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* *
* HproseReader.php *
* *
* hprose reader library for php5. *
* *
* LastModified: Nov 12, 2013 *
* Author: Ma Bingyao <> *
* *
class HproseRawReader {
public $stream;
function __construct(&$stream) {
$this->stream = &$stream;
public function readRaw($ostream = NULL, $tag = NULL) {
if (is_null($ostream)) {
$ostream = new HproseStringStream();
if (is_null($tag)) {
$tag = $this->stream->getc();
switch ($tag) {
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
case HproseTags::TagNull:
case HproseTags::TagEmpty:
case HproseTags::TagTrue:
case HproseTags::TagFalse:
case HproseTags::TagNaN:
case HproseTags::TagInfinity:
case HproseTags::TagInteger:
case HproseTags::TagLong:
case HproseTags::TagDouble:
case HproseTags::TagRef:
$this->readNumberRaw($ostream, $tag);
case HproseTags::TagDate:
case HproseTags::TagTime:
$this->readDateTimeRaw($ostream, $tag);
case HproseTags::TagUTF8Char:
$this->readUTF8CharRaw($ostream, $tag);
case HproseTags::TagBytes:
$this->readBytesRaw($ostream, $tag);
case HproseTags::TagString:
$this->readStringRaw($ostream, $tag);
case HproseTags::TagGuid:
$this->readGuidRaw($ostream, $tag);
case HproseTags::TagList:
case HproseTags::TagMap:
case HproseTags::TagObject:
$this->readComplexRaw($ostream, $tag);
case HproseTags::TagClass:
$this->readComplexRaw($ostream, $tag);
case HproseTags::TagError:
case false:
throw new HproseException("No byte found in stream");
throw new HproseException("Unexpected serialize tag '" + $tag + "' in stream");
return $ostream;
private function readNumberRaw($ostream, $tag) {
$s = $tag .
$this->stream->readuntil(HproseTags::TagSemicolon) .
private function readDateTimeRaw($ostream, $tag) {
$s = $tag;
do {
$tag = $this->stream->getc();
$s .= $tag;
} while ($tag != HproseTags::TagSemicolon &&
$tag != HproseTags::TagUTC);
private function readUTF8CharRaw($ostream, $tag) {
$s = $tag;
$tag = $this->stream->getc();
$s .= $tag;
$a = ord($tag);
if (($a & 0xE0) == 0xC0) {
$s .= $this->stream->getc();
elseif (($a & 0xF0) == 0xE0) {
$s .= $this->stream->read(2);
elseif ($a > 0x7F) {
throw new HproseException("bad utf-8 encoding");
private function readBytesRaw($ostream, $tag) {
$len = $this->stream->readuntil(HproseTags::TagQuote);
$s = $tag . $len . HproseTags::TagQuote . $this->stream->read((int)$len) . HproseTags::TagQuote;
private function readStringRaw($ostream, $tag) {
$len = $this->stream->readuntil(HproseTags::TagQuote);
$s = $tag . $len . HproseTags::TagQuote;
$len = (int)$len;
$utf8len = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) {
switch (ord($this->stream->getc()) >> 4) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7: {
// 0xxx xxxx
case 12:
case 13: {
// 110x xxxx 10xx xxxx
$utf8len += 2;
case 14: {
// 1110 xxxx 10xx xxxx 10xx xxxx
$utf8len += 3;
case 15: {
// 1111 0xxx 10xx xxxx 10xx xxxx 10xx xxxx
$utf8len += 4;
default: {
throw new HproseException('bad utf-8 encoding');
$s .= $this->stream->read($utf8len) . HproseTags::TagQuote;
private function readGuidRaw($ostream, $tag) {
$s = $tag . $this->stream->read(38);
private function readComplexRaw($ostream, $tag) {
$s = $tag .
