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namespace Base\Business;
use Base\Service\PromoteCompanyService;
use Base\Service\PromoteService;
use Exception;
use Think\Model;
class ShiftPlayer
private $task;
private $fromPromote;
private $toPromote;
private $fromWord;
private $toWord;
private $orderTime;
private $userIds;
private $users;
private $payAmountItems = [];
private $notices = [];
public function __construct($task)
$this->task = $task;
$this->orderTime = $task['order_time'];
$this->userIds = json_decode($task['shift_ids'], true) ?? [];
public function handle()
4 years ago
if ($this->fromPromote['id'] == 0 && count($this->userIds) == 0) {
throw new Exception('官方渠道玩家不能全部迁移');
$model = new Model();
$hasError = false;
foreach ($this->users as $user) {
$amount = $this->payAmountItems[$user['id']] ?? 0;
$status = $this->updateMend($user['id'], $amount);
if (!$status) {
$hasError = true;
$this->generateNotice($user, $amount);
if ($hasError) {
throw new Exception('系统异常,修改补链记录失败');
$status = $this->shiftUser();
if (!$status) {
throw new Exception('系统异常,修改用户推广员失败');
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new \Exception('系统异常: ' . $e->getMessage());
public function handleReplenish()
$model = new Model();
$hasError = false;
foreach ($this->payAmountItems as $userId => $amount) {
$status = $this->updateMend($userId, $amount);
if (!$status) {
$hasError = true;
if ($hasError) {
throw new Exception('系统异常,修改补链记录失败');
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new \Exception('系统异常: ' . $e->getMessage());
private function getPromotes()
$toPromoteId = $this->task['to_promote_id'];
$fromPromoteId = $this->task['from_promote_id'];
$toPromote = M('promote', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $toPromoteId])->find();
$fromPromote = M('promote', 'tab_')->where(['id' => $fromPromoteId])->find();
$this->toPromote = $toPromote ?? ['id' => 0, 'account' => C('OFFICIEL_CHANNEL'), 'company_id' => 0];
$this->fromPromote = $fromPromote ?? ['id' => 0, 'account' => C('OFFICIEL_CHANNEL'), 'company_id' => 0];
private function getNoticeCommonWords()
$belongs = PromoteCompanyService::$belongs;
$formConpany = M('promote_company', 'tab_')->field(['company_name', 'company_belong'])->where(['id' => $this->fromPromote['company_id']])->find();
$toConpany = M('promote_company', 'tab_')->field(['company_name', 'company_belong'])->where(['id' => $this->toPromote['company_id']])->find();
$this->fromWord = $this->fromPromote['account'] . ($formConpany ? '(' . $belongs[$formConpany['company_belong']] . '-' . $formConpany['company_name'] . ')' : '');
$this->toWord = $this->toPromote['account'] . ($toConpany ? '(' . $belongs[$toConpany['company_belong']] . '-' . $toConpany['company_name'] . ')' : '');
private function getShiftUsers()
$map = $this->getShiftCommonMap(true);
$this->users = M('user', 'tab_')->field(['id', 'account', 'nickname'])->where($map)->select();
private function getSpendMap()
$map = $this->getShiftCommonMap();
$map['pay_time'] = ['egt', $this->orderTime];
// $map['is_check'] = ['in','1,2'];
$map['settle_check'] = 0;
$map['selle_status'] = 0;
$map['pay_status'] = 1;
return $map;
private function statShiftPayAmount()
$spendMap = $this->getSpendMap();
$payAmountRows = M('spend', 'tab_')
->field(['user_id', 'sum(pay_amount) pay_amount'])
foreach ($payAmountRows as $row) {
$this->payAmountItems[$row['user_id']] = round(floatval($row['pay_amount']), 2);
