You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

965 lines
40 KiB

6 years ago
namespace Admin\Controller;
6 years ago
use User\Api\UserApi as UserApi;
* 推广查询控制器
* @author 王贺
class QueryController extends ThinkController
public function settlement($p = 0)
$group = I('group', 1);
$this->assign('group', $group);
if (isset($_REQUEST['total_status'])) {
6 years ago
$this->m_title = '推广结算';
$this->assign('commonset', M('Kuaijieicon')->where(['url' => 'Query/settlement', 'status' => 1])->find());
6 years ago
if ($group == 1) {
if ($_REQUEST['unum'] == 2) {
$order = 'unum';
$order_type = SORT_ASC;
} else if ($_REQUEST['unum'] == 1) {
$order = 'unum';
$order_type = SORT_DESC;
6 years ago
if ($_REQUEST['spay_amount'] == 2) {
$order = 'spay_amount';
$order_type = SORT_ASC;
} else if ($_REQUEST['spay_amount'] == 1) {
$order = 'spay_amount';
$order_type = SORT_DESC;
6 years ago
$model = array(
'title' => '渠道结算',
'template_list' => 'settlement',
6 years ago
'order' => $order,
'order_type' => $order_type//0倒序 1 正序
6 years ago
$start = $_REQUEST['timestart'];
$end = $_REQUEST['timeend'];
if (I('group') != '') {
if ($start == '' || $end == '' && $_REQUEST['promote_account'] == '') {
$this->error('结算周期、所属渠道不能为空!', '', 1);
6 years ago
if ($start == '' || $end == '') {
$this->error('请选择结算周期!', '', 1);
6 years ago
if ($_REQUEST['promote_account'] == '') {
$this->error('请选择渠道!', '', 1);
6 years ago
$smap['tab_spend.pay_status'] = 1;
6 years ago
if ($_REQUEST['bind_coin'] == 0) {
$smap['tab_spend.pay_way'] = array('neq', -1);
6 years ago
$this->meta_title = '渠道结算列表';
$this->assign('setdate', date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-1 day")));
if ($start && $end) {
if ((strtotime($end) + 24 * 60 * 60 - 1) < strtotime($start)) {
$this->error('时间选择不正确!', U('Query/settlement'), '');
6 years ago
$umap['register_time'] = array('BETWEEN', array(strtotime($start), strtotime($end) + 24 * 60 * 60 - 1));
if (isset($_REQUEST['game_name']) && $_REQUEST['game_name'] != '') {
$umap['fgame_id'] = get_game_id($_REQUEST['game_name']);
$smap['tab_spend.game_id'] = get_game_id($_REQUEST['game_name']);
6 years ago
if (isset($_REQUEST['promote_account']) && $_REQUEST['promote_account'] != '') {
$allid = get_subordinate_promote_($_REQUEST['promote_account']);
$allid[] = $_REQUEST['promote_account'];
$umap['tab_user.promote_account'] = array('in', $allid);
$smap['tab_spend.promote_account'] = array('in', $allid);
} else {
$this->error('未选择渠道!', '', 1);
6 years ago
$umap['is_check'] = 1;
$umap['settle_check'] = 0;
$smap['pay_time'] = array('BETWEEN', array(strtotime($start), strtotime($end) + 24 * 60 * 60 - 1));
$smap['is_check'] = 1;
$smap['settle_check'] = 0;
$map['umap'] = $umap;
$map['smap'] = $smap;
$user = A('Settlement', 'Event');
$user->settlement($model, $p, $map);
} else {
6 years ago
if ($group == 2) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['stimestart']) && isset($_REQUEST['stimeend'])) {
$map['create_time'] = array('BETWEEN', array(strtotime($_REQUEST['stimestart']), strtotime($_REQUEST['stimeend']) + 24 * 60 * 60 - 1));
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['stimestart'])) {
$map['create_time'] = array('BETWEEN', array(strtotime($_REQUEST['stimestart']), time()));
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['stimeend'])) {
$map['create_time'] = array('LT', (strtotime($_REQUEST['stimeend']) + 24 * 60 * 60 - 1));
6 years ago
if (isset($_REQUEST['timestart']) && isset($_REQUEST['timeend'])) {
$map['starttime'] = ['GT', strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart'])];
$map['endtime'] = ['LT', strtotime($_REQUEST['timeend']) + 24 * 60 * 60];
