namespace Admin\Controller;
use Base\Repository\GameRepository;
use Base\Service\GameRebateService;
* 游戏返利
class GameRebateController extends ThinkController
public function single()
public function accumulative()
public function daily()
public function firstPay()
public function dayAccumulative()
public function weekly()
public function newRole()
public function dailySign()
public function singleTimes()
public function propsApplication()
public function records($awardType)
$params = I('get.');
$params['is_export'] = ($params['export'] ?? 0);
$params['page'] = ($params['p'] ?? 1);
$params['limit'] = ($params['row'] ?? 10);
$baseGameId = $params['base_game_id'] ?? 0;
$isExport = $params['is_export'] == 1;
if ($params['reviewer_id'] > 0) {
$params['review_type'] = 0;
$service = new GameRebateService();
[$records, $count] = $service->listQuery($params, $awardType);
$pageTitle = $service->typeDisplayNames[$awardType];
$pageName = $service->typeNames[$awardType];
if (count($records) > 0) {
$records = $service->listRange($records);
if ($isExport) {
$field = $service->getExportHeadings($awardType);
addOperationLog(['op_type'=>3,'key'=>getNowDate(),'op_name'=>'导出' . $pageTitle . '记录','url'=>U('GameRebate/' . $pageName),'menu'=>'推广员-发放福利管理-' . '导出' . $pageTitle . '记录']);
data2csv($records, $pageTitle, $field);
$page = set_pagination($count, $params['limit'] == 'all' ? 99999999 : $params['limit']);
if($page) {
$this->assign('_page', $page);
$admins = M('ucenter_member', 'sys_')->field(['id', 'username'])->select();
$baseGames = $service->getRebateBaseGames();
$gameRepository = new GameRepository();
$this->assign('pageTitle', $pageTitle);
$this->assign('pageName', $pageName);
$this->assign('awardType', $awardType);
$this->assign('servers', $gameRepository->getServersByBaseGameId($baseGameId));
$this->assign('admins', $admins);
$this->assign('baseGames', $baseGames);
$this->assign('sendStatusList', $service->sendStatusList);
$this->assign('reviewStatusList', $service->reviewStatusList);
$this->assign('records', $records);
public function review()
$ids = I('ids', []);
$status = I('status', 0);
try {
$adminInfo = $_SESSION['onethink_admin']['user_auth'];
$handler = [];
$handler['id'] = $adminInfo['uid'];
$handler['username'] = $adminInfo['username'];
$handler['type'] = 2;
$service = new GameRebateService();
$service->review($ids, $status, $handler);
'status' => 1,
'message' => '操作成功'
} catch (\Exception $e) {
'status' => 0,
'message' => $e->getMessage()
public function getServers()
$gameId = I('game_id', 0);
$gameRepository = new GameRepository();
$servers = $gameRepository->getServersByBaseGameId($gameId);
return $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 1, 'message' => '获取成功', 'data' => ['servers' => $servers]]);
private function simulateSpendQuery($params)
$isExport = $params['export'] ?? 0;
$page = $params['page'] ?? 0;
$limit = $params['limit'] ?? 0;
$baseGameId = $params['base_game_id'] ?? 0;
$serverId = $params['server_id'] ?? '';
$roleName = $params['role_name'] ?? '';
$userAccount = $params['user_account'] ?? '';
$status = $params['status'] ?? -1;
$reviewerId = $params['reviewer_id'] ?? 0;
$reviewType = $params['review_type'] ?? -1;
$where = [
'_string' => '1=1',
if ($baseGameId != 0) {
$where['base_game_id'] = $baseGameId;
if ($userAccount != '') {
$where['user_account'] = ['like', $userAccount . '%'];
if ($roleName != '') {
$where['role_name'] = ['like', $roleName . '%'];
if ($serverId != '') {
$where['server_id'] = $serverId;
if ($status != -1) {
$where['status'] = $status;
if ($reviewerId != 0) {
$where['reviewer_id'] = $reviewerId;
if ($reviewType != -1) {
