744 lines
28 KiB
744 lines
28 KiB
6 years ago
namespace Mobile\Controller;
use Think\Controller;
use User\Api\SuserApi;
* 游戏
class GameController extends BaseController {
protected function _initialize(){
$config = api('Config/lists');
public function index() {
public function lists($name='',$type='',$p=1) {
$map = $this->condition($name,$type);
$list = A("Game","Event")->game_lists('Game',$p,$map,true);
public function ajaxlists($name='',$type='',$condition='',$p=2) {
$status = 0;
$map = $this->condition($name,$type,$condition);
$list = A("Game","Event")->game_lists('Game',$p,$map);
if (!empty($list) && is_array($list)) {$status=1;}
echo json_encode(array('status'=>$status,'page'=>$p,'lists'=>$list));
* 简介
* @param string $id [description]
* @return [type] [description]
public function detail($id='') {
if (!empty($id) && is_numeric($id)) {
$game = M('Game', 'tab_')->field(['id', 'relation_game_id'])->where(['id' => $id])->find();
if (empty($game)) {
$gameIds = M('Game', 'tab_')->where(['relation_game_id' => $game['relation_game_id']])->getField('id', true);
$devices = get_devices_type();
$promote_id = empty(PROMOTE_ID) ? 0 : PROMOTE_ID;
$rebate_join = "and (r.promote_id = {$promote_id} or r.promote_id = -1)";
$time = NOW_TIME;
$data = D('Game')
->field('g.*,g.ratio as gratio,g.bind_recharge_discount as discount,s.pack_name,IFNULL(r.ratio,0) as ratio,IF(g.down_port=1,s.file_size,g.game_address_size) as game_size')
->join("left join tab_game_source as s on s.game_id = g.id")
->join("left join tab_rebate r on r.game_id = g.id {$rebate_join} and r.starttime < {$time} and (endtime = 0 or endtime > {$time})")
->where(array('g.id'=>['in', $gameIds],'g.sdk_version'=>array('like','%'.$devices.'%'),'g.display_site'=>['like','%'.DISPLAY_SITE.'%']))
if (empty($data) || !is_array($data)) {$this->error('此游戏不存在!!');}
// if($data['game_size']==0){
// $data['game_size'] = $data['game_address_size'];
// }
$map['game_id'] = $id;
$member = new SuserApi;
$map['account'] = $member->login_info('account');
$collect = M("collect_game",'tab_')->where($map)->getField('status');
if(empty($collect) || $collect == 2){
$isCollect = 0;
$isCollect = 1;
$condition['g.relation_game_id'] = $data['relation_game_id'];
$condition['g.id'] = array('neq',$id);
$condition['g.game_status'] = 1;
$condition['g.display_site'] = ['like','%'.DISPLAY_SITE.'%'];
$data1 = D('Game')
->field('g.*,g.ratio as gratio,g.bind_recharge_discount as discount,s.pack_name,IFNULL(r.ratio,0) as ratio,IF(g.down_port=1,s.file_size,g.game_address_size) as game_size')
->join("left join tab_game_source as s on s.game_id = g.id")
->join("left join tab_rebate r on r.game_id = g.id {$rebate_join} and r.starttime < {$time} and (endtime = 0 or endtime > {$time})")
$data['relation_game_name'] = $data['game_name'];
} else {
echo "<script>javascript:history.go(-1);</script>";exit;
* 礼包
* @param string $id [description]
* @param integer $p [description]
* @return [type] [description]
public function gift($id='',$p=1) {
$devices = get_devices_type();
if (!empty($id) && is_numeric($id) && $id>0) {
$promote_id = empty(PROMOTE_ID) ? 0 : PROMOTE_ID;
$rebate_join = "and (r.promote_id = {$promote_id} or r.promote_id = -1)";
$time = NOW_TIME;
$data = D('Game')
->field('g.*,g.ratio as gratio,g.bind_recharge_discount as discount,s.pack_name,IFNULL(r.ratio,0) as ratio')
->join("left join tab_game_source as s on s.game_id = g.id")
->join("left join tab_rebate r on r.game_id = g.id {$rebate_join} and r.starttime < {$time} and (endtime = 0 or endtime > {$time})")
