
1318 lines
48 KiB

namespace Think\Upload\Driver\Bcs;
use Think\Upload\Driver\Bcs\BCS_MimeTypes;
use Think\Upload\Driver\Bcs\BCS_RequestCore;
use Think\Upload\Driver\Bcs\BCS_ResponseCore;
if (! defined ( 'BCS_API_PATH' )) {
define ( 'BCS_API_PATH', dirname ( __FILE__ ) );
//AK 公钥
define ( 'BCS_AK', '' );
//SK 私钥
define ( 'BCS_SK', '' );
//superfile 每个object分片后缀
define ( 'BCS_SUPERFILE_POSTFIX', '_bcs_superfile_' );
//sdk superfile分片大小 ,单位 B字节
define ( 'BCS_SUPERFILE_SLICE_SIZE', 1024 * 1024 );
require_once (BCS_API_PATH . '/requestcore.class.php');
require_once (BCS_API_PATH . '/mimetypes.class.php');
* Default BCS Exception.
class BCS_Exception extends \Exception {
class BaiduBCS {
const DEFAULT_URL = '';
//SDK 版本
const API_VERSION = '2012-4-17-';
const ACL = 'acl';
const BUCKET = 'bucket';
const OBJECT = 'object';
const HEADERS = 'headers';
const METHOD = 'method';
const AK = 'ak';
const SK = 'sk';
const QUERY_STRING = "query_string";
const IMPORT_BCS_LOG_METHOD = "import_bs_log_method";
const IMPORT_BCS_PRE_FILTER = "import_bs_pre_filter";
const IMPORT_BCS_POST_FILTER = "import_bs_post_filter";
******************* Policy Constants**********************
const STATEMETS = 'statements';
//Action 用户动作
const BCS_SDK_ACL_ACTION_LIST_OBJECT = 'list_object';
const BCS_SDK_ACL_ACTION_PUT_BUCKET_POLICY = 'put_bucket_policy';
const BCS_SDK_ACL_ACTION_GET_BUCKET_POLICY = 'get_bucket_policy';
const BCS_SDK_ACL_ACTION_DELETE_BUCKET = 'delete_bucket';
const BCS_SDK_ACL_ACTION_GET_OBJECT = 'get_object';
const BCS_SDK_ACL_ACTION_PUT_OBJECT = 'put_object';
const BCS_SDK_ACL_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT = 'delete_object';
const BCS_SDK_ACL_ACTION_PUT_OBJECT_POLICY = 'put_object_policy';
const BCS_SDK_ACL_ACTION_GET_OBJECT_POLICY = 'get_object_policy';
static $ACL_ACTIONS = array (
const BCS_SDK_ACL_EFFECT_ALLOW = "allow";
const BCS_SDK_ACL_EFFECT_DENY = "deny";
static $ACL_EFFECTS = array (
const BCS_SDK_ACL_TYPE_PUBLIC_READ = "public-read";
const BCS_SDK_ACL_TYPE_PUBLIC_WRITE = "public-write";
const BCS_SDK_ACL_TYPE_PUBLIC_READ_WRITE = "public-read-write";
const BCS_SDK_ACL_TYPE_PUBLIC_CONTROL = "public-control";
const BCS_SDK_ACL_TYPE_PRIVATE = "private";
static $ACL_TYPES = array (
protected $use_ssl = false;
//公钥 account key
private $ak;
//私钥 secret key
private $sk;
private $hostname;
* 构造函数
* @param string $ak 云存储公钥
* @param string $sk 云存储私钥
* @param string $hostname 云存储Api访问地址
* @throws BCS_Exception
public function __construct($ak = NULL, $sk = NULL, $hostname = NULL) {
//valid ak & sk
if (! $ak && ! defined ( 'BCS_AK' ) && false === getenv ( 'HTTP_BAE_ENV_AK' )) {
throw new BCS_Exception ( 'No account key was passed into the constructor.' );
if (! $sk && ! defined ( 'BCS_SK' ) && false === getenv ( 'HTTP_BAE_ENV_SK' )) {
throw new BCS_Exception ( 'No secret key was passed into the constructor.' );
if ($ak && $sk) {
$this->ak = $ak;
$this->sk = $sk;
} elseif (defined ( 'BCS_AK' ) && defined ( 'BCS_SK' ) && strlen ( BCS_AK ) > 0 && strlen ( BCS_SK ) > 0) {
$this->ak = BCS_AK;
$this->sk = BCS_SK;
} elseif (false !== getenv ( 'HTTP_BAE_ENV_AK' ) && false !== getenv ( 'HTTP_BAE_ENV_SK' )) {
$this->ak = getenv ( 'HTTP_BAE_ENV_AK' );
$this->sk = getenv ( 'HTTP_BAE_ENV_SK' );
} else {
throw new BCS_Exception ( 'Construct can not get ak &sk pair, please check!' );
//valid $hostname
if (NULL !== $hostname) {
$this->hostname = $hostname;
} elseif (false !== getenv ( 'HTTP_BAE_ENV_ADDR_BCS' )) {
$this->hostname = getenv ( 'HTTP_BAE_ENV_ADDR_BCS' );
} else {
$this->hostname = self::DEFAULT_URL;
* 将消息发往Baidu BCS.
