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< a href = "{:U('Promote/index')}" class = "subNav <if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq Promote and ACTION_NAME eq index '>active</if>" > 后台首页 < / a >
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< a href = "{:U('Promote/base_info')}" class = "<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq Promote and ACTION_NAME eq base_info '>active</if> " > 账户信息< / a >
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< if condition = "($parent_id eq 0) and ($grand_id eq 0)" >
< a href = "{:U('Promote/mychlid')}" class = "<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq Promote and (ACTION_NAME eq mychlid or ACTION_NAME eq add_chlid or ACTION_NAME eq edit_chlid) '>active</if> " > 组长管理< / a >
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< elseif condition = "($parent_id gt 0) and ($grand_id eq 0)" / >
< a href = "{:U('Promote/mygrand')}" class = "<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq Promote and (ACTION_NAME eq mygrand or ACTION_NAME eq add_chlid or ACTION_NAME eq edit_chlid) '>active</if> " > 推广员管理< / a >
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<!-- <lt name="Think.const.PRO_GRADE" value="3"> -->
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< div class = "subNav jssubNav" > < i class = "prev_icon icon_fenbao" > < / i > < span > 游戏管理< / span > < i class = "arrow_icon" > < / i > < / div >
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<!-- <a href="{:U('Apply/app_index')}" class="<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq Apply and ACTION_NAME eq app_index '>active</if> ">APP列表</a> -->
< a href = "{:U('Apply/gameSpecialList')}" class = "<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq Apply and (ACTION_NAME eq gameSpecialList or ACTION_NAME eq specialMyGameList) '>active</if> " > 专服管理< / a >
< a href = "{:U('Apply/gameList')}" class = "<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq Apply and (ACTION_NAME eq gameList or ACTION_NAME eq myGameList) '>active</if> " > 混服管理< / a >
< if condition = "getParentPromoteId(PID) eq 0" >
< a href = "{:U('GameDivide/index')}" class = "<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq GameDivide and (ACTION_NAME eq index) '>active</if> " > 分成比例< / a >
< / if >
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<!-- <eq name="parent_id" value="0">
< div class = "subNav jssubNav" > < i class = "prev_icon icon_fenbao" > < / i > < span > 扶持管理< / span > < i class = "arrow_icon" > < / i > < / div >
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< a href = "{:U('Support/index')}" class = "<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq Support and (ACTION_NAME eq index or ACTION_NAME eq add or ACTION_NAME eq apply ) '>active</if> " > 扶持申请< / a >
< a href = "{:U('Support/lists')}" class = "<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq Support and ACTION_NAME eq lists '>active</if> " > 扶持记录< / a >
< a href = "{:U('Support/quota')}" class = "<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq Support and ACTION_NAME eq quota '>active</if> " > 扶持额度< / a >
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< / eq > -->
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< if condition = "get_promote_levels(session('promote_auth.pid')) neq '三级推广员'" >
< div class = "subNav jssubNav" > < i class = "prev_icon icon_fuli" > < / i > < span > 平台币管理< / span > < i class = "arrow_icon" > < / i > < / div >
< div class = "navContent jsnavContent" >
< a href = "{:U('PromoteCoin/myCoin')}" class = "<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq PromoteCoin and (ACTION_NAME eq myCoin or ACTION_NAME eq coinRecord or ACTION_NAME eq coinRecordDesc) '>active</if> " > 我的平台币< / a >
< a href = "{:U('PromoteCoin/record')}" class = "<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq PromoteCoin and (ACTION_NAME eq shift or ACTION_NAME eq record) '>active</if> " > 平台币转移< / a >
< if condition = "($parent_id eq 0) and ($grand_id eq 0)" >
< a href = "{:U('CoinOrder/order_list')}" class = "<if condition='CONTROLLER_NAME eq CoinOrder and (ACTION_NAME eq order_list or ACTION_NAME eq order_add or ACTION_NAME eq order_detail) '>active</if> " > 平台币充值< / a >
< / if >
< / div >
< / if >
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< span > 服务时间:{:C("CH_TIME")}< / span >
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< p class = "copyright" > < span > 网络备案:{:C('CH_SET_FOR_THE_RECORD')}< / span > < span > 网络文化经营许可证编号:{:C(CH_SET_LICENSE)}< / span > < span > 版权所有:{:C('CH_SET_COPYRIGHT')}< / span > < / p >
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< span > 服务时间:{:C("CH_TIME")}< / span >
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< p class = "copyright" > < span > 网络备案:{:C('CH_SET_FOR_THE_RECORD')}< / span > < span > 网络文化经营许可证编号:{:C(CH_SET_LICENSE)}< / span > < span > 版权所有:{:C('CH_SET_COPYRIGHT')}< / span > < / p >
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