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['timestart'])) {
$map['starttime'] = ['GT', strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart'])];
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['timeend'])) {
$map['endtime'] = ['LT', strtotime($_REQUEST['timeend']) + 24 * 60 * 60];
6 years ago
if (isset($_REQUEST['game_name'])) {
if ($_REQUEST['game_name'] == '全部') {
6 years ago
} else {
6 years ago
$map['game_name'] = $_REQUEST['game_name'];
if (isset($_REQUEST['promote_account'])) {
if ($_REQUEST['promote_account'] == '全部') {
6 years ago
} else {
6 years ago
$map['promote_account'] = $_REQUEST['promote_account'];
if (!empty($_REQUEST['settlement_number'])) {
6 years ago
$map['settlement_number'] = $_REQUEST['settlement_number'];
$map['developers'] = 0;
6 years ago
$model = array(
'm_name' => 'settlement',
'fields' => array(
'starttime', 'endtime',
'promote_id', 'promote_account',
'sum(total_money) as total_money',
'sum(total_number) as total_number',
'sum(sum_money) as sum_money',
'group' => 'promote_id,starttime,endtime,create_time,bind_coin_status',
'order' => 'create_time desc ',
'title' => '结算账单',
'template_list' => 'settlement',
6 years ago
$map1 = $map;
$ztotal = null_to_0(D('settlement')->where($map1)->sum('sum_money*10000') / 10000);
$this->assign('ztotal', $ztotal);
$ttotal = null_to_0(D('settlement')->where('create_time' . total(1))->sum('sum_money*10000') / 10000);
$this->assign('ttotal', $ttotal);
$ytotal = null_to_0(D('settlement')->where('create_time' . total(5))->sum('sum_money*10000') / 10000);
$this->assign('ytotal', $ytotal);
$user = A('Bill', 'Event');
$user->money_list($model, $p, $map);
6 years ago
public function cpsettlement($p = 0)
6 years ago
$page = intval($p);
$page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
if (isset($_REQUEST['row'])) {
$row = $_REQUEST['row'];
} else {
$row = 10;
6 years ago
$this->assign('setdate', date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-1 day")));
if ($_REQUEST['sum_money'] == 2) {
$order = 'total desc';
} else if ($_REQUEST['sum_money'] == 1) {
$order = 'total asc';
6 years ago
$group = I('group', 1);
$this->assign('group', $group);
6 years ago
$this->m_title = '开发者结算';
$this->assign('commonset', M('Kuaijieicon')->where(['url' => 'Query/cpsettlement', 'status' => 1])->find());
6 years ago
if (isset($_REQUEST['timestart']) && $_REQUEST['timestart'] != '' && $_REQUEST['group'] == 1) {
6 years ago
$starttime = strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart']);
$endtime = strtotime($_REQUEST['timeend']) + 24 * 3600 - 1;
6 years ago
if (isset($_REQUEST['developers_id'])) {
6 years ago
$map['g.developers'] = $_REQUEST['developers_id'];
} else {
6 years ago
if (isset($_REQUEST['selle_status'])) {
if ($_REQUEST['selle_status'] == "未结算") {
$map['s.selle_status'] = 0;
} else if ($_REQUEST['selle_status'] == "已结算") {
$map['s.selle_status'] = 1;
6 years ago
} else {
$map['s.selle_status'] = 0;
6 years ago
if ($_REQUEST['bind_coin'] == 0) {
$map['s.pay_way'] = array('neq', -1);
6 years ago
$map['s.pay_status'] = 1;
$map['pay_time'] = array('BETWEEN', array($starttime, $endtime));
6 years ago
$model = array(
'm_name' => 'Spend as s',
'order' => $order,
'title' => '渠道结算',
'group' => 'g.developers,',
6 years ago
'fields' => 'sum(s.pay_amount) as total,s.selle_ratio,,g.developers,s.selle_status, as gid,g.game_name,s.pay_status,s.pay_amount',
'template_list' => 'cpsettlement',
6 years ago
$user = A('Spend', 'Event');
$this->meta_title = '开发者结算';
$user->cpsettl_list($model, $p, $map);
} else if ($_REQUEST['group'] == 2) {
6 years ago
if (isset($_REQUEST['timestart']) && $_REQUEST['timeend'] != '') {
