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456 lines
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456 lines
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6 years ago
* SmartTemplateDebugger Class
* Used by SmartTemplate Class
* @desc Used by SmartTemplate Class
* @author Philipp v. Criegern
* @author Manuel 'EndelWar' Dalla Lana
* @version 1.2.1 03.07.2006
* CVS ID: $Id: class.smarttemplatedebugger.php 2504 2011-12-28 07:35:29Z liu21st $
class SmartTemplateDebugger
* The template Filename
* @access private
var $filename;
* The template itself
* @access private
var $template;
* SmartTemplateParser Constructor
* @param string $template_filename HTML Template Filename
function SmartTemplateDebugger ( $template_filename )
$this->filename = $template_filename;
// Load Template
if ($hd = @fopen($template_filename, "r"))
$this->template = fread($hd, filesize($template_filename));
$this->template = "SmartTemplate Debugger Error: File not found: '$template_filename'";
$this->tab[0] = '';
for ($i=1; $i < 10; $i++) {
$this->tab[$i] = str_repeat(' ', $i);
* Main Template Parser
* @param string $compiled_template_filename Compiled Template Filename
* @desc Creates Compiled PHP Template
function start ( $vars )
$page = $this->template;
$page = preg_replace("/(<!-- BEGIN [ a-zA-Z0-9_.]* -->)/", "\n$1\n", $page);
$page = preg_replace("/(<!-- IF .+? -->)/", "\n$1\n", $page);
$page = preg_replace("/(<!-- END.*? -->)/", "\n$1\n", $page);
$page = preg_replace("/(<!-- ELSEIF .+? -->)/", "\n$1\n", $page);
$page = preg_replace("/(<!-- ELSE [ a-zA-Z0-9_.]*-->)/", "\n$1\n", $page);
$page = $this->highlight_html($page);
$rows = explode("\n", $page);
$page_arr = array();
$level = 0;
$blocklvl = 0;
$rowcnt = 0;
$spancnt = 0;
$offset = 22;
$lvl_block = array();
$lvl_row = array();
$lvl_typ = array();
foreach ($rows as $row)
if ($row = trim($row))
$closespan = false;
if (substr($row, $offset, 12) == '<!-- END ')
if ($level < 1)
$error[$rowcnt] = "END Without BEGIN";
elseif ($lvl_typ[$level] != 'BEGIN')
$error[$lvl_row[$level]] = "IF without ENDIF";
$error[$rowcnt] = "END Without BEGIN";
$closespan = true;
if (substr($row, $offset, 14) == '<!-- ENDIF ')
if ($level < 1)
$error[$rowcnt] = "ENDIF Without IF";
elseif ($lvl_typ[$level] != 'IF')
$error[$lvl_row[$level]] = "BEGIN without END";
$error[$rowcnt] = "ENDIF Without IF";
$closespan = true;
if ($closespan)
$page_arr[$rowcnt-1] .= '</span>';
$this_row = $this->tab[$level] . $row;
if (substr($row, $offset, 12) == '<!-- ELSE')
if ($level < 1)
$error[$rowcnt] = "ELSE Without IF";
elseif ($lvl_typ[$level] != 'IF')
$error[$rowcnt] = "ELSE Without IF";
$this_row = $this->tab[$level-1] . $row;
if (substr($row, $offset, 14) == '<!-- BEGIN ')
if ($blocklvl == 0)
if ($lp = strpos($row, '-->'))
if ($blockname = trim(substr($row, $offset + 14, $lp -$offset -14)))
if ($nr = count($vars[$blockname]))
$this_row .= $this->toggleview("$nr Entries");
$this_row .= $this->toggleview("Emtpy");
$this_row .= $this->toggleview('[');
$lvl_row[$level] = $rowcnt;
$lvl_typ[$level] = 'BEGIN';
elseif (substr($row, $offset, 11) == '<!-- IF ')
$lvl_row[$level] = $rowcnt;
$lvl_typ[$level] = 'IF';
$this_row .= $this->toggleview();
$page_arr[] = $this_row;
$lvl_block[$rowcnt] = $blocklvl;
if ($level > 0)
$error[$lvl_row[$level]] = "Block not closed";
$page = join("\n", $page_arr);
$rows = explode("\n", $page);
$cnt = count($rows);
for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++)
// Add Errortext
if (isset($error))
if ($err = $error[$i])
$rows[$i] = '<b>' . $rows[$i] . ' ERROR: ' . $err . '!</b>';
// Replace Scalars
if (preg_match_all('/{([a-zA-Z0-9_. &;]+)}/', $rows[$i], $var))
foreach ($var[1] as $tag)
$fulltag = $tag;
if ($delim = strpos($tag, ' > '))
$tag = substr($tag, 0, $delim);
if (substr($tag, 0, 4) == 'top.')