$data['relation_game_name'] = $data['game_name'];
$data['game_size'] = $data['game_address_size'];
$map['game_id'] = $id;$member = new SuserApi;
$map['account'] = $member->login_info('account');
$collect = M("collect_game",'tab_')->where($map)->getField('status');
if(empty($collect) || $collect == 2){
$isCollect = 0;
$isCollect = 1;
$condition['g.relation_game_id'] = $data['relation_game_id'];
$condition['g.id'] = array('neq',$id);
$condition['g.game_status'] = 1;
$condition['g.display_site'] = ['like','%'.DISPLAY_SITE.'%'];
$data1 = D('Game')
->field('g.*,g.ratio as gratio,g.bind_recharge_discount as discount,s.pack_name,IFNULL(r.ratio,0) as ratio')
->join("left join tab_game_source as s on s.game_id = g.id")
->join("left join tab_rebate r on r.game_id = g.id {$rebate_join} and r.starttime < {$time} and (endtime = 0 or endtime > {$time})")
$giftbag = D("Giftbag");
$row = C('LIST_ROWS');
$time = time();
$lists = $giftbag->where("game_id=$id and status=1 and (end_time > $time or end_time = 0)")->page($p,$row)->order('create_time desc')->select();
$count = $giftbag->where("game_id=$id")->count();
$total = ceil($count/$row);
foreach ($lists as $key => $val){
$novice_arr = str2arr($val['novice'],',');
$novice_num = count(array_filter($novice_arr));
$lists[$key]['novice_num'] = $novice_num;$member = new SuserApi;
$exist = D("Giftbag")->checkAccountGiftExist($member->login_info('user_id'),$val['id']);
$exist = 1;//未领取
$exist = 0;//已领取
if($novice_num == 0){
$exist = 2;//激活码已领取完
$lists[$key]['exist'] = $exist;
$lists[$key]['icon'] = get_cover($data['icon'],'path');
$lists[$key]['novice_num'] = $novice_num;
public function ajaxGift(){
$id = $_POST['id'];
$devices = get_devices_type();
if (!empty($id) && is_numeric($id) && $id>0) {
$p = I('post.p');
$row = C('LIST_ROWS');
$promote_id = empty(PROMOTE_ID) ? 0 : PROMOTE_ID;
$rebate_join = "and (r.promote_id = {$promote_id} or r.promote_id = -1)";
$time = NOW_TIME;
$data = D('Game')
->field('g.*,g.ratio as gratio,g.bind_recharge_discount as discount,s.pack_name,IFNULL(r.ratio,0) as ratio')
->join("left join tab_game_source as s on s.game_id = g.id")
->join("left join tab_rebate r on r.game_id = g.id {$rebate_join} and r.starttime < {$time} and endtime = 0 or endtime > {$time}")
$data['relation_game_name'] = $data['game_name'];
$giftbag = D("Giftbag");
$row = C('LIST_ROWS');
$time = time();
$lists = $giftbag->where("game_id=$id and status=1 and (end_time > $time or end_time = 0)")->page($p,$row)->select();
foreach ($lists as $key => $val){
$novice_arr = str2arr($val['novice'],',');
$novice_num = count(array_filter($novice_arr));
$lists[$key]['novice_num'] = $novice_num;$member = new SuserApi;
$exist = D("Giftbag")->checkAccountGiftExist($member->login_info('user_id'),$val['id']);
$exist = 1;//未领取
$exist = 0;//已领取
if($novice_num == 0){
$exist = 2;//激活码已领取完
$lists[$key]['exist'] = $exist;
$lists[$key]['icon'] = get_cover($data['icon'],'path');
$lists[$key]['novice_num'] = $novice_num;
if (!empty($lists) && is_array($lists)) {
$status = 1;
echo json_encode(array('status'=>$status,'page'=>$p,'lists'=>$lists));
public function category() {
* 开服
* @param [type] $id [description]
* @param integer $p [description]
* @return [type] [description]
public function open($id , $p=1) {
$devices = get_devices_type();
$page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
$row = C('LIST_ROWS');
$promote_id = empty(PROMOTE_ID) ? 0 : PROMOTE_ID;
$rebate_join = "and (r.promote_id = {$promote_id} or r.promote_id = -1)";