$starttime = strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart']);
$endtime = strtotime($_REQUEST['timeend']) + 24 * 3600 - 1;
$map['starttime'] = array('egt', $starttime);
$map['endtime'] = array('elt', $endtime);
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['timestart'])) {
6 years ago
$starttime = strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart']);
$map['starttime'] = array('egt', $starttime);
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['timeend'])) {
$endtime = strtotime($_REQUEST['timeend']) + 24 * 3600 - 1;
$map['endtime'] = array('elt', $endtime);
6 years ago
if (isset($_REQUEST['start']) && $_REQUEST['end'] != '') {
6 years ago
$starttime = strtotime($_REQUEST['start']);
$endtime = strtotime($_REQUEST['end']) + 24 * 3600 - 1;
$map['create_time'] = array('BETWEEN', array($starttime, $endtime));
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['start'])) {
6 years ago
$starttime = strtotime($_REQUEST['start']);
$map['create_time'] = array('BETWEEN', array($starttime, time()));
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['end'])) {
$endtime = strtotime($_REQUEST['end']) + 24 * 3600 - 1;
$map['create_time'] = array('LT', $endtime);
6 years ago
if (isset($_REQUEST['developers_id'])) {
$map['developers'] = $_REQUEST['developers_id'];
} else {
$map['developers'] = array('neq', 0);
6 years ago
$data = M('TotalSettlement', 'tab_')->where($map)->order('create_time desc')->page($page, $row)->select();
$count = M('TotalSettlement', 'tab_')->where($map)->order('create_time desc')->count();
6 years ago
$page = set_pagination($count, $row);
if ($page) {
$this->assign('_page', $page);
6 years ago
$this->assign('data', $data);
$this->assign('meta_title', '开发者结算记录');
6 years ago
} else {
6 years ago
$this->meta_title = '开发者结算列表';
public function generatesettlementAll()
$request = I('request.ids');
if (empty($request)) {
6 years ago
if (is_array($request)) {
foreach ($request as $k => $v) {
$query = explode(',', $v);
6 years ago
$ids[] = $k;
$_REQUEST[$k]['cooperation'] = $query[0];
$_REQUEST[$k]['cps_ratio'] = $query[1];
$_REQUEST[$k]['cpa_price'] = $query[2];
$_REQUEST[$k]['unum'] = $query[3];
6 years ago
$_REQUEST[$k]['spay_amount'] = $query[4];
$_REQUEST[$k]['game_id'] = $query[5];
6 years ago
} elseif (is_numeric($request)) {
$id = $ids[] = $request;
$_REQUEST[$id]['ids'] = $id;
6 years ago
$_REQUEST[$id]['cooperation'] = $_REQUEST['cooperation'];
$_REQUEST[$id]['cps_ratio'] = $_REQUEST['cps_ratio'];
$_REQUEST[$id]['cpa_price'] = $_REQUEST['cpa_price'];
$_REQUEST[$id]['unum'] = $_REQUEST['unum'];
6 years ago
$_REQUEST[$id]['spay_amount'] = $_REQUEST['spay_amount'];
} else {
if (is_array($ids)) {
$promote_id = get_promote_id($_REQUEST['promote_account']);
6 years ago
$create_time = time();
foreach ($ids as $k => $v) {
if (get_settlement($_REQUEST['timestart'], $_REQUEST['timeend'], $promote_id, $_REQUEST[$v]['game_id'])) {
6 years ago
$data[$k]['game_id'] = $_REQUEST[$v]['game_id'];
$data[$k]['game_name'] = get_game_name($_REQUEST[$v]['game_id']);
$data[$k]['promote_account'] = $_REQUEST['promote_account'];
$data[$k]['promote_id'] = $promote_id;
$data[$k]['total_money'] = $_REQUEST[$v]['spay_amount'];
$data[$k]['total_number'] = $_REQUEST[$v]['unum'];
$data[$k]['starttime'] = strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart']);
$data[$k]['endtime'] = strtotime($_REQUEST['timeend']) + 24 * 60 * 60 - 1;
$data[$k]['pattern'] = $_REQUEST[$v]['cooperation'] == 'CPS' ? 0 : 1;
$data[$k]['ratio'] = $_REQUEST[$v]['cps_ratio'];
$data[$k]['money'] = $_REQUEST[$v]['cpa_price'];
$data[$k]['create_time'] = $create_time;