* @param array $opt
* @return BCS_ResponseCore
private function authenticate($opt) {
//set common param into opt
$opt [self::AK] = $this->ak;
$opt [self::SK] = $this->sk;
// Validate the S3 bucket name, only list_bucket didnot need validate_bucket
if (! ('/' == $opt [self::OBJECT] && '' == $opt [self::BUCKET] && 'GET' == $opt [self::METHOD] && ! isset ( $opt [self::QUERY_STRING] [self::ACL] )) && ! self::validate_bucket ( $opt [self::BUCKET] )) {
throw new BCS_Exception ( $opt [self::BUCKET] . 'is not valid, please check!' );
//Validate object
if (isset ( $opt [self::OBJECT] ) && ! self::validate_object ( $opt [self::OBJECT] )) {
throw new BCS_Exception ( "Invalid object param[" . $opt [self::OBJECT] . "], please check.", - 1 );
//construct url
$url = $this->format_url ( $opt );
if ($url === false) {
throw new BCS_Exception ( 'Can not format url, please check your param!', - 1 );
$opt ['url'] = $url;
$this->log ( "[method:" . $opt [self::METHOD] . "][url:$url]", $opt );
//build request
$request = new BCS_RequestCore ( $opt ['url'] );
$headers = array (
'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' );
$request->set_method ( $opt [self::METHOD] );
//Write get_object content to fileWriteTo
if (isset ( $opt ['fileWriteTo'] )) {
$request->set_write_file ( $opt ['fileWriteTo'] );
// Merge the HTTP headers
if (isset ( $opt [self::HEADERS] )) {
$headers = array_merge ( $headers, $opt [self::HEADERS] );
// Set content to Http-Body
if (isset ( $opt ['content'] )) {
$request->set_body ( $opt ['content'] );
// Upload file
if (isset ( $opt ['fileUpload'] )) {
if (! file_exists ( $opt ['fileUpload'] )) {
throw new BCS_Exception ( 'File[' . $opt ['fileUpload'] . '] not found!', - 1 );
$request->set_read_file ( $opt ['fileUpload'] );
// Determine the length to read from the file
$length = $request->read_stream_size; // The file size by default
$file_size = $length;
if (isset ( $opt ["length"] )) {
if ($opt ["length"] > $file_size) {
throw new BCS_Exception ( "Input opt[length] invalid! It can not bigger than file-size", - 1 );
$length = $opt ['length'];
if (isset ( $opt ['seekTo'] ) && ! isset ( $opt ["length"] )) {
// Read from seekTo until EOF by default, when set seekTo but not set $opt["length"]
$length -= ( integer ) $opt ['seekTo'];
$request->set_read_stream_size ( $length );
// Attempt to guess the correct mime-type
if ($headers ['Content-Type'] === 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') {
$extension = explode ( '.', $opt ['fileUpload'] );
$extension = array_pop ( $extension );
$mime_type = BCS_MimeTypes::get_mimetype ( $extension );
$headers ['Content-Type'] = $mime_type;
$headers ['Content-MD5'] = '';
// Handle streaming file offsets
if (isset ( $opt ['seekTo'] )) {
// Pass the seek position to BCS_RequestCore
$request->set_seek_position ( ( integer ) $opt ['seekTo'] );
// Add headers to request and compute the string to sign
foreach ( $headers as $header_key => $header_value ) {
// Strip linebreaks from header values as they're illegal and can allow for security issues
$header_value = str_replace ( array (
"\n" ), '', $header_value );
// Add the header if it has a value
if ($header_value !== '') {
$request->add_header ( $header_key, $header_value );
// Set the curl options.
if (isset ( $opt ['curlopts'] ) && count ( $opt ['curlopts'] )) {
$request->set_curlopts ( $opt ['curlopts'] );
$request->send_request ();
require_once(dirname(__FILE__). "/requestcore.class.php");
return new BCS_ResponseCore ( $request->get_response_header (), $request->get_response_body (), $request->get_response_code () );
* 获取当前密钥对拥有者的bucket列表
* @param array $opt (Optional)
* BaiduBCS::IMPORT_BCS_LOG_METHOD - String - Optional: 支持用户传入日志处理函数,函数定义如 function f($log)
* @throws BCS_Exception
* @return BCS_ResponseCore
public function list_bucket($opt = array()) {
$this->assertParameterArray ( $opt );
$opt [self::BUCKET] = '';
$opt [self::METHOD] = 'GET';
$opt [self::OBJECT] = '/';
$response = $this->authenticate ( $opt );
$this->log ( $response->isOK () ? "List bucket success!" : "List bucket failed! Response: [" . $response->body . "]", $opt );
return $response;
* 创建 bucket
* @param string $bucket (Required) bucket名称
* @param string $acl (Optional) bucket权限设置若为null使用server分配的默认权限
* @param array $opt (Optional)
* @throws BCS_Exception
* @return BCS_ResponseCore
public function create_bucket($bucket, $acl = NULL, $opt = array()) {
$this->assertParameterArray ( $opt );
$opt [self::BUCKET] = $bucket;
$opt [self::METHOD] = 'PUT';
$opt [self::OBJECT] = '/';
if (NULL !== $acl) {
if (! in_array ( $acl, self::$ACL_TYPES )) {
throw new BCS_Exception ( "Invalid acl_type[" . $acl . "], please check!", - 1 );
self::set_header_into_opt ( "x-bs-acl", $acl, $opt );
$response = $this->authenticate ( $opt );
$this->log ( $response->isOK () ? "Create bucket success!" : "Create bucket failed! Response: [" . $response->body . "]", $opt );
return $response;
* 删除bucket
* @param string $bucket (Required)
* @param array $opt (Optional)
* @return boolean|BCS_ResponseCore
public function delete_bucket($bucket, $opt = array()) {
$this->assertParameterArray ( $opt );
$opt [self::BUCKET] = $bucket;
$opt [self::METHOD] = 'DELETE';
$opt [self::OBJECT] = '/';
$response = $this->authenticate ( $opt );
