You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

340 lines
12 KiB

5 years ago
namespace Base\Service;
use Base\Model\PromoteModel;
use Base\Model\ApplyModel;
class GameSourceService {
public function __construct()
5 years ago
public function getChannelConfigFile($gameSource)
5 years ago
$configUrl = '';
if ($gameSource['sdk_version'] == 1) {
$configUrl = "META-INF/";
} else {
$preUrl = '';
$zipGameSource = zip_open($this->getGameSourceUrl($gameSource));
if ($zipGameSource) {
while ($zipEntry = zip_read($zipGameSource)) {
if (preg_match("/^Payload.*?\.app/", zip_entry_name($zipEntry), $matches)) {
$preUrl = $matches[0];
$configUrl = $preUrl . '/_CodeSignature/TXChannel';
return $configUrl;
5 years ago
public function getGameSourceUrl($gameSource)
if (empty($gameSource)) {
return '';
5 years ago
$path = '';
5 years ago
if($gameSource['file_type'] == 1){
5 years ago
$path = './Uploads/SourcePack/';
$path = './Uploads/Ios/original/';
$fileUrl = $path . $gameSource['file_name'];
return ROOTTT . ltrim($fileUrl, './');
5 years ago
public function packChannelInfo($zipFile, $distFile, array $packData)
$zip = new \ZipArchive();
if ($zip->open($zipFile, \ZipArchive::CREATE)) {
$zip->addFromString($distFile, json_encode($packData));
return true;
return false;
* 原包打包
public function sourcePack($gameSource, $game)
$relativeUrl = $gameSource['file_url'];
$localPath = ROOTTT . ltrim($relativeUrl, './');
$packData = [
'game_id' => $game['id'],
'game_name' => $game['game_name'],
'game_appid' => $game['game_appid'],
'promote_id' => 0,
'promote_account' => '自然注册',
'source_version' => $gameSource['source_version'],
$originalUrl = '';
if ($game['sdk_version'] == 2) {
$oldLocalPath = $localPath;
$localPath = str_replace('Uploads/SourcePack', 'Uploads/Ios/original', $oldLocalPath);
$originalUrl = $relativeUrl;
copy($oldLocalPath, $localPath);
$channelConfigFile = $this->getChannelConfigFile($gameSource);
$status = $this->packChannelInfo($localPath, $channelConfigFile, $packData);
if (!$status) {
return [
'status' => false,
'message' => '打包失败,原包加入信息失败!',
$distFilePath = 'SourcePack/' . $gameSource['file_name'];
$result = $this->uploadPackage($localPath, $distFilePath);
$fileUrl = '';
if ($result['status']) {
$fileUrl = $result['data']['url'];
$fileUrl = $fileUrl == '@' ? $relativeUrl : $fileUrl;
} else {
return [
'status' => false,
'message' => '打包失败上传OSS失败',
$plistUrl = '';
$orgPlistUrl = '';
if ($game['sdk_version'] == 2) {
$params = [
'domain' => '',
'packageName' => $gameSource['bao_name'],
'gameId' => $game['id'],
'promoteId' => 0,
'packageUrl' => $fileUrl,
'gameIcon' => '',
'type' => 'pack'
$result = $this->createPlist($params);
if ($result['status']) {
$plistUrl = $result['data']['path'];
} else {
return [
'status' => false,
'message' => '打包失败生成plist文件失败',
$params['type'] = 'org';
$result = $this->createPlist($params);
if ($result['status']) {
$orgPlistUrl = $result['data']['path'];
} else {
return [
'status' => false,
'message' => '打包失败生成原包plist文件失败',
return [
'status' => true,
'message' => '打包成功!',
'data' => [
'plistUrl' => $plistUrl,
'orgPlistUrl' => $orgPlistUrl,
'fileUrl' => $fileUrl,
'originalUrl' => $originalUrl,
* 渠道打包
public function channelPack($gameSource, $game, $apply, $launchCount = 0)
$gameSourceUrl = $this->getGameSourceUrl($gameSource);
if ($gameSource == null || !file_exists($gameSourceUrl)) {
M('apply', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $apply['id']])->setField('enable_status', -1);
/* 检测是否存在投放申请,存在则更改投放申请信息,否则进行渠道打包 */
if ($launchCount > 0) {
M('apply', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $apply['id']])->setField('enable_status', 3);
$launchData = ['launch_packge' => 2, 'launch_down_url'=>'' , 'launch_plist_url'=>''];
M('apply_launch', 'tab_')->where(['apply_id' => $apply['id'], 'launch_packge'=>['in', [0, 2, 3]]])->save($launchData);
$savePath = '';