$data[$k]['bind_coin_status'] = $_REQUEST['bind_coin'];
$data[$k]['settlement_number'] = 'JS-' . date('Ymd') . date('His') . sp_random_string(4);
if (get_settlement($data[$k]['starttime'], $data[$k]['endtime'], $data[$k]['promote_id'], $data[$k]['game_id'])) {
6 years ago
if ($data[$k]['pattern']) {
$data[$k]['sum_money'] = $data[$k]['total_number'] * $data[$k]['money'];
} else {
$data[$k]['sum_money'] = $data[$k]['total_money'] * $data[$k]['ratio'] / 100;
6 years ago
if ($data[$k]['game_id'] == '' || $data[$k]['promote_id'] == '' || $data[$k]['starttime'] == '' || $data[$k]['endtime'] == '') {
6 years ago
$map['fgame_id'] = $data[$k]['game_id'];
6 years ago
// $map['is_check']=1;
$map['puid'] = 0;
$map['register_time'] = array('BETWEEN', array($data[$k]['starttime'], $data[$k]['endtime']));
$allid = get_subordinate_promote_($data[$k]['promote_account']);
$allid[] = $data[$k]['promote_account'];
$map['promote_account'] = array('in', $allid);
$u = M('User', 'tab_');
$user = $u->where($map)->setField('settle_check', 1);
6 years ago
$map['pay_status'] = 1;
$map['pay_time'] = array('BETWEEN', array($data[$k]['starttime'], $data[$k]['endtime']));
$s = M('spend', 'tab_');
$spend = $s->where($map)->setField('settle_check', 1);
6 years ago
$data = array_values($data);
$result = M('settlement', 'tab_')->addAll($data);
if ($result) {
$settMap['promote_id'] = $promote_id;
$settMap['starttime'] = strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart']);
$settMap['endtime'] = strtotime($_REQUEST['timeend']) + 24 * 60 * 60 - 1;
6 years ago
$settMap['create_time'] = $data[0]['create_time'];
$settMap['bind_coin_status'] = $_REQUEST['bind_coin'];
$dataSett = M('settlement', 'tab_')->field(array(
'starttime', 'endtime',
'promote_id', 'promote_account',
'sum(total_money) as total_money',
'sum(total_number) as total_number',
'sum(sum_money) as sum_money',
->order('create_time desc')
M('TotalSettlement', 'tab_')->addAll($dataSett);
$this->success('结算成功', U('Query/settlement', array('group' => 2)));
} else {
6 years ago
/*if (is_array($ids)) {
$promote_id = get_promote_id($_REQUEST['promote_account']);
foreach ($ids as $k => $v) {
$errorStartTime = strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart']);
$errorEndTime = strtotime($_REQUEST['timeend'])+24*60*60-1;
$game_id = $_REQUEST[$v]['game_id'];
public function generatesettlement()
6 years ago
$data['game_id'] = $_REQUEST['game_id'];
$data['game_name'] = get_game_name($_REQUEST['game_id']);
$data['promote_id'] = $_REQUEST['promote_id'];
$data['promote_account'] = get_promote_name($_REQUEST['promote_id']);
$data['total_money'] = $_REQUEST['spay_amount'];
$data['total_number'] = $_REQUEST['unum'];
$data['starttime'] = strtotime($_REQUEST['starttime']);
$data['endtime'] = strtotime($_REQUEST['endtime']) + 24 * 60 * 60 - 1;
$data['pattern'] = $_REQUEST['cooperation'] == 'CPS' ? 0 : 1;
$data['ratio'] = $_REQUEST['cps_ratio'];
$data['money'] = $_REQUEST['cpa_price'];
$data['create_time'] = time();
$data['settlement_number'] = 'JS-' . date('Ymd') . date('His') . sp_random_string(4);
if (get_settlement($data['starttime'], $data['promote_id'], $data['game_id'])) {
6 years ago
if ($data['pattern']) {
$data['sum_money'] = $data['total_number'] * $data['money'];
} else {
$data['sum_money'] = $data['total_money'] * $data['ratio'] / 100;
6 years ago
if ($data['game_id'] == '' || $data['promote_id'] == '' || $data['starttime'] == '' || $data['endtime'] == '') {
6 years ago
$map['fgame_id'] = $data['game_id'];
6 years ago
// $map['is_check']=1;
$map['register_time'] = array('BETWEEN', array($data['starttime'], $data['endtime']));
$allid = get_subordinate_promote_($data['promote_account']);