$this->log ( $response->isOK () ? "Delete bucket success!" : "Delete bucket failed! Response: [" . $response->body . "]", $opt );
return $response;
* 设置bucket的acl有三种模式
* (1).设置详细json格式的acl
* a. $acl 为json的array
* b. $acl 为json的string
* (2).通过acl_type字段进行设置
* a. $acl 为BaiduBCS::$ACL_TYPES中的字段
* @param string $bucket (Required)
* @param string $acl (Required)
* @param array $opt (Optional)
* @return boolean|BCS_ResponseCore
public function set_bucket_acl($bucket, $acl, $opt = array()) {
$this->assertParameterArray ( $opt );
$result = $this->analyze_user_acl ( $acl );
$opt = array_merge ( $opt, $result );
$opt [self::BUCKET] = $bucket;
$opt [self::METHOD] = 'PUT';
$opt [self::OBJECT] = '/';
$opt [self::QUERY_STRING] = array (
self::ACL => 1 );
$response = $this->authenticate ( $opt );
$this->log ( $response->isOK () ? "Set bucket acl success!" : "Set bucket acl failed! Response: [" . $response->body . "]", $opt );
return $response;
* 获取bucket的acl
* @param string $bucket (Required)
* @param array $opt (Optional)
* @return BCS_ResponseCore
public function get_bucket_acl($bucket, $opt = array()) {
$this->assertParameterArray ( $opt );
$opt [self::BUCKET] = $bucket;
$opt [self::METHOD] = 'GET';
$opt [self::OBJECT] = '/';
$opt [self::QUERY_STRING] = array (
self::ACL => 1 );
$response = $this->authenticate ( $opt );
$this->log ( $response->isOK () ? "Get bucket acl success!" : "Get bucket acl failed! Response: [" . $response->body . "]", $opt );
return $response;
* 获取bucket中object列表
* @param string $bucket (Required)
* @param array $opt (Optional)
* start : 主要用于翻页功能用法同mysql中start的用法
* limit : 主要用于翻页功能用法同mysql中limit的用法
* prefix: 只返回以prefix为前缀的object此处prefix必须以'/'开头
* @throws BCS_Exception
* @return BCS_ResponseCore
public function list_object($bucket, $opt = array()) {
$this->assertParameterArray ( $opt );
$opt [self::BUCKET] = $bucket;
if (empty ( $opt [self::BUCKET] )) {
throw new BCS_Exception ( "Bucket should not be empty, please check", - 1 );
$opt [self::METHOD] = 'GET';
$opt [self::OBJECT] = '/';
$opt [self::QUERY_STRING] = array ();
if (isset ( $opt ['start'] ) && is_int ( $opt ['start'] )) {
$opt [self::QUERY_STRING] ['start'] = $opt ['start'];
if (isset ( $opt ['limit'] ) && is_int ( $opt ['limit'] )) {
$opt [self::QUERY_STRING] ['limit'] = $opt ['limit'];
if (isset ( $opt ['prefix'] )) {
$opt [self::QUERY_STRING] ['prefix'] = rawurlencode ( $opt ['prefix'] );
$response = $this->authenticate ( $opt );
$this->log ( $response->isOK () ? "List object success!" : "Lit object failed! Response: [" . $response->body . "]", $opt );
return $response;
* 以目录形式获取bucket中object列表
* @param string $bucket (Required)
* @param $dir (Required)
* 目录名,格式为必须以'/'开头和结尾,默认为'/'
* @param string $list_model (Required)
* 目录展现形式值可以为0,1,2默认为2以下对各个值的功能进行介绍
* 0->只返回object列表不返回子目录列表
* 1->只返回子目录列表不返回object列表
* 2->同时返回子目录列表和object列表
* @param array $opt (Optional)
* start : 主要用于翻页功能用法同mysql中start的用法
* limit : 主要用于翻页功能用法同mysql中limit的用法
* @throws BCS_Exception
* @return BCS_ResponseCore
public function list_object_by_dir($bucket, $dir = '/', $list_model = 2, $opt = array()) {
$this->assertParameterArray ( $opt );
$opt [self::BUCKET] = $bucket;
if (empty ( $opt [self::BUCKET] )) {
throw new BCS_Exception ( "Bucket should not be empty, please check", - 1 );
$opt [self::METHOD] = 'GET';
$opt [self::OBJECT] = '/';
$opt [self::QUERY_STRING] = array ();
if (isset ( $opt ['start'] ) && is_int ( $opt ['start'] )) {
$opt [self::QUERY_STRING] ['start'] = $opt ['start'];
if (isset ( $opt ['limit'] ) && is_int ( $opt ['limit'] )) {
$opt [self::QUERY_STRING] ['limit'] = $opt ['limit'];
$opt [self::QUERY_STRING] ['prefix'] = rawurlencode ( $dir );
$opt [self::QUERY_STRING] ['dir'] = $list_model;
$response = $this->authenticate ( $opt );
$this->log ( $response->isOK () ? "List object success!" : "Lit object failed! Response: [" . $response->body . "]", $opt );
return $response;
* 上传文件
* @param string $bucket (Required)
* @param string $object (Required)
* @param string $file (Required); 需要上传的文件的文件路径
* @param array $opt (Optional)
* filename - Optional; 指定文件名
* acl - Optional ; 上传文件的acl只能使用acl_type
* seekTo - Optional; 上传文件的偏移位置
* length - Optional; 待上传长度
* @return BCS_ResponseCore
public function create_object($bucket, $object, $file, $opt = array()) {
$this->assertParameterArray ( $opt );
$opt [self::BUCKET] = $bucket;
$opt [self::OBJECT] = $object;
$opt ['fileUpload'] = $file;
$opt [self::METHOD] = 'PUT';
if (isset ( $opt ['acl'] )) {
if (in_array ( $opt ['acl'], self::$ACL_TYPES )) {
self::set_header_into_opt ( "x-bs-acl", $opt ['acl'], $opt );
} else {
throw new BCS_Exception ( "Invalid acl string, it should be acl_type", - 1 );
unset ( $opt ['acl'] );
if (isset ( $opt ['filename'] )) {
self::set_header_into_opt ( "Content-Disposition", 'attachment; filename=' . $opt ['filename'], $opt );
$response = $this->authenticate ( $opt );
$this->log ( $response->isOK () ? "Create object[$object] file[$file] success!" : "Create object[$object] file[$file] failed! Response: [" . $response->body . "] Logid[" . $response->header ["x-bs-request-id"] . "]", $opt );
return $response;
* 上传文件
* @param string $bucket (Required)
* @param string $object (Required)
* @param string $file (Required); 需要上传的文件的文件路径
* @param array $opt (Optional)
* filename - Optional; 指定文件名
* acl - Optional ; 上传文件的acl只能使用acl_type
