diff --git a/Application/Admin/Controller/AutoController.class.php b/Application/Admin/Controller/AutoController.class.php
index a3a75f42a..4ccc0022e 100644
--- a/Application/Admin/Controller/AutoController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Admin/Controller/AutoController.class.php
@@ -955,4 +955,82 @@ public function auto_rrdae(){
+ //用户推广员数据刷新
+ public function updateUserPromoteAccount()
+ {
+ $map['promote_id'] = ['gt', 0];
+ $map['_string'] = "promote_account = '' or promote_account = '自然注册' or promote_account = '官方渠道' or promote_account is NULL";
+ $userData = M('user', 'tab_')->field('id,promote_id')->where($map)->select();
+ $userPlayData = M('user_play', 'tab_')->field('id,promote_id')->where($map)->select();
+ $userPlayInfoData = M('user_play_info', 'tab_')->field('id,promote_id')->where($map)->select();
+ $promoteData = [];
+ $userModel = 'tab_user';
+ $userRet = $this->updateUserPromoteAccountSql($userModel, $userData, $promoteData);
+ $userSuccess = $userRet['success'];
+ $userError = $userRet['error'];
+ $userErrorData = empty($userRet['error_data']) ? '' : implode(',', $userRet['error_data']);
+ $promoteData = $userRet['promote_data'];
+ $userAll = count($userData);
+ unset($userData);
+ $userPlayModel = 'tab_user_play';
+ $userPlayRet = $this->updateUserPromoteAccountSql($userPlayModel, $userPlayData, $promoteData);
+ $userPlaySuccess = $userPlayRet['success'];
+ $userPlayError = $userPlayRet['error'];
+ $userPlayErrorData = empty($userPlayRet['error_data']) ? '' : implode(',', $userPlayRet['error_data']);
+ $promoteData = $userPlayRet['promote_data'];
+ $userPlayAll = count($userPlayData);
+ unset($userPlayData);
+ $userPlayInfoModel = 'tab_user_play_info';
+ $userPlayInfoRet = $this->updateUserPromoteAccountSql($userPlayInfoModel, $userPlayInfoData, $promoteData);
+ $userPlayInfoSuccess = $userPlayInfoRet['success'];
+ $userPlayInfoError = $userPlayInfoRet['error'];
+ $userPlayInfoErrorData = empty($userPlayInfoRet['error_data']) ? '' : implode(',', $userPlayInfoRet['error_data']);
+ $promoteData = $userPlayInfoRet['promote_data'];
+ $userPlayInfoAll = count($userPlayInfoData);
+ unset($userPlayInfoData);
+ echo $userModel . ":all--{$userAll} success--{$userSuccess} error--{$userError} error_ids--{$userErrorData}";
+ echo '
+ echo $userPlayModel . ":all--{$userPlayAll} success--{$userPlaySuccess} error--{$userPlayError} error_ids--{$userPlayErrorData}";
+ echo '
+ echo $userPlayInfoModel . ":all--{$userPlayInfoAll} success--{$userPlayInfoSuccess} error--{$userPlayInfoError} error_ids--{$userPlayInfoErrorData}";
+ echo '
+ }
+ private function updateUserPromoteAccountSql($model, $data = [], $promoteData = [])
+ {
+ $success = 0;
+ $error = 0;
+ $errorData = [];
+ foreach ($data as &$list) {
+ if (isset($promoteData[$list['promote_id']])) {
+ $promoteAccount = $promoteData[$list['promote_id']];
+ } else {
+ $promoteAccount = M('promote', 'tab_')->where(array('id' => $list['promote_id']))->getField('account');
+ $promoteAccount = empty($promoteAccount) ? '未知推广员' : $promoteAccount;
+ $promoteData[$list['promote_id']] = $promoteAccount;
+ }
+ $res = M()->query("update `$model` set promote_account = '{$promoteAccount}' where id = {$list['id']}");
+ if ($res === false) {
+ $error++;
+ $errorData = $list['id'];
+ } else {
+ $success++;
+ }
+ unset($list);
+ }
+ $ret = [
+ 'success' => $success,
+ 'error' => $error,
+ 'error_data' => $errorData,
+ 'promote_data' => $promoteData,
+ ];
+ return $ret;
+ }
diff --git a/Application/Home/Controller/QueryController.class.php b/Application/Home/Controller/QueryController.class.php
index f7e04a452..2c2a84c8b 100644
--- a/Application/Home/Controller/QueryController.class.php
+++ b/Application/Home/Controller/QueryController.class.php
@@ -1828,7 +1828,7 @@ class QueryController extends BaseController
$field = $fieldUC . ',' . $fieldUI;
$subQuery = M('user_play_data_count', 'tab_')->alias('uc')
- ->join('tab_user_play_info as ui on ui.game_id = uc.game_id and ui.server_id = uc.server_id and ui.role_id = uc.role_id')
+ ->join('left join tab_user_play_info as ui on ui.game_id = uc.game_id and ui.server_id = uc.server_id and ui.role_id = uc.role_id')
@@ -1837,7 +1837,7 @@ class QueryController extends BaseController
$total = M('user_play_data_count', 'tab_')->alias('uc')
- ->join('tab_user_play_info as ui on ui.game_id = uc.game_id and ui.server_id = uc.server_id and ui.role_id = uc.role_id')
+ ->join('left join tab_user_play_info as ui on ui.game_id = uc.game_id and ui.server_id = uc.server_id and ui.role_id = uc.role_id')
diff --git a/Application/Home/View/default/Finance/settlementDtl.html b/Application/Home/View/default/Finance/settlementDtl.html
index 70b0f92af..f8aecb696 100644
--- a/Application/Home/View/default/Finance/settlementDtl.html
+++ b/Application/Home/View/default/Finance/settlementDtl.html
@@ -182,13 +182,8 @@