$allid[] = $data['promote_account'];
$map['promote_id'] = array('in', $data['promote_id']);
$u = M('User', 'tab_');
$user = $u->where($map)->setField('settle_check', 1);
6 years ago
$map['pay_time'] = array('BETWEEN', array($data['starttime'], $data['endtime']));
$s = M('spend', 'tab_');
$spend = $s->where($map)->setField('settle_check', 1);
$result = M('settlement', 'tab_')->add($data);
if ($result) {
6 years ago
} else {
6 years ago
public function generatecpsettlement()
$request = I('request.ids');
if (empty($request)) {
6 years ago
$starttime = strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart']);
$endtime = strtotime($_REQUEST['endtime']) + 24 * 3600 - 1;
$map['s.pay_status'] = 1;
6 years ago
$map['s.selle_status'] = 0;
foreach ($request as $key => $value) {
$query = explode(',', $value);
6 years ago
$ids[] = $query[0];
$requestData[$key]['game_id'] = $query[0];
$requestData[$key]['selle_ratio'] = $query[1];
$requestData[$key]['total'] = $query[2];
6 years ago
$map['s.game_id'] = array('in', $ids);
$map['pay_time'] = array('BETWEEN', array($starttime, $endtime));
$spe = M('spend as s', 'tab_');
$smap = array('s.selle_time' => date('Y-m-d', time()), 's.selle_status' => 1);
6 years ago
$data = $spe
->join('tab_game as g on', 'LEFT')
if ($data) {
6 years ago
$create_time = time();
foreach ($requestData as $key => $value) {
$datas[$key]['game_id'] = $value['game_id'];
$datas[$key]['game_name'] = get_game_name($value['game_id']);
$datas[$key]['promote_id'] = '0';
$datas[$key]['promote_account'] = '0';
$datas[$key]['total_money'] = $value['total'];
$datas[$key]['total_number'] = 0;
$datas[$key]['starttime'] = $starttime;
$datas[$key]['endtime'] = $endtime;
$datas[$key]['pattern'] = 0;//$_REQUEST['cooperation']=='CPS'?0:1;
$datas[$key]['ratio'] = $value['selle_ratio'];
$datas[$key]['sum_money'] = $value['selle_ratio'] * $value['total'] / 100;
$datas[$key]['money'] = 0;
$datas[$key]['developers'] = $_REQUEST['developers_id'];
$datas[$key]['create_time'] = $create_time;
$datas[$key]['settlement_number'] = 'JS-' . date('Ymd') . date('His') . sp_random_string(4);
$datas[$key]['bind_coin_status'] = $_REQUEST['bind_coin'];
6 years ago
$datas = array_values($datas);
$result = M('settlement', 'tab_')->addAll($datas);
$settMap['developers'] = $_REQUEST['developers_id'];
$settMap['starttime'] = $starttime;
$settMap['endtime'] = $endtime;
6 years ago
$settMap['create_time'] = $create_time;
$dataSett = M('settlement', 'tab_')->field(array(
'starttime', 'endtime',
'promote_id', 'promote_account',
'sum(total_money) as total_money',
'sum(total_number) as total_number',
'sum(sum_money) as sum_money',
->order('create_time desc')
M('TotalSettlement', 'tab_')->addAll($dataSett);
\Think\Log::actionLog('Query/generatecpsettlement', 'Query', 1);
$this->success('结算成功', U('Query/cpsettlement', array('group' => 2)));
} else {
6 years ago
$map1 = array('status' => 1, 'selle_status' => 1);
$total = null_to_0(D('spend')->where($map1)->sum('pay_amount'));
$ttotal = null_to_0(D('spend')->where('pay_time' . total(1))->where($map1)->sum('pay_amount'));
$ytotal = null_to_0(D('spend')->where('pay_time' . total(5))->where($map1)->sum('pay_amount'));
$this->assign('total', $total);
$this->assign('ttotal', $ttotal);
$this->assign('ytotal', $ytotal);
6 years ago
public function changeratio()
$gid = I('request.game_id');
if (empty($gid)) {
$this->ajaxReturn(0, "请选择要操作的数据", 0);
$starttime = strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart'] . '-01');
$endtime = strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart'] . "+1 month -1 day") + 24 * 3600 - 1;
$map['s.pay_status'] = 1;