$time = NOW_TIME;
$data = D('Game')
->field('g.*,g.ratio as gratio,g.bind_recharge_discount as discount,s.pack_name,IFNULL(r.ratio,0) as ratio')
->join("left join tab_game_source as s on s.game_id = g.id")
->join("left join tab_rebate r on r.game_id = g.id {$rebate_join} and r.starttime < {$time} and (endtime = 0 or endtime > {$time})")
$data['relation_game_name'] = $data['game_name'];
$data['game_size'] = $data['game_address_size'];
$map['game_id'] = $id;$member = new SuserApi;
$map['account'] = $member->login_info('account');
$collect = M("collect_game",'tab_')->where($map)->getField('status');
if(empty($collect) || $collect == 2){
$isCollect = 0;
$isCollect = 1;
$condition['g.relation_game_id'] = $data['relation_game_id'];
$condition['g.id'] = array('neq',$id);
$condition['g.game_status'] = 1;
$condition['g.display_site'] = ['like','%'.DISPLAY_SITE.'%'];
$data1 = D('Game')
->field('g.*,g.ratio as gratio,g.bind_recharge_discount as discount,s.pack_name,IFNULL(r.ratio,0) as ratio')
->join("left join tab_game_source as s on s.game_id = g.id")
->join("left join tab_rebate r on r.game_id = g.id {$rebate_join} and r.starttime < {$time} and (endtime = 0 or endtime > {$time})")
$where['game_id'] = $id;
$where['show_status'] = 1;
$lists = D("Server")
->page($page, $row)
//if (empty($lists) || !is_array($lists)) {$this->error('暂无数据');}
$time = time();
foreach ($lists as $key => $value) {
$status = $value['start_time']>= $time ? '<span class="blue">即将开服</span>' : '<span>已开服</span>';
$lists[$key]['status'] = $status;
public function ajaxopen() {
$p = I('post.p');
$devices = get_devices_type();
$id = I('post.id');
$status = 0;
$row = C('LIST_ROWS'); // C('LIST_ROWS')
$where['game_id'] = $id;
$where['show_status'] = 1;
$list = D("Server")
->page($p, $row)
foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
$status = $value['start_time']>= $time ? '<span class="blue">即将开服</span>' : '<span>已开服</span>';
$list[$key]['status'] = $status;
$list[$key]['time'] = date('H:i',$value['start_time']);
$list[$key]['date'] = date('Y-m-d',$value['start_time']);
if (!empty($list) && is_array($list)) {$status=1;}
echo json_encode(array('status'=>$status,'page'=>$p,'lists'=>$list));
* 评论
* @param [type] $id [description]
* @param integer $p [description]
* @return [type] [description]
public function comment($id , $p=1) {
$page = $page ? $page : 1; //默认显示第一页数据
$row = C('LIST_ROWS');
$devices = get_devices_type();
$promote_id = empty(PROMOTE_ID) ? 0 : PROMOTE_ID;
$rebate_join = "and (r.promote_id = {$promote_id} or r.promote_id = -1)";
$time = NOW_TIME;
$data = D('Game')
->field('g.*,g.ratio as gratio,g.bind_recharge_discount as discount,s.pack_name,IFNULL(r.ratio,0) as ratio')
->join("left join tab_game_source as s on s.game_id = g.id")
->join("left join tab_rebate r on r.game_id = g.id {$rebate_join} and r.starttime < {$time} and (endtime = 0 or endtime > {$time})")
if (empty($data) || !is_array($data)) {$this->error('此游戏不存在!!');}
$data['relation_game_name'] = $data['game_name'];
$data['game_size'] = $data['game_address_size'];
$map['game_id'] = $id;$member = new SuserApi;
$map['account'] = $member->login_info('account');
$collect = M("collect_game",'tab_')->where($map)->getField('status');
if(empty($collect) || $collect == 2){
$isCollect = 0;
$isCollect = 1;
$condition['g.relation_game_id'] = $data['relation_game_id'];
$condition['g.id'] = array('neq',$id);
$condition['g.game_status'] = 1;
$condition['g.display_site'] = ['like','%'.DISPLAY_SITE.'%'];
$data1 = D('Game')