$fileName = 'game_package' . $apply['game_id'] . '-' . $apply['promote_id'];
if ($apply['sdk_version'] == 1) {
$savePath = 'Uploads/GamePack/' . $fileName . '.apk';
} else {
$savePath = 'Uploads/IosGamePack/' . $fileName . '.ipa';
$channelConfigFile = $this->getChannelConfigFile($gameSource);
$relativePath = './' . $savePath;
$localPath = ROOTTT . $savePath;
copy($gameSourceUrl, $localPath);
$packData = [
'game_id' => $apply['game_id'],
'game_name' => $apply['game_name'],
'game_appid' => $game['game_appid'],
'promote_id' => $apply['promote_id'],
'promote_account' => $apply['promote_account'],
'source_version' => $gameSource['source_version'],
$status = $this->packChannelInfo($localPath, $channelConfigFile, $packData);
if (!$status) {
return [
'status' => false,
'message' => '打包失败,加入渠道信息失败!',
$result = $this->uploadPackage($localPath, $savePath, true);
if ($result['status']) {
$packageUrl = $result['data']['url'];
$packageUrl = $packageUrl == '@' ? $relativePath : $packageUrl;
} else {
return [
'status' => false,
'message' => '打包失败上传OSS失败',
$plistInfo = ['game_id' => $apply['game_id'], 'promote_id' => $apply['promote_id']];
$plistUrl = '';
if ($apply['sdk_version'] == 2) {
$params = [
'domain' => '',
'packageName' => $gameSource['bao_name'],
'gameId' => $game['id'],
'promoteId' => $apply['promote_id'],
'packageUrl' => $packageUrl,
'gameIcon' => '',
'type' => 'pack'
$result = $this->createPlist($params);
if ($result['status']) {
$plistUrl = $result['data']['path'];
} else {
return [
'status' => false,
'message' => '打包失败生成plist文件失败',
$applyService->updateAfterPack($apply, $packageUrl, $plistUrl);
return [
'status' => true,
'message' => '打包成功!',
'data' => [
'plistUrl' => $plistUrl,
public function uploadPackage($localFilePath, $distFilePath, $isDeleteLocal = false)
if (get_tool_status('oss_storage') == 1) {
$ossService = new OssService();
$result = $ossService->upload($localFilePath, $distFilePath);
if ($isDeleteLocal && file_exists($localFilePath)) {
return $result;
} else {
// 不上传OSS等第三方服务器
return [
'status' => true,
'message' => '上传成功',
'data' => [
'url' => '@'
public function createPlist($params)
$domain = $params['domain'] ?? '';
$packageName = $params['packageName'] ?? '';
$gameId = $params['gameId'] ?? 0;
$promoteId = $params['promoteId'] ?? 0;
$packageUrl = $params['packageUrl'] ?? '';
$platformId = $params['platformId'] ?? 0;
$position = $params['position'] ?? 0;
$gameIcon = $params['gameIcon'] ?? '';
$type = $params['type'] ?? '';
if ($gameId == 0) {
return [
'status' => false,
'message' => '游戏ID错误',
if ($type == '' || !in_array($type, ['org', 'pack'])) {
return [
'status' => false,
'message' => '类型错误',
$xml = new \DOMDocument();
$xml->load(ROOTTT . 'Uploads/Plist/testdemo.Plist');
$online = $xml->getElementsByTagName('dict'); //查找节点
$elements = $online->item(1)->getElementsByTagName('string'); //第二个节点下所有string
foreach ($elements as $element) {
switch ($element->textContent) {
case 'ipa_url':
if (preg_match("/http/", $packageUrl)) {
$element->nodeValue = $packageUrl;
} else {
$element->nodeValue = "https://" . $domain . ltrim($packageUrl, '.');
case 'icon':
if (preg_match("/http/", $gameIcon)) {
$element->nodeValue = $gameIcon;
} else {
$element->nodeValue = "https://" . $domain . $gameIcon;
case '':
$element->nodeValue = $packageName;
case '1.0.0':
$element->nodeValue = false;
case 'mchdemo':
$element->nodeValue = false;
$fileName = '';
if ($type == 'pack') {
if ($promoteId == 0) {
$fileName = 'Uploads/SourcePlist/'. $gameId . '.Plist';
} elseif ($platformId > 0) {
$fileName = 'Uploads/GamePlist/'. $gameId . '-' . $promoteId . '-' . $platformId . '-' .$position . '.Plist';
} else {
$fileName = 'Uploads/GamePlist/'. $gameId . '-' . $promoteId . '.Plist';
} elseif ($type == 'org') {
$fileName = 'Uploads/OrgSourcePlist/'. $gameId . '.Plist';
$xml->save('./' . $fileName);
return [
'status' => true,
'message' => '生成成功',
'data' => [
'path' => './' . $fileName
5 years ago