$map['s.selle_status'] = 0;
$map['s.game_id'] = $_REQUEST['game_id'];
$map['pay_time'] = array('BETWEEN', array($starttime, $endtime));
$spe = M('spend as s', 'tab_');
$data = $spe
->join('tab_game as g on', 'LEFT')
->setField('s.selle_ratio', $_POST['ratio']);
if ($data === false) {
$this->ajaxReturn(array('status' => 0));
} else {
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 1, 'data' => $data]);
6 years ago
public function cp_withdraw($p = 0)
if (isset($_REQUEST['settlement_number'])) {
$map['settlement_number'] = array('like', '%' . $_REQUEST['settlement_number'] . '%');
6 years ago
if (isset($_REQUEST['status'])) {
$map['status'] = $_REQUEST['status'];
6 years ago
if (isset($_REQUEST['developers'])) {
if ($_REQUEST['developers'] == '全部') {
6 years ago
} else {
6 years ago
$map['developers'] = $_REQUEST['developers'];
} else {
$map['developers'] = array('neq', 0);
6 years ago
if (isset($_REQUEST['timestart']) && isset($_REQUEST['timeend'])) {
6 years ago
$starttime = strtotime($_REQUEST['timestart']);
$endtime = strtotime($_REQUEST['timeend']) + 24 * 3600 - 1;
$map['audit_time'] = array('BETWEEN', array($starttime, $endtime));
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['timestart'])) {
$map['audit_time'] = ['GT', strtotime(I('timestart'))];
6 years ago
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['timeend'])) {
$map['audit_time'] = ['LT', strtotime(I('timeend')) + 86399];
6 years ago
if ($_REQUEST['create_time'] == 2) {
$order = 'create_time desc';
} elseif ($_REQUEST['create_time'] == 1) {
$order = 'create_time asc';
} else {
$order = 'create_time desc';
6 years ago
if ($_REQUEST['sum_money'] == 2) {
$order = 'sum_money desc';
} elseif ($_REQUEST['sum_money'] == 1) {
$order = 'sum_money asc';
6 years ago
$model = array(
'm_name' => 'withdraw',
'order' => $order,
'title' => '渠道提现',
'template_list' => 'cp_withdraw',
6 years ago
$map1 = $map;
$map1['status'] = 1;
if (isset($_REQUEST['status']) && $_REQUEST['status'] == 0) {
$total = '0.00';
$ttotal = '0.00';
$ytotal = '0.00';
} else {
$total = null_to_0(D('withdraw')->where($map1)->sum('sum_money'));
$ttotal = null_to_0(D('withdraw')->where('audit_time' . total(1))->where($map1)->sum('sum_money'));
$ytotal = null_to_0(D('withdraw')->where('audit_time' . total(5))->where($map1)->sum('sum_money'));
6 years ago
$this->assign('stotal', $total);
$this->assign('ttotal', $ttotal);
$this->assign('ytotal', $ytotal);
$user = A('Bill', 'Event');
6 years ago
$this->m_title = '开发者提现';
$this->assign('commonset', M('Kuaijieicon')->where(['url' => 'Query/cp_withdraw', 'status' => 1])->find());
6 years ago
$user->money_list($model, $p, $map);
6 years ago
public function withdraw()
6 years ago
$adminid = C('USER_ADMINISTRATOR');//获取超管id
$adminmobile = M('UcenterMember')->field('mobile')->find($adminid);
$this->assign('adminmobile', $adminmobile['mobile']);
if (isset($_REQUEST['widthdraw_number'])) {
$map['widthdraw_number'] = $_REQUEST['widthdraw_number'];
6 years ago
if (isset($_REQUEST['ti_status'])) {
$map['status'] = $_REQUEST['ti_status'];
6 years ago
if (isset($_REQUEST['promote_account'])) {
if ($_REQUEST['promote_account'] == '全部') {
6 years ago
} else {
6 years ago
$map['promote_account'] = $_REQUEST['promote_account'];
} else {
$map['promote_id'] = array('gt', 0);
6 years ago
$order = 'create_time desc';
if (isset($_REQUEST['data_order'])) {
$dataOrder = explode(',', $_REQUEST['data_order']);
if (count($dataOrder) == 2 && in_array($dataOrder[1], ['create_time', 'sum_money'])) {
if (intval($dataOrder[0]) == 4) {
$order = $dataOrder[1] . ' desc';
} elseif (intval($dataOrder[0]) == 3) {
$order = $dataOrder[1] . ' asc';