$where['review_type'] = $reviewType;
if (I('review_time_start', '') != '') {
$where['_string'] .= ' and review_time>=' . strtotime(I('review_time_start') . ' 00:00:00');
if (I('review_time_end', '') != '') {
$where['_string'] .= ' and review_time<=' . strtotime(I('review_time_end') . ' 23:59:59');
if (I('create_time_start', '') != '') {
$where['_string'] .= ' and create_time>=' . strtotime(I('create_time_start') . ' 00:00:00');
if (I('create_time_end', '') != '') {
$where['_string'] .= ' and create_time<=' . strtotime(I('create_time_end') . ' 23:59:59');
/* if ($promote) {
$promoteService = new PromoteService();
$subSql = M('user', 'tab_')->field(['id'])->where(['_string' => 'promote_id in(' . $promoteService->subInSql($promote) . ')'])->select(false);
$where['_string'] .= ' and user_id in(' . $subSql . ')';
} */
$query = M('simulate_spend', 'tab_')->where($where);
$count = 0;
$records = [];
if ($isExport == 1 || $limit == 'all') {
$records = $query->order('create_time desc')->select();
$count = count($records);
} else {
$countQuery = clone $query;
$records = $query->order('create_time desc')->page($page, $limit)->select();
$count = $countQuery->count();
return [$records, $count];
public function simulateSpendList()
$params = I('get.');
$baseGameId = $params['base_game_id'] ?? 0;
$isExport = $params['export'] ?? 0;
$error = '';
$records = [];
$count = 0;
if ($baseGameId > 0) {
[$records, $count] = $this->simulateSpendQuery($params);
} else {
$error = '请选择游戏搜索';
$statusList = [
0 => '未审核',
1 => '审核通过',
2 => '审核拒绝',
if (count($records) > 0) {
$users = [];
$userIds = array_column($records, 'user_id');
$users = M('user', 'tab_')->field(['id', 'promote_account'])->where(['id' => ['in', $userIds]])->select();
$users = index_by_column('id', $users);
$baseGame = M('base_game', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $baseGameId])->find();
$gameIds = [$baseGame['android_game_id'] , $baseGame['ios_game_id']];
$roleIds = array_column($records, 'role_id');
$items = M('spend', 'tab_')
->field(['game_player_id', 'sum(pay_amount) amount'])
->where(['game_player_id' => ['in', $roleIds], 'game_id' => ['in', $gameIds], 'pay_status' => 1, 'user_id' => ['in', $userIds]])
$payAmountItems = [];
foreach ($items as $item) {
$payAmountItems[$item['game_player_id']] = $item['amount'];
foreach ($records as $key => $record) {
$user = $users[$record['user_id']];
$payAmount = $payAmountItems[$record['role_id']] ?? 0;
$records[$key]['pay_amount'] = $payAmount;
$records[$key]['total_amount'] = $payAmount + $record['amount'];
$records[$key]['promote_account'] = $user['promote_account'];
$records[$key]['status_text'] = $statusList[$record['status']];
$records[$key]['review_time'] = $record['review_time'] > 0 ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $record['review_time']) : '--';
$records[$key]['create_time'] = $record['create_time'] > 0 ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $record['create_time']) : '--';
if ($isExport) {
$field = [
'order_no' => '订单号',
'base_game_name' => '游戏名称',
'server_name' => '区服',
'user_account' => '玩家账号',
'role_id' => '角色ID',
'role_name' => '角色名称',
'promote_account' => '所属推广员',
'pay_amount' => '当前累充金额',
'amount' => '模拟发放金额',
'total_amount' => '可触发返利功能金额',
'create_time' => '添加时间',
'status_text' => '审核状态',
'review_time' => '审核时间',
'reviewer_username' => '审核人',
'remark' => '备注',
addOperationLog(['op_type'=>3,'key'=>getNowDate(),'op_name'=>'导出转区转游模拟发放记录','url'=>U('GameRebate/simulateSpendList'),'menu'=>'推广员-发放福利管理-' . '导出转区转游模拟发放记录']);
data2csv($records, '转区转游模拟发放', $field);
$page = set_pagination($count, $params['limit'] == 'all' ? 99999999 : $params['limit']);
