ($create) {
$map['create_time'] = $create;
- $bindrecharge_data = M('bind_recharge','tab_')
+ $bindrecharge_data = M('bind_recharge', 'tab_')
->field('max(id) as id,promote_account,promote_id,create_time as ordertime,date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(create_time),"%Y-%m-%d") AS time,
- floor(sum(IF(create_time '.$pay_time.',real_amount,0))*100) as scount,
- floor(sum(IF(create_time '.$today.',real_amount,0))*100) as today,
- floor(sum(IF(create_time '.$week.',real_amount,0))*100) as week,
- floor(sum(IF(create_time '.$mounth.',real_amount,0))*100) as mounth')
+ floor(sum(IF(create_time ' . $pay_time . ',real_amount,0))*100) as scount,
+ floor(sum(IF(create_time ' . $today . ',real_amount,0))*100) as today,
+ floor(sum(IF(create_time ' . $week . ',real_amount,0))*100) as week,
+ floor(sum(IF(create_time ' . $mounth . ',real_amount,0))*100) as mounth')
- $deposit_data = M('deposit','tab_')
+ $deposit_data = M('deposit', 'tab_')
->field('max(id) as id,promote_account,promote_id,create_time as ordertime,date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(create_time),"%Y-%m-%d") AS time,
- floor(sum(IF(create_time '.$pay_time.',pay_amount,0))*100) as scount,
- floor(sum(IF(create_time '.$today.',pay_amount,0))*100) as today,
- floor(sum(IF(create_time '.$week.',pay_amount,0))*100) as week,
- floor(sum(IF(create_time '.$mounth.',pay_amount,0))*100) as mounth')
+ floor(sum(IF(create_time ' . $pay_time . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as scount,
+ floor(sum(IF(create_time ' . $today . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as today,
+ floor(sum(IF(create_time ' . $week . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as week,
+ floor(sum(IF(create_time ' . $mounth . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as mounth')
// ->join('tab_user on = tab_spend.user_id','left')
- $spendData=$spend
+ $spendData = $spend
->field('max(id) as id,promote_account,promote_id,pay_time as ordertime,date_format(FROM_UNIXTIME(pay_time),"%Y-%m-%d") AS time,
- floor(sum(IF(pay_time '.$pay_time.',pay_amount,0))*100) as scount,
- floor(sum(IF(pay_time '.$today.',pay_amount,0))*100) as today,
- floor(sum(IF(pay_time '.$week.',pay_amount,0))*100) as week,
- floor(sum(IF(pay_time '.$mounth.',pay_amount,0))*100) as mounth')
+ floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $pay_time . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as scount,
+ floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $today . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as today,
+ floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $week . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as week,
+ floor(sum(IF(pay_time ' . $mounth . ',pay_amount,0))*100) as mounth')
// ->join('tab_user on = tab_spend.user_id','left')
- ->union(' ('.$bindrecharge_data.') ')
- ->union(' ('.$deposit_data.') ')
+ ->union(' (' . $bindrecharge_data . ') ')
+ ->union(' (' . $deposit_data . ') ')
$spendData = $spend->field('a.promote_account,a.promote_id,a.time,sum(a.scount) as count,sum( as today,sum(a.week) as week,sum(a.mounth) as mounth,IF(tab_promote.grand_id>0,tab_promote.grand_id,IF(tab_promote.grand_id=0 and tab_promote.parent_id >0,tab_promote.parent_id,promote_id)) as promote_id1')
- ->join('tab_promote on promote_id =','left')
+ ->join('tab_promote on promote_id =', 'left')
- ->table('('.$spendData.') as a')->group('promote_id1')->order('count desc,a.ordertime')->find();
- $spendData['rand']=1;
- $spendData['count']=$spendData['count']/100;
- $spendData['today']=$spendData['today']/100;
- $spendData['week']=$spendData['week']/100;
- $spendData['mounth']=$spendData['mounth']/100;
+ ->table('(' . $spendData . ') as a')->group('promote_id1')->order('count desc,a.ordertime')->find();
+ $spendData['rand'] = 1;
+ $spendData['count'] = $spendData['count'] / 100;
+ $spendData['today'] = $spendData['today'] / 100;
+ $spendData['week'] = $spendData['week'] / 100;
+ $spendData['mounth'] = $spendData['mounth'] / 100;
return $spendData;
- private function pay_total($type = 0, $newadd = 1,$promoteId="")
+ private function pay_total($type = 0, $newadd = 1, $promoteId = "")
if ($_REQUEST['promote_id'] === null || $_REQUEST['promote_id'] === '0') {
$map['parent_id'] = get_pid();
@@ -482,7 +483,7 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
} else {
$menuData = M("promote_quick_menu ", "tab_")->where(array("promote_id" => get_pid()))->count();
- if ($menuData>=10) {
+ if ($menuData >= 10) {
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 1, 'info' => '快捷菜单只能有10个'], "JSON");
M("promote_quick_menu ", "tab_")->add(