* @return BCS_ResponseCore
public function create_object_by_content($bucket, $object, $content, $opt = array()) {
$this->assertParameterArray ( $opt );
$opt [self::BUCKET] = $bucket;
$opt [self::OBJECT] = $object;
$opt [self::METHOD] = 'PUT';
if ($content !== NULL && is_string ( $content )) {
$opt ['content'] = $content;
} else {
throw new BCS_Exception ( "Invalid object content, please check.", - 1 );
if (isset ( $opt ['acl'] )) {
if (in_array ( $opt ['acl'], self::$ACL_TYPES )) {
self::set_header_into_opt ( "x-bs-acl", $opt ['acl'], $opt );
} else {
throw new BCS_Exception ( "Invalid acl string, it should be acl_type", - 1 );
unset ( $opt ['acl'] );
if (isset ( $opt ['filename'] )) {
self::set_header_into_opt ( "Content-Disposition", 'attachment; filename=' . $opt ['filename'], $opt );
$response = $this->authenticate ( $opt );
$this->log ( $response->isOK () ? "Create object[$object] success!" : "Create object[$object] failed! Response: [" . $response->body . "] Logid[" . $response->header ["x-bs-request-id"] . "]", $opt );
return $response;
* 通过superfile的方式上传文件
* @param string $bucket (Required)
* @param string $object (Required)
* @param string $file (Required); 需要上传的文件的文件路径
* @param array $opt (Optional)
* filename - Optional; 指定文件名
* sub_object_size - Optional; 指定子文件的划分大小单位B建议以256KB为单位进行子object划分默认为1MB进行划分
* @return BCS_ResponseCore
public function create_object_superfile($bucket, $object, $file, $opt = array()) {
if (isset ( $opt ['length'] ) || isset ( $opt ['seekTo'] )) {
throw new BCS_Exception ( "Temporary unsupport opt of length and seekTo of superfile.", - 1 );
//$opt array
$this->assertParameterArray ( $opt );
$opt [self::BUCKET] = $bucket;
$opt ['fileUpload'] = $file;
$opt [self::METHOD] = 'PUT';
if (isset ( $opt ['acl'] )) {
if (in_array ( $opt ['acl'], self::$ACL_TYPES )) {
self::set_header_into_opt ( "x-bs-acl", $opt ['acl'], $opt );
} else {
throw new BCS_Exception ( "Invalid acl string, it should be acl_type", - 1 );
unset ( $opt ['acl'] );
if (! file_exists ( $opt ['fileUpload'] )) {
throw new BCS_Exception ( 'File not found!', - 1 );
$fileSize = filesize ( $opt ['fileUpload'] );
$sub_object_size = 1024 * 1024; //default 1MB
if (defined ( "BCS_SUPERFILE_SLICE_SIZE" )) {
$sub_object_size = BCS_SUPERFILE_SLICE_SIZE;
if (isset ( $opt ["sub_object_size"] )) {
if (is_int ( $opt ["sub_object_size"] ) && $opt ["sub_object_size"] > 0) {
$sub_object_size = $opt ["sub_object_size"];
} else {
throw new BCS_Exception ( "Param [sub_object_size] invalid ,please check!", - 1 );
$sliceNum = intval ( ceil ( $fileSize / $sub_object_size ) );
$this->log ( "File[" . $opt ['fileUpload'] . "], size=[$fileSize], sub_object_size=[$sub_object_size], sub_object_num=[$sliceNum]", $opt );
$object_list = array (
'object_list' => array () );
for($i = 0; $i < $sliceNum; $i ++) {
//send slice
$opt ['seekTo'] = $i * $sub_object_size;
if (($i + 1) === $sliceNum) {
//last sub object
$opt ['length'] = (0 === $fileSize % $sub_object_size) ? $sub_object_size : $fileSize % $sub_object_size;
} else {
$opt ['length'] = $sub_object_size;
$opt [self::OBJECT] = $object . BCS_SUPERFILE_POSTFIX . $i;
$object_list ['object_list'] ['part_' . $i] = array ();
$object_list ['object_list'] ['part_' . $i] ['url'] = 'bs://' . $bucket . $opt [self::OBJECT];
$this->log ( "Begin to upload Sub-object[" . $opt [self::OBJECT] . "][$i/$sliceNum][seekto:" . $opt ['seekTo'] . "][Length:" . $opt ['length'] . "]", $opt );
$response = $this->create_object ( $bucket, $opt [self::OBJECT], $file, $opt );
if ($response->isOK ()) {
$this->log ( "Sub-object upload[" . $opt [self::OBJECT] . "][$i/$sliceNum][seekto:" . $opt ['seekTo'] . "][Length:" . $opt ['length'] . "]success! ", $opt );
$object_list ['object_list'] ['part_' . $i] ['etag'] = $response->header ['Content-MD5'];
} else {
$this->log ( "Sub-object upload[" . $opt [self::OBJECT] . "][$i/$sliceNum] failed! ", $opt );
return $response;
//将子文件分片的列表构造成 superfile
unset ( $opt ['fileUpload'] );
unset ( $opt ['length'] );
unset ( $opt ['seekTo'] );
$opt ['content'] = self::array_to_json ( $object_list );
$opt [self::QUERY_STRING] = array (
"superfile" => 1 );
$opt [self::OBJECT] = $object;
if (isset ( $opt ['filename'] )) {
self::set_header_into_opt ( "Content-Disposition", 'attachment; filename=' . $opt ['filename'], $opt );
$response = $this->authenticate ( $opt );
$this->log ( $response->isOK () ? "Create object-superfile success!" : "Create object-superfile failed! Response: [" . $response->body . "]", $opt );
return $response;
* 将目录中的所有文件进行上传每个文件为单独objectobject命名方式下详
* 如有 /home/worker/a/b/c.txt 需上传目录为$dir=/home/worker/a
* object命令方式为
* 1. object默认命名方式为 “子目录名 +文件名”如上述文件c.txt默认为 '/b/c.txt'
* 2. 增强命名模式,在$opt中有可选参数进行配置
* 举例说明 prefix . has_sub_directory?"/b":"" . '/c.txt'
* @param string $bucket (Required)
* @param string $dir (Required)
* @param array $opt(Optional)
* string prefix 文件object前缀
* boolean has_sub_directory(default=true) object命名中是否携带文件的子目录结构若置为false请确认待上传的目录和所有子目录中没有重名文件否则会产生object覆盖问题
* BaiduBCS::IMPORT_BCS_PRE_FILTER 用户可自定义上传文件前的操作函数
* 1. 函数参数列表顺序需为 ($bucket,$object,$file,&$opt),注意$opt为upload_directory函数传入的$opt的拷贝只对当前object生效
* 2. 函数返回值必须为boolean当true该文件进行上传若false跳过上传
* 3. 如果函数返回false将不会进行post_filter的调用
* BaiduBCS::IMPORT_BCS_POST_FILTER 用户可自定义上传文件后的操作函数
