You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

559 lines
15 KiB

6 years ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | OneThink [ WE CAN DO IT JUST THINK IT ]
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// | Copyright (c) 2013 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: 麦当苗儿 <> <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
* 后台公共文件
* 主要定义后台公共函数库
/* 解析列表定义规则*/
function get_list_field($data, $grid)
// 获取当前字段数据
foreach ($grid['field'] as $field) {
$array = explode('|', $field);
$temp = $data[$array[0]];
$twotemp = $data[$array[2]];//新加
// 函数支持
if (isset($array[1])) {
if (isset($twotemp)) {//新加
$param = explode('*', $array[1]);
$temp = isset($param[1]) ? call_user_func($param[0], $temp, $param[1]) : call_user_func($array[1], $twotemp, $temp);
} else {
$param = explode('*', $array[1]);
$temp = isset($param[1]) ? call_user_func($param[0], $temp, $param[1]) : call_user_func($array[1], $temp);
$data2[$array[0]] = $temp;
if (!empty($grid['format'])) {
$value = preg_replace_callback('/\[([a-z_]+)\]/', function ($match) use ($data2) {
return $data2[$match[1]];
}, $grid['format']);
} else {
$value = implode(' ', $data2);
// 链接支持
if ('title' == $grid['field'][0] && '目录' == $data['type']) {
// 目录类型自动设置子文档列表链接
$grid['href'] = '[LIST]';
if (!empty($grid['href'])) {
$links = explode(',', $grid['href']);
foreach ($links as $link) {
$array = explode('|', $link);
$href = $array[0];
if (preg_match('/^\[([a-z_]+)\]$/', $href, $matches)) {
$val[] = $data2[$matches[1]];
} else {
$show = isset($array[1]) ? $array[1] : $value;
// 替换系统特殊字符串
$href = str_replace(
array('[DELETE]', '[EDIT]', '[LIST]'),
// 替换数据变量
$href = preg_replace_callback('/\[([a-z_]+)\]/', function ($match) use ($data) {
return $data[$match[1]];
}, $href);
switch ($show) {
case '删除':
$val[] = '<a href="' . U($href) . '" class="ajax-get confirm" target-form="ids" >' . $show . '</a>';
$val[] = '<a href="' . U($href) . '">' . $show . '</a>';
$value = implode(' ', $val);
return $value;
* [every_day 获取日期]
* @param integer $m [description]
6 years ago
* @return [type] [array]
function every_day($m = 7)
$time = array();
for ($i = $m - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$time[] = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') - $i, date('Y')));
return $time;
// 两个日期之间的所有日期
function prDates($start, $end)
$dt_start = strtotime($start);
$dt_end = strtotime($end);
while ($dt_start <= $dt_end) {
$tt[] = date('Y-m-d', $dt_start);
$dt_start = strtotime('+1 day', $dt_start);
return $tt;
/* 解析插件数据列表定义规则*/
function get_addonlist_field($data, $grid, $addon)
// 获取当前字段数据
foreach ($grid['field'] as $field) {
$array = explode('|', $field);
$temp = $data[$array[0]];
// 函数支持
if (isset($array[1])) {
$temp = call_user_func($array[1], $temp);
$data2[$array[0]] = $temp;
if (!empty($grid['format'])) {
$value = preg_replace_callback('/\[([a-z_]+)\]/', function ($match) use ($data2) {
return $data2[$match[1]];
}, $grid['format']);
} else {
$value = implode(' ', $data2);
// 链接支持
if (!empty($grid['href'])) {
$links = explode(',', $grid['href']);
foreach ($links as $link) {
$array = explode('|', $link);
$href = $array[0];
if (preg_match('/^\[([a-z_]+)\]$/', $href, $matches)) {
$val[] = $data2[$matches[1]];
} else {
$show = isset($array[1]) ? $array[1] : $value;
// 替换系统特殊字符串
$href = str_replace(
array('[DELETE]', '[EDIT]', '[ADDON]'),
array('del?ids=[id]&name=[ADDON]', 'edit?id=[id]&name=[ADDON]', $addon),
// 替换数据变量
$href = preg_replace_callback('/\[([a-z_]+)\]/', function ($match) use ($data) {