private function updateMend($userId, $amount)
3 years ago
if (count($this->userIds) == 0) {
return true;
return M('mend', 'tab_')
->where(['task_id' => $this->task['id'], 'user_id' => $userId])
->save(['status' => 1, 'pay_amount' => ['exp', 'pay_amount+' . $amount], 'update_time' => time()]);
private function generateNotice($user, $amount)
if ($amount > 500) {
$userWord = '玩家账号' . $user['account'];
$content = $userWord . ', 从' . $this->fromWord . '换绑到' . $this->toWord . '换绑金额超过500达到' . $amount . '元';
$this->notices[] = [
'type' => 'shift-player',
'title' => '换绑额度超500',
'content' => $content,
'admin_ids' => '31',
'create_time' => time(),
'target' => $user['account'],
'start_time' => time(),
'end_time' => time() + 7*24*3600,
private function saveNotices()
if (count($this->notices) > 0) {
M('admin_notice', 'tab_')->addAll($this->notices);
private function shiftUser()
$map = $this->getShiftCommonMap(true);
return M('user', 'tab_')->where($map)->save([
'promote_id' => $this->toPromote['id'],
'promote_account' => $this->toPromote['account']
private function shiftPlayer()
$map = $this->getShiftCommonMap();
$updateData = [
'promote_id' => $this->toPromote['id'],
'promote_account' => $this->toPromote['account']
M('user_play', 'tab_')->where($map)->save($updateData);
M('user_play_info', 'tab_')->where($map)->save($updateData);
private function shiftSpend()
$toPromote = $this->toPromote;
$spendMap = $this->getSpendMap();
[$hasGameIds, $hasNotGameIds] = $this->getPromoteGameIds($toPromote);
$updateData = [
'promote_id' => $toPromote['id'],
'promote_account' => $toPromote['account'],
'market_admin_id' => $toPromote['admin_id'],
if (count($hasGameIds) > 0) {
$spendMap['game_id'] = ['in', $hasGameIds];
M('spend', 'tab_')->where($spendMap)->save(array_merge($updateData, ['is_check' => 1]));
if (count($hasNotGameIds) > 0) {
$spendMap['game_id'] = ['in', $hasNotGameIds];
M('spend', 'tab_')->where($spendMap)->save(array_merge($updateData, ['is_check' => 2]));
private function getPromoteGameIds($promote)
$service = new PromoteService();
$toTopPromote = $service->getTopPromote($promote);
$hasGameIds = $toTopPromote['game_ids'] == '' ? [] : explode(',', $toTopPromote['game_ids']);
$hasNotGameIds = M('game', 'tab_')->where(['game_id' => ['not in', $hasGameIds]])->getField('id', true);
$hasNotGameIds = $hasNotGameIds ?? [];
return [$hasGameIds, $hasNotGameIds];
private function getShiftCommonMap($isUserTable = false)
$map = ['promote_id' => $this->fromPromote['id']];
if (count($this->userIds) > 0) {
$userColumn = $isUserTable ? 'id' : 'user_id';
$map[$userColumn] = ['in', $this->userIds];
return $map;
private function shiftDeposit()
$map = $this->getShiftCommonMap();
$map['create_time'] = ['egt', $this->orderTime];
$toPromote = $this->toPromote;
M('deposit', 'tab_')->where($map)->save([
'promote_id' => $toPromote['id'],
'promote_account' => $toPromote['account'],
'market_admin_id' => $toPromote['admin_id'],
private function shiftBindSpend()
$map = $this->getShiftCommonMap();
$map['pay_time'] = ['egt', $this->orderTime];
$toPromote = $this->toPromote;
M('bind_spend', 'tab_')->where($map)->save([
'promote_id' => $toPromote['id'],
'promote_account' => $toPromote['account']
private function shiftUserDataCount()
$map = $this->getShiftCommonMap();
$map['create_time'] = ['egt', $this->orderTime];
M('user_play_data_count', 'tab_')->where($map)->save(['promote_id' => $this->toPromote['id']]);