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6 years ago
namespace Org\UcpaasSDK;
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: UCPAAS JackZhao
* Date: 2014/10/22
* Time: 12:04
* Dec : ucpass php sdk
class Ucpaas
* 云之讯REST API版本号。当前版本号为2014-06-30
const SoftVersion = "2014-06-30";
* API请求地址
const BaseUrl = "";
* @var string
* 开发者账号ID。由32个英文字母和阿拉伯数字组成的开发者账号唯一标识符。
private $accountSid;
* @var string
* 开发者账号TOKEN
private $token;
* @var string
* 时间戳
private $timestamp;
* @param $options 数组参数必填
* $options = array(
* )
* @throws Exception
public function __construct($options)
if (is_array($options) && !empty($options)) {
$this->accountSid = isset($options['accountsid']) ? $options['accountsid'] : '';
$this->token = isset($options['token']) ? $options['token'] : '';
$this->timestamp = date("YmdHis") + 7200;
} else {
throw new Exception("非法参数");
* @return string
* 包头验证信息,使用Base64编码账户Id:时间戳)
private function getAuthorization()
$data = $this->accountSid . ":" . $this->timestamp;
return trim(base64_encode($data));
* @return string
* 验证参数,URL后必须带有sig参数sig= MD5账户Id + 账户授权令牌 + 时间戳共32位(注:转成大写)
private function getSigParameter()
$sig = $this->accountSid . $this->token . $this->timestamp;
return strtoupper(md5($sig));
* @param $url
* @param string $type
* @return mixed|string
private function getResult($url, $body = null, $type = 'json',$method)
$data = $this->connection($url,$body,$type,$method);
if (isset($data) && !empty($data)) {
$result = $data;
} else {
$result = '没有返回数据';
return $result;
* @param $url
* @param $type
* @param $body post数据
* @param $method post或get
* @return mixed|string
private function connection($url, $body, $type,$method)
if ($type == 'json') {
$mine = 'application/json';
} else {
$mine = 'application/xml';
if (function_exists("curl_init")) {
$header = array(
'Accept:' . $mine,
'Content-Type:' . $mine . ';charset=utf-8',
'Authorization:' . $this->getAuthorization(),
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header);
if($method == 'post'){
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
} else {
$opts = array();
$opts['http'] = array();
$headers = array(
"method" => strtoupper($method),
$headers[]= 'Accept:'.$mine;
$headers['header'] = array();
$headers['header'][] = "Authorization: ".$this->getAuthorization();
$headers['header'][]= 'Content-Type:'.$mine.';charset=utf-8';
if(!empty($body)) {
$headers['header'][]= 'Content-Length:'.strlen($body);
$headers['content']= $body;
$opts['http'] = $headers;
$result = file_get_contents($url, false, stream_context_create($opts));
return $result;
* @param string $type 默认json,也可指定xml,否则抛出异常
* @return mixed|string 返回指定$type格式的数据
* @throws Exception
public function getDevinfo($type = 'json')
if ($type == 'json') {
$type = 'json';
} elseif ($type == 'xml') {
$type = 'xml';
} else {
throw new Exception("只能json或xml默认为json");
$url = self::BaseUrl . self::SoftVersion . '/Accounts/' . $this->accountSid . '?sig=' . $this->getSigParameter();
$data = $this->getResult($url,null,$type,'get');
return $data;
* @param $appId 应用ID
* @param $clientType 计费方式。0 开发者计费1 云平台计费。默认为0.
* @param $charge 充值的金额
* @param $friendlyName 昵称
* @param $mobile 手机号码
* @return json/xml
public function applyClient($appId, $clientType, $charge, $friendlyName, $mobile, $type = 'json')
$url = self::BaseUrl . self::SoftVersion . '/Accounts/' . $this->accountSid . '/Clients?sig=' . $this->getSigParameter();
if ($type == 'json') {
$body_json = array();
$body_json['client'] = array();
$body_json['client']['appId'] = $appId;
$body_json['client']['clientType'] = $clientType;
$body_json['client']['charge'] = $charge;
$body_json['client']['friendlyName'] = $friendlyName;
$body_json['client']['mobile'] = $mobile;
$body = json_encode($body_json);
} elseif ($type == 'xml') {
$body_xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
$body = trim($body_xml);
} else {
throw new Exception("只能json或xml默认为json");
$data = $this->getResult($url, $body, $type,'post');
return $data;
* @param $clientNumber
* @param $appId
* @param string $type
* @return mixed|string
* @throws Exception
public function releaseClient($clientNumber,$appId,$type = 'json'){
$url = self::BaseUrl . self::SoftVersion . '/Accounts/' . $this->accountSid . '/dropClient?sig=' . $this->getSigParameter();
if($type == 'json'){
$body_json = array();
$body_json['client'] = array();
$body_json['client']['clientNumber'] = $clientNumber;
$body_json['client']['appId'] = $appId;
$body = json_encode($body_json);
}elseif($type == 'xml'){
$body_xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<appId>'.$appId.'</appId >
$body = trim($body_xml);
}else {
throw new Exception("只能json或xml默认为json");
$data = $this->getResult($url, $body, $type,'post');
return $data;
* @param $appId
* @param $start
* @param $limit
* @param string $type
* @return mixed|string
* @throws Exception
public function getClientList($appId,$start,$limit,$type = 'json'){
$url = self::BaseUrl . self::SoftVersion . '/Accounts/' . $this->accountSid . '/clientList?sig=' . $this->getSigParameter();
if($type == 'json'){
$body_json = array('client'=>array(
$body = json_encode($body_json);
}elseif($type == 'xml'){
$body_xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
$body = trim($body_xml);
}else {
throw new Exception("只能json或xml默认为json");
$data = $this->getResult($url, $body, $type,'post');
return $data;
* @param $appId
* @param $clientNumber
* @param string $type
* @return mixed|string
* @throws Exception
public function getClientInfo($appId,$clientNumber,$type = 'json'){
if ($type == 'json') {
$type = 'json';
} elseif ($type == 'xml') {
$type = 'xml';
} else {
throw new Exception("只能json或xml默认为json");
$url = self::BaseUrl . self::SoftVersion . '/Accounts/' . $this->accountSid . '?sig=' . $this->getSigParameter(). '&clientNumber='.$clientNumber.'&appId='.$appId;
$data = $this->getResult($url,null,$type,'get');
return $data;
* @param $appId
* @param $mobile
* @param string $type
* @return mixed|string
* @throws Exception
public function getClientInfoByMobile($appId,$mobile,$type = 'json'){
if ($type == 'json') {
$type = 'json';
} elseif ($type == 'xml') {
$type = 'xml';
} else {
throw new Exception("只能json或xml默认为json");
$url = self::BaseUrl . self::SoftVersion . '/Accounts/' . $this->accountSid . '/ClientsByMobile?sig=' . $this->getSigParameter(). '&mobile='.$mobile.'&appId='.$appId;
$data = $this->getResult($url,null,$type,'get');
return $data;
* @param $appId
* @param $date
* @param string $type
* @return mixed|string
* @throws Exception
public function getBillList($appId,$date,$type = 'json'){
$url = self::BaseUrl . self::SoftVersion . '/Accounts/' . $this->accountSid . '/billList?sig=' . $this->getSigParameter();
if($type == 'json'){
$body_json = array('appBill'=>array(
$body = json_encode($body_json);
}elseif($type == 'xml'){
$body_xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
$body = trim($body_xml);
}else {
throw new Exception("只能json或xml默认为json");
$data = $this->getResult($url, $body, $type,'post');
return $data;
* @param $appId
* @param $clientNumber
* @param $chargeType
* @param $charge
* @param string $type
* @return mixed|string
* @throws Exception
public function chargeClient($appId,$clientNumber,$chargeType,$charge,$type = 'json'){
$url = self::BaseUrl . self::SoftVersion . '/Accounts/' . $this->accountSid . '/chargeClient?sig=' . $this->getSigParameter();
if($type == 'json'){
$body_json = array('client'=>array(
$body = json_encode($body_json);
}elseif($type == 'xml'){
$body_xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
$body = trim($body_xml);
}else {
throw new Exception("只能json或xml默认为json");
$data = $this->getResult($url, $body, $type,'post');
return $data;
* @param $appId
* @param $fromClient
* @param $to
* @param null $fromSerNum
* @param null $toSerNum
* @param string $type
* @return mixed|string
* @throws Exception
public function callBack($appId,$fromClient,$to,$fromSerNum=null,$toSerNum=null,$type = 'json'){
$url = self::BaseUrl . self::SoftVersion . '/Accounts/' . $this->accountSid . '/Calls/callBack?sig=' . $this->getSigParameter();
if($type == 'json'){
$body_json = array('callback'=>array(
$body = json_encode($body_json);
}elseif($type == 'xml'){
$body_xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
$body = trim($body_xml);
}else {
throw new Exception("只能json或xml默认为json");
$data = $this->getResult($url, $body, $type,'post');
return $data;
* @param $appId
* @param $verifyCode
* @param $to
* @param string $type
* @return mixed|string
* @throws Exception
public function voiceCode($appId,$verifyCode,$to,$type = 'json'){
$url = self::BaseUrl . self::SoftVersion . '/Accounts/' . $this->accountSid . '/Calls/voiceCode?sig=' . $this->getSigParameter();
if($type == 'json'){
$body_json = array('voiceCode'=>array(
$body = json_encode($body_json);
}elseif($type == 'xml'){
$body_xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
$body = trim($body_xml);
}else {
throw new Exception("只能json或xml默认为json");
$data = $this->getResult($url, $body, $type,'post');
return $data;
* @param $appId
* @param $to
* @param $templateId
* @param null $param
* @param string $type
* @return mixed|string
* @throws Exception
public function templateSMS($appId,$to,$templateId,$param=null,$type = 'json'){
$url = self::BaseUrl . self::SoftVersion . '/Accounts/' . $this->accountSid . '/Messages/templateSMS?sig=' . $this->getSigParameter();
if($type == 'json'){
$body_json = array('templateSMS'=>array(
$body = json_encode($body_json);
}elseif($type == 'xml'){
$body_xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
$body = trim($body_xml);
}else {
throw new Exception("只能json或xml默认为json");
$data = $this->getResult($url, $body, $type,'post');
return $data;