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6 years ago
namespace Admin\Model;
use Think\Model;
* 系统检查文档基础模型
* @author 鹿文学
class CheckModel extends Model{
/* 自动验证规则 */
protected $_validate = array(
/* 自动完成规则 */
protected $_auto = array(
* 构造函数
* @param string $name 模型名称
* @param string $tablePrefix 表前缀
* @param mixed $connection 数据库连接信息
public function __construct($name = '', $tablePrefix = '', $connection = '') {
/* 设置默认的表前缀 */
$this->tablePrefix ='tab_';
/* 执行构造方法 */
parent::__construct($name, $tablePrefix, $connection);
* 处理检查
* @param array $type 异常类型
* @param array $deal 处理数组
* @param string $field 字段(编号字段名)
* @return array
* @author 鹿文学
public function dealWithCheckList($type,$deal,$field='id') {
$deal_id = array_column($deal,$field);
$data = $this->field('position,status')->where(['position'=>array('in',$deal_id),'type'=>$type])->select();
if (empty($data[0])) {return $deal;}
$data_id = array_column($data,'position');
$diff = array_diff($deal_id,$data_id);
if (count($diff) == count($deal_id)) {return $deal;}
$this->where(['type'=>$type,'position'=>array('not in',$deal_id),'status'=>array('in',[0,1])])->save(['status'=>-1]);
$res = $this->where(['position'=>array('in',$data_id),'status'=>array('in',[0,1])])->save(['status'=>0]);
if (false === $res) {return $deal;}
foreach ($deal as $v) {
foreach($diff as $k) {
if ($k == $v['id']) {
$list[] = $v;break;
return $list;
* 处理检查(当没有数据时)
* @param array $type 异常类型
* @return array
* @author 鹿文学
public function dealWithCheckListOnNull($type) {
$res = $this->where(['type'=>$type])->save(['status'=>-1]);
* 检测用户
* @return integer 0:未检测到数据, 1:检测用户成功, -1:检测用户失败
* @author 鹿文学
public function checkUser() {
$data = $this->user();
if(empty($data[0])) {$this->error='未检测到数据';return 0;}
if($this->addAll($data)>0){$this->error='检测用户成功';return 1;}else{$this->error='检测用户失败';return -1;}
* 检测提现
* @return integer 0:未检测到数据, 1:检测提现成功, -1:检测提现失败
* @author 鹿文学
public function checkWithdraw() {
$data = $this->widthdraw();
if(empty($data[0])) {$this->error='未检测到数据';return 0;}
if($this->addAll($data)>0){$this->error='检测结算成功';return 1;}else{$this->error='检测结算失败';return -1;}
* 检测推广员
* @return integer 0:未检测到数据, 1:检测推广员成功, -1:检测推广员失败
* @author 鹿文学
public function checkPromote() {
$data = $this->promote();
if(empty($data[0])) {$this->error='未检测到数据';return 0;}
if($this->addAll($data)>0){$this->error='检测推广员成功';return 1;}else{$this->error='检测推广员失败';return -1;}
* 一键检测
* @return integer 0:未检测到数据, 1:一键检测成功, -1:一键检测失败
* @author 鹿文学
public function checkOne() {
$data = $this->one();
if(empty($data[0])) {$this->error='未检测到数据';return 0;}
if($this->addAll($data)>0){$this->error='一键检测成功';return 1;}else{$this->error='一键检测失败';return -1;}
* 检测用户相关数据
* @return array 检测结果数据集
* @author 鹿文学
public function user() {
$data = array();
// 开发者
$developers = D('developers')->checkDeveloper();
if($developers[0]) {$data = array_merge($developers,$data);}
// 游戏充值
$spend = D('Spend')->checkSpend();
if($spend[0]) {$data = array_merge($spend,$data);}
// 补单
$supplement = D('Spend')->checkSupplement();
if($supplement[0]) {$data = array_merge($supplement,$data);}
// 平台币充值
