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47 lines
959 B

6 years ago
// Cloud Float...
var $main = $cloud = mainwidth = null;
var offset1 = 450;
var offset2 = 0;
var offsetbg = 0;
function () {
$main = $("#mainBody");
$body = $("body");
$cloud1 = $("#cloud1");
$cloud2 = $("#cloud2");
mainwidth = $main.outerWidth();
/// 飘动
setInterval(function flutter() {
if (offset1 >= mainwidth) {
offset1 = -580;
if (offset2 >= mainwidth) {
offset2 = -580;
offset1 += 1.1;
offset2 += 1;
$cloud1.css("background-position", offset1 + "px 100px")
$cloud2.css("background-position", offset2 + "px 460px")
}, 70);
setInterval(function bg() {
if (offsetbg >= mainwidth) {
offsetbg = -580;
offsetbg += 0.9;
$body.css("background-position", -offsetbg + "px 0")
}, 90 );