* 1. 函数参数列表顺序需为 ($bucket,$object,$file,&$opt,$response),注意$opt为upload_directory函数传入的$opt的拷贝只对当前object生效
* 2. 函数返回值无要求
* string seek_object 用户断点续传需要为object名称如果该object在目录中不存在抛出异常若存在则将该object和此后的object进行上传
* string seek_object_id 作用同seek_object只需要传入上传过程中日志中展示的[a/b]中object序号即可注意object序号是以1开始计算的
* @return array 数组形式的上传结果
* 'success' => int 上传成功的文件数目
* 'skipped' => int 被跳过的文件
* 'failed' => array() 上传失败的文件
public function upload_directory($bucket, $dir, $opt = array()) {
$this->assertParameterArray ( $opt );
if (! is_dir ( $dir )) {
throw new BCS_Exception ( "$dir is not a dir!", - 1 );
$result = array (
"success" => 0,
"failed" => array (),
"skipped" => 0 );
$prefix = "";
if (isset ( $opt ['prefix'] )) {
$prefix = $opt ['prefix'];
$has_sub_directory = true;
if (isset ( $opt ['has_sub_directory'] ) && is_bool ( $opt ['has_sub_directory'] )) {
$has_sub_directory = $opt ['has_sub_directory'];
$file_tree = self::get_filetree ( $dir );
$objects = array ();
foreach ( $file_tree as $file ) {
$object = $has_sub_directory == true ? substr ( $file, strlen ( $dir ) ) : "/" . basename ( $file );
$objects [$prefix . $object] = $file;
$objectCount = count ( $objects );
$before_upload_log = "Upload directory: bucket[$bucket] upload_dir[$dir] file_sum[$objectCount]";
if (isset ( $opt ["seek_object_id"] )) {
$before_upload_log .= " seek_object_id[" . $opt ["seek_object_id"] . "/$objectCount]";
if (isset ( $opt ["seek_object"] )) {
$before_upload_log .= " seek_object[" . $opt ["seek_object"] . "]";
$this->log ( $before_upload_log, $opt );
if (isset ( $opt ["seek_object_id"] ) && isset ( $opt ["seek_object"] )) {
throw new BCS_Exception ( "Can not set see_object_id and seek_object at the same time!", - 1 );
$num = 1;
if (isset ( $opt ["seek_object"] )) {
if (isset ( $objects [$opt ["seek_object"]] )) {
foreach ( $objects as $object => $file ) {
if ($object != $opt ["seek_object"]) {
$this->log ( "Seeking[" . $opt ["seek_object"] . "]. Skip id[$num/$objectCount]object[$object]file[$file].", $opt );
//$result ['skipped'] [] = "[$num/$objectCount] " . $file;
$result ['skipped'] ++;
unset ( $objects [$object] );
} else {
$this->log ( "Found seek id[$num/$objectCount]object[$object]file[$file], begin from here.", $opt );
$num ++;
} else {
throw new BCS_Exception ( "Can not find you seek object, please check!", - 1 );
if (isset ( $opt ["seek_object_id"] )) {
if (is_int ( $opt ["seek_object_id"] ) && $opt ["seek_object_id"] <= $objectCount) {
foreach ( $objects as $object => $file ) {
if ($num < $opt ["seek_object_id"]) {
$this->log ( "Seeking object of [" . $opt ["seek_object_id"] . "/$objectCount]. Skip id[$num/$objectCount]object[$object]file[$file].", $opt );
//$result ['skipped'] [] = "[$num/$objectCount] " . $file;
$result ['skipped'] ++;
unset ( $objects [$object] );
} else {
$num ++;
} else {
throw new BCS_Exception ( "Param seek_object_id not valid, please check!", - 1 );
$objectCount = count ( $objects );
foreach ( $objects as $object => $file ) {
$tmp_opt = array_merge ( $opt );
if (isset ( $opt [self::IMPORT_BCS_PRE_FILTER] ) && function_exists ( $opt [self::IMPORT_BCS_PRE_FILTER] )) {
$bolRes = $opt [self::IMPORT_BCS_PRE_FILTER] ( $bucket, $object, $file, $tmp_opt );
if ($bolRes !== true) {
$this->log ( "User pre_filter_function return un-true. Skip id[$num/$objectCount]object[$object]file[$file].", $opt );
//$result ['skipped'] [] = "id[$num/$objectCount]object[$object]file[$file]";
$result ['skipped'] ++;
$num ++;
try {
$response = $this->create_object ( $bucket, $object, $file, $tmp_opt );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$this->log ( $e->getMessage (), $opt );
$this->log ( "Upload Failed id[$num/$objectCount]object[$object]file[$file].", $opt );
$num ++;
if ($response->isOK ()) {
$result ["success"] ++;
$this->log ( "Upload Success id[$num/$objectCount]object[$object]file[$file].", $opt );
} else {
$result ["failed"] [] = "id[$num/$objectCount]object[$object]file[$file]";
$this->log ( "Upload Failed id[$num/$objectCount]object[$object]file[$file].", $opt );
if (isset ( $opt [self::IMPORT_BCS_POST_FILTER] ) && function_exists ( $opt [self::IMPORT_BCS_POST_FILTER] )) {
$opt [self::IMPORT_BCS_POST_FILTER] ( $bucket, $object, $file, $tmp_opt, $response );
$num ++;
$result_str = "\r\n\r\nUpload $dir to $bucket finished!\r\n";
$result_str .= "**********************************************************\r\n";
$result_str .= "**********************Result Summary**********************\r\n";
$result_str .= "**********************************************************\r\n";
$result_str .= "Upload directory : [$dir]\r\n";
$result_str .= "File num : [$objectCount]\r\n";
$result_str .= "Success: \r\n\tNum: " . $result ["success"] . "\r\n";
$result_str .= "Skipped:\r\n\tNum:" . $result ["skipped"] . "\r\n";
// foreach ( $result ["skipped"] as $skip ) {
// $result_str .= "\t$skip\r\n";
// }
$result_str .= "Failed:\r\n\tNum:" . count ( $result ["failed"] ) . "\r\n";
foreach ( $result ["failed"] as $fail ) {
$result_str .= "\t$fail\r\n";
if (isset ( $opt [self::IMPORT_BCS_LOG_METHOD] )) {
$this->log ( $result_str, $opt );
} else {
echo $result_str;
return $result;
* 通过此方法以拷贝的方式创建objectobject来源为$source
* @param array $source (Required) object 来源
* bucket(Required)
* object(Required)
* @param array $dest (Required) 待拷贝的目标object