->field('g.*,g.ratio as gratio,g.bind_recharge_discount as discount,s.pack_name,IFNULL(r.ratio,0) as ratio')
->join("left join tab_game_source as s on s.game_id = g.id")
->join("left join tab_rebate r on r.game_id = g.id {$rebate_join} and r.starttime < {$time} and (endtime = 0 or endtime > {$time})")
$where['game_id'] = $id;
$where['status'] = 1;
$lists = D('comment')
->order("create_time desc")
foreach ($lists as $key => $val){
$user = D("User")->where(array('account'=>$val['account']))->find();
$lists[$key]['nickname'] = $user['nickname'];
$lists[$key]['head_img'] = is_numeric($user['head_img'])?get_cover($user['head_img'],"path"):$user['head_img'];
$lists[$key]['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i',$val['create_time']);
public function ajaxcomment() {
$p = I('post.p');
$devices = get_devices_type();
$id = I('post.id');
$status = 0;
$row = C('LIST_ROWS'); // C('LIST_ROWS')
$where['game_id'] = $id;
$where['show_status'] = 1;
$where['status'] = 1;
$lists = D('comment')
->order("create_time desc")
foreach ($lists as $key => $val){
$user = D("User")->where(array('account'=>$val['account']))->find();
$lists[$key]['nickname'] = $user['nickname'];
$lists[$key]['head_img'] = $user['head_img'];
$lists[$key]['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i',$val['create_time']);
if (!empty($list) && is_array($list)) {$status=1;}
echo json_encode(array('status'=>$status,'page'=>$p,'lists'=>$list));
public function ajax_add_comment() {
$post = I('post.');
$member = new SuserApi;
$logininfo = $member->login_info();
$data = array();
$data['comment'] = $post['comment'];
$data['game_id'] = $post['game_id'];
$data['status'] = 0;
$data['account'] = $logininfo['account'];
$data['create_time'] = time();
$Model = D('comment');
$res = $Model ->add($data);
$result = array('code'=>1,'msg'=>'发布评论成功,等待审核');
$result = array('code'=>0,'msg'=>'发布评论失败');
} else {
$result = array('code'=>0,'msg'=>$Model->getError());
$result = array('code'=>0,'msg'=>'请输入评论');
$result = array('code'=>0,'msg'=>'请登录');
echo json_encode($result);
public function rank($name='',$p=1) {
$map = $this->condition($name,'','rank');
$list = A("Game","Event")->game_lists('Game',$p,$map,true);
if (empty($list) || !is_array($list)) {$this->error('暂无数据');}
public function condition($name='',$type='',$condition='') {
$where = " game_status=1 and apply_status = 1 and display_site like '%".DISPLAY_SITE."%' ";
if ($condition == 'rank') {
switch ($name) {
case 'hp':
$map['order'] = "game_score desc";
$name = '';
$map['order'] = "dow_num desc";
$map['map']['recommend_status'] = 2;
$map['map']['_string'] = $where;
} else {
if ($type && is_numeric($type))
switch($name) {
case 'category':$where .= " and category = $type ";$title = get_open_type($type);break;
default:$where .= " and game_type_id = $type ";$title = get_game_type_name($type);
$map['map']['_string'] = $where;
$map['title'] = empty($title)?'全部':$title;
return $map;
* 游戏收藏
* @param $game_id
* @param $token
* @param $status 1 收藏 2 取消收藏
* author: xmy 280564871@qq.com
public function collect_game($game_id,$status=1){
}$member = new SuserApi;
$logininfo =$member->login_info();
$result = D("Game")->collectGame($game_id,$logininfo['account'],$status);
if($result !== false){
$msg = $status == 1?"收藏成功":"取消成功";
* 游戏交易
* @param [type] $id [description]
* @param integer $p [description]
* @return [type] [description]
* author: 鹿文学
public function trade($id , $p=1) {
$map['game_id'] = $id;
$map['status'] = 3;
$lists = D('Merchandise')->lists($p,$map,'id,title,game_name,online_time,price,screenshot');
