@ -875,12 +875,14 @@ class SpendModel extends Model
$games = $gameQuery->select();
$partners = [];
if (count($games)) {
$map['s.game_id'] = ['in', array_column($games, 'game_id')];
$map['s.game_id'] = '-1';
$data = M("Spend s use index(game_time)","tab_")
$data = SM("Spend","tab_")
->where(['s.pay_status' => 1])
@ -914,40 +916,20 @@ class SpendModel extends Model
public function totalGameStatistics($map, $join = true)
$noticeFailData = M("Spend s use index(game_time)","tab_")
->field("SUM(pay_amount) as notice_fail_count,game_id")
->join('LEFT JOIN tab_game as g ON s.game_id=g.id')
->join('LEFT JOIN tab_partner as p ON g.partner_id=p.id')
->where(['s.pay_status' => 1, 'pay_game_status' => 0])
// var_dump($noticeFailData);die();
$query = M("Spend s use index(game_time)","tab_")
->field("SUM(CASE WHEN pay_way > 0 and s.pay_status = 1 and pay_game_status = 1 THEN pay_amount ELSE 0 END) as cash_count,
SUM(CASE WHEN pay_way = 0 and s.pay_status = 1 and pay_game_status = 1 THEN pay_amount ELSE 0 END) as balance_coin_count,
SUM(CASE WHEN pay_way = -1 and s.pay_status = 1 and pay_game_status = 1 THEN pay_amount ELSE 0 END) as inside_cash_count");
if ($join) {
$query = $query->join('LEFT JOIN tab_game as g ON s.game_id=g.id')
->join('LEFT JOIN tab_partner as p ON g.partner_id=p.id');
$data = $query->where(['s.pay_status' => 1])
public function totalGameStatistics($map,$gameIds, $join = true)
$map['s.game_id'] = ['in', $gameIds];
$data = SM("Spend","tab_")
SUM(CASE WHEN pay_way > 0 and s.pay_status = 1 and pay_game_status = 1 THEN pay_amount ELSE 0 END) as cash_count,
SUM(CASE WHEN pay_way = 0 and s.pay_status = 1 and pay_game_status = 1 THEN pay_amount ELSE 0 END) as balance_coin_count,
SUM(CASE WHEN pay_way = -1 and s.pay_status = 1 and pay_game_status = 1 THEN pay_amount ELSE 0 END) as inside_cash_count,
SUM(CASE WHEN s.pay_status = 1 and pay_game_status = 0 THEN pay_amount ELSE 0 END) as notice_fail_count")
->where(['s.pay_status' => 1])
// $gc_game_id = array_unique(explode(',',$data['gc_game_id']));
// $noticeFailData = M("Spend s use index(game_time)","tab_")
// ->field("SUM(pay_amount) as notice_fail_count,game_id")
// ->where(['s.pay_status' => 1, 'pay_game_status' => 0])
// ->where($noticeMap)
// ->find();
$data['notice_fail_count'] = $noticeFailData['notice_fail_count'];
// dd($query->_sql());
return $data;