$this->stream->readuntil(HproseTags::TagOpenbrace) .
while (($tag = $this->stream->getc()) != HproseTags::TagClosebrace) {
$this->readRaw($ostream, $tag);
class HproseSimpleReader extends HproseRawReader {
private $classref;
function __construct(&$stream) {
$this->classref = array();
public function &unserialize($tag = NULL) {
if (is_null($tag)) {
$tag = $this->stream->getc();
$result = NULL;
switch ($tag) {
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
$result = (int)$tag; break;
case HproseTags::TagInteger: $result = $this->readInteger(); break;
case HproseTags::TagLong: $result = $this->readLong(); break;
case HproseTags::TagDouble: $result = $this->readDouble(); break;
case HproseTags::TagNull: break;
case HproseTags::TagEmpty: $result = ''; break;
case HproseTags::TagTrue: $result = true; break;
case HproseTags::TagFalse: $result = false; break;
case HproseTags::TagNaN: $result = log(-1); break;
case HproseTags::TagInfinity: $result = $this->readInfinity(); break;
case HproseTags::TagDate: $result = $this->readDate(); break;
case HproseTags::TagTime: $result = $this->readTime(); break;
case HproseTags::TagBytes: $result = $this->readBytes(); break;
case HproseTags::TagUTF8Char: $result = $this->readUTF8Char(); break;
case HproseTags::TagString: $result = $this->readString(); break;
case HproseTags::TagGuid: $result = $this->readGuid(); break;
case HproseTags::TagList: $result = &$this->readList(); break;
case HproseTags::TagMap: $result = &$this->readMap(); break;
case HproseTags::TagClass: $this->readClass(); $result = &$this->unserialize(); break;
case HproseTags::TagObject: $result = $this->readObject(); break;
case HproseTags::TagError: throw new HproseException($this->readString(true));
case false: throw new HproseException('No byte found in stream');
default: throw new HproseException("Unexpected serialize tag '$tag' in stream");
return $result;
public function checkTag($expectTag, $tag = NULL) {
if (is_null($tag)) $tag = $this->stream->getc();
if ($tag != $expectTag) {
throw new HproseException("Tag '$expectTag' expected, but '$tag' found in stream");
public function checkTags($expectTags, $tag = NULL) {
if (is_null($tag)) $tag = $this->stream->getc();
if (!in_array($tag, $expectTags)) {
$expectTags = implode('', $expectTags);
throw new HproseException("Tag '$expectTags' expected, but '$tag' found in stream");
return $tag;
public function readInteger($includeTag = false) {
if ($includeTag) {
$tag = $this->stream->getc();
if (($tag >= '0') && ($tag <= '9')) {
return (int)$tag;
$this->checkTag(HproseTags::TagInteger, $tag);
return (int)($this->stream->readuntil(HproseTags::TagSemicolon));
public function readLong($includeTag = false) {
if ($includeTag) {
$tag = $this->stream->getc();
if (($tag >= '0') && ($tag <= '9')) {
return $tag;
$this->checkTag(HproseTags::TagLong, $tag);
return $this->stream->readuntil(HproseTags::TagSemicolon);
public function readDouble($includeTag = false) {
if ($includeTag) {
$tag = $this->stream->getc();
if (($tag >= '0') && ($tag <= '9')) {
return (double)$tag;
$this->checkTag(HproseTags::TagDouble, $tag);
return (double)($this->stream->readuntil(HproseTags::TagSemicolon));
public function readNaN() {
return log(-1);
public function readInfinity($includeTag = false) {
if ($includeTag) $this->checkTag(HproseTags::TagInfinity);
return (($this->stream->getc() == HproseTags::TagNeg) ? log(0) : -log(0));
public function readNull() {
return NULL;
public function readEmpty() {
return '';
public function readBoolean() {
$tag = $this->checkTags(array(HproseTags::TagTrue, HproseTags::TagFalse));
return ($tag == HproseTags::TagTrue);
public function readDate($includeTag = false) {
if ($includeTag) $this->checkTag(HproseTags::TagDate);
$year = (int)($this->stream->read(4));
$month = (int)($this->stream->read(2));
$day = (int)($this->stream->read(2));
$tag = $this->stream->getc();
if ($tag == HproseTags::TagTime) {
$hour = (int)($this->stream->read(2));
$minute = (int)($this->stream->read(2));
$second = (int)($this->stream->read(2));