foreach($lists['lists'] as $k => $v) {
$data[$k]= array('title'=>$v['title'],'game_name'=>$v['game_name'],'online_time'=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$v['online_time']),'price'=>preg_match('/^[1-9]\d*(\.(00)?)?$/',$v['price'])?intval($v['price']):$v['price']);
$data[$k]['icon'] = '';
if(!empty($v['screenshot'])) {
$icon = explode(',',$v['screenshot']);
$data[$k]['icon'] = get_cover($icon[0],'path');
$data[$k]['url'] = U('Trade/detail',array('id'=>$v['id']));
public function ajaxtrade($id , $p=1) {
$map['game_id'] = $id;
$map['status'] = 3;
$lists = D('Merchandise')->lists($p,$map,'id,title,game_name,online_time,price,screenshot');
foreach($lists['lists'] as $k => $v) {
$data[$k]= array('title'=>$v['title'],'game_name'=>$v['game_name'],'online_time'=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$v['online_time']),'price'=>preg_match('/^[1-9]\d*(\.(00)?)?$/',$v['price'])?intval($v['price']):$v['price']);
$data[$k]['icon'] = '';
if(!empty($v['screenshot'])) {
$icon = explode(',',$v['screenshot']);
$data[$k]['icon'] = get_cover($icon[0],'path');
$data[$k]['url'] = U('Trade/detail',array('id'=>$v['id']));
$lists['lists'] = $data;
* 游戏信息
* @param integer $id 游戏编号
* @author 鹿文学
private function game_info($id) {
$devices = get_devices_type();
$promote_id = empty(PROMOTE_ID) ? 0 : PROMOTE_ID;
$rebate_join = "and (r.promote_id = {$promote_id} or r.promote_id = -1)";
$time = NOW_TIME;
$data = D('Game')
->field('g.*,g.ratio as gratio,g.bind_recharge_discount as discount,s.pack_name,IFNULL(r.ratio,0) as ratio')
->join("left join tab_game_source as s on s.game_id = g.id")
->join("left join tab_rebate r on r.game_id = g.id {$rebate_join} and r.starttime < {$time} and (endtime = 0 or endtime > {$time})")
if (empty($data) || !is_array($data)) {$this->error('此游戏不存在!!');}
$data['icon'] = get_cover($data['icon'],'path');
$data['relation_game_name'] = $data['game_name'];
$data['game_size'] = $data['game_address_size'];
$map['game_id'] = $id;$member = new SuserApi;
$map['account'] = $member->login_info('account');
$collect = M("collect_game",'tab_')->where($map)->getField('status');
if(empty($collect) || $collect == 2){
$isCollect = 0;
$isCollect = 1;
$condition['g.relation_game_id'] = $data['relation_game_id'];
$condition['g.id'] = array('neq',$id);
$condition['g.game_status'] = 1;
$condition['g.display_site'] = ['like','%'.DISPLAY_SITE.'%'];
$data1 = D('Game')
->field('g.*,g.ratio as gratio,g.bind_recharge_discount as discount,s.pack_name,IFNULL(r.ratio,0) as ratio')
->join("left join tab_game_source as s on s.game_id = g.id")
->join("left join tab_rebate r on r.game_id = g.id {$rebate_join} and r.starttime < {$time} and (endtime = 0 or endtime > {$time})")
* 统计评论及交易
* @author 鹿文学
private function type_number($id) {
// 评论
$map['game_id'] = $id;
$map['status'] = 1;
$comment_count = D('comment')->total($map);
// 交易
$map['status'] = 3;
$trade_count = D('Merchandise')->total($map);
* lcj
private function game_share($id){
$game_data = M('Game','tab_')->field('icon,introduction')->where(['id'=>$id,'display_site'=>['like','%'.DISPLAY_SITE.'%']])->find();
return '';
$user = D('User')->getLoginInfo();
//$data['url'] = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/mobile.php?s=/Game/detail/id/'.$id;
$data['url'] = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].U('Game/detail',array('id'=>$id,'account'=>$user['user_id']));
$data['icon'] = icon_url($game_data['icon']);
$data['introduction'] = $game_data['introduction'];