@@ -524,12 +525,12 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
$count = M("document", "sys_")->where("category_id=56 and status=1")->count();
$promote_id = get_pid();
- $logCount = M('protect_log','tab_')->count();
- $readLogCount = M('protect_log_read','tab_')->where("promote_id = {$promote_id}")->count();
+ $logCount = M('protect_log', 'tab_')->count();
+ $readLogCount = M('protect_log_read', 'tab_')->where("promote_id = {$promote_id}")->count();
$gg_data = M("document", "sys_")->where("category_id=56 and status=1")->order("update_time desc")->select();
$gg_Count = count($gg_data);
- $gg_data = implode(',',array_column($gg_data,'id'));
+ $gg_data = implode(',', array_column($gg_data, 'id'));
$gg_where = "promote_id = {$promote_id} and category_id=56";
if ($gg_data) {
@@ -541,7 +542,7 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
$zx_data = M("document", "sys_")->where("category_id=51 and status=1")->order("update_time desc")->select();
$zx_Count = count($zx_data);
- $zx_data = implode(',',array_column($zx_data,'id'));
+ $zx_data = implode(',', array_column($zx_data, 'id'));
$zx_where = "promote_id = {$promote_id} and category_id=51";
if ($zx_data) {
$zx_where .= " and document_id IN({$zx_data})";
@@ -558,9 +559,9 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
$this->meta_title = "公告列表";
$this->assign("type", $type);
$this->assign("data_list", $data_list);
- $this->assign("gg_count", $gg_Count-$gg_ReadDocument);
- $this->assign("zx_count", $zx_Count-$zx_ReadDocument);
- $this->assign("rz_count", $logCount-$readLogCount);
+ $this->assign("gg_count", $gg_Count - $gg_ReadDocument);
+ $this->assign("zx_count", $zx_Count - $zx_ReadDocument);
+ $this->assign("rz_count", $logCount - $readLogCount);
@@ -837,7 +838,7 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
$map = [];
$map['chain'] = ['like', $loginer['chain'] . $loginer['id'] . '/%'];
if ($promoteType == 0) {
$map['level'] = 2;
} elseif ($promoteType == 1) {
@@ -863,7 +864,7 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
$query = M('promote', 'tab_')->where($map);
list($records, $pagination, $count) = $this->paginate($query);
$ids = array_column($records, 'id');
$countList = [];
@@ -917,7 +918,7 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
$status = $promoteService->addPromote($params, $parent);
if ($status) {
- $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 1, 'msg' => '添加成功']);
+ $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 1, 'msg' => '添加成功']);
} else {
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'msg' => '添加失败']);
@@ -926,7 +927,7 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
$loginer = $this->getLoginPromote();
$promotes = null;
$promoteColumns = ['id', 'account', 'real_name'];
- $promoteMap = ['chain' => ['like', $loginer['chain'] . $loginer['id'] . '/' . '%']];
+ $promoteMap = ['chain' => ['like', $loginer['chain'] . $loginer['id'] . '/' . '%']];
if ($loginer['level'] == 1) {
if ($promoteType == 1) {
$promoteMap['level'] = 2;
@@ -1857,9 +1858,15 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
$metaTitle = '设置';
$modelList = ['游戏管理', $metaTitle];
- $this->verifyPasswordView($modelList, $metaTitle);
+ $res = $this->verifyPasswordView($modelList, ($_POST ? false : true));
if ($_POST) {
+ if ($res === false) {
+ $data['status'] = 0;
+ $data['msg'] = '权限异常';
+ $this->ajaxReturn($data);
+ }
$save['child_game_permission'] = I('post.child_game_permission');
$saveRes = D('Promote')->where(array('id' => PID))->save($save);
if ($saveRes === false) {
@@ -1877,6 +1884,7 @@ class PromoteController extends BaseController
$this->assign('data', $promoteData);
$this->meta_title = $metaTitle;
+ $this->assign('modelList', $modelList);
diff --git a/Application/Home/View/default/Finance/index.html b/Application/Home/View/default/Finance/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c527c2559
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Application/Home/View/default/Finance/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+ 历史收益 本月收益 昨日收益 账户余额 暂无数据
+ 时间
+ 收益
+ 操作
+ {$}
+ {$data.income}
+ 明细
充值订单号 | +游戏 | +平台 | +玩家账号 | +订单总额 | +现金分成基数 | +平台币分成基数 | +平台币分成比例(直充|内充) | +现金支付通道 | +收益 | +订单状态 | +充值时间 | +|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
+ ![]() 暂无数据 + |
+ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
{$vo.pay_order_number} | +{$vo.game_name} | +{:getSDKTypeName($vo['sdk_version'])} | +{$vo.user_account} | +{$vo.pay_amount} | +0 | +{$vo.pay_amount} | +{$vo.pay_amount} | +0 | +{$vo.selle_ratio}%|{$vo.selle_ratio}% | +{$vo.pay_way_name} | +{$vo.income} | +{$status} | +{$vo.pay_time} | +