* bucket(Required)
* object(Required)
* @param array $opt (Optional)
* source_tag 指定拷贝对象的版本号
* @throws BCS_Exception
* @return BCS_ResponseCore
public function copy_object($source, $dest, $opt = array()) {
$this->assertParameterArray ( $opt );
//valid source and dest
if (empty ( $source ) || ! is_array ( $source ) || ! isset ( $source [self::BUCKET] ) || ! isset ( $source [self::OBJECT] )) {
throw new BCS_Exception ( '$source invalid, please check!', - 1 );
if (empty ( $dest ) || ! is_array ( $dest ) || ! isset ( $dest [self::BUCKET] ) || ! isset ( $dest [self::OBJECT] ) || ! self::validate_bucket ( $dest [self::BUCKET] ) || ! self::validate_object ( $dest [self::OBJECT] )) {
throw new BCS_Exception ( '$dest invalid, please check!', - 1 );
$opt [self::BUCKET] = $dest [self::BUCKET];
$opt [self::OBJECT] = $dest [self::OBJECT];
$opt [self::METHOD] = 'PUT';
self::set_header_into_opt ( 'x-bs-copy-source', 'bs://' . $source [self::BUCKET] . $source [self::OBJECT], $opt );
if (isset ( $opt ['source_tag'] )) {
self::set_header_into_opt ( 'x-bs-copy-source-tag', $opt ['source_tag'], $opt );
$response = $this->authenticate ( $opt );
$this->log ( $response->isOK () ? "Copy object success!" : "Copy object failed! Response: [" . $response->body . "]", $opt );
return $response;
* 设置object的meta信息
* @param string $bucket (Required)
* @param string $object (Required)
* @param array $opt (Optional)
* 目前支持的meta信息如下
* Content-Type
* Cache-Control
* Content-Disposition
* Content-Encoding
* Content-MD5
* Expires
* @return BCS_ResponseCore
public function set_object_meta($bucket, $object, $meta, $opt = array()) {
$this->assertParameterArray ( $opt );
$this->assertParameterArray ( $meta );
$opt [self::BUCKET] = $bucket;
$opt [self::OBJECT] = $object;
$opt [self::METHOD] = 'PUT';
$source = "bs://$bucket$object";
if (empty ( $meta )) {
throw new BCS_Exception ( '$meta can not be empty! And $meta must be array.', - 1 );
foreach ( $meta as $header => $value ) {
self::set_header_into_opt ( $header, $value, $opt );
$source = array (
self::BUCKET => $bucket,
self::OBJECT => $object );
$response = $this->copy_object ( $source, $source, $opt );
$this->log ( $response->isOK () ? "Set object meta success!" : "Set object meta failed! Response: [" . $response->body . "]", $opt );
return $response;
* 获取object的acl
* @param string $bucket (Required)
* @param string $object (Required)
* @param array $opt (Optional)
* @throws BCS_Exception
* @return BCS_ResponseCore
public function get_object_acl($bucket, $object, $opt = array()) {
$this->assertParameterArray ( $opt );
$opt [self::BUCKET] = $bucket;
$opt [self::METHOD] = 'GET';
$opt [self::OBJECT] = $object;
$opt [self::QUERY_STRING] = array (
self::ACL => 1 );
$response = $this->authenticate ( $opt );
$this->log ( $response->isOK () ? "Get object acl success!" : "Get object acl failed! Response: [" . $response->body . "]", $opt );
return $response;
* 设置object的acl有三种模式
* (1).设置详细json格式的acl
* a. $acl 为json的array
* b. $acl 为json的string
* (2).通过acl_type字段进行设置
* a. $acl 为BaiduBCS::$ACL_ACTIONS中的字段
* @param string $bucket (Required)
* @param string $object (Required)
* @param string|array $acl (Required)
* @param array $opt (Optional)
* @return BCS_ResponseCore
public function set_object_acl($bucket, $object, $acl, $opt = array()) {
$this->assertParameterArray ( $opt );
//analyze acl
$result = $this->analyze_user_acl ( $acl );
$opt = array_merge ( $opt, $result );
$opt [self::BUCKET] = $bucket;
$opt [self::METHOD] = 'PUT';
$opt [self::OBJECT] = $object;
$opt [self::QUERY_STRING] = array (
self::ACL => 1 );
$response = $this->authenticate ( $opt );
$this->log ( $response->isOK () ? "Set object acl success!" : "Set object acl failed! Response: [" . $response->body . "]", $opt );
return $response;
* 删除object
* @param string $bucket (Required)
* @param string $object (Required)
* @param array $opt (Optional)
* @throws BCS_Exception
* @return BCS_ResponseCore
public function delete_object($bucket, $object, $opt = array()) {
$this->assertParameterArray ( $opt );
$opt [self::BUCKET] = $bucket;
$opt [self::METHOD] = 'DELETE';
$opt [self::OBJECT] = $object;
$response = $this->authenticate ( $opt );
$this->log ( $response->isOK () ? "Delete object success!" : "Delete object failed! Response: [" . $response->body . "]", $opt );
return $response;
* 判断object是否存在
* @param string $bucket (Required)
* @param string $object (Required)
* @param array $opt (Optional)
* @throws BCS_Exception
* @return boolean true|boolean false|BCS_ResponseCore
* trueobject存在
* false不存在
* BCS_ResponseCore其他错误
public function is_object_exist($bucket, $object, $opt = array()) {
$this->assertParameterArray ( $opt );
$opt [self::BUCKET] = $bucket;
$opt [self::METHOD] = 'HEAD';
$opt [self::OBJECT] = $object;
$response = $this->get_object_info ( $bucket, $object, $opt );
if ($response->isOK ()) {
return true;
} elseif ($response->status === 404) {
return false;
return $response;
* 获取文件信息发送的为HTTP HEAD请求文件信息都在http response的header中不会提取文件的内容
* @param string $bucket (Required)
* @param string $object (Required)
* @param array $opt (Optional)
* @throws BCS_Exception
* @return array BCS_ResponseCore
public function get_object_info($bucket, $object, $opt = array()) {
$this->assertParameterArray ( $opt );
$opt [self::BUCKET] = $bucket;
