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128 lines
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128 lines
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6 years ago
namespace Org\HeepaySDK;
use Think\Exception;
class Heepay {
// iOS微信SDK
public function heepay_pay($pay){
$sign_str = '';
$sign_str = $sign_str . 'version=' . 1;
$sign_str = $sign_str . '&agent_id=' . $pay['agent_id'];
$sign_str = $sign_str . '&agent_bill_id=' . $pay['order_no'];
$sign_str = $sign_str . '&agent_bill_time=' . $pay['time'];
$sign_str = $sign_str . '&pay_type=' . $pay['pay_type'];
$sign_str = $sign_str . '&pay_amt=' . $pay['amount'];
$sign_str = $sign_str . '¬ify_url=http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/callback.php/Notify/heepay_callback";
$sign_str = $sign_str . '&user_ip=' . $pay['user_ip'];
$sign_str = $sign_str . '&key=' . $pay['sign_key'];//密钥
$sign = md5($sign_str); //签名值
'agent_bill_time'=>$pay['time'],//date('YmdHis', time()) 时间
return $token_id[0];
// 汇付宝 微信H5
public function wxh5_pay($pay){
$sign_str = '';
$sign_str = $sign_str . 'version=1';
$sign_str = $sign_str . '&agent_id=' . $pay['agent_id'];
$sign_str = $sign_str . '&agent_bill_id=' . $pay['order_no'];
$sign_str = $sign_str . '&agent_bill_time=' . $pay['time'];
$sign_str = $sign_str . '&pay_type=30';
$sign_str = $sign_str . '&pay_amt=' . $pay['amount'];
$sign_str = $sign_str . '¬ify_url=http://'.""."/callback.php/Notify/heepay_callback";
$sign_str = $sign_str . '&return_url='.$pay['return_url'];
$sign_str = $sign_str . '&user_ip='. $pay['user_ip'];
$sign_str = $sign_str . '&bank_card_type='. $pay['bank_card_type'];
$sign_str = $sign_str . '&remark=' . $pay['remark'];
$sign_str = $sign_str . '&key=' . $pay['sign_key'];//密钥
$sign = strtolower(md5($sign_str)); //签名值
// var_dump($sign, $sign_str);
if ($pay['device'] == 'ios') {
$meta_option = '{"s":"IOS","n":"应用在App Store中唯一应用名","id":"IOS应用唯一标识"}';
} else if ($pay['device'] == 'android'){
$meta_option= '{"s":"Android","n":"帝王的纷争(安卓版)","id":"应用在一台设备上的唯一标识在manifest文件里面的声明"}';
} else if ($pay['device'] == 'wap') {
$meta_option = '{"s":"WAP","n":"","id":""}';
$meta_option = urlencode(base64_encode(iconv("UTF-8", "gb2312//IGNORE", $meta_option)));
'scene' => 'h5',
'pay_type'=> 30,//支付类型
'return_url' => $pay['return_url'],
'agent_bill_time'=>$pay['time'],//date('YmdHis', time()) 时间
'goods_name' => $pay['payerName'],//商品名
'remark'=> $pay['remark'],//备注
// 'goods_num' => $pay['number'],//商品数量
'payment_mode' => 'cashier',
'meta_option' => $meta_option,
'bank_card_type' => $pay['bank_card_type'],
$xml=$this->request_post("", $data);
return $token_id[0];
//https服务器 POST请求
public function request_post($url = '', $post_data = array()) {
if (empty($url) || empty($post_data)) {
return false;
$o = "";
foreach ( $post_data as $k => $v )
$o.= "$k=" . urlencode( $v ). "&" ;
$post_data = substr($o,0,-1);
$postUrl = $url;
$curlPost = $post_data;
$curl = curl_init();//初始化curl
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $postUrl); // 要访问的地址
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); // 对认证证书来源的检查
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 1); // 从证书中检查SSL加密算法是否存在
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); // 模拟用户使用的浏览器
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); // 使用自动跳转
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, 1); // 自动设置Referer
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); // 发送一个常规的Post请求
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $curlPost); // Post提交的数据包
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30); // 设置超时限制防止死循环
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); // 显示返回的Header区域内容
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // 获取的信息以文件流的形式返回
$data = curl_exec($curl);//运行curl
return $data;