if($page) {
$this->assign('_page', $page);
$admins = M('ucenter_member', 'sys_')->field(['id', 'username'])->select();
$service = new GameRebateService();
$baseGames = $service->getRebateBaseGames();
$gameRepository = new GameRepository();
$this->assign('servers', $gameRepository->getServersByBaseGameId($baseGameId));
$this->assign('admins', $admins);
$this->assign('baseGames', $baseGames);
$this->assign('statusList', $statusList);
$this->assign('records', $records);
$this->assign('error', $error);
public function addSimulateSpend()
$service = new GameRebateService();
$baseGames = $service->getRebateBaseGames();
$this->assign('baseGames', $baseGames);
public function saveSimulateSpend()
$params = I('post.');
try {
$adminInfo = $_SESSION['onethink_admin']['user_auth'];
$handler = [];
$handler['id'] = $adminInfo['uid'];
$handler['username'] = $adminInfo['username'];
$service = new GameRebateService();
$service->addSimulateSpend($params, $handler);
'status' => 1,
'message' => '保存成功'
} catch (\Exception $e) {
'status' => 0,
'message' => $e->getMessage()
public function reviewSimulateSpend()
$ids = I('ids', []);
$status = I('status', 0);
try {
$adminInfo = $_SESSION['onethink_admin']['user_auth'];
$handler = [];
$handler['id'] = $adminInfo['uid'];
$handler['username'] = $adminInfo['username'];
$service = new GameRebateService();
$service->reviewSimulateSpend($ids, $status, $handler);
'status' => 1,
'message' => '操作成功'
} catch (\Exception $e) {
'status' => 0,
'message' => $e->getMessage()
private function propsQuery($params)
$isExport = $params['export'] ?? 0;
$page = $params['page'] ?? 0;
$limit = $params['limit'] ?? 0;
$baseGameId = $params['base_game_id'] ?? 0;
$refId = $params['ref_id'] ?? '';
$name = $params['name'] ?? '';
$where = [
'_string' => '1=1',
if ($baseGameId != 0) {
$where['base_game_id'] = $baseGameId;
if ($refId) {
$where['ref_id'] = $refId;
if ($name != '') {
$where['name'] = ['like', '%' . $name . '%'];
$query = M('rebate_props', 'tab_')->where($where);
$count = 0;
$records = [];
if ($isExport == 1 || $limit == 'all') {
$records = $query->order('create_time desc')->select();
$count = count($records);
} else {
$countQuery = clone $query;
$records = $query->order('create_time desc')->page($page, $limit)->select();
$count = $countQuery->count();
return [$records, $count];
public function props()
$params = I('get.');
$baseGameId = $params['base_game_id'] ?? 0;
$isExport = $params['export'] ?? 0;
$records = [];
$count = 0;
$baseGame = null;
$setting = null;
if ($baseGameId > 0) {
$baseGame = M('base_game', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $baseGameId])->find();
$setting = M('rebate_times_setting', 'tab_')->where(['base_game_id' => $baseGameId, 'type' => 'J'])->find();
[$records, $count] = $this->propsQuery($params);
} else {
return $this->error('请选择游戏搜索');
if (count($records) > 0) {
if ($isExport) {
$field = [
'ref_id' => '道具ID',
'name' => '道具名称',
'value' => '道具价值',
addOperationLog(['op_type'=>3,'key'=>getNowDate(),'op_name'=>'导出定制道具记录','url'=>U('GameRebate/props'),'menu'=>'推广员-发放福利管理-' . '定制道具记录']);
data2csv($records, $baseGame['name'] . '-定制道具记录', $field);
$page = set_pagination($count, $params['limit'] == 'all' ? 99999999 : $params['limit']);
if($page) {
$this->assign('_page', $page);
$this->assign('records', $records);
$this->assign('setting', $setting);
public function deleteProp()
$id = I('id', 0);
try {
$service = new GameRebateService();
'status' => 1,
'message' => '操作成功'
} catch (\Exception $e) {
'status' => 0,
'message' => $e->getMessage()
public function batchDeleteProp()
$ids = I('ids', []);