6 years ago
$model = array(
'm_name' => 'withdraw',
'order' => $order,
'title' => '渠道提现',
'template_list' => 'withdraw',
6 years ago
$map1 = array('status' => 1);
$total = null_to_0(D('withdraw')->where($map1)->sum('sum_money'));
$ttotal = null_to_0(D('withdraw')->where('end_time' . total(1))->where($map1)->sum('sum_money'));
$ytotal = null_to_0(D('withdraw')->where('end_time' . total(5))->where($map1)->sum('sum_money'));
$this->assign('total', $total);
$this->assign('ttotal', $ttotal);
$this->assign('ytotal', $ytotal);
$user = A('Bill', 'Event');
6 years ago
$this->m_title = '推广提现';
$this->assign('commonset', M('Kuaijieicon')->where(['url' => 'Query/withdraw', 'status' => 1])->find());
6 years ago
$user->money_list($model, $p, $map);
6 years ago
public function set_withdraw_status()
$withdraw = M('withdraw', "tab_");
$ids = I('ids', 0);
$status = 1;
if (empty($ids)) {
if (is_array($ids)) {
$map['id'] = ['in', $ids];
} else {
$map['id'] = $ids;
$map['status'] = 0;
$save['audit_time'] = time();
$save['status'] = $status;
$res = $withdraw->where($map)->save($save);
if ($res === false) {
} else {
$this->success('审核成功', U('withdraw'));
public function set_withdraw()
$case = I('case', '');
if (empty($case)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['msg'] = '参数异常';
switch ($case) {
case 'deny':
$data = $this->set_withdraw_deny();
case 'upload_transfer_proof':
$data = $this->set_withdraw_transfer_proof();
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['msg'] = '参数异常';
public function set_withdraw_deny()
$withdraw = M('withdraw', "tab_");
$ids = I('ids', 0);
$respond = I('respond', '');
$status = -1;
if (empty($ids)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['msg'] = '参数异常';
return $data;
if (empty($respond)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['msg'] = '请填写驳回说明';
return $data;
$idsData = explode(',', $ids);
if (is_array($ids) || (is_array($idsData) && count($idsData) > 1)) {
$map['id'] = ['in', $ids];
} else {
$map['id'] = $ids;
$map['status'] = 0;
$save['audit_time'] = time();
$save['status'] = $status;
$save['respond'] = $respond;
$res = $withdraw->where($map)->save($save);
if ($res === false) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['msg'] = '驳回失败';
} else {
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['msg'] = '驳回成功';
return $data;
6 years ago
public function set_withdraw_transfer_proof()
$withdraw = M('withdraw', "tab_");
$ids = intval(I('ids', 0));
$transferProof = intval(I('transfer_proof', 0));
$status = 2;
if (empty($ids)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['msg'] = '参数异常';
return $data;
if (empty($transferProof)) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['msg'] = '请上传汇款证明';
return $data;
$map['id'] = $ids;
$map['status'] = 1;
$save['audit_time'] = time();
$save['status'] = $status;
$save['transfer_proof'] = $transferProof;
$res = $withdraw->where($map)->save($save);
if ($res === false) {
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['msg'] = '保存失败';
} else {
$data['status'] = 1;
$data['msg'] = '保存成功';
return $data;
private function set_total_settlement_ti_status($settlement_number)
6 years ago
$totalSettlementMap['settlement_number'] = $settlement_number;
$totalSettlement = M('TotalSettlement', 'tab_');
$totalSettlement->where($totalSettlementMap)->save(array("ti_status" => $_REQUEST['status']));
6 years ago
$dataTotalSettlement = $totalSettlement->where($totalSettlementMap)->find();
$settMap['promote_id'] = $dataTotalSettlement['promote_id'];
$settMap['starttime'] = $dataTotalSettlement['starttime'];
$settMap['endtime'] = $dataTotalSettlement['endtime'];
6 years ago
