
197 lines
6.2 KiB

[UCenter] (C)2001-2009 Comsenz Inc.
This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms
$Id: note.php 916 2009-01-19 05:56:07Z monkey $
!defined('IN_UC') && exit('Access Denied');
define('UC_NOTE_REPEAT', 5);
define('UC_NOTE_TIMEOUT', 15);
define('UC_NOTE_GC', 10000);
define('API_RETURN_FAILED', '-1');
class notemodel {
var $db;
var $base;
var $apps;
var $operations = array();
var $notetype = 'HTTP';
function __construct(&$base) {
function notemodel(&$base) {
$this->base = $base;
$this->db = $base->db;
$this->apps = $this->base->cache('apps');
$this->operations = array(
'test'=>array('', 'action=test'),
'deleteuser'=>array('', 'action=deleteuser'),
'renameuser'=>array('', 'action=renameuser'),
'deletefriend'=>array('', 'action=deletefriend'),
'gettag'=>array('', 'action=gettag', 'tag', 'updatedata'),
'getcreditsettings'=>array('', 'action=getcreditsettings'),
'getcredit'=>array('', 'action=getcredit'),
'updatecreditsettings'=>array('', 'action=updatecreditsettings'),
'updateclient'=>array('', 'action=updateclient'),
'updatepw'=>array('', 'action=updatepw'),
'updatebadwords'=>array('', 'action=updatebadwords'),
'updatehosts'=>array('', 'action=updatehosts'),
'updateapps'=>array('', 'action=updateapps'),
'updatecredit'=>array('', 'action=updatecredit'),
function get_total_num($all = TRUE) {
function get_list($page, $ppp, $totalnum, $all = TRUE) {
function delete_note($ids) {
function add($operation, $getdata='', $postdata='', $appids=array(), $pri = 0) {
$extra = $varextra = '';
$appadd = $varadd = array();
foreach((array)$this->apps as $appid => $app) {
$appid = $app['appid'];
if($appid == intval($appid)) {
if($appids && !in_array($appid, $appids)) {
$appadd[] = 'app'.$appid."='1'";
} else {
$varadd[] = "('noteexists{$appid}', '1')";
if($appadd) {
$extra = implode(',', $appadd);
$extra = $extra ? ', '.$extra : '';
if($varadd) {
$varextra = implode(', ', $varadd);
$varextra = $varextra ? ', '.$varextra : '';
$getdata = addslashes($getdata);
$postdata = addslashes($postdata);
$this->db->query("INSERT INTO ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."notelist SET getdata='$getdata', operation='$operation', pri='$pri', postdata='$postdata'$extra");
$insert_id = $this->db->insert_id();
$insert_id && $this->db->query("REPLACE INTO ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."vars (name, value) VALUES ('noteexists', '1')$varextra");
return $insert_id;
function send() {
register_shutdown_function(array($this, '_send'));
function _send() {
$note = $this->_get_note();
if(empty($note)) {
$this->db->query("REPLACE INTO ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."vars SET name='noteexists".UC_APPID."', value='0'");
return NULL;
$this->sendone(UC_APPID, 0, $note);
function sendone($appid, $noteid = 0, $note = '') {
require_once UC_ROOT.'./lib/xml.class.php';
$return = FALSE;
$app = $this->apps[$appid];
if($noteid) {
$note = $this->_get_note_by_id($noteid);
$apifilename = isset($app['apifilename']) && $app['apifilename'] ? $app['apifilename'] : 'uc.php';
if($app['extra']['apppath'] && @include $app['extra']['apppath'].'./api/'.$apifilename) {
$uc_note = new uc_note();
$method = $note['operation'];
if(is_string($method) && !empty($method)) {
parse_str($note['getdata'], $note['getdata']);
if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$note['getdata'] = $this->base->dstripslashes($note['getdata']);
$note['postdata'] = xml_unserialize($note['postdata']);
$response = $uc_note->$method($note['getdata'], $note['postdata']);
} else {
$url = $this->get_url_code($note['operation'], $note['getdata'], $appid);
$note['postdata'] = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $note['postdata']);
$response = trim($_ENV['misc']->dfopen2($url, 0, $note['postdata'], '', 1, $app['ip'], UC_NOTE_TIMEOUT, TRUE));
$returnsucceed = $response != '' && ($response == 1 || is_array(xml_unserialize($response)));
$closedsqladd = $this->_close_note($note, $this->apps, $returnsucceed, $appid) ? ",closed='1'" : '';//
if($returnsucceed) {
if($this->operations[$note['operation']][2]) {
$func = $this->operations[$note['operation']][3];
$_ENV[$this->operations[$note['operation']][2]]->$func($appid, $response);
$this->db->query("UPDATE ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."notelist SET app$appid='1', totalnum=totalnum+1, succeednum=succeednum+1, dateline='{$this->base->time}' $closedsqladd WHERE noteid='$note[noteid]'", 'SILENT');
$return = TRUE;
} else {
$this->db->query("UPDATE ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."notelist SET app$appid = app$appid-'1', totalnum=totalnum+1, dateline='{$this->base->time}' $closedsqladd WHERE noteid='$note[noteid]'", 'SILENT');
$return = FALSE;
return $return;
function _get_note() {
$app_field = 'app'.UC_APPID;
$data = $this->db->fetch_first("SELECT * FROM ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."notelist WHERE closed='0' AND $app_field<'1' AND $app_field>'-".UC_NOTE_REPEAT."' LIMIT 1");
return $data;
function _gc() {
rand(0, UC_NOTE_GC) == 0 && $this->db->query("DELETE FROM ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."notelist WHERE closed='1'");
function _close_note($note, $apps, $returnsucceed, $appid) {
$note['app'.$appid] = $returnsucceed ? 1 : $note['app'.$appid] - 1;
$appcount = count($apps);
foreach($apps as $key => $app) {
$appstatus = $note['app'.$app['appid']];
if(!$app['recvnote'] || $appstatus == 1 || $appstatus <= -UC_NOTE_REPEAT) {
if($appcount < 1) {
return TRUE;
//$closedsqladd = ",closed='1'";
function _get_note_by_id($noteid) {
$data = $this->db->fetch_first("SELECT * FROM ".UC_DBTABLEPRE."notelist WHERE noteid='$noteid'");
return $data;
function get_url_code($operation, $getdata, $appid) {
$app = $this->apps[$appid];
$authkey = UC_KEY;
$url = $app['url'];
$apifilename = isset($app['apifilename']) && $app['apifilename'] ? $app['apifilename'] : 'uc.php';
$action = $this->operations[$operation][1];
$code = urlencode($this->base->authcode("$action&".($getdata ? "$getdata&" : '')."time=".$this->base->time, 'ENCODE', $authkey));
return $url."/api/$apifilename?code=$code";