$microsecond = 0;
$tag = $this->stream->getc();
if ($tag == HproseTags::TagPoint) {
$microsecond = (int)($this->stream->read(3)) * 1000;
$tag = $this->stream->getc();
if (($tag >= '0') && ($tag <= '9')) {
$microsecond += (int)($tag) * 100 + (int)($this->stream->read(2));
$tag = $this->stream->getc();
if (($tag >= '0') && ($tag <= '9')) {
$tag = $this->stream->getc();
if ($tag == HproseTags::TagUTC) {
$date = new HproseDateTime($year, $month, $day,
$hour, $minute, $second,
$microsecond, true);
else {
$date = new HproseDateTime($year, $month, $day,
$hour, $minute, $second,
elseif ($tag == HproseTags::TagUTC) {
$date = new HproseDate($year, $month, $day, true);
else {
$date = new HproseDate($year, $month, $day);
return $date;
public function readTime($includeTag = false) {
if ($includeTag) $this->checkTag(HproseTags::TagTime);
$hour = (int)($this->stream->read(2));
$minute = (int)($this->stream->read(2));
$second = (int)($this->stream->read(2));
$microsecond = 0;
$tag = $this->stream->getc();
if ($tag == HproseTags::TagPoint) {
$microsecond = (int)($this->stream->read(3)) * 1000;
$tag = $this->stream->getc();
if (($tag >= '0') && ($tag <= '9')) {
$microsecond += (int)($tag) * 100 + (int)($this->stream->read(2));
$tag = $this->stream->getc();
if (($tag >= '0') && ($tag <= '9')) {
$tag = $this->stream->getc();
if ($tag == HproseTags::TagUTC) {
$time = new HproseTime($hour, $minute, $second, $microsecond, true);
else {
$time = new HproseTime($hour, $minute, $second, $microsecond);
return $time;
public function readBytes($includeTag = false) {
if ($includeTag) $this->checkTag(HproseTags::TagBytes);
$count = (int)($this->stream->readuntil(HproseTags::TagQuote));
$bytes = $this->stream->read($count);
return $bytes;
public function readUTF8Char($includeTag = false) {
if ($includeTag) $this->checkTag(HproseTags::TagUTF8Char);
$c = $this->stream->getc();
$s = $c;
$a = ord($c);
if (($a & 0xE0) == 0xC0) {
$s .= $this->stream->getc();
elseif (($a & 0xF0) == 0xE0) {
$s .= $this->stream->read(2);
elseif ($a > 0x7F) {
throw new HproseException("bad utf-8 encoding");
return $s;
public function readString($includeTag = false) {
if ($includeTag) $this->checkTag(HproseTags::TagString);
$len = (int)$this->stream->readuntil(HproseTags::TagQuote);
$utf8len = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) {
switch (ord($this->stream->getc()) >> 4) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7: {
// 0xxx xxxx
case 12:
case 13: {
// 110x xxxx 10xx xxxx
$utf8len += 2;
case 14: {
// 1110 xxxx 10xx xxxx 10xx xxxx
$utf8len += 3;
case 15: {
// 1111 0xxx 10xx xxxx 10xx xxxx 10xx xxxx
$utf8len += 4;
default: {
throw new HproseException('bad utf-8 encoding');
$s = $this->stream->read($utf8len);
return $s;
public function readGuid($includeTag = false) {
if ($includeTag) $this->checkTag(HproseTags::TagGuid);
$s = $this->stream->read(36);
return $s;
protected function &readListBegin() {
$list = array();
return $list;
protected function &readListEnd(&$list) {
$count = (int)$this->stream->readuntil(HproseTags::TagOpenbrace);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
$list[] = &$this->unserialize();
return $list;
public function &readList($includeTag = false) {
if ($includeTag) $this->checkTag(HproseTags::TagList);
$list = &$this->readListBegin();
return $this->readListEnd($list);
protected function &readMapBegin() {
$map = array();
return $map;
protected function &readMapEnd(&$map) {
$count = (int)$this->stream->readuntil(HproseTags::TagOpenbrace);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
$key = &$this->unserialize();
$map[$key] = &$this->unserialize();
return $map;
public function &readMap($includeTag = false) {
if ($includeTag) $this->checkTag(HproseTags::TagMap);
$map = &$this->readMapBegin();
return $this->readMapEnd($map);
protected function readObjectBegin() {
list($classname, $fields) = $this->classref[(int)$this->stream->readuntil(HproseTags::TagOpenbrace)];
$object = new $classname;
return array($object, $fields);
protected function readObjectEnd($object, $fields) {
