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6 years ago
namespace Admin\Controller;
use User\Api\UserApi as UserApi;
* 后台首页控制器
* @author 麦当苗儿 <>
class GameSourceController extends ThinkController
const model_name = 'GameSource';
public function lists()
if (isset($_REQUEST['game_name'])) {
$extend['game_name'] = array('like', '%' . $_REQUEST['game_name'] . '%');
if (isset($_REQUEST['sdk_version1'])) {
$extend['file_type'] = $_REQUEST['sdk_version1'];
switch ($_GET['type']) {
case '':
case 1:
$extend['develop_id'] = 0;
$this -> assign('show_status', 1);
$extend['develop_id'] = array('NEQ', 0);
$this -> m_title = '原包管理';
$this -> assign('commonset', M('Kuaijieicon') -> where(['url' => 'GameSource/lists', 'status' => 1]) -> find());
parent ::lists(self::model_name, $_GET["p"], $extend);
public function add($value = '')
6 years ago
6 years ago
if (IS_POST) {
if (empty($_POST['game_id'])) {
$this -> error('游戏名称不能为空');
5 years ago
if (empty($_POST['remark'])) {
6 years ago
$game = M('Game', 'tab_') -> where(array('id' => $_POST['game_id'])) -> find();
$_POST['game_name'] = $game['game_name'];
if (empty($_POST['file_name'])) {
$this -> error('未上传游戏原包');
} else {
$extend = substr($_POST['file_name'], strlen($_POST['file_name']) - 3, 3);
if ($_POST['file_type'] == 1 && $extend != 'apk') {
$this -> error('游戏原包格式不正确!');
} else if ($_POST['file_type'] == 2 && $extend != 'ipa') {
$this -> error('游戏原包格式不正确');
6 years ago
$map['game_id'] = $_POST['game_id'];
$map['file_type'] = $_POST['file_type'];
$d = D('Game_source') -> where($map) -> find();
$source = A('Source', 'Event');
if (empty($d)) {
$gamename = M("Game","tab_")->where("id = '{$_POST['game_id']}'")->field("game_name")->find()['game_name'];
6 years ago
$source -> add_source();
} else {
$type = $_POST['develop_id'] == 0 ? 1 : 2;//判断是添加官方游戏还是开发者游戏
$this -> error('游戏已存在原包', U('GameSource/lists', array('type' => $type)));
} else {
if (empty(C('WEB_SITE'))) {
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
redirect(U('Site/config_index'), 2, '请设置网站域名');
$type = $_GET['type'] == 2 ? 2 : 1;
$this -> get_map_game_list($type);
$this -> meta_title = '新增游戏原包';
$this -> m_title = '原包管理';
$this -> assign('commonset', M('Kuaijieicon') -> where(['url' => 'GameSource/lists', 'status' => 1]) -> find());
$this -> display();
public function del($model = null, $ids = null)
if (empty($ids)) {
$this -> error('请选择要操作的数据!');
$model = M('Model') -> find($model);
$model || $this -> error('模型不存在!');
$id = array_unique((array) I('ids', 0)); //var_dump($id);exit;
foreach ($id as $key => $value) {
$arr = explode(',', $value);
$ids[] = reset($arr);
$file_type[] = next($arr);
$game_id[] = end($arr);
$game = D('Game');
$Model = D(get_table_name($model['id']));
$map = array('id' => array('in', $ids));
for ($i = 0; $i < count($game_id); $i ++) {
$maps['id'] = $game_id[$i];
if ($file_type[$i] == 1) {
$dell = array('and_dow_address' => '', 'game_size' => 0);
$game -> where($maps) -> setField($dell);
} else {
$dell = array('ios_dow_address' => '', 'game_size' => 0);
$game -> where($maps) -> setField($dell);
$souce = M("GameSource", "tab_");
$mapp['id'] = array("in", $ids);
$list = $souce -> where($mapp) -> select();
foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
6 years ago
if ($Model -> where($map) -> delete()) {
$this -> success('删除成功');
} else {
$this -> error('删除失败!');
public function edit($id)
6 years ago
6 years ago
$map['id'] = $id;
if (IS_POST) {
if (empty($_POST['file_name'])) {
$this -> error('未上传游戏原包');
} else {
$extend = substr($_POST['file_name'], strlen($str) - 3, 3);
if ($_POST['file_type'] == 1 && $extend != 'apk') {
$this -> error('游戏原包格式不正确!');
} else if ($_POST['file_type'] == 2 && $extend != 'ipa') {
$this -> error('游戏原包格式不正确');
6 years ago
5 years ago
if (empty($_POST['remark'])) {
6 years ago
$map['file_type'] = $_POST['file_type'];
$d = D('Game_source') -> where($map) -> find();
$source = A('Source', 'Event');
if (empty($d)) {
6 years ago
} else {
$source->update_source($d['id'], $d['file_name']);
6 years ago
} else {
$d = M('GameSource', "tab_") -> where($map) -> find();
$this -> meta_title = '更新游戏原包';
$remark = implode('@@@', json_decode($d['remark']));
$d['remark'] = str_replace("@@@", "\r\n", $remark);
$path = './Uploads/SourcePack';
$path = './Uploads/Ios/original';
$d['file_url'] = $path;
$this -> assign("data", $d);
$this -> m_title = '原包管理';
$this -> assign('commonset', M('Kuaijieicon') -> where(['url' => 'GameSource/lists', 'status' => 1]) -> find());
$this -> display();
public function get_map_game_list($type = 1)
$game = M("game", "tab_");
$map['game_status'] = 1;
if ($type == 1) {
$map['developers'] = 0;
} else {
$map['developers'] = array('NEQ', 0);
$map['apply_status'] = 1;
$lists = $game -> where($map) -> select();
$this -> assign('game_lists', $lists);