$settMap['create_time'] = $dataTotalSettlement['create_time'];
M("settlement", "tab_")->where($settMap)->save(array('ti_status' => $_REQUEST['status']));
6 years ago
protected function upPromote($promote_id)
6 years ago
$model = D('Promote');
$data['id'] = $promote_id;
$data['money'] = 0;
return $model->save($data);
public function details($promote_id = 0, $create_time = 0)
6 years ago
$map['promote_id'] = $promote_id;
$map['create_time'] = $create_time;
$data = M('settlement', 'tab_')->where($map)->select();
$total = M('settlement', 'tab_')->where($map)->sum('sum_money');
$this->assign('total', $total);
$this->assign('list_data', $data);
6 years ago
public function detailscps($developers_id = 0, $create_time = 0, $p = 0)
6 years ago
$page = intval($p);
$page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
$row = !empty(C('ADMIN_LIST_ROW')) ? C('ADMIN_LIST_ROW') : 10;
6 years ago
$map['developers_id'] = $developers_id;
$map['create_time'] = $create_time;
$data = M('settlement', 'tab_')->where($map)->page($page, $row)->select();
$count = M('settlement', 'tab_')->where($map)->count();
if ($count > $row) {
6 years ago
$page = new \Think\Page($count, $row);
$page->setConfig('theme', '%FIRST% %UP_PAGE% %LINK_PAGE% %DOWN_PAGE% %END% %HEADER%');
$this->assign('_page', $page->show());
6 years ago
$total = M('settlement', 'tab_')->where($map)->sum('sum_money');
$this->assign('total', $total);
$this->assign('list_data', $data);
6 years ago
public function withdrawDetails($id)
$id = intval($id);
$map['withdraw_id'] = $id;
$data = M('Spend', 'tab_')
->field('pay_order_number,game_name,user_account,promote_account,pay_amount,pay_way,if(selle_ratio >= 0,selle_ratio,0) as selle_ratio,pay_time,selle_status,pay_status,withdraw_id')
$withdrawStatus = M('withdraw', 'tab_')
->where(array('id' => $id))
$withdrawStatus = \Home\Controller\FinanceController::$withdrawStatus[$withdrawStatus];
foreach ($data as &$list) {
$list['income'] = bcmul($list['pay_amount'], bcdiv($list['selle_ratio'], 100, 2), 2);
$list['pay_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $list['pay_time']);
$this->assign('listData', $data);
$this->assign('withdrawStatus', $withdrawStatus);
6 years ago
6 years ago
* 审核推广提现
* @author <>
public function set_withdraw_agree()
6 years ago
if (I('status') == 1 && I('msg_type') == 5 && I('field') == 'status') {
6 years ago
action_log('tg_tx_agree', 'withdraw', UID, UID);
6 years ago
if (I('status') == 2 && I('msg_type') == 6 && I('field') == 'status') {
6 years ago
action_log('tg_tx_disagree', 'withdraw', UID, UID);
6 years ago
if (I('withdraw_type', 0, 'intval') == 1) {
6 years ago
} else {
6 years ago
$adminid = C('USER_ADMINISTRATOR');//获取超管id
$adminmobile = M('UcenterMember')->field('mobile')->find($adminid);
$dx = A('Phone');
$res = -1;
$res = $dx->check_tel_code($adminmobile['mobile'], $_POST['code']);
6 years ago
switch ($res) {
case '-1':
case '-2':
case '-3':
$withdraw = M('withdraw', "tab_");
6 years ago
$pay = new \Think\Pay('alipay', C('alipay'));
$withdraw_way = $_POST['withdraw_way'];
if ($withdraw_way == 1) {
$map['id'] = $_POST['ids'];
$dind = $withdraw->where($map)->find();
if ($dind['status'] == 1) {
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => -1, 'info' => '请不要重复打款']);
6 years ago
$widthdrawNo = "TX_" . date('Ymd') . date('His') . sp_random_string(4);
$vo = new \Think\Pay\PayVo();
6 years ago
->setDetailData('渠道结算提现,订单' . $dind["settlement_number"]);
$res = $pay->buildRequestForm($vo);
if ($res == 10000) {
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 1, 'info' => '打款成功']);
} else {
$this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'info' => '打款失败']);
6 years ago