$count = count($fields);
if (class_exists('ReflectionClass')) {
$reflector = new ReflectionClass($object);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
$field = $fields[$i];
if ($reflector->hasProperty($field)) {
$property = $reflector->getProperty($field);
$property->setValue($object, $this->unserialize());
else {
$object->$field = &$this->unserialize();
else {
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
$object->$fields[$i] = &$this->unserialize();
return $object;
public function readObject($includeTag = false) {
if ($includeTag) {
$tag = $this->checkTags(array(HproseTags::TagClass, HproseTags::TagObject));
if ($tag == HproseTags::TagClass) {
return $this->readObject(true);
list($object, $fields) = $this->readObjectBegin();
return $this->readObjectEnd($object, $fields);
protected function readClass() {
$classname = HproseClassManager::getClass(self::readString());
$count = (int)$this->stream->readuntil(HproseTags::TagOpenbrace);
$fields = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
$fields[] = $this->readString(true);
$this->classref[] = array($classname, $fields);
public function reset() {
$this->classref = array();
class HproseReader extends HproseSimpleReader {
private $ref;
function __construct(&$stream) {
$this->ref = array();
public function &unserialize($tag = NULL) {
if (is_null($tag)) {
$tag = $this->stream->getc();
if ($tag == HproseTags::TagRef) {
return $this->readRef();
return parent::unserialize($tag);
public function readDate($includeTag = false) {
if ($includeTag) {
$tag = $this->checkTags(array(HproseTags::TagDate, HproseTags::TagRef));
if ($tag == HproseTags::TagRef) return $this->readRef();
$date = parent::readDate();
$this->ref[] = $date;
return $date;
public function readTime($includeTag = false) {
if ($includeTag) {
$tag = $this->checkTags(array(HproseTags::TagTime, HproseTags::TagRef));
if ($tag == HproseTags::TagRef) return $this->readRef();
$time = parent::readTime();
$this->ref[] = $time;
return $time;
public function readBytes($includeTag = false) {
if ($includeTag) {
$tag = $this->checkTags(array(HproseTags::TagBytes, HproseTags::TagRef));
if ($tag == HproseTags::TagRef) return $this->readRef();
$bytes = parent::readBytes();
$this->ref[] = $bytes;
return $bytes;
public function readString($includeTag = false) {
if ($includeTag) {
$tag = $this->checkTags(array(HproseTags::TagString, HproseTags::TagRef));
if ($tag == HproseTags::TagRef) return $this->readRef();
$str = parent::readString();
$this->ref[] = $str;
return $str;
public function readGuid($includeTag = false) {
if ($includeTag) {
$tag = $this->checkTags(array(HproseTags::TagGuid, HproseTags::TagRef));
if ($tag == HproseTags::TagRef) return $this->readRef();
$guid = parent::readGuid();
$this->ref[] = $guid;
return $guid;
public function &readList($includeTag = false) {
if ($includeTag) {
$tag = $this->checkTags(array(HproseTags::TagList, HproseTags::TagRef));
if ($tag == HproseTags::TagRef) return $this->readRef();
$list = &$this->readListBegin();
$this->ref[] = &$list;
return $this->readListEnd($list);
public function &readMap($includeTag = false) {
if ($includeTag) {
$tag = $this->checkTags(array(HproseTags::TagMap, HproseTags::TagRef));
if ($tag == HproseTags::TagRef) return $this->readRef();
$map = &$this->readMapBegin();
$this->ref[] = &$map;
return $this->readMapEnd($map);
public function readObject($includeTag = false) {
if ($includeTag) {
$tag = $this->checkTags(array(HproseTags::TagClass, HproseTags::TagObject, HproseTags::TagRef));
if ($tag == HproseTags::TagRef) return $this->readRef();
if ($tag == HproseTags::TagClass) {
return $this->readObject(true);
list($object, $fields) = $this->readObjectBegin();
$this->ref[] = $object;
return $this->readObjectEnd($object, $fields);
private function &readRef() {
$ref = &$this->ref[(int)$this->stream->readuntil(HproseTags::TagSemicolon)];
if (gettype($ref) == 'array') {
$result = &$ref;
else {
$result = $ref;
return $result;
public function reset() {
$this->ref = array();