$platformcoin = D('Deposit')->checkPlatformCoin();
if($platformcoin[0]) {$data = array_merge($platformcoin,$data);}
// 绑币充值
$bindcoin = D('BindRecharge')->checkBindCoin();
if($bindcoin[0]) {$data = array_merge($bindcoin,$data);}
return $data;
* 检测提现相关数据
* @return array 检测结果数据集
* @author 鹿文学
public function widthdraw() {
$data = array();
$widthdraw = D('Withdraw');
// 开发者申请提现
$developerwithdraw = $widthdraw->checkDeveloperWithdraw();
if($developerwithdraw[0]) {$data = array_merge($developerwithdraw,$data);}
// 推广员申请提现
$promotewithdraw = $widthdraw->checkPromoteWithdraw();
if($promotewithdraw[0]) {$data = array_merge($promotewithdraw,$data);}
return $data;
* 检测推广员相关数据
* @return array 检测结果数据集
* @author 鹿文学
public function promote() {
$data = array();
// 推广员
$promote = D('Promote')->checkPromote();
if($promote[0]) {$data = array_merge($promote,$data);}
// 混服申请
$siteapply = D('SiteApply')->checkSiteApply();
if($siteapply[0]) {$data = array_merge($siteapply,$data);}
// 分包申请
$apply = D('Apply');
$packageapply = $apply->checkPackageApply();
if($packageapply[0]) {$data = array_merge($packageapply,$data);}
// 打包申请
$packapply = $apply->checkPackApply();
if($packapply[0]) {$data = array_merge($packapply,$data);}
// APP分包申请
$appapply = D('AppApply');
$packageappapply = $appapply->checkPackageAppApply();
if($packageappapply[0]) {$data = array_merge($packageappapply,$data);}
// APP打包申请
$packappapply = $appapply->checkPackAppApply();
if($packappapply[0]) {$data = array_merge($packappapply,$data);}
return $data;
* 一键检测相关数据
* @return array 检测结果数据集
* @author 鹿文学
public function one() {
$data = array();
// 用户相关
$user = $this->user();
if ($user[0]) {$data = array_merge($user,$data);}
// 提现相关
$widthdraw = $this->widthdraw();
if ($widthdraw[0]) {$data = array_merge($widthdraw,$data);}
// 推广员相关
$promote = $this->promote();
if ($promote[0]) {$data = array_merge($promote,$data);}
// 游戏分成比例 type:400
$game = D('Game');
$gamepromotesharing = $game->checkGamePromoteSharing();
if($gamepromotesharing[0]) {$data = array_merge($gamepromotesharing,$data);}
// 开发者游戏 type:401
$gamedevelopers = $game->checkGameDevelopers();
if($gamedevelopers[0]) {$data = array_merge($gamedevelopers,$data);}
// 游戏原包上传 type:402
$gamesource = $game->checkGameSource();
if($gamesource[0]) {$data = array_merge($gamesource,$data);}
// 礼包数量 type:403
$giftbagnumber = D('Giftbag')->checkGiftbagNumber();
if($giftbagnumber[0]) {$data = array_merge($giftbagnumber,$data);}
// 评论 type:404
$comment = D('Comment')->checkComment();
if($comment[0]) {$data = array_merge($comment,$data);}
// 发放平台币 type:405
$provideuserisget = D('ProvideUser')->checkProvideUserIsGet();
if($provideuserisget[0]) {$data = array_merge($provideuserisget,$data);}
// 发放绑币 type:406
$provideisget = D('Provide')->checkProvideIsGet();
if($provideisget[0]) {$data = array_merge($provideisget,$data);}
// 商品 type:407
$merchandise = D('Merchandise')->checkMerchandise();
if($merchandise[0]) {$data = array_merge($merchandise,$data);}
// 用户金币提现 type:408
$wgc = D('WithdrawGoldCoin')->checkWithdrawGoldCoin();
if($wgc[0]) {$data = array_merge($wgc,$data);}
return $data;