$title = $this->tip($vars[substr($tag, 4)]);
elseif ($lvl_block[$i] == 0)
$title = $this->tip($vars[$tag]);
$title = '[BLOCK?]';
$code = '<b title="' . $title . '">{' . $fulltag . '}</b>';
$rows[$i] = str_replace('{'.$fulltag.'}', $code, $rows[$i]);
// Replace Extensions
if (preg_match_all('/{([a-zA-Z0-9_]+):([^}]*)}/', $rows[$i], $var))
foreach ($var[2] as $tmpcnt => $tag)
$fulltag = $tag;
if ($delim = strpos($tag, ' > '))
$tag = substr($tag, 0, $delim);
if (strpos($tag, ','))
list($tag, $addparam) = explode(',', $tag, 2);
$extension = $var[1][$tmpcnt];
if (substr($tag, 0, 4) == 'top.')
$title = $this->tip($vars[substr($tag, 4)]);
elseif ($lvl_block[$i] == 0)
$title = $this->tip($vars[$tag]);
$title = '[BLOCK?]';
$code = '<b title="' . $title . '">{' . $extension . ':' . $fulltag . '}</b>';
$rows[$i] = str_replace('{'.$extension . ':' . $fulltag .'}', $code, $rows[$i]);
// 'IF nnn' Blocks
if (preg_match_all('/<!-- IF ([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+) -->/', $rows[$i], $var))
foreach ($var[1] as $tag)
if (substr($tag, 0, 4) == 'top.')
$title = $this->tip($vars[substr($tag, 4)]);
elseif ($lvl_block[$i] == 0)
$title = $this->tip($vars[$tag]);
$title = '[BLOCK?]';
$code = '<span title="' . $title . '"><!-- IF ' . $tag . ' --></span>';
$rows[$i] = str_replace("<!-- IF $tag -->", $code, $rows[$i]);
if ($title == '[NULL]')
$rows[$i] = str_replace('Hide', 'Show', $rows[$i]);
$rows[$i] = str_replace('block', 'none', $rows[$i]);
$page = join("<br>", $rows);
// Print Header
echo '<html><head><script type="text/javascript">
function toggleVisibility(el, src) {
var v = == "block";
var str = src.innerHTML;
| = v ? "none" : "block";
src.innerHTML = v ? str.replace(/Hide/, "Show") : str.replace(/Show/, "Hide");}
// Print Index
echo '<font face="Arial" Size="3"><b>';
echo 'SmartTemplate Debugger<br>';
echo '<font size="2"><li>PHP-Script: ' . $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'] . '</li><li>Template: ' . $this->filename . '</li></font><hr>';
echo '<li><a href="#template_code">Template</a></li>';
echo '<li><a href="#compiled_code">Compiled Template</a></li>';
echo '<li><a href="#data_code">Data</a></li>';
echo '</b></font><hr>';
// Print Template
echo '<a name="template_code"><br><font face="Arial" Size="3"><b>Template:</b> [<a href="javascript:void(\'\');" onclick="toggleVisibility(document.getElementById(\'Template\'), this); return false">Hide Ouptut</a>]</font><br>';
echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" width="100%" bgcolor="#C6D3EF"><tr><td bgcolor="#F0F0F0"><pre id="Template" style="display:block">';
echo $page;
echo '</pre></td></tr></table>';
// Print Compiled Template
if (@include_once ("class.smarttemplateparser.php"))
$parser = new SmartTemplateParser($this->filename);
$compiled = $parser->compile();
echo '<a name="compiled_code"><br><br><font face="Arial" Size="3"><b>Compiled Template:</b> [<a href="javascript:void(\'\');" onclick="toggleVisibility(document.getElementById(\'Compiled\'), this); return false">Hide Ouptut</a>]</font><br>';
echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" width="100%" bgcolor="#C6D3EF"><tr><td bgcolor="#F0F0F0"><pre id="Compiled" style="display:block">';
echo '</pre></td></tr></table>';
exit( "SmartTemplate Error: Cannot find class.smarttemplateparser.php; check SmartTemplate installation");
// Print Data
echo '<a name="data_code"><br><br><font face="Arial" Size="3"><b>Data:</b> [<a href="javascript:void(\'\');" onclick="toggleVisibility(document.getElementById(\'Data\'), this); return false">Hide Ouptut</a>]</font><br>';
echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" width="100%" bgcolor="#C6D3EF"><tr><td bgcolor="#F0F0F0"><pre id="Data" style="display:block">';
echo $this->vardump($vars);
echo '</pre></td></tr></table></body></html>';
* Insert Hide/Show Layer Switch
* @param string $suffix Additional Text
* @desc Insert Hide/Show Layer Switch
function toggleview ( $suffix = '')
global $spancnt;
if ($suffix)
$suffix .= ':';
$ret = '[' . $suffix . '<a href="javascript:void(\'\');" onclick="toggleVisibility(document.getElementById(\'Block' . $spancnt . '\'), this); return false">Hide Block</a>]<span id="Block' . $spancnt . '" style="display:block">';
return $ret;
* Create Title Text
* @param string $value Content
* @desc Create Title Text
function tip ( $value )
if (empty($value))
return "[NULL]";
$ret = htmlentities(substr($value,0,200));
return $ret;
* Recursive Variable Display Output
* @param mixed $var Content
* @param int $depth Incremented Indent Counter for Recursive Calls
* @return string Variable Content
* @access private
* @desc Recursive Variable Display Output
function vardump($var, $depth = 0)
if (is_array($var))
$result = "Array (" . count($var) . ")<BR>";
foreach(array_keys($var) as $key)
$result .= $this->tab[$depth] . "<B>$key</B>: " . $this->vardump($var[$key], $depth+1);
return $result;
$ret = htmlentities($var) . "<BR>";
return $ret;
* Splits Template-Style Variable Names into an Array-Name/Key-Name Components
* @param string $tag Variale Name used in Template
* @return array Array Name, Key Name
* @access private
* @desc Splits Template-Style Variable Names into an Array-Name/Key-Name Components
function var_name($tag)
$parent_level = 0;
while (substr($tag, 0, 7) == 'parent.')
$tag = substr($tag, 7);
if (substr($tag, 0, 4) == 'top.')
$ret = array('_stack[0]', substr($tag,4));
return $ret;
elseif ($parent_level)
$ret = array('_stack[$_stack_cnt-'.$parent_level.']', $tag);
return $ret;
$ret = array('_obj', $tag);
return $ret;
* Highlight HTML Source
* @param string $code HTML Source
* @return string Hightlighte HTML Source
* @access private
* @desc Highlight HTML Source
function highlight_html ( $code )
$code = htmlentities($code);
$code = preg_replace('/([a-zA-Z_]+)=/', '<font color="#FF0000">$1=</font>', $code);
$code = preg_replace('/(<[\/a-zA-Z0-9&;]+)/', '<font color="#0000FF">$1</font>', $code);
$code = str_replace('<!--', '<font color="#008080"><!--', $code);
$code = str_replace('-->', '--></font>', $code);
$code = preg_replace('/[\r\n]+/', "\n", $code);
return $code;