return $data[$match[1]];
}, $href);
$val[] = '<a href="' . U($href) . '">' . $show . '</a>';
$value = implode(' ', $val);
return $value;
// 获取模型名称
function get_model_by_id($id)
return $model = M('Model')->getFieldById($id, 'title');
// 获取属性类型信息
function get_attribute_type($type = '')
// TODO 可以加入系统配置
static $_type = array(
'num' => array('数字', 'int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL'),
'string' => array('字符串', 'varchar(255) NOT NULL'),
'textarea' => array('文本框', 'text NOT NULL'),
'date' => array('日期', 'int(10) NOT NULL'),
'datetime' => array('时间', 'int(10) NOT NULL'),
'bool' => array('布尔', 'tinyint(2) NOT NULL'),
'select' => array('枚举', 'char(50) NOT NULL'),
'radio' => array('单选', 'char(10) NOT NULL'),
'checkbox' => array('多选', 'varchar(100) NOT NULL'),
'editor' => array('编辑器', 'text NOT NULL'),
'picture' => array('上传图片', 'int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL'),
'file' => array('上传附件', 'int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL'),
return $type ? $_type[$type][0] : $_type;
* 获取对应状态的文字信息
* @param int $status
* @return string 状态文字 false 未获取到
* @author huajie <>
function get_status_title($status = null)
if (!isset($status)) {
return false;
switch ($status) {
case -1 :
return "已删除";
case 0 :
return "禁用";
case 1 :
return "正常";
case 2 :
return "待审核";
default :
return false;
// 获取数据的状态操作
function show_status_op($status)
switch ($status) {
case 0 :
return "正常";
case 1 :
return "禁用";
case 2 :
return "待审核";
default :
return false;
* 获取文档的类型文字
* @param string $type
* @return string 状态文字 false 未获取到
* @author huajie <>
function get_document_type($type = null)
if (!isset($type)) {
return false;
switch ($type) {
case 1 :
return '目录';
case 2 :
return '主题';
case 3 :
return '段落';
default :
return false;
* 获取配置的类型
* @param string $type 配置类型
* @return string
function get_config_type($type = 0)
$list = C('CONFIG_TYPE_LIST');
return $list[$type];
* 获取配置的分组
* @param string $group 配置分组
* @return string
function get_config_group($group = 0)
return $group ? $list[$group] : '';
* select返回的数组进行整数映射转换
* @param array $map 映射关系二维数组 array(
* '字段名1'=>array(映射关系数组),
* '字段名2'=>array(映射关系数组),
* ......
* )
* @return array
* array(
* array('id'=>1,'title'=>'标题','status'=>'1','status_text'=>'正常')
* ....
* )
* @author 朱亚杰 <>
6 years ago
function int_to_string(&$data, $map = array('status' => array(1 => '正常', -1 => '删除', 0 => '锁定', 2 => '未审核', 3 => '草稿')))
if ($data === false || $data === null) {
return $data;
$data = (array)$data;
foreach ($data as $key => $row) {
foreach ($map as $col => $pair) {
if (isset($row[$col]) && isset($pair[$row[$col]])) {
$data[$key][$col . '_text'] = $pair[$row[$col]];
return $data;
* 动态扩展左侧菜单,base.html里用到
* @author 朱亚杰 <>
function extra_menu($extra_menu, &$base_menu)
foreach ($extra_menu as $key => $group) {
if (isset($base_menu['child'][$key])) {
$base_menu['child'][$key] = array_merge($base_menu['child'][$key], $group);
} else {
$base_menu['child'][$key] = $group;
* 获取参数的所有父级分类
* @param int $cid 分类id
* @return array 参数分类和父类的信息集合
* @author huajie <>
function get_parent_category($cid)
if (empty($cid)) {
return false;
$cates = M('Category')->where(array('status' => 1))->field('id,title,pid')->order('sort')->select();
$child = get_category($cid); //获取参数分类的信息
$pid = $child['pid'];
$temp = array();
$res[] = $child;
while (true) {
foreach ($cates as $key => $cate) {
if ($cate['id'] == $pid) {
$pid = $cate['pid'];
array_unshift($res, $cate); //将父分类插入到数组第一个元素前
if ($pid == 0) {
return $res;
* 检测验证码
* @param integer $id 验证码ID