$opt [self::METHOD] = 'HEAD';
$opt [self::OBJECT] = $object;
$response = $this->authenticate ( $opt );
$this->log ( $response->isOK () ? "Get object info success!" : "Get object info failed! Response: [" . $response->body . "]", $opt );
return $response;
* 下载object
* @param string $bucket (Required)
* @param string $object (Required)
* @param array $opt (Optional)
* fileWriteTo (Optional)直接将请求结果写入该文件如果fileWriteTo文件存在sdk进行重命名再存储
* @throws BCS_Exception
* @return BCS_ResponseCore
public function get_object($bucket, $object, $opt = array()) {
$this->assertParameterArray ( $opt );
if (isset ( $opt ["fileWriteTo"] ) && file_exists ( $opt ["fileWriteTo"] )) {
$original_file_write_to = $opt ["fileWriteTo"];
$arr = explode ( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $opt ["fileWriteTo"] );
$file_name = $arr [count ( $arr ) - 1];
$num = 1;
while ( file_exists ( $opt ["fileWriteTo"] ) ) {
$new_name_arr = explode ( ".", $file_name );
if (count ( $new_name_arr ) > 1) {
$new_name_arr [count ( $new_name_arr ) - 2] .= " ($num)";
} else {
$new_name_arr [0] .= " ($num)";
$arr [count ( $arr ) - 1] = implode ( ".", $new_name_arr );
$opt ["fileWriteTo"] = implode ( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $arr );
$num ++;
$this->log ( "[$original_file_write_to] already exist, rename it to [" . $opt ["fileWriteTo"] . "]", $opt );
$opt [self::BUCKET] = $bucket;
$opt [self::METHOD] = 'GET';
$opt [self::OBJECT] = $object;
$response = $this->authenticate ( $opt );
$this->log ( $response->isOK () ? "Get object success!" : "Get object failed! Response: [" . $response->body . "]", $opt );
if (! $response->isOK () && isset ( $opt ["fileWriteTo"] )) {
unlink ( $opt ["fileWriteTo"] );
return $response;
* 生成签名链接
private function generate_user_url($method, $bucket, $object, $opt = array()) {
$opt [self::AK] = $this->ak;
$opt [self::SK] = $this->sk;
$opt [self::BUCKET] = $bucket;
$opt [self::METHOD] = $method;
$opt [self::OBJECT] = $object;
$opt [self::QUERY_STRING] = array ();
if (isset ( $opt ["time"] )) {
$opt [self::QUERY_STRING] ["time"] = $opt ["time"];
if (isset ( $opt ["size"] )) {
$opt [self::QUERY_STRING] ["size"] = $opt ["size"];
return $this->format_url ( $opt );
* 生成get_object的url
* @param string $bucket (Required)
* @param string $object (Required)
* return false| string url
public function generate_get_object_url($bucket, $object, $opt = array()) {
$this->assertParameterArray ( $opt );
return $this->generate_user_url ( "GET", $bucket, $object, $opt );
* 生成put_object的url
* @param string $bucket (Required)
* @param string $object (Required)
* return false| string url
public function generate_put_object_url($bucket, $object, $opt = array()) {
$this->assertParameterArray ( $opt );
return $this->generate_user_url ( "PUT", $bucket, $object, $opt );
* 生成post_object的url
* @param string $bucket (Required)
* @param string $object (Required)
* return false| string url
public function generate_post_object_url($bucket, $object, $opt = array()) {
$this->assertParameterArray ( $opt );
return $this->generate_user_url ( "POST", $bucket, $object, $opt );
* 生成delete_object的url
* @param string $bucket (Required)
* @param string $object (Required)
* return false| string url
public function generate_delete_object_url($bucket, $object, $opt = array()) {
$this->assertParameterArray ( $opt );
return $this->generate_user_url ( "DELETE", $bucket, $object, $opt );
* 生成head_object的url
* @param string $bucket (Required)
* @param string $object (Required)
* return false| string url
public function generate_head_object_url($bucket, $object, $opt = array()) {
$this->assertParameterArray ( $opt );
return $this->generate_user_url ( "HEAD", $bucket, $object, $opt );
* @return the $use_ssl
public function getUse_ssl() {
return $this->use_ssl;
* @param boolean $use_ssl
public function setUse_ssl($use_ssl) {
$this->use_ssl = $use_ssl;
* 校验bucket是否合法bucket规范
* 1. 由小写字母,数字和横线'-'组成长度为6~63位
* 2. 不能以数字作为Bucket开头
* 3. 不能以'-'作为Bucket的开头或者结尾
* @param string $bucket
* @return boolean
public static function validate_bucket($bucket) {
//bucket 正则
$pattern1 = '/^[a-z][-a-z0-9]{4,61}[a-z0-9]$/';
if (! preg_match ( $pattern1, $bucket )) {
return false;
return true;
* 校验object是否合法object命名规范
* 1. object必须以'/'开头
* @param string $object
* @return boolean
public static function validate_object($object) {
$pattern = '/^\//';
if (empty ( $object ) || ! preg_match ( $pattern, $object )) {
return false;
return true;
* 将常用set http-header的动作抽离出来
* @param string $header
* @param string $value
* @param array $opt
* @throws BCS_Exception
* @return void
private static function set_header_into_opt($header, $value, &$opt) {
if (isset ( $opt [self::HEADERS] )) {
if (! is_array ( $opt [self::HEADERS] )) {
trigger_error ( 'Invalid $opt[\'headers\'], please check.' );
throw new BCS_Exception ( 'Invalid $opt[\'headers\'], please check.', - 1 );
} else {
$opt [self::HEADERS] = array ();
$opt [self::HEADERS] [$header] = $value;
* 使用特定function对数组中所有元素做处理
* @param string &$array 要处理的字符串
* @param string $function 要执行的函数
* @param boolean $apply_to_keys_also 是否也应用到key上
private static function array_recursive(&$array, $function, $apply_to_keys_also = false) {
foreach ( $array as $key => $value ) {
if (is_array ( $value )) {
self::array_recursive ( $array [$key], $function, $apply_to_keys_also );