$baseGameId = I('base_game_id', 0);
try {
$service = new GameRebateService();
$service->batchDeleteProp($ids, $baseGameId);
'status' => 1,
'message' => '操作成功'
} catch (\Exception $e) {
'status' => 0,
'message' => $e->getMessage()
public function saveProp()
$params = I('post.');
try {
$service = new GameRebateService();
'status' => 1,
'message' => '保存成功'
} catch (\Exception $e) {
'status' => 0,
'message' => $e->getMessage()
private function parsePorps($props)
$keyMap = [
'道具ID' => 'ref_id',
'道具名称' => 'name',
'道具价值' => 'value'
$newProps = [];
foreach ($props as $prop) {
$newProp = [];
foreach ($prop as $key => $value) {
$key = trim($key);
if (isset($keyMap[$key])) {
$newProp[$keyMap[$key]] = $value;
$newProps[] = $newProp;
return $newProps;
public function saveProps()
$props = I('props', []);
$baseGameId = I('base_game_id', 0);
$props = $this->parsePorps($props);
try {
$service = new GameRebateService();
$service->saveProps($baseGameId, $props);
'status' => 1,
'message' => '保存成功'
} catch (\Exception $e) {
'status' => 0,
'message' => $e->getMessage()
public function settings()
$params = I('get.');
$isExport = $params['export'] ?? 0;
$baseGameId = $params['base_game_id'] ?? 0;
$page = $params['page'] ?? 0;
$limit = $params['limit'] ?? 0;
$type = $params['type'] ?? 'J';
$where = [
'_string' => '1=1',
if ($baseGameId != 0) {
$where['base_game_id'] = $baseGameId;
if ($type) {
$where['type'] = $type;
$query = M('rebate_times_setting', 'tab_')->where($where);
$count = 0;
$records = [];
if ($isExport == 1 || $limit == 'all') {
$records = $query->order('create_time desc')->select();
$count = count($records);
} else {
$countQuery = clone $query;
$records = $query->order('create_time desc')->page($page, $limit)->select();
$count = $countQuery->count();
$service = new GameRebateService();
$baseGames = $service->getRebateBaseGames();
$baseGames = index_by_column('id', $baseGames);
if (count($records) > 0) {
foreach ($records as $key => $record) {
$baseGame = $baseGames[$record['base_game_id']];
$records[$key]['base_game_name'] = $baseGame['name'];
if ($isExport) {
$field = [
'base_game_name' => '游戏名称',
'max_times' => '倍数上限',
$menuName = '';
if ($type == 'J') {
$menuName = '定制道具功';
} else {
$menuName = '游戏倍数设置';
$field['default_times'] = '默认倍数';
addOperationLog(['op_type'=>3,'key'=>getNowDate(),'op_name'=>'导出' . $menuName,'url'=>U('GameRebate/props'),'menu'=>'推广员-发放福利管理-' . $$menuName]);
data2csv($records, $menuName, $field);
$page = set_pagination($count, $params['limit'] == 'all' ? 99999999 : $params['limit']);
if($page) {
$this->assign('_page', $page);
$this->assign('baseGames', $baseGames);
$this->assign('records', $records);
public function deleteSetting()
$id = I('id', 0);
try {
$service = new GameRebateService();
'status' => 1,
'message' => '操作成功'
} catch (\Exception $e) {
'status' => 0,
'message' => $e->getMessage()
public function saveSetting()
$params = I('post.');
try {
$service = new GameRebateService();
'status' => 1,
'message' => '操作成功'
} catch (\Exception $e) {
'status' => 0,
'message' => $e->getMessage()
public function propsApply()
$service = new GameRebateService();
$baseGames = $service->getRebateBaseGames();
$this->assign('baseGames', $baseGames);
public function doPropsApply()
$params = I('post.');
try {
$adminInfo = $_SESSION['onethink_admin']['user_auth'];
$handler = [];
$handler['type'] = 2;
$handler['id'] = $adminInfo['uid'];
$handler['username'] = $adminInfo['username'];
$service = new GameRebateService();
$service->propsApply($params, $handler);
'status' => 1,
'message' => '操作成功'
} catch (\Exception $e) {
'status' => 0,
'message' => $e->getMessage()