6 years ago
* @return boolean 检测结果
* @author 麦当苗儿 <>
function check_verify($code, $id = 1)
$verify = new \Think\Verify();
return $verify->check($code, $id);
* 获取当前分类的文档类型
* @param int $id
* @return array 文档类型数组
* @author huajie <>
function get_type_bycate($id = null)
if (empty($id)) {
return false;
$type_list = C('DOCUMENT_MODEL_TYPE');
$model_type = M('Category')->getFieldById($id, 'type');
$model_type = explode(',', $model_type);
foreach ($type_list as $key => $value) {
if (!in_array($key, $model_type)) {
return $type_list;
* 获取当前文档的分类
* @param int $id
* @return array 文档类型数组
* @author huajie <>
function get_cate($cate_id = null)
if (empty($cate_id)) {
return false;
$cate = M('Category')->where('id=' . $cate_id)->getField('title');
return $cate;
// 分析枚举类型配置值 格式 a:名称1,b:名称2
function parse_config_attr($string)
$array = preg_split('/[,;\r\n]+/', trim($string, ",;\r\n"));
if (strpos($string, ':')) {
$value = array();
foreach ($array as $val) {
list($k, $v) = explode(':', $val);
$value[$k] = $v;
} else {
$value = $array;
return $value;
// 获取子文档数目
function get_subdocument_count($id = 0)
return M('Document')->where('pid=' . $id)->count();
// 分析枚举类型字段值 格式 a:名称1,b:名称2
// 暂时和 parse_config_attr功能相同
// 但请不要互相使用,后期会调整
function parse_field_attr($string)
if (0 === strpos($string, ':')) {
// 采用函数定义
return eval('return ' . substr($string, 1) . ';');
} elseif (0 === strpos($string, '[')) {
// 支持读取配置参数(必须是数组类型)
return C(substr($string, 1, -1));
$array = preg_split('/[,;\r\n]+/', trim($string, ",;\r\n"));
if (strpos($string, ':')) {
$value = array();
foreach ($array as $val) {
list($k, $v) = explode(':', $val);
$value[$k] = $v;
} else {
$value = $array;
return $value;
* 获取行为数据
* @param string $id 行为id
* @param string $field 需要获取的字段
* @author huajie <>
function get_action($id = null, $field = null)
if (empty($id) && !is_numeric($id)) {
return false;
$list = S('action_list');
if (empty($list[$id])) {
$map = array('status' => array('gt', -1), 'id' => $id);
$list[$id] = M('Action')->where($map)->field(true)->find();
return empty($field) ? $list[$id] : $list[$id][$field];
* 根据条件字段获取数据
* @param mixed $value 条件,可用常量或者数组
* @param string $condition 条件字段
* @param string $field 需要返回的字段,不传则返回整个数据
* @author huajie <>
function get_document_field($value = null, $condition = 'id', $field = null)
if (empty($value)) {
return false;
$map[$condition] = $value;
$info = M('Model')->where($map);
if (empty($field)) {
$info = $info->field(true)->find();
} else {
$info = $info->getField($field);
return $info;
* 获取行为类型
* @param intger $type 类型
* @param bool $all 是否返回全部类型
* @author huajie <>
function get_action_type($type, $all = false)
$list = array(
1 => '系统',
2 => '用户',
if ($all) {
return $list;
return $list[$type];
function getServerType($serverType)
return (($serverType == 1) ? '专服' : '混服');
function getPartnerList($id = 0)
if ($id > 0) {
return M('Partner', 'tab_')->field('id,partner')->find($id);
} else {
return M('Partner', 'tab_')->field('id,partner')->where(array('status' => 1))->select();
function getPartnerName($id = 0)
return M('Partner', 'tab_')->where(array('id' => intval($id)))->getField('partner');
5 years ago
function getTopPromote($promote_id)
$promoter = M('promote', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $promote_id])->find();
if (!$promoter) {
return [];
$chain = trim($promoter['chain'], '/');
if ($chain == '') {
return $promoter;
} else {
$topPromoteId = explode('/', $chain)[0];
return M('promote', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $topPromoteId])->find();