} else {
$array [$key] = $function ( $value );
if ($apply_to_keys_also && is_string ( $key )) {
$new_key = $function ( $key );
if ($new_key != $key) {
$array [$new_key] = $array [$key];
unset ( $array [$key] );
* 由数组构造json字符串增加了一些特殊处理以支持特殊字符和不同编码的中文
* @param array $array
private static function array_to_json($array) {
if (! is_array ( $array )) {
throw new BCS_Exception ( "Param must be array in function array_to_json()", - 1 );
self::array_recursive ( $array, 'addslashes', false );
self::array_recursive ( $array, 'rawurlencode', false );
return rawurldecode ( json_encode ( $array ) );
* 根据用户传入的acl进行相应的处理
* (1).设置详细json格式的acl
* a. $acl 为json的array
* b. $acl 为json的string
* (2).通过acl_type字段进行设置
* @param string|array $acl
* @throws BCS_Exception
* @return array
private function analyze_user_acl($acl) {
$result = array ();
if (is_array ( $acl )) {
$result ['content'] = $this->check_user_acl ( $acl );
} else if (is_string ( $acl )) {
if (in_array ( $acl, self::$ACL_TYPES )) {
$result ["headers"] = array (
"x-bs-acl" => $acl );
} else {
$result ['content'] = $acl;
} else {
throw new BCS_Exception ( "Invalid acl.", - 1 );
return $result;
* 生成签名
* @param array $opt
* @return boolean|string
private function format_signature($opt) {
$flags = "";
$content = '';
if (! isset ( $opt [self::AK] ) || ! isset ( $opt [self::SK] )) {
trigger_error ( 'ak or sk is not in the array when create factor!' );
return false;
if (isset ( $opt [self::BUCKET] ) && isset ( $opt [self::METHOD] ) && isset ( $opt [self::OBJECT] )) {
$flags .= 'MBO';
$content .= "Method=" . $opt [self::METHOD] . "\n"; //method
$content .= "Bucket=" . $opt [self::BUCKET] . "\n"; //bucket
$content .= "Object=" . self::trimUrl ( $opt [self::OBJECT] ) . "\n"; //object
} else {
trigger_error ( 'bucket、method and object cann`t be NULL!' );
return false;
if (isset ( $opt ['ip'] )) {
$flags .= 'I';
$content .= "Ip=" . $opt ['ip'] . "\n";
if (isset ( $opt ['time'] )) {
$flags .= 'T';
$content .= "Time=" . $opt ['time'] . "\n";
if (isset ( $opt ['size'] )) {
$flags .= 'S';
$content .= "Size=" . $opt ['size'] . "\n";
$content = $flags . "\n" . $content;
$sign = base64_encode ( hash_hmac ( 'sha1', $content, $opt [self::SK], true ) );
return 'sign=' . $flags . ':' . $opt [self::AK] . ':' . urlencode ( $sign );
* 检查用户输入的acl array是否合法并转为json
* @param array $acl
* @throws BCS_Exception
* @return string acl-json
private function check_user_acl($acl) {
if (! is_array ( $acl )) {
throw new BCS_Exception ( "Invalid acl array" );
foreach ( $acl ['statements'] as $key => $statement ) {
// user resource action effect must in statement
if (! isset ( $statement ['user'] ) || ! isset ( $statement ['resource'] ) || ! isset ( $statement ['action'] ) || ! isset ( $statement ['effect'] )) {
throw new BCS_Exception ( 'Param miss: format acl error, please check your param!' );
if (! is_array ( $statement ['user'] ) || ! is_array ( $statement ['resource'] )) {
throw new BCS_Exception ( 'Param error: user or resource must be array, please check your param!' );
if (! is_array ( $statement ['action'] ) || ! count ( array_diff ( $statement ['action'], self::$ACL_ACTIONS ) ) == 0) {
throw new BCS_Exception ( 'Param error: action, please check your param!' );
if (! in_array ( $statement ['effect'], self::$ACL_EFFECTS )) {
throw new BCS_Exception ( 'Param error: effect, please check your param!' );
if (isset ( $statement ['time'] )) {
if (! is_array ( $statement ['time'] )) {
throw new BCS_Exception ( 'Param error: time, please check your param!' );
return self::array_to_json ( $acl );
* 构造url
* @param array $opt
* @return boolean|string
private function format_url($opt) {
$sign = $this->format_signature ( $opt );
if ($sign === false) {
trigger_error ( "Format signature failed, please check!" );
return false;
$opt ['sign'] = $sign;
$url = "";
$url .= $this->use_ssl ? 'https://' : 'http://';
$url .= $this->hostname;
$url .= '/' . $opt [self::BUCKET];
if (isset ( $opt [self::OBJECT] ) && '/' !== $opt [self::OBJECT]) {
$url .= "/" . rawurlencode ( $opt [self::OBJECT] );
$url .= '?' . $sign;
if (isset ( $opt [self::QUERY_STRING] )) {
foreach ( $opt [self::QUERY_STRING] as $key => $value ) {
$url .= '&' . $key . '=' . $value;
return $url;
* 将url中 '//' 替换为 '/'
* @param $url
* @return string
public static function trimUrl($url) {
$result = str_replace ( "//", "/", $url );
while ( $result !== $url ) {
$url = $result;
$result = str_replace ( "//", "/", $url );
return $result;
* 获取传入目录的文件列表
* @param string $dir 文件目录
* @return array 文件树
public static function get_filetree($dir, $file_prefix = "/*") {
$tree = array ();
foreach ( glob ( $dir . $file_prefix ) as $single ) {
if (is_dir ( $single )) {
$tree = array_merge ( $tree, self::get_filetree ( $single ) );
} else {
$tree [] = $single;
return $tree;
* 内置的日志函数可以根据用户传入的log函数进行日志输出
* @param string $log
* @param array $opt
public function log($log, $opt) {
if (isset ( $opt [self::IMPORT_BCS_LOG_METHOD] ) && function_exists ( $opt [self::IMPORT_BCS_LOG_METHOD] )) {
$opt [self::IMPORT_BCS_LOG_METHOD] ( $log );
} else {
trigger_error ( $log );
* make sure $opt is an array
* @param $opt
private function assertParameterArray($opt) {
if (! is_array ( $opt )) {
throw new BCS_Exception ( 'Parameter must be array, please check!', - 1 );