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71 lines
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71 lines
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6 years ago
<extend name="Public/bases"/>
<block name="body" >
<style>.header-sub .logo .game-icon{height: 30px;width: auto;border-radius: 0;margin: 6px 0;} .ms-none{display:none;}</style>
<div class="mod-con list-arrow-con">
<ul class="fahao-list" id="ajaxContainer" currentpage="{$page}" maxpage="{$total}">
<volist name="lists" id="vo">
<a href="{:U('lists?id='.$vo['id'])}">
<div class="pic">
<img src="{$vo.icon|get_cover='path'}" width="60" height="60" onerror="this.src='__IMG__/empty.jpg';this.onerror=null">
<div class="info">
<span class="name"><?php echo preg_replace('/(\(.+)/i','',$vo['game_name']);?></span>
今日新增<span class="c-orange"> <notempty name="vo.tcount">{$vo.tcount}<else />0</notempty> </span>款,
礼包总数<span class="c-orange"> <notempty name="vo.count">{$vo.count}<else />0</notempty> </span>款
<div class="loading" id="loadingTip"><i class="loading-child"></i><span class="loading-text">正在加载,请等待……</span></div>
<div class="loading ms-none" id="errorTip">对不起,加载失败请<a href="{:U('News/lists?name='.I('name'))}" class="error">重 试</a>!</div>
<div class="loading ms-none" id="moreBtn"><a href="javascript:" class="link">点此查看更多</a></div>
<script src="__JS__/ajaxload.js"></script>
ajaxload('{:U("ajaxlists")}',{},function(data) {
var ac = $('#ajaxContainer');
if (data.status == 1) {
var html = '',timestamp=(new Date().getTime())/1000;
for (var i in data.lists) {
var item = data.lists[i];
html += '<li>';
html += '<a href="__CONTROLLER__/lists/id/'+item['id']+'">';
html += '<div class="pic">';
html += '<img src="'+item['picurl']+'" width="60" height="60" onerror="this.src=\'__IMG__/empty.jpg\';this.onerror=null">';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div class="info">';
html += '<span class="name">'+item['game_name']+'</span>';
html += '<p>今日新增<span class="c-orange"> ';
if (item['tcount'])
html += item['tcount'];
html += '0';
html += ' </span>款,礼包总数<span class="c-orange"> ';
if (item['count'])
html += item['count'];
html += '0';
html += ' </span>款</p>';
html += '</div>';
html += '</a></li>';
} else {