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5 years ago
namespace Base\Service;
use Base\Facade\Request;
class GameService {
const DOWNLOAD_BETA = 2;
public function getDownLoadWaysValue(array $downloadWays)
$value = 0;
foreach ($downloadWays as $downloadWay) {
$value |= $downloadWay;
return $value;
5 years ago
public function saveBaseGame($params)
$baseGame = null;
$conditions = [];
$data = [
'name' => $params['name']
$gameIds = [$params['id']];
if (isset($params['relation_game_id']) && $params['relation_game_id']) {
$gameIds[] = $params['relation_game_id'];
$conditions['_logic'] = 'or';
$conditions['android_game_id'] = ['in', $gameIds];
$conditions['ios_game_id'] = ['in', $gameIds];
if ($params['sdk_version'] == 1) {
$data['android_game_id'] = $params['id'];
} elseif ($params['sdk_version'] == 2) {
$data['ios_game_id'] = $params['id'];
$baseGame = M('base_game', 'tab_')->where($conditions)->find();
if (!$baseGame) {
return M('base_game', 'tab_')->add($data);
} else {
return M('base_game', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $baseGame['id']])->save($data);
5 years ago
public function getGames(array $ids = null, $fields = '*')
$map = [];
if (is_null($ids)) {
$map['_string'] = '1=1';
} elseif (count($ids) == 0) {
return [];
} else {
$map['id'] = ['in', $ids];
$rules = M('game', 'tab_')->field($fields)->where($map)->select();
return index_by_column('id', $rules);
public function getGameTypes(array $ids = null, $fields = '*')
$map = [];
if (is_null($ids)) {
$map['_string'] = '1=1';
} elseif (count($ids) == 0) {
return [];
} else {
$map['id'] = ['in', $ids];
$rules = M('game_type', 'tab_')->field($fields)->where($map)->select();
return index_by_column('id', $rules);
public function getBaseGames(array $ids = null, $fields = '*')
$map = [];
if (is_null($ids)) {
$map['_string'] = '1=1';
} elseif (count($ids) == 0) {
return [];
} else {
$map['id'] = ['in', $ids];
$games = M('base_game', 'tab_')->field($fields)->where($map)->select();
return index_by_column('id', $games);
public function getGamesByType($gameTypeId, $fields = '*')
$map = [];
if ($gameTypeId == 0) {
$map['_string'] = '1=1';
} else {
$map['game_type_id'] = $gameTypeId;
$games = M('game', 'tab_')->field($fields)->where($map)->select();
return index_by_column('id', $games);
public function getBaseGamesByType($gameTypeId, $fields = '*')
$map = [];
if ($gameTypeId == 0) {
$map['_string'] = '1=1';
} else {
$games = $this->getGamesByType($gameTypeId, 'id');
if (count($games) == 0) {
return [];
$gameIds = array_column($games, 'id');
$map['android_game_id'] = ['in', $gameIds];
$map['ios_game_id'] = ['in', $gameIds];
$map['_logic'] = 'or';
$baseGames = M('base_game', 'tab_')->field($fields)->where($map)->select();
return index_by_column('id', $baseGames);
5 years ago
public function isUniqueCodeExists($uniqueCode, $exceptId = 0, $exceptType = 'id')
$map = ['unique_code' => $uniqueCode];
if ($exceptId > 0) {
$map[$exceptType] = ['neq', $exceptId];
$count = M('game', 'tab_')->where($map)->count();
if ($count > 0